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Looking back on a year of Nano development - Presented by NanoLinks

I think this list speaks for itself. Thank you for this year Nano community and see you in 2021 for even more fun! We are only getting started 🚀

submitted by Joohansson to nanocurrency [link] [comments]

Listen up. Here are the stakes.

Listen up. Here are the stakes.
The right is in a plane headed straight for the ground. All of us. I don’t care if you call yourself centre-right, alt-right, traditionalist, neo-reactionary, reactionary, nationalist, patriot, monarchist, tradcath, whatever.
It doesn’t matter. Some of us are in the front of the plane, some the back. Maybe the tail broke off and will smash into a trillion pieces a few seconds later than the front. But smash it will.
Michael Anton used this analogy when he talked about the 2016 US presidential election: his so-called Flight 93 Election. I think that’s kind of dumb because Trump is not worth storming the cockpit for, but I understand the sentiment and agree with it in a broader sense.
We’re not dealing with a Flight 93 election; we’re dealing with the Flight 93 of Western civilization, and we’re seconds from impact. Maybe I should have gone with a train metaphor…
The point is, we’ve seen for several decades now where things are going, and in the past few years, we’ve seen what happens when the rapidly monopolizing and expanding technology companies that own the internet—and its commerce, information, community and community action—realize they would rather stand with the progressive firing squad than with the soon-to-be-terminated losers who pathetically moan about free speech through the soiled kerchiefs stuffed in their mouths. And Amazon, Google, Facebook and their ilk have brought the rail gun that can literally saw us in half with bullets.
Wait, weren’t we on a plane? Please excuse the mixed analogies. FAANG just set off the IED that’s sending the plane careening downward. The aptness of the plane analogy is that the left is actually on the civilizational plane too. You can’t not be. No one will be safe or happy when the explosion happens, even if it feels fun to go really fast right now.
Many of you will disagree. You are likely partisan Candian Conservatives. “We just had ten years of Stephen Harper,” you will say. “Listen, I too am skeptical that Erin O’Toole can lead us to victory, but once we have the right leader and the right party platform, everything will be okiley dokiley.”
Here’s the thing. Everything we stand for, or everything the left thinks we stand for, is opposed to their precious project of creating a totally atomized, cultureless, scientist, libertine, big government society. They can’t let us win any significant battles, and their power has been consolidating for a century. It is now overwhelming.
You saw what happened during Harper’s last election. Harper and the CCP were slammed as anti-science, anti-Muslim/foreign/non-old-stock-Canadian, in bed with corporations at the expense of the poor, etecetera. You know, the whole progressive playbook.
This has intensified with every passing year. As much dirt along those lines as could be dug up on candidates during the CCP leadership races was dug up, and the digging keeps going so that as many caucus members can be smeared and dismissed as possible.
Any time one of “our” politicians stands on the stage with the wrong person, gets quoted out of context, tweets the wrong opinion, makes a bad leadership decision (or one perceived as bad), etcetera, it gets amplified across the internet through all the progressive feeds: the news media, forums like CanadaPolitics, five million middle-aged, upper-middle-class Liberal supporters’ Facebook pages, etcetera. Meanwhile, failings of NDP or Liberal politicians in the same or even worse ways are rarely commented on, always defended, and often defended by gaslighting people like you into thinking that it really is different when we do it for X, Y and Z reason.
And when I say “our” politicians, they really do all get lumped together. Any supposed failing in Ontario, Alberta or anywhere else there are Conservative politicians is just as bad for the CCP as their own “failings.”
So we are ending up at a point where a majority of the people who are “plugged in” to politics hear how terrible “we” are day in and day out, and the line on our graph of our redeeming qualities is quickly approaching zero in the mind of the general public. With control of our educational, law, bureaucratic, and media systems, and now the tools of the keepers of the keys to the internet, if progressives want us destroyed, we can consider ourselves destroyed.
The one advantage we have in Canada is that our support has become highly concentrated in certain areas, which is actually beneficial in first-past-the-post systems. The Prarie provinces are in their own media bubble and have a rural bias, which is great. But the trend is still towards urbanization, which means white collar jobs and university education, which means progressive indoctrination. And this localized support only helps so much, as we saw last election, when the rest of the population thinks you’re evil.
But there’s a more important problem. Even if we win, we lose.
That certainly doesn’t sound promising. What do I mean by that? SURELY, I jest?
No, this is no joke. The problem is that the typical Canadian Conservative party line is a losing proposition no matter what. Even if we win and implement our grand vision of...neoliberal economics and grumbling about culture changing too fast...our defeat has only been accelerated.
This sad state of affairs is for at least two reasons:
  1. Neoliberal economics (globalization, tax cuts for big business without reigning in public spending severely, free trade, mass immigration to drive growth, etcetera) actually accelerate globohomo, atomization, resentment (which can help the right, but often helps socialists), and the degradation of values and culture. The latter may sound like it has a tenuous connection with neoliberal economics, but the fact is that importing people of foreign cultures creates a lower trust society, accelerating the dissolution of intermediary institutions, charity, neighbourliness, and it also increases unemployment and the size of the underclass, increasing crime, which increases the acceleration of mistrust, etc. This mass importation also requires an ideology of “multi-culturalism,” i.e., an anti-culture that abhors valuing your own history, culture, values, and ethnicity. Leftists think they hate neo-liberalism, but it has done about as good a job smashing the so-called white supremacist patriarchy as Lenin could hope for. Their last project will be to nationalize the big companies after they are done using them to create their one world, one culture, one ethnicity world order.
  2. No matter how liberal (or neo-liberal) Canadian conservatives are willing to go, and no matter how much they will toe the progressive line on cultural issues, they will always be seen as the deplorable resistance to progress. Why choose the guys who are dragging their heels when the Liberals will build high-speed rail to take us there in a jiffy just to stay ahead of the NDP? To make the contrast clearer just in case everyday Canadians get any ideas that taking it slow might be the way to go, progressives will constantly point to social conservatism or any form of traditionalism as fascist neo-Nazi evil, the existence of which is only proof positive that we live in a white supremacist country. If we didn’t, conservatives wouldn’t exist after all, right? And that’s where we’re headed—rapidly, since the “storming” of the Capitol building by a bunch of neckbeards—the progressives and their big tech and big government allies see an opportunity to destroy us. Anyone who can be linked to anything remotely like, similar, or adjacent to any one of those MAGA imbeciles will be annihilated from the face of the Earth. Or at least, the face of the internet and the respectable job market. And when I say “like, similar, or adjacent to,” I mean anyone who believes anything remotely right-wing, agrees with anything Trump or any other Republican has ever said, has used right-wing platforms like Parler, has followed any right-wing media, and in fact, anyone who doesn’t pronounce progressive shibboleths enthusiastically enough. Conservative media, platforms, and even parties are not likely to exist within a few years, in my opinion. The CCP may still be there (or it may rupture yet again), but no actually conservative content will be there. Hell, there’s hardly any now. For that matter, are there even any conservative internet platforms left? I guess Bitchute. Reddit allows some of us to exist here for now, but not much longer I suspect. Especially once they see the based essays I’m going to start dropping in here. Sorry mods!
Nothing I’ve said here is original. Nothing I’m going to say next is original. I’m a hack with no original ideas. But I at least can discern which people out there have the right ideas, and parrot them.
And it seems like too few conservatives are listening to the right voices. Because we keep doing the same shit, and we keep losing. For a century. Maybe even three centuries. When are we going to figure it out? Can you party hacks stop for one second and think about the big picture? It doesn’t matter if you win the next election or the next five elections.
If you don’t have actual right wing values, right wing goals, and the will to execute on those bases, your electoral victories will amount to the left winning in slow motion. Leftism is entropy leading to chaos. You must be strong to organize and maintain order in the face of entropy. Modern conservatives are not strong. We’re weak.
What needs to be done? What can we do?
That’s a whole set of essays. But I will leave some vague starting points without much explanation. Details will be forthcoming. In the meantime, ponder these things. If you’re already working on them, comment below. You can DM me, but I think it would be best if we could all see, encourage, and coordinate each other’s thoughts and activities.
  1. Be worthy. We need high quality elites, and those can only be drawn from a high quality pool of people. We do not have this any longer in the West. At least a century of degeneration has ensured that.
    1. You need to be well-read and well-spoken (or at least reserved and selective when you speak if you can’t be articulate). You need to have a set of coherent values and a worldview with a vision for the future. Not utopian, but not the status quo either. If you are addicted to the degeneracy of the West, as most of us—including myself—are, then you need to gradually wean yourself off the teat of hedonism. That means porn, casual sex, gluttony, drugs, video games (only obsessive playing; nothing inherently wrong with playing some games, especially if you can build a community of like-minded brethren around playing games), sloth, etcetera all need to be curbed if not eliminated. Don’t let anything hold you back from your full potential, and don’t let anyone have any dirt on you, especially when it comes to pornography and sex.
  2. No infighting or purity spiraling. This is a tough one for me. There need to be boundaries (and borders!). I can’t have you liberals or progressive "conservatives" poisoning everything we try to accomplish. But the fact is that the right is smaller than the left, and that disparity is likely to grow in the future, not diminish. We need all the help we can get.
    1. But the left is incredible at getting us to turn against each other, because we want power and the left has power, so we naively try to suck up to them and shun the right-wingers they tell us to shun. This is called appeasement and it is a losing strategy. Buckley started this with National Review, and it has been a spiral ever since. Even I tend to shit on MAGA lads, but we need them too. Sorry guys. Forgive me?
    2. You are only allowed to exist in the public discourse as a conservative if you toe the progressive line on everything except maybe tax policy, but even that door will be closed soon. STOP. THIS. BULLSHIT. We need EVERY. WARM. BODY. Period. Are there enough periods here? …………………. Someone tweets something dumb about residential schools? I don’t care. We need them. Someone says men are men and women are women? A) they are correct and B) even if they weren’t, we need them. Someone is literally an ethnonationalist who wants to expel foreigners from the country? I DO NOT CARE. WE NEED THEM. So please STOP with your bullshit.
    3. A movement that is constantly apologizing and backpedaling and purging its membership is not strong nor is it confident. These two qualities will be necessary in a leader very soon, as the leftist liberal order is going to descend into anarchy and chaos, and people will look for a strong man to lead them. Hell, even a strong woman would be leagues above our substitute drama teacher. The one thing we have going for us is that the progressive left is prone to eating its own. Let’s not imitate that behaviour.
    4. Stop apologizing. Even if we disagree with something one of our members has said, do not apologize for it. Don’t even straightforwardly disagree with it. Simply confidently say what you value and let that speak for itself. Don’t apologize for not adhering to progressive pieties. I cannot stand when conservatives hesitantly and obsequiously stutter in favour of some progressive platitude as they try and beg for some small concession from our civilizational enemies. The left will not give an inch. Neither should you.
  3. Infiltrate. Despite what I said in #2, you yourself should stay squeaky clean. Don’t say dumb shit. Don’t say racist shit. The latter is harder nowadays because denouncing BLM or literally existing as a white person is apparently racist now. Don’t give them that ground, but don’t say obviously racist stuff, whether or not you are secretly an ethnonationalist. This is because we need to infiltrate the institutions. The left already did this, and that is why they are so hard to beat. They are the professors, and bureaucrats, the journalists, the politicians, the human resources managers, the lawyers, the judges, even the damned clergy, everything that is important for controlling the levers of power and public opinion. We must do the same. The problem with this strategy is that we might not be able to beat the left at their own game, and it may be too slow at this point. But hey, if you are in any of these vital positions, want to be in one of them or have the ability to influence others in these positions, do your part to subvert progressive influence and assert traditional values. But only go as far as you can without getting canned. You aren’t infiltrating if you’re jobless.
  4. Create parallel institutions. This is more likely to work in the long-run than infiltration. I am using “institution” in a rather broad sense here. I don’t think starting a new government, new system of law, etcetera, is feasible. But you can start what I like to call intermediary institutions: small scale, unofficial communities of people with shared values who work towards common goods. Think Benedict Option, which is not running for the hills as often thought, but creating strong communities outside liberal culture wherever you are. This may be at your church, but in all likelihood, your church is as corrupted with liberalism as any other institution. Start clubs, charities, groups, gatherings, companies, churches—whatever it takes for you to get people together and participate in some project that either explicitly shares right-wing values, or even better, implicitly lives out right-wing values like stewardship, preservation, charity, appreciation of culture and nature, family values, etcetera.
    1. If there are any computer programmers, web developers, web server experts, etcetera here, let’s build platforms that don’t count on FAANG to operate. This may be next to impossible, but I would like to dream. The problem with using Google is that one day all right-wing content will be purged from Google searches, and even your Google drives (this screed lives in a Google Doc...where’s my typewriter?). You’ll probably be put on a watchlist. AWS will merc your right-wing blog or your social media platform. Your Facebook post that “Diversity is not our strength” will DEFINITELY get you on a watch list. Plus fired from your job. If we’re going to coordinate and communicate beyond in-person, we need our own platforms.
  5. Live a right-wing life. Is this different than #1? Whatever. For now, it is still possible to live a right-wing life. You can practice your religion, more or less. You can marry and raise a family. You can embed yourself in communities and largely ignore the state. Render unto Caesar (or Trudope) what is his, but everything else you do should ignore the state as much as possible. Unless you’re a politician or involved in that realm. In that case, work to make it easier for people to live without state influence in their lives.
    1. Do not live as an atomized, liberal individual. Except for those of a particular vocational calling or disability, we are all called to wed each other and make children, and we are to live humbly for our families and our culture. If you’re just an atomized, liberal individual who indulges in all of the vices that progressives preach are virtues, and you live a lonely existence only for accruing wealth or consuming goods, then you are not living a right-wing life, even if you drop red pills online. That’s the biggest problem with a lot of conservatives today. They lead the liberal lifestyle of degeneracy, even worse than many middle to upper-middle-class progressives, and then talk a big talk about tradition, virtue, culture, etcetera. No one can take such enormous hypocrisy seriously.
    2. Respecting our past and our heritage also means respecting our elders. Take care of your parents if you can, rather than shuttling them off to a home. If they’ve forsaken you, forgive them. If they need your help, help them. Do not resent them if they lived a life more privileged than yours.
  6. Learn to be self-sufficient and local. This is extremely hard and perhaps not even possible for most people who are not already financially independent. But I will set out this ideal anyway, and we can strive for it even if we cannot achieve it. Don’t let perfection be the enemy of the good.
    1. Learn survival skills. You can take courses on these things if you can afford them. If not, all the information is online, and you can invest time into learning them. Start by practicing camping. Work your way up to back country camping. Practice orienteering, foraging, building lean-tos, and so on. Learn to hunt. Buy lots of guns (the ones you’re still allowed to buy anyway!). I don’t think we’ll be driven into the woods and hunted like a rabies-infected dog that just bit a busload of school children, but it’s best to be prepared, because honestly, the left would love us to be driven to such desperate extremes, and they tend to get what they want in the long run. In any case, it may end up that our civilization is doomed to collapse or at least become intolerable to decent right-wing people, and fleeing civilization might by then sound like an appealing option.
    2. In your normal lives where you expect to continue with homeownership, participating in civilization, etcetera, live as local as possible. Support your local businesses no matter what (the ones that are left after the government’s current attempts to destroy them in favour of big-box stores). Start your own local businesses. If you’re surrounded by farms, as much of our most populous areas are (looking at you southern Ontario), buy your food from them as much as possible. Don’t just buy from local businesses, but buy locally-made products where they are available. Where you can’t buy local, at least buy provincial, and if you can’t buy provincial, at least buy national. Some things may have to come from China for now. But you don’t need avocados from Mexico or pears from China. We have pears here. Avocados are healthy and delicious, but unnecessary. Buy things in season, and preserve what you can for the winter.
    3. If you have any quality local architecture or art extant, preserve it to the best of your ability. You may start an organization in your community for this very purpose. People who look back to the beauty of the past and value it are more likely to have right-wing values or see the value in said values, even if only implicitly. I think tradesmen and DIY culture can actually help the right-wing even more than politicians or lawyers. If we can build, preserve, maintain, restore and protect our own and what we value without the help of liberal institutions, then we are well on our way to creating a parallel society. And once people see that our glass of water is clear and crystal cool, they may dump their cup of muddy, microbial liberal soup down the drain.
    4. Speaking of tradesmen, if you have the skills and resources to put towards preserving historical crafts and craftsmanship, please do. If there are any contractors or other construction/renovation tradesmen here, please do not destroy beautiful old houses whenever possible. They can be preserved, and they are superior to most new construction, especially cheap, slapped together subdivisions. Not to mention it is wasteful to replace perfectly good embodied carbon with new materials.
  7. Instill all of the above in your children. This is perhaps the most important thing we can do. Instill right-wing values in your children.
    1. Teach them to appreciate their past, our cultural past, and the extant physical heritage that needs to be preserved. They should be more learned, more capable, more communitarian, and more virtuous than you. The next generation needs to be smart, strong, purposeful and united. They do not have an easy fight ahead of them. Neither do we, for all of the toxic progressive institutions that permeate our society want to own our children. We must not let them.
    2. The most continual source of propaganda and degradation is education. All of it: from kindergarten to graduate studies. If you can, enroll your children in private Christian schools. Not necessarily because they’ll get better grades or be smarter than those educated in public school. Do it solely because your children need to be inculcated with strong values and protected from the nefarious influence of progressivism as long as possible. I went to private school for only about five years as a kid, and it was super important. I fell into the progressive fold for a while in university, but I had an internal seed planted that was able to later sprout again. If you can swing private school or homeschooling that inculcates unshakeable values until grade twelve, that would be ideal. Then, when it comes time for tertiary education (if necessary), look for private, not-for-profit trade schools that are designed to train your children in a specific set of useful skills. Two exemplary institutions of the kind I have in mind are the Stratford Chefs School and, the holy of holies, Willowbank School of Restoration Arts. I’m sure there are many more such schools in Ontario and across the country. These institutions are not explicitly right-wing. In fact, the Chefs School has something inherently cosmopolitan about it. However, the valuing of excellence in craftsmanship and particularity of tradition over egalitarianism and “thinking the right things” is inherently a right-wing position. Willowbank, in particular, engenders an appreciation of and the actual skills to maintain our physical cultural heritage. If you are one of those types who are very well connected and able to throw fundraisers and the like (I will never understand this breed of people. I can never be one of them), then maybe you should start one of these trade schools.
    3. If your child is going into STEM, there is probably no getting away from liberalism, so you must prepare them intellectually and psychologically for this. If you believe STEM is inoculated against the raving lunatics in the Humanities or Social Sciences, your information is about five or ten years out of date. Longer, if you really look carefully. Certain avenues of scientific pursuit have been forbidden for some decades now. Affirmative action has been in effect in Canadian universities since the ‘90s. But certainly, the overwhelming infiltration of diversity and egalitarian nonsense into STEM has escalated dramatically over the past ten years. Nowhere is safe. If your child wants to go into the lunatic Humanities, honestly, let them. But you must very carefully prepare them intellectually and psychologically for what they are going to encounter. Almost everyone they study with and learn from is going to be not only progressive, but extremely, radically progressive. There are actually right-wing professors of Literature, History and Philosophy in Canada, believe it or not. You can probably count them on one hand, but they do exist (for now). At the very least, there are some less crazy ones who are something approximating classical liberals or those weird leftists who are kind of right-wing in terms of their lack of dogmatism, appreciation for the past, and environmentalism. I know because I studied English literature and survived (mostly).
    4. Everything above about being local, knowing survival skills, etcetera, should apply to your children as well.
  8. Keep offline as much as possible. I know this is self-contradictory, but I need to get this message out somehow. Speak with real people as much as possible. As I mentioned above in my paranoid ravings about FAANG, we will soon be purged from the web. Even things you think are private like Google Docs and Facebook messages will be vetted and used to terminate you from the web and your job. If we’re going to exist online at all, it has to be in alternative platforms that are truly anonymous and not at the mercy of Amazon Web Services or any other megacorp. No sending in your driver’s license a la Parler. We can use reddit for now, but don’t count on anything existing past tomorrow.
Okay, I’ve rambled on long enough. I’ve given you some starting points. Please feel free to discuss below, and even more importantly, please begin to live lives outside of the progressive, liberal paradigm. I will be following this screed up with explications of each point above if I am not banned from the internet for my wretched bigotry.
If you’re a progressive “conservative” or classical liberal who is just SHOCKED and MORALLY INDIGNANT at anything I have said, please take a few minutes to consider whether or not you would like to be a beautiful loser until you and Western civilization are dead, or if you would actually like things to change in our favour sometime in the next century or two. If the former, good riddance. If the latter, join the New Right Coalition (eh...we need a better name. What are we, NRC, the National Research Council?) and set aside your differences for now. We’ll eat you later, but at least the civilization in which you live will be ordered, virtuous and beautiful instead of chaotic, vicious, and degraded. Your choice.
Below is a starter reading, watching and resource list to help you live outside the progressive bubble without spending time on The Rebel or Fox News. I do not endorse everything said by all of these people/resources, but all have useful elements and perspectives that should at least help open your eyes to the fact that whatever is preached at the CBC or in The Atlantic is not the sum total of possible worldviews.
After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre
While it is perhaps not as detailed and robust as one might like, After Virtue is the definitive contemporary rebuke of the liberal Enlightenment and all of its monstrous descendents. It is a pretty quick read too. If you call yourself right-wing in the 21st Century and you haven’t read it, what are you doing?
The Demon in Democracy by Ryszard Legutko
Classic work of anti-liberal-democracy by a Polish professor of philosophy and politician who survived communism and found liberal democracy eerily similar and unpleasant. Read about how we are “coerced to freedom.”
Rob Dreher
An Orthodox Christian and political pundit, famous author of The Benedict Option, which you should read. I don’t agree with everything Rob says, but the more intelligent, educated, and active traditionalist voices we have, the better.
Why Liberalism Failed by Patrick J Deneen
Rob Dreher called this one the most important books of 2018. I’m inclined to agree. The title is pretty self-explanatory. The waters are already well tread if you’ve read the first two items on this list, but it is still a worthwhile read and perhaps an easier introduction to the subject matter if you haven’t read the other two.
Michael Anton
He is one of the few right-wing pundits in America today who sees things clearly and talks sense. You have to be reading him if you’re interested in politics.
Craeft - An Inquiry into the Origins and True Meaning of Traditional Crafts by Alexander Langlands
In this book, Langlands puts his career as an archaeologist to fantastic use and explores what craeft historically meant in our Anglo-Saxon history through the actual practice of traditional crafts. It is a rather meandering book that some (especially the scientifically and technologically minded) may find boring, but I was engrossed. Langlands explores the thoughtfulness, connectedness with nature, environmentally-friendliness, and “philosophy” of these traditional crafts, and what we lost by leaving them behind.
Edward Feser
Blog by a Catholic Philosopher who argues from a very traditional point of view, i.e., natural law, virtue, etcetera. Aristotle and Aquinas would be proud. Frankly, if you’re moral perspective is not based on something from classical antiquity or medieval theology, it’s probably not based on anything at all.
The Worthy House
This right-wing business owner whom we only know as Charles plans to elucidate a political plan of action/way of thinking called Foundationalism through a long series of book reviews that help him clarify his own thoughts. He has no time for democracy, the liberal Enlightenment, or beta males. He would be happy to overthrow the US government and replace it with something out of Viktor Orban’s wet dream. I don’t even remember how I found this guy, but I love him. Readers be warned.
The Political Meaning of Christianity by Glenn Tinder
An interesting read that reconciles Christianity with the political.
American Mind
Very solid outlet with a decent diversity of right-wing opinion, much of it high-quality, from neo-reaction to tradcath. Good read on conservatism by Brad Littlejohn.
First Things
They describe themselves well enough: published by the Institute on Religion and Public Life, an interreligious, nonpartisan research and educational 501(c)(3) organization. The Institute was founded in 1989 by Richard John Neuhaus and his colleagues to confront the ideology of secularism, which insists that the public square must be “naked,” and that faith has no place in shaping the public conversation or in shaping public policy. Great content. Check out this piece called “Eminent Boomers.”
City Journal
A rather classically liberal publication—at most bourgeois conservative—still, it has much higher quality content than any shitlib publication you will come across, and their urban policy generally seems much more reasonable than anything proposed by progressive activists. Theodore Dalrymple is one of this publication’s regular writers, and he is always a pleasure to read, though he had more spice in the past. He doesn’t go far enough, but he helped peel me off of the typical progressive dogmas about the sexual revolution, drugs, low culture, art, architecture, etcetera.
Unqualified Reservations
Good old Curtis Yarvin, aka, Mencius Moldbug, one of the, if not the founder of neo-reaction, and the guy who brought “red pill” to the right. To be honest, his crazy techno-libertarianism almost disqualifies him from this list. However, his idiotic positive proposals are not his primary contribution to rightist thought. His primary value comes in his persistent unraveling of all the myths of liberalism and modernity that we live with today, and his revival of important historical thinkers like Thomas Carlyle. I also find him funny, if long winded. He says he’s not a white nationalist, but he is. But whatever. If you don’t want that slop at the right-wing thought buffet, don’t scoop it onto your plate.
C2C Journal
This is honestly not that much better than The Rebel or Fox News, but there is some higher quality content on here, and I keep my eye out for it. I linked to one such piece above. Canadian outlet. They often recommend good reading in other publications in their emails.
In general, you should read classic literature and history books written before 1945. There is great stuff after 1945, but you need a very solid intellectual basis and strong values to discern the propaganda from the good history.
The Distributist
A YouTube channel by a Traditional Catholic millennial that is supposedly on hiatus even though he keeps producing content. Whether or not you’re a Catholic, this is one of the most thoughtful right-wingers on YouTube. I expect he will be expunged from the web at some point, so catch up on his videos while we can. I recommend “To be ‘right-wing’...”, his series on Magical Words, and The Lies of the Sexual Revolution.
A now defunct YouTube channel with killer animation and deep analysis. You won’t see more content from these guys, but the stuff that is there is worth watching. I recommend The Zizek, Peterson Pill if you don’t watch anything else. The videos about rap are surprisingly good as well. The New Divide is a good breakdown of conservatism’s current split.
Why Beauty Matters
In case you need a reminder of the importance of beauty, tradition, and preserving and passing down our heritage and culture, Roger Scruton is here to (gently) slap you across the face a few times in this documentary.
This Skeptic Isle
A BBC documentary by Peter Hitchens about how the British elite tricked the public into giving their sovereignty to the EU. Less relevant now, but it is good to hear a full-throated defence of national sovereignty and to see how the elites have consistently overridden and abused public will for decades now.
Why I Hate the Sixties
A good doc featuring Peter Hitchens and many others. It’s about the decline of Britain since the ‘60s. Just as relevant to North America in most ways, though obviously there are important differences.
Somewhat similar to The Distributist, but a bit less piercing in his analysis. Still good overall. A bit more ethno-nationalist than some of you may be comfortable with.
A surprisingly engaging way to spend time with CS Lewis’ works.
Vertical Churches
Look at these stunning church/cathedral ceilings and interiors. Revel in the achievements of our forebearers, and wonder why we can’t achieve the same now. We are atomized, hedonistic barbarians living amongst ruins we don’t understand. We have no compelling, transcendent reason to strive for such accomplishment. The first step to overcoming our barbarism is reclaiming our heritage and our appreciation of what has been left for us.
Christian Schools in Canada
Self-explanatory. I like to Ctrl-F for the term “Traditional” as a start. Avoid “Progressive” if possible.
Old House Guy
Do you appreciate traditional aesthetic architectural principles? Do you live in an ugly home? Are you guilty of vandalizing your historic home? Old House Guy is actually a restoration consultant and contractor, but his (free) blog is a decent starting point for those looking to recognize the aesthetic sins of the present, the beauty of historic architecture, and what you can do to restore and preserve beauty in your local world. Read the book Restoring Your Historic House by Scott T. Hanson (and his other work online) for a much more in-depth look at historic styles and how to maintain and restore them. Though he is a homosexual, Scott has a great appreciation of the fact that we are merely stewards of the homes (and cultures, environment, etc.) we “own,” and that these things are handed down to us from past generations, and we should pass them down improved, or at least, undamaged to our heirs.
Survivalist resources
This is a nice collection of Canadian specific survival resources and gatherings.
The only private messaging app I know that might be trustworthy. I welcome others to inform me of other apps or to inform me how Signal is not actually trustworthy.
This list can and will be updated with more content as I think of it. I would appreciate your contributions.
submitted by RightOfAttilaTheHun to CanadianConservative [link] [comments]

3 Quick Tl;Dr Android Game Reviews / Recommendations (Episode 149)

Welcome back, my fellow Android gamers! After the warm "welcome back" last week, I'm thrilled to follow-up on schedule and on-time this week, hehe.
This week, I played a very unique indie puzzle game where we have to undo jigsaw-like puzzles, an early access version of the brand new Crash Bandicoot runner by King, and a fun fantasy-themed simulation idle game where we manage an RPG-like shop!
Disagree with my opinion? Let’s have a friendly discussion below.
New to these posts? Check out the first one from 149 weeks ago here.
The games are "ranked" somewhat subjectively from best to worst, so take the ranking for what it is.

Let's get to the games:

UnpuzzleR [Game Size: 43 MB] (free)

Genre: Puzzle / Casual / Indie / Jiggsaw - Offline Playable
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Some
tl;dr review:
UnpuzzleR is a unique casual puzzle game where our objective is to undo a jigsaw-like puzzle one piece at a time. Each puzzle piece has an arrow indicating the direction it will attempt to move once clicked, and if nothing is blocking the piece, it flies away and is removed from the puzzle.
The difficulty is nicely balanced, and since we can skip levels, there’s no way to truly get stuck in any of the game’s 250 levels. There are also no annoying tutorials or introductions to the 15 different puzzle piece types. Instead, we get to simply learn as we play, which is rare for a mobile game.
The minimalistic art-style features a dark-mode for playing in dimly lit rooms, and with no time-limits or scores, the gameplay experience is stress-free and very casual, while still providing a challenging experience in later levels.
Monetization happens through forced ads between levels and incentivized ads for additional hints or to skip levels. These ads can be removed through a one-time $1.99 iAP on iOS and $4.99 iAP on Android that also unlocks all 250 levels and allows us to make unlimited mistakes per level.
UnpuzzleR is a must-play game that you’re almost guaranteed to love if you enjoy relaxing puzzle games.
Google Play: Here

Crash Bandicoot: On the Run! [Game Size: 950 MB] (free)

Genre: Runner / Level-based / Action - Offline Playable
Orientation: Portrait
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review: [Early Access - Full Release later in Nov. 2020)
Crash Bandicoot: On the Run! is a level-based runner set in the Crash Bandicoot universe that, to my big surprise, is being developed and published by Candy Crush-dev King. The game is still in early access, with a full launch across Android and iOS planned for Spring 2021.
True to the original Crash Bandicoot game, the art-style is colorful and vibrant, with most scenery even drawing heavy inspiration from the original game. Also like in the original, we must blow up TNT boxes, collect apples, and spin to tackle enemies. Unlike most other runners, we even have checkpoints from which we restart when we die – a welcomed addition since the game is surprisingly challenging.
As we play, we collect resources used to craft potions that are required to play and progress in the campaign levels. If we run out of resources, we must play special resource levels to gather more, or participate in the asynchronous multiplayer runs. After completing enough levels and ultimately defeating the boss, we progress to the next campaign area and repeat the process.
I have to also give some credit to the level-design, which, with its secret areas and roads that split into two, create a more interesting gameplay experience than that found in most runners.
Crash Bandicoot: On the Run! is not currently monetized in any way, which makes it a great experience for those who can access it. It is ultimately just a runner, but it’s a very polished runner, and one that may give old-school Crash Bandicoot fans a true nostalgia trip.
Google Play: Here

Shop Titans [Total Game Size: 671 MB] (free)

Genre: Simulation / Idle / RPG-themed - Requires Online Access
Orientation: Portrait
Required Attention: Little (semi-idle)
tl;dr review:
Shop Titans is a fantasy RPG-themed idle simulation game about designing, personalizing, and managing a shop that crafts and sells all the weapons and equipment fantasy heroes need.
Adventurers flock to our shop asking for specific items, which we then craft and sell to earn gold used to upgrade our shop or invest in workers that automatically collect the resources needed to craft items. The rarer the item, the longer it takes to craft, which is where the idle part comes in. We can also equip crafted loot on our own heroes before sending them out on idle quests to gather unique resources used to craft more powerful equipment.
We can haggle and negotiate with customers, join a guild, customize the looks of our shop, and even buy and sell resources and items to and from other players on the marketplace – all of which ensures that there’s plenty to do despite the idle gameplay.
Progression is relatively slow if we don’t pay to progress faster, however, and there’s even a monthly $10 subscription in addition to the expensive iAPs for premium currency. This will ruin the otherwise fun gameplay experience for some players. With that said, the game can still be enjoyed as a casual idle experience and is worth checking out for fans of idle RPGs.
Google Play: Here
OUTDATED: Google Sheet of all games I've played so far (searchable and filter-able):
NEW: You can search and filter all games I’ve played in my app MiniReview:
TL;DR Video Summary (with gameplay) of last week's 4 games:
Episode 001 Episode 002 Episode 003 Episode 004 Episode 005 Episode 006 Episode 007 Episode 008 Episode 009 Episode 010 Episode 011 Episode 012 Episode 013 Episode 014 Episode 015 Episode 016 Episode 017 Episode 018 Episode 019 Episode 020 Episode 021 Episode 022 Episode 023 Episode 024 Episode 025 Episode 026 Episode 027 Episode 028 Episode 029 Episode 030 Episode 031 Episode 032 Episode 033 Episode 034 Episode 035 Episode 036 Episode 037 Episode 038 Episode 039 Episode 040 Episode 041 Episode 042 Episode 043 Episode 044 Episode 045 Episode 046 Episode 047 Episode 048 Episode 049 Episode 050 Episode 051 Episode 052 Episode 053 Episode 054 Episode 055 Episode 056 Episode 057 Episode 058 Episode 059 Episode 060 Episode 061 Episode 062 Episode 063 Episode 064 Episode 065 Episode 066 Episode 067 Episode 068 Episode 069 Episode 070 Episode 071 Episode 072 Episode 073 Episode 074 Episode 075 Episode 076 Episode 077 Episode 078 Episode 079 Episode 080 Episode 081 Episode 082 Episode 083 Episode 084 Episode 085 Episode 086 Episode 087 Episode 088 Episode 089 Episode 090 Episode 091 Episode 092 Episode 093 Episode 094 Episode 095 Episode 096 Episode 097 Episode 098 Episode 099 Episode 100 Episode 101 Episode 102 Episode 103 Episode 104 Episode 105 Episode 106 Episode 107 Episode 108 Episode 109 Episode 110 Episode 111 Episode 112 Episode 113 Episode 114 Episode 115 Episode 116 Episode 117 Episode 118 Episode 119 Episode 120 Episode 121 Episode 122 Episode 123 Episode 124 Episode 125 Episode 126 Episode 127 Episode 128 Episode 129 Episode 130 Episode 131 Episode 132 Episode 133 Episode 134 Episode 135 Episode 136 Episode 137 Episode 138 Episode 139 Episode 140 Episode 141 Episode 142 Episode 143 Episode 144 Episode 145 Episode 146 Episode 147 Episode 148
submitted by NimbleThor to AndroidGaming [link] [comments]

Dream League Soccer 2021 Mod APK & iOS Latest Download 🔥

Dream League Soccer 2021 Mod APK & iOS Latest Download 🔥

Download Dream League Soccer 2021 Mod APK Latest Stupid bot

Dream League Soccer 2021

Dream League Soccer 2021 , also known as DLS 2021, is the latest version of the world famous football game on mobile devices. The game was released by First Touch Games on December 26, 2016 on the platform for android and ios. This game allows you to play directly, build a dream team according to your own liking.
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Download Dream League Soccer 2021 MOD

Version information:
Publisher: First Touch Games Version: 8.0.3 Operating System: Android 6.0 and above, iOS 10.3 Size: 393 MB
Download Efootball Pes 2021

Download DLS 2021 APK mod vip for Android
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How to install Dream League Soccer 2021 APK Stupid Bot

For the mod version for Android, you do the following steps:
Step 1: Uninstall the original version downloaded from the Play Store Step 2: Download the APK file above Step 3: Run the APK file Step 4: Start the game for the first time, the game will say “You are not using a valid version of Dream League Soccer. Error code -1 ” Step 5: Disconnect the internet and re-enable DLS 2021. After that, just play
If you are using the original version, just access the link above to go to Play Store or App Store. After that, install it normally. The download is very simple.
As a popular soccer game, the game has great graphics, sound and experience. When playing the game, you will start your career to build your own club and team. Under a multi-dimensional 3d perspective, you participate in classic matches, directly control your players and score goals.
The game completely simulates the rules and gameplay in football. You can adjust your squad, buy players with more than 4000 players. It is also possible to make substitutions during the match, to perform techniques. . . Directly build your own dream team.
Perhaps the soccer soccer experience will be the best. You are allowed to transform into players and play directly professionally. Control the implementation of super products, tectonic situations. More than that with Dream Legue Soccer you can upgrade your players. You can also buy the best players like Ronaldo, Messi, Pogba, Invanovic or even Doan Van Hau of Vietnam.

New feature in DLS 2021

New features updated, changes in the game are always things that users expect the most!

Players in the game :

In the 2021 version, the players are constantly being updated. Currently, the game has more than 4000 players worldwide including Doan Van Hau of Vietnam!

Graphics and sound in the game

Dream League Soccer 2021 has much nicer graphics than the 2020 version:
Sound in DLS also has many new improvements. The sounds of touching the ball, kicking the ball, whistle or cheering fans are more vivid. The commentator sounds and soundtracks have also been refreshed. Guaranteed to give you the best experience.

Game modes and solutions

The game allows you to play both Online and Offline modes. You can communicate directly with friends, play with strangers or play offline with bots.
All tournaments are updated on scoring methods and game modes. The game is full of all the top soccer leagues in the world. Premier League English, La Liga, Seria A, Bundesliga. . . and especially the UEFA Champion League (top clubs in Europe).

Introducing DLS 2021 Mod version

The article shares a reworked version of the game to improve some features with the mod menu to help support new players. In this version, you can easily toggle special M0d features to help you play more easily. However you can turn it off at any time!
You will have the following features in Offline mode:
Unlimited gold is limited by DLS 2021 which stores all user data on the server. So, temporarily, there is no supported version so please plow offline! You will plow much faster!
Note: See how to install the game below to play without error!
submitted by modapkedia to u/modapkedia [link] [comments]

Best Violin Apps for 2021

Professional Apps for Violin Playing

Violin apps designed for violinists have transformed the ways of practicing, learning, and teaching the instrument. Thanks to the amazing apps and the professional developers, especially during the Covid quarantine, violin players at all levels are able to customize their playing in a smarter way.
So which ones are the best violin apps for 2021? Let’s dive in.

Violy: A Smart Music Classroom That Connects Violin Teachers and Students

For Violy violinists, Violy App is definitely their favorite. It allows violin teachers to start violin classes online, and allows the teachers and students to review their practice homework anytime and anywhere.

Teach Remote Violin Lessons

Violin teachers may find that online violin classes are not always pleasant due to the poor audio quality for the instrument during the video chat. But with Violy, the problem can be readily solved.
In Violy App’s “Classroom“ page, violin teachers can build the virtual music classroom. Through the “Live Class“ feature, teachers can make video calls to violin students instantly and give violin lessons online. The specially optimized, high-definition audio and video transmission helps pave the way for the smooth progression of remote music education during the challenging time.

With Violy App, teachers are able to hear each single layer no matter how complicated the chords/ensembles are!
Have too many students to notify before the class begins? Don’t worry, the “Classroom“ feature makes it possible for each violin teacher to schedule violin classes and get every participant informed on time.

Customize the Violin Practice for Each Violin Student

It can be a rewarding journey to practice the instrument in a “Violy” way.
Violin teachers cannot always be around students. But after the violin lessons, some violin beginners may still need someone to help their practice and give them feedback. Violy can take up the baton.
By playing “EADG” on the violin, violin students can initiate a “Smart Audition“. The feature tracks and records the users’ playing, and automatically scores on the intonation and rhythm. After playing, more details based on the performance can be found in the analysis report. In this way, every moment of the users’ daily practice is visualized and statistically analyzed.
For the ones who need to get familiar with the music in a short time, “Note-by-note“ can assist. Under “Note-by-note” mode, each music note being played can be checked. Once there is a misplayed note, the cursor will pause until the note is corrected.
What advanced violin players are looking for is an accompanist, and Violy can play the role. As long as the users open a music score with “Acc.” symbol, they can choose to play along with the “Accompaniments & Ensembles” at any tempo and volume.
It can be exciting for all violinists to play what they truly enjoy. Violy’s sheet music library “Music Cloud“ includes a large violin repertoire, and provides you with a complete control over thousands of classical and pop sheet music and backing tracks, including tempo, volume, and all kinds of musical notation. But if the learners cannot find the sheet music they need in the app, they can visit the “Creator Studio“ to upload the music scores on their own.
Violy is available on both iOS and Android mobile devices. New users can have a FREE 7-day premium gift. Also, the app is FREE for every music educator.

SmartMusic: Offers An Abundant Violin Repertoire and Helps Violin Teachers Track Students’ Progress

As a comprehensive tool for music education, SmartMusic is popular among music teachers and music schools.

A Rich Seam of Violin Sheet Music

In the repertoire of SmartMusic, either a classical music player or a rock fan can find what they are fond of. With a music library which accompanies violin players at all levels with professional accompaniments, violin teachers and students can get access to violin sheet music of all genres and difficulty levels.
Also, premium users are able to print the music scores.

Effective Violin Playing

Knowing how the violin practice goes directly from the sheet music seems to be attractive. Immediate feedback on pitch and rhythm is accessible in SmartMusic as well. Violin students can see what they played correctly or incorrectly, receive a performance score, and listen to their recording.
To get familiar with certain sections in the piece, the users can select consecutive measures, set them as loops, and practice them constantly.

Tools for Violin Teachers

Nobody will refuse the promotion of efficiency with the aid of technology. That’s why violin teachers should not miss the useful tools below.
In SmartMusic, Violin teachers can assign homework to students, provide them with feedback, and track their progress. By accessing the students’ recordings, assignments, and performance scores, violin teachers are able to understand the students’ learning and practice in a better way.
The “Sight Reading Builder” allows violin teachers to create an unlimited number of sight-reading exercises for any student or ensemble.
Being web-based, SmartMusic can only be used on computers and iPads.

Trala: A Violin App Friendly to Violin Beginners

Trala is developed entirely by professional violinists. Learning violin from the world’s best violinists can appeal to a large number of violin learners.
Instant Feedback on Violin Performance
Receiving feedback at once can be an impetus for beginners to move on. As a violin app especially helpful to beginner violinists, Trala prides itself on giving the users instant feedback. Like a tutor, the app listens to what the users are playing, and provides guidance on what they are doing. Both MIDI tracks and sheet music are supported in the app.
After the users’ playing, scores on pitch and rhythm pop out right away. Players can practice the same piece time after time to get improved.

Multiple Violin Tutorials and Sheet Music

How thrilling it can be to be taught step-by-step by professional performers? With a variety of violin tutorials, Trala helps the violin beginners learn postures, string crossings, scales, tone quality, vibrato, scores of classical songs, etc..
The sheet music library in Trala mainly contains scales and arpeggios, which are often the most effective modes of warmup for any violinist, and are essential for learning notes, fingering positions, and hand shifting.
The sheet music library in Trala mainly contains scales and arpeggios, which are often the most effective modes of warmup for any violinist, and are essential for learning notes, fingering positions, and hand shifting.
To stick to the playing, creating a personal practice schedule is helpful. Trala allows users to do so. From holding the violin to playing advanced violin pieces, Trala guides violin players to step forward. The progress bars make it easier for the users to view their performance.
Trala can be used on both iOS and Android mobile devices. However, the iOS version is more user-friendly.

Jameasy: A Violin App That Makes Violin Practice Fun and Easy

Violin learning requires repetitive practice. Jameasy intends to turn tedious violin practice into fun experiences.

Real-time Feedback on Violin Playing and Gamification

For those violin players who get absorbed in music games, game-like violin playing in Jameasy can be their cup of tea.
Under “Practice” mode, violin students can play along with the accompaniments and the metronome. In the meanwhile, the real-time feedback with sparkle effects can be seen on the sheet music.
Also, users are able to select certain sections to practice repeatedly. After playing, the practicing records can be accessed right away.
Under “Concert” mode, violin players are provided with a feeling like playing in a virtual concert. Scores, awards, and rankings are offered when the playing ends.

Violin Tuner

A useful violin tuner is always necessary for a violinist, since no one likes their instruments to be out of tune while playing.
With a built-in violin tuner, Jameasy users can tune their instruments at any time. Since the tuner automatically recognizes the sound produced by the strings, violin students do not need to choose certain strings manually.
The optional range of frequency is from 420 to 460 Hz.
Jameasy can be downloaded from App Store and Google Play Store.

Tomplay: A Violin App for Immersive Violin Playing

With a variety of interactive violin sheet music covering multiple styles, Tomplay is the one recommended for intermediate and advanced violin students.
In Tomplay, users can play along with real recordings made by professional violinists. Before signing up, the violin players can set their own playing level, and will receive free recommended sheet music after login.

Digitized Music Scores and Recording Feature

All sheet music in Tomplay scrolls automatically on the screen in time with the accompanying music. The tempo of the accompaniments is adjustable. Violin players can slow down or speed up the tempo to match their level, which allows them to progress at their own pace.
For violin students, it is helpful to record themselves while playing in the app. In this way, they can listen to the performance, and make improvement more rapidly.

Annotate and Print the Violin Sheet Music

The annotating feature in Tomplay provides an opportunity for violin teachers and students to add personalized annotations to the violin sheet music, and say goodbye to the scribbles and eraser marks on paper music scores. What’s more, the sheet music can be printed directly with or without the annotations.
Tomplay is available on computers and mobile devices with iOS and Android systems.

Tonara: Helps Violin Teachers Manage Music Education

Technically speaking, Tonara is more like an online music education studio.

Keep Violin Teachers Updated on Students’ Violin Practice

In Tonara, violin teachers are able to create smart assignments for their students. Materials including comparing recordings, videos, voice notes, written notes, etc. can be sent along with the assignments.
In the “Compare Recording“ assignment, Tonara’s AI technology compares the students’ playing to a pre-recorded piece. Then the app will provide the student with real-time feedback on their fluency, pitch, rhythm, and tempo.
Also, through Tonara, violin teachers can set goals for the students, and see the details of their daily practice. The “messaging“ feature helps both sides communicate at all times.
In addition, violin teachers can schedule and give online violin lessons through desktop version of Tonara.

Customize Violin Students’ Music Learning Plan

Tonara makes it possible for violin students to choose violin teachers that fit their needs, budget, and timetable, and engage in virtual violin lessons anywhere.
Being connected with the teachers, young learners are able to receive and complete the assignments more easily. After finishing the tasks, violin students can earn points which demonstrate how they make progress.
Like Tomplay, Tonara is also supported on computers, iOS mobile devices, and Android mobile devices.

MuseScore: A Notation Software for Creating and Playing Violin Sheet Music

When it comes to music notation software, MuseScore cannot be neglected. For violin players who have a demand for composing or finding multiple music scores, MuseScore is definitely a good choice.

Write and Notate Violin Music

Supporting a wide variety of file formats and input methods, Musecore empowers violin teachers and students to create their own sheet music, and annotate it according to the need. The notation software is totally free to use.
The music scores can be played, saved, uploaded to other websites, or printed.

Play Violin Music and Communicate with Violin Players Worldwide

MuseScore is accompanied by a mobile score viewer and playback app, and an online score sharing platform.
In the mobile app, violin players can browse all the scores uploaded. The playback feature makes it more convenient to practice the pieces with the accompaniments and the metronome. Also, transposition is supported.
On the score sharing platform, violin players are able to view, download, and share various violin sheet music. In the “Community” page, heated discussions based on different topics make violin players from all over the world connect with each other.
As a scorewriter, MuseScore can be downloaded to computers directly. The score viewer and playback app is available on both iOS and Android mobile devices, while the sheet music sharing platform is web-based.

Newzik: A Sheet Music Toolbox for Violin Players

How about building a private digital library of violin sheet music which can be accessed anytime and anywhere? Well, Newzik allows violin teachers and students to do so.

Import the Violin Sheet Music with Media Files

Violinists can use different ways to import thousands of music scores into Newzik, and organize them into “Setlists” and “Projects”. The “Setlists” works as a personal catalog of sheet music for individual violinists, while the “Projects” feature allows multiple musicians to share and modify music scores.
To get familiar with a new violin piece, violinists may need to watch or listen to the live performance while reading the music. Newzik completely meets the demand.
In Newzik, violin players are able to add media files after entering the score. Both audio and video files are supported. Users can even search for videos from YouTube directly.
To customize the playing, users can set the speed and transposition by themselves.

Annotate, Export, and Share Music Scores

Newzik offers a platform for violinists to create and edit violin sheet music with a set of tools, and share the annotations in real-time with other musicians. Both the music score and the annotations can be exported.
What’s more, the “Band“ feature makes it possible for Newzik users to get connected with each other through devices, share the sheet music online, and play together offline.
As a mobile music app, Newzik is only available on iOS devices.

Pockestra: An Orchestra in Violinists’ Pocket

For violin teachers and students, carrying a mobile device with Pockestra installed is like carrying a portable orchestra with themselves.

Accompaniment and Violin Sheet Music

From classical to diverse genres, Pockestra offers numerous music scores and accompaniments. In the app, violin players can listen to the prerecorded accompaniments directly while sight reading the pieces. Also, the tempo and key can be changed to meet different violinists’ needs.
Sheet music can be searched by filtering or simply typing in the title, the composer’s name, or the name of the album.
If the violin players fail to find the sheet music they need, they can reach out to the Pockestra team by using the “Request“ feature. New contents will be uploaded to the app every week.
Pockestra can be used on both iOS and Android mobile devices.

Metronaut: Violinists’ Tailor-made Musical Accompaniment App

Metronaut gives violinists the freedom to have more fun with music.
In the app, there is a growing catalog of music accompaniments for every instrument and level. Metronaut’s accompanists are among the best orchestras and pianists, and each accompaniment offers fully acoustic and high quality studio recordings.

Take Control over Tempo and Key

Violinists are in full control of the digital score. They can choose the speed of the accompaniment according to their own preference. Thanks to the automatic and quality preserving transposition, they can also play pieces not written for violin. After the violin playing, the recordings can be checked, listened to, and shared.

Annotate and Print Music Scores

In Metronaut, Violin teachers can add indications to the sheet music or highlight the score for their students, as they would do on a regular violin sheet music. The users can also print the score if they would rather work on paper.

Take the Lead and Play at the Violin Player’s Own Rhythm

Violinists can personalize their performance using the app’s speed adaptation feature. The feature empowers the musicians to play at their own rhythm throughout the piece. Metronaut just adapts the accompaniment tempo to the player’s interpretation in real-time.
Metronaut is only available on mobile devices with systems of iOS 13 and above versions.
2020 has been tough for music education due to the challenges, but awesome music apps are opening up new avenues for both music teachers and music students. The 10 best violin apps for 2021 meet diverse demands of all kinds of violin players, and help musicians be more engaged in music. We hope every violinist can make a difference in 2021 with the aid of the violin apps.

Have a HAPPY practice!!

submitted by ViolyApp to iosmusicproduction [link] [comments]

All known info about CC: Remastered Edition - IF YOU GOT QUESTIONS CHECK THIS TOPIC FIRST!!!

UPDATED ON 08/31/2020

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition

Release date: 08/27/2020 (worldwide) Release Trailer
Platforms: PS4, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android
The PlayStation Store pre-orders will include a special PlayStation 4 theme featuring artwork and music from the original game. For now you can NOT get this theme unless you pre-ordered!
Japanese Box art: PS4 - Switch
Official Website:
The PS4 and Switch versions only have a physical edition in Japan. Two warnings if you are planning on importing:
1) The game will be completely in Japanese with no English option.
2) The game is region locked! This mean that even if your PSN/Switch account is from the region that you want to play with, it will still check the game region and match you with those people. This eliminates the chance for players with different game regions to play together unless Square Enix engineers some work-around. Read further ahead for complete clarification!!!
There is also a light version of the game for iOS/Android & PS4/Switch. This version can be downloaded and played for free TO A CERTAIN EXTENT:
1) Single play up to the end of the first in-game year (three dungeons). Online multiplay for up to four players up to the end of the first in-game year (three dungeons) along other free version players and full game owners. Cross-platform functionality lets you form parties with players across different platforms.
2) You can join up with people who have the full version of the game and play up to 13 dungeons, this way you are not limited to just the first 3. You wont get any "end of year" celebrations this way. Your chalice simply reverts back to 2/3rds full. The game also mentions you can't get more than 2 drops of myrrh.
3) WARNING: Lite players can't craft master's weapons, and it seems like Lite players miss out on all craft-able accessories, if being unable to craft the flame/frost/thunder craft's is any indication. The crafters don't even list them as options. So for a casual play-trough this is not a problem. But if you plan on playing like years 8-9 and so on it's best that you just buy the game.

Features confirmed for the Remastered Edition:
Bonus questions:
To clarify further; GAME REGION ≠ ACCOUNT REGION
The region is locked to the GAME. NOT your ACCOUNT!!! So if you want to play together with someone from across the world get the GAME from the same region. So visit the same PSN/Switch store region to buy the game. Or import the game both from Japan (warning Japanese text if importing). So you're PSN/Switch account region has zero influence when booting the game, but it is important when buying the game.

MAKE BACKUP SAVES OF YOUR GAMES! There is a glitch that can lock you permanently in Tipa Peninsula on Year 2. This may not be the only glitch that could ruin your save file. You have 4 save slots, so make at least 1 copy.
The glitch: After beating Goblin Wall online and changing their chalice to Fire, Goblin Wall disappeared and their chalice was reverted to Water. The miasma stream element was fire, locking them in Tipa Peninsula. They tried visiting all of the area's locations and beating River Belle Pass, online and offline, and restarting the software. Goblin Wall did not return, nor was there any in-game record they'd beaten it.
The fix: None. Do not play Goblin Wall online on Year 2. Beat it solo. If you have already beaten it solo you are safe to host it online past year 2.
What probably causes the glitch:
  1. The host must be on year 2 and disconnect and rejoin during the ready up phase before the dungeon begins.
  2. The second player must be on year 1 (in this case they were playing the lite version). For charity sake there were 3 players and 2 & 3 were both on the lite version.
  3. No player received moogle mail on the first clear, meaning that I was not the host at the end of the dungeon.
  4. The chalice reset to water, but we theorize it might have given the host to player 2 who does not have year 2 or goblin wall available. So it inherited? Their chalice I don't know. 5. This occurred again when rejoining mid dungeon with player 2 being a lite player.

Credit to the people who provided more information:
- u/Master_Of_Waves
- u/Splash4ttack
- u/DapperStapler
- Discord: Disappointed Father
- u/NicoDeMagio
- u/theUnLuckyCat
- u/iharadraws
- u/subaqueousReach
- u/SenerioIX
If anyone finds anything new not listed here feel free to comment it and I will add it (provide source).
submitted by majoraswrath360 to crystalchronicles [link] [comments]

3 Quick tl;dr iOS Game Reviews / Recommendations (Episode 62)

Welcome back, my fellow mobile gamers! After the warm "welcome back" last week, I'm thrilled to follow-up on schedule and on-time this week, hehe.
This week, I played a very unique indie puzzle game where we have to undo jigsaw-like puzzles, an early access version of the brand new Crash Bandicoot runner by King, and a fun fantasy-themed simulation idle game where we manage an RPG-like shop!
Disagree with my opinion? Let’s have a friendly discussion below.
New to these posts? Check out the first one from 62 weeks ago here.
The games are "ranked" somewhat subjectively from best to worst, so take the ranking for what it is.

Let's get to the games:

UnpuzzleR [Game Size: 43 MB] (free)

Genre: Puzzle / Casual / Indie / Jiggsaw - Offline Playable
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Some
tl;dr review:
UnpuzzleR is a unique casual puzzle game where our objective is to undo a jigsaw-like puzzle one piece at a time. Each puzzle piece has an arrow indicating the direction it will attempt to move once clicked, and if nothing is blocking the piece, it flies away and is removed from the puzzle.
The difficulty is nicely balanced, and since we can skip levels, there’s no way to truly get stuck in any of the game’s 250 levels. There are also no annoying tutorials or introductions to the 15 different puzzle piece types. Instead, we get to simply learn as we play, which is rare for a mobile game.
The minimalistic art-style features a dark-mode for playing in dimly lit rooms, and with no time-limits or scores, the gameplay experience is stress-free and very casual, while still providing a challenging experience in later levels.
Monetization happens through forced ads between levels and incentivized ads for additional hints or to skip levels. These ads can be removed through a one-time $1.99 iAP on iOS and $4.99 iAP on Android that also unlocks all 250 levels and allows us to make unlimited mistakes per level.
UnpuzzleR is a must-play game that you’re almost guaranteed to love if you enjoy relaxing puzzle games.
App Store: Here

Crash Bandicoot: On the Run! [Game Size: 950 MB] (free)

Genre: Runner / Level-based / Action - Offline Playable
Orientation: Portrait
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review: [Early Access - Full Release later in Nov. 2020)
Crash Bandicoot: On the Run! is a level-based runner set in the Crash Bandicoot universe that, to my big surprise, is being developed and published by Candy Crush-dev King. The game is still in early access, with a full launch across Android and iOS planned for Spring 2021.
True to the original Crash Bandicoot game, the art-style is colorful and vibrant, with most scenery even drawing heavy inspiration from the original game. Also like in the original, we must blow up TNT boxes, collect apples, and spin to tackle enemies. Unlike most other runners, we even have checkpoints from which we restart when we die – a welcomed addition since the game is surprisingly challenging.
As we play, we collect resources used to craft potions that are required to play and progress in the campaign levels. If we run out of resources, we must play special resource levels to gather more, or participate in the asynchronous multiplayer runs. After completing enough levels and ultimately defeating the boss, we progress to the next campaign area and repeat the process.
I have to also give some credit to the level-design, which, with its secret areas and roads that split into two, create a more interesting gameplay experience than that found in most runners.
Crash Bandicoot: On the Run! is not currently monetized in any way, which makes it a great experience for those who can access it. It is ultimately just a runner, but it’s a very polished runner, and one that may give old-school Crash Bandicoot fans a true nostalgia trip.
App Store: Here

Shop Titans [Total Game Size: 671 MB] (free)

Genre: Simulation / Idle / RPG-themed - Requires Online Access
Orientation: Portrait
Required Attention: Little (semi-idle)
tl;dr review:
Shop Titans is a fantasy RPG-themed idle simulation game about designing, personalizing, and managing a shop that crafts and sells all the weapons and equipment fantasy heroes need.
Adventurers flock to our shop asking for specific items, which we then craft and sell to earn gold used to upgrade our shop or invest in workers that automatically collect the resources needed to craft items. The rarer the item, the longer it takes to craft, which is where the idle part comes in. We can also equip crafted loot on our own heroes before sending them out on idle quests to gather unique resources used to craft more powerful equipment.
We can haggle and negotiate with customers, join a guild, customize the looks of our shop, and even buy and sell resources and items to and from other players on the marketplace – all of which ensures that there’s plenty to do despite the idle gameplay.
Progression is relatively slow if we don’t pay to progress faster, however, and there’s even a monthly $10 subscription in addition to the expensive iAPs for premium currency. This will ruin the otherwise fun gameplay experience for some players. With that said, the game can still be enjoyed as a casual idle experience and is worth checking out for fans of idle RPGs.
App Store: Here
Google Sheet of all games I've played so far (searchable and filter-able):
TL;DR Video Summary (with gameplay) of last week's 4 games:
Episode 01 Episode 02 Episode 03 Episode 04 Episode 05 Episode 06 Episode 07 Episode 08 Episode 09 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12 Episode 13 Episode 14 Episode 15 Episode 16 Episode 17 Episode 18 Episode 19 Episode 20 Episode 21 Episode 22 Episode 23 Episode 24 Episode 25 Episode 26 Episode 27 Episode 28 Episode 29 Episode 30 Episode 31 Episode 32 Episode 33 Episode 34 Episode 35 Episode 36 Episode 37 Episode 38 Episode 39 Episode 40 Episode 41 Episode 42 Episode 43 Episode 44 Episode 45 Episode 46 Episode 47 Episode 48 Episode 49 Episode 50 Episode 51 Episode 52 Episode 53 Episode 54 Episode 55 Episode 56 Episode 57 Episode 58 Episode 59 Episode 60 Episode 61
submitted by NimbleThor to iosgaming [link] [comments]

Best Violin Apps for 2021

Professional Apps for Violin Playing

Violin apps designed for violinists have transformed the ways of practicing, learning, and teaching the instrument. Thanks to the amazing apps and the professional developers, especially during the Covid quarantine, violin players at all levels are able to customize their playing in a smarter way.
So which ones are the best violin apps for 2021? Let’s dive in.

Violy: A Smart Music Classroom That Connects Violin Teachers and Students

For Violy violinists, Violy App is definitely their favorite. It allows violin teachers to start violin classes online, and allows the teachers and students to review their practice homework anytime and anywhere.

Teach Remote Violin Lessons

Violin teachers may find that online violin classes are not always pleasant due to the poor audio quality for the instrument during the video chat. But with Violy, the problem can be readily solved.
In Violy App’s “Classroom“ page, violin teachers can build the virtual music classroom. Through the “Live Class“ feature, teachers can make video calls to violin students instantly and give violin lessons online. The specially optimized, high-definition audio and video transmission helps pave the way for the smooth progression of remote music education during the challenging time.

With Violy App, teachers are able to hear each single layer no matter how complicated the chords/ensembles are!
Have too many students to notify before the class begins? Don’t worry, the “Classroom“ feature makes it possible for each violin teacher to schedule violin classes and get every participant informed on time.

Customize the Violin Practice for Each Violin Student

It can be a rewarding journey to practice the instrument in a “Violy” way.
Violin teachers cannot always be around students. But after the violin lessons, some violin beginners may still need someone to help their practice and give them feedback. Violy can take up the baton.
By playing “EADG” on the violin, violin students can initiate a “Smart Audition“. The feature tracks and records the users’ playing, and automatically scores on the intonation and rhythm. After playing, more details based on the performance can be found in the analysis report. In this way, every moment of the users’ daily practice is visualized and statistically analyzed.
For the ones who need to get familiar with the music in a short time, “Note-by-note“ can assist. Under “Note-by-note” mode, each music note being played can be checked. Once there is a misplayed note, the cursor will pause until the note is corrected.
What advanced violin players are looking for is an accompanist, and Violy can play the role. As long as the users open a music score with “Acc.” symbol, they can choose to play along with the “Accompaniments & Ensembles” at any tempo and volume.
It can be exciting for all violinists to play what they truly enjoy. Violy’s sheet music library “Music Cloud“ includes a large violin repertoire, and provides you with a complete control over thousands of classical and pop sheet music and backing tracks, including tempo, volume, and all kinds of musical notation. But if the learners cannot find the sheet music they need in the app, they can visit the “Creator Studio“ to upload the music scores on their own.
Violy is available on both iOS and Android mobile devices. New users can have a FREE 7-day premium gift. Also, the app is FREE for every music educator.

SmartMusic: Offers An Abundant Violin Repertoire and Helps Violin Teachers Track Students’ Progress

As a comprehensive tool for music education, SmartMusic is popular among music teachers and music schools.

A Rich Seam of Violin Sheet Music

In the repertoire of SmartMusic, either a classical music player or a rock fan can find what they are fond of. With a music library which accompanies violin players at all levels with professional accompaniments, violin teachers and students can get access to violin sheet music of all genres and difficulty levels.
Also, premium users are able to print the music scores.

Effective Violin Playing

Knowing how the violin practice goes directly from the sheet music seems to be attractive. Immediate feedback on pitch and rhythm is accessible in SmartMusic as well. Violin students can see what they played correctly or incorrectly, receive a performance score, and listen to their recording.
To get familiar with certain sections in the piece, the users can select consecutive measures, set them as loops, and practice them constantly.

Tools for Violin Teachers

Nobody will refuse the promotion of efficiency with the aid of technology. That’s why violin teachers should not miss the useful tools below.
In SmartMusic, Violin teachers can assign homework to students, provide them with feedback, and track their progress. By accessing the students’ recordings, assignments, and performance scores, violin teachers are able to understand the students’ learning and practice in a better way.
The “Sight Reading Builder” allows violin teachers to create an unlimited number of sight-reading exercises for any student or ensemble.
Being web-based, SmartMusic can only be used on computers and iPads.

Trala: A Violin App Friendly to Violin Beginners

Trala is developed entirely by professional violinists. Learning violin from the world’s best violinists can appeal to a large number of violin learners.
Instant Feedback on Violin Performance
Receiving feedback at once can be an impetus for beginners to move on. As a violin app especially helpful to beginner violinists, Trala prides itself on giving the users instant feedback. Like a tutor, the app listens to what the users are playing, and provides guidance on what they are doing. Both MIDI tracks and sheet music are supported in the app.
After the users’ playing, scores on pitch and rhythm pop out right away. Players can practice the same piece time after time to get improved.

Multiple Violin Tutorials and Sheet Music

How thrilling it can be to be taught step-by-step by professional performers? With a variety of violin tutorials, Trala helps the violin beginners learn postures, string crossings, scales, tone quality, vibrato, scores of classical songs, etc..
The sheet music library in Trala mainly contains scales and arpeggios, which are often the most effective modes of warmup for any violinist, and are essential for learning notes, fingering positions, and hand shifting.
The sheet music library in Trala mainly contains scales and arpeggios, which are often the most effective modes of warmup for any violinist, and are essential for learning notes, fingering positions, and hand shifting.
To stick to the playing, creating a personal practice schedule is helpful. Trala allows users to do so. From holding the violin to playing advanced violin pieces, Trala guides violin players to step forward. The progress bars make it easier for the users to view their performance.
Trala can be used on both iOS and Android mobile devices. However, the iOS version is more user-friendly.

Jameasy: A Violin App That Makes Violin Practice Fun and Easy

Violin learning requires repetitive practice. Jameasy intends to turn tedious violin practice into fun experiences.

Real-time Feedback on Violin Playing and Gamification

For those violin players who get absorbed in music games, game-like violin playing in Jameasy can be their cup of tea.
Under “Practice” mode, violin students can play along with the accompaniments and the metronome. In the meanwhile, the real-time feedback with sparkle effects can be seen on the sheet music.
Also, users are able to select certain sections to practice repeatedly. After playing, the practicing records can be accessed right away.
Under “Concert” mode, violin players are provided with a feeling like playing in a virtual concert. Scores, awards, and rankings are offered when the playing ends.

Violin Tuner

A useful violin tuner is always necessary for a violinist, since no one likes their instruments to be out of tune while playing.
With a built-in violin tuner, Jameasy users can tune their instruments at any time. Since the tuner automatically recognizes the sound produced by the strings, violin students do not need to choose certain strings manually.
The optional range of frequency is from 420 to 460 Hz.
Jameasy can be downloaded from App Store and Google Play Store.

Tomplay: A Violin App for Immersive Violin Playing

With a variety of interactive violin sheet music covering multiple styles, Tomplay is the one recommended for intermediate and advanced violin students.
In Tomplay, users can play along with real recordings made by professional violinists. Before signing up, the violin players can set their own playing level, and will receive free recommended sheet music after login.

Digitized Music Scores and Recording Feature

All sheet music in Tomplay scrolls automatically on the screen in time with the accompanying music. The tempo of the accompaniments is adjustable. Violin players can slow down or speed up the tempo to match their level, which allows them to progress at their own pace.
For violin students, it is helpful to record themselves while playing in the app. In this way, they can listen to the performance, and make improvement more rapidly.

Annotate and Print the Violin Sheet Music

The annotating feature in Tomplay provides an opportunity for violin teachers and students to add personalized annotations to the violin sheet music, and say goodbye to the scribbles and eraser marks on paper music scores. What’s more, the sheet music can be printed directly with or without the annotations.
Tomplay is available on computers and mobile devices with iOS and Android systems.

Tonara: Helps Violin Teachers Manage Music Education

Technically speaking, Tonara is more like an online music education studio.

Keep Violin Teachers Updated on Students’ Violin Practice

In Tonara, violin teachers are able to create smart assignments for their students. Materials including comparing recordings, videos, voice notes, written notes, etc. can be sent along with the assignments.
In the “Compare Recording“ assignment, Tonara’s AI technology compares the students’ playing to a pre-recorded piece. Then the app will provide the student with real-time feedback on their fluency, pitch, rhythm, and tempo.
Also, through Tonara, violin teachers can set goals for the students, and see the details of their daily practice. The “messaging“ feature helps both sides communicate at all times.
In addition, violin teachers can schedule and give online violin lessons through desktop version of Tonara.

Customize Violin Students’ Music Learning Plan

Tonara makes it possible for violin students to choose violin teachers that fit their needs, budget, and timetable, and engage in virtual violin lessons anywhere.
Being connected with the teachers, young learners are able to receive and complete the assignments more easily. After finishing the tasks, violin students can earn points which demonstrate how they make progress.
Like Tomplay, Tonara is also supported on computers, iOS mobile devices, and Android mobile devices.

MuseScore: A Notation Software for Creating and Playing Violin Sheet Music

When it comes to music notation software, MuseScore cannot be neglected. For violin players who have a demand for composing or finding multiple music scores, MuseScore is definitely a good choice.

Write and Notate Violin Music

Supporting a wide variety of file formats and input methods, Musecore empowers violin teachers and students to create their own sheet music, and annotate it according to the need. The notation software is totally free to use.
The music scores can be played, saved, uploaded to other websites, or printed.

Play Violin Music and Communicate with Violin Players Worldwide

MuseScore is accompanied by a mobile score viewer and playback app, and an online score sharing platform.
In the mobile app, violin players can browse all the scores uploaded. The playback feature makes it more convenient to practice the pieces with the accompaniments and the metronome. Also, transposition is supported.
On the score sharing platform, violin players are able to view, download, and share various violin sheet music. In the “Community” page, heated discussions based on different topics make violin players from all over the world connect with each other.
As a scorewriter, MuseScore can be downloaded to computers directly. The score viewer and playback app is available on both iOS and Android mobile devices, while the sheet music sharing platform is web-based.

Newzik: A Sheet Music Toolbox for Violin Players

How about building a private digital library of violin sheet music which can be accessed anytime and anywhere? Well, Newzik allows violin teachers and students to do so.

Import the Violin Sheet Music with Media Files

Violinists can use different ways to import thousands of music scores into Newzik, and organize them into “Setlists” and “Projects”. The “Setlists” works as a personal catalog of sheet music for individual violinists, while the “Projects” feature allows multiple musicians to share and modify music scores.
To get familiar with a new violin piece, violinists may need to watch or listen to the live performance while reading the music. Newzik completely meets the demand.
In Newzik, violin players are able to add media files after entering the score. Both audio and video files are supported. Users can even search for videos from YouTube directly.
To customize the playing, users can set the speed and transposition by themselves.

Annotate, Export, and Share Music Scores

Newzik offers a platform for violinists to create and edit violin sheet music with a set of tools, and share the annotations in real-time with other musicians. Both the music score and the annotations can be exported.
What’s more, the “Band“ feature makes it possible for Newzik users to get connected with each other through devices, share the sheet music online, and play together offline.
As a mobile music app, Newzik is only available on iOS devices.

Pockestra: An Orchestra in Violinists’ Pocket

For violin teachers and students, carrying a mobile device with Pockestra installed is like carrying a portable orchestra with themselves.

Accompaniment and Violin Sheet Music

From classical to diverse genres, Pockestra offers numerous music scores and accompaniments. In the app, violin players can listen to the prerecorded accompaniments directly while sight reading the pieces. Also, the tempo and key can be changed to meet different violinists’ needs.
Sheet music can be searched by filtering or simply typing in the title, the composer’s name, or the name of the album.
If the violin players fail to find the sheet music they need, they can reach out to the Pockestra team by using the “Request“ feature. New contents will be uploaded to the app every week.
Pockestra can be used on both iOS and Android mobile devices.

Metronaut: Violinists’ Tailor-made Musical Accompaniment App

Metronaut gives violinists the freedom to have more fun with music.
In the app, there is a growing catalog of music accompaniments for every instrument and level. Metronaut’s accompanists are among the best orchestras and pianists, and each accompaniment offers fully acoustic and high quality studio recordings.

Take Control over Tempo and Key

Violinists are in full control of the digital score. They can choose the speed of the accompaniment according to their own preference. Thanks to the automatic and quality preserving transposition, they can also play pieces not written for violin. After the violin playing, the recordings can be checked, listened to, and shared.

Annotate and Print Music Scores

In Metronaut, Violin teachers can add indications to the sheet music or highlight the score for their students, as they would do on a regular violin sheet music. The users can also print the score if they would rather work on paper.

Take the Lead and Play at the Violin Player’s Own Rhythm

Violinists can personalize their performance using the app’s speed adaptation feature. The feature empowers the musicians to play at their own rhythm throughout the piece. Metronaut just adapts the accompaniment tempo to the player’s interpretation in real-time.
Metronaut is only available on mobile devices with systems of iOS 13 and above versions.
2020 has been tough for music education due to the challenges, but awesome music apps are opening up new avenues for both music teachers and music students. The 10 best violin apps for 2021 meet diverse demands of all kinds of violin players, and help musicians be more engaged in music. We hope every violinist can make a difference in 2021 with the aid of the violin apps.

Have a HAPPY practice!!

submitted by ViolyApp to lingling40hrs [link] [comments]

Best Violin Apps for 2021

Professional Apps for Violin Playing

Violin apps designed for violinists have transformed the ways of practicing, learning, and teaching the instrument. Thanks to the amazing apps and the professional developers, especially during the Covid quarantine, violin players at all levels are able to customize their playing in a smarter way.
So which ones are the best violin apps for 2021? Let’s dive in.

Violy: A Smart Music Classroom That Connects Violin Teachers and Students

For Violy violinists, Violy App is definitely their favorite. It allows violin teachers to start violin classes online, and allows the teachers and students to review their practice homework anytime and anywhere.

Teach Remote Violin Lessons

Violin teachers may find that online violin classes are not always pleasant due to the poor audio quality for the instrument during the video chat. But with Violy, the problem can be readily solved.
In Violy App’s “Classroom“ page, violin teachers can build the virtual music classroom. Through the “Live Class“ feature, teachers can make video calls to violin students instantly and give violin lessons online. The specially optimized, high-definition audio and video transmission helps pave the way for the smooth progression of remote music education during the challenging time.

With Violy App, teachers are able to hear each single layer no matter how complicated the chords/ensembles are!
Have too many students to notify before the class begins? Don’t worry, the “Classroom“ feature makes it possible for each violin teacher to schedule violin classes and get every participant informed on time.

Customize the Violin Practice for Each Violin Student

It can be a rewarding journey to practice the instrument in a “Violy” way.
Violin teachers cannot always be around students. But after the violin lessons, some violin beginners may still need someone to help their practice and give them feedback. Violy can take up the baton.
By playing “EADG” on the violin, violin students can initiate a “Smart Audition“. The feature tracks and records the users’ playing, and automatically scores on the intonation and rhythm. After playing, more details based on the performance can be found in the analysis report. In this way, every moment of the users’ daily practice is visualized and statistically analyzed.
For the ones who need to get familiar with the music in a short time, “Note-by-note“ can assist. Under “Note-by-note” mode, each music note being played can be checked. Once there is a misplayed note, the cursor will pause until the note is corrected.
What advanced violin players are looking for is an accompanist, and Violy can play the role. As long as the users open a music score with “Acc.” symbol, they can choose to play along with the “Accompaniments & Ensembles” at any tempo and volume.
It can be exciting for all violinists to play what they truly enjoy. Violy’s sheet music library “Music Cloud“ includes a large violin repertoire, and provides you with a complete control over thousands of classical and pop sheet music and backing tracks, including tempo, volume, and all kinds of musical notation. But if the learners cannot find the sheet music they need in the app, they can visit the “Creator Studio“ to upload the music scores on their own.
Violy is available on both iOS and Android mobile devices. New users can have a FREE 7-day premium gift. Also, the app is FREE for every music educator.

SmartMusic: Offers An Abundant Violin Repertoire and Helps Violin Teachers Track Students’ Progress

As a comprehensive tool for music education, SmartMusic is popular among music teachers and music schools.

A Rich Seam of Violin Sheet Music

In the repertoire of SmartMusic, either a classical music player or a rock fan can find what they are fond of. With a music library which accompanies violin players at all levels with professional accompaniments, violin teachers and students can get access to violin sheet music of all genres and difficulty levels.
Also, premium users are able to print the music scores.

Effective Violin Playing

Knowing how the violin practice goes directly from the sheet music seems to be attractive. Immediate feedback on pitch and rhythm is accessible in SmartMusic as well. Violin students can see what they played correctly or incorrectly, receive a performance score, and listen to their recording.
To get familiar with certain sections in the piece, the users can select consecutive measures, set them as loops, and practice them constantly.

Tools for Violin Teachers

Nobody will refuse the promotion of efficiency with the aid of technology. That’s why violin teachers should not miss the useful tools below.
In SmartMusic, Violin teachers can assign homework to students, provide them with feedback, and track their progress. By accessing the students’ recordings, assignments, and performance scores, violin teachers are able to understand the students’ learning and practice in a better way.
The “Sight Reading Builder” allows violin teachers to create an unlimited number of sight-reading exercises for any student or ensemble.
Being web-based, SmartMusic can only be used on computers and iPads.

Trala: A Violin App Friendly to Violin Beginners

Trala is developed entirely by professional violinists. Learning violin from the world’s best violinists can appeal to a large number of violin learners.
Instant Feedback on Violin Performance
Receiving feedback at once can be an impetus for beginners to move on. As a violin app especially helpful to beginner violinists, Trala prides itself on giving the users instant feedback. Like a tutor, the app listens to what the users are playing, and provides guidance on what they are doing. Both MIDI tracks and sheet music are supported in the app.
After the users’ playing, scores on pitch and rhythm pop out right away. Players can practice the same piece time after time to get improved.

Multiple Violin Tutorials and Sheet Music

How thrilling it can be to be taught step-by-step by professional performers? With a variety of violin tutorials, Trala helps the violin beginners learn postures, string crossings, scales, tone quality, vibrato, scores of classical songs, etc..
The sheet music library in Trala mainly contains scales and arpeggios, which are often the most effective modes of warmup for any violinist, and are essential for learning notes, fingering positions, and hand shifting.
The sheet music library in Trala mainly contains scales and arpeggios, which are often the most effective modes of warmup for any violinist, and are essential for learning notes, fingering positions, and hand shifting.
To stick to the playing, creating a personal practice schedule is helpful. Trala allows users to do so. From holding the violin to playing advanced violin pieces, Trala guides violin players to step forward. The progress bars make it easier for the users to view their performance.
Trala can be used on both iOS and Android mobile devices. However, the iOS version is more user-friendly.

Jameasy: A Violin App That Makes Violin Practice Fun and Easy

Violin learning requires repetitive practice. Jameasy intends to turn tedious violin practice into fun experiences.

Real-time Feedback on Violin Playing and Gamification

For those violin players who get absorbed in music games, game-like violin playing in Jameasy can be their cup of tea.
Under “Practice” mode, violin students can play along with the accompaniments and the metronome. In the meanwhile, the real-time feedback with sparkle effects can be seen on the sheet music.
Also, users are able to select certain sections to practice repeatedly. After playing, the practicing records can be accessed right away.
Under “Concert” mode, violin players are provided with a feeling like playing in a virtual concert. Scores, awards, and rankings are offered when the playing ends.

Violin Tuner

A useful violin tuner is always necessary for a violinist, since no one likes their instruments to be out of tune while playing.
With a built-in violin tuner, Jameasy users can tune their instruments at any time. Since the tuner automatically recognizes the sound produced by the strings, violin students do not need to choose certain strings manually.
The optional range of frequency is from 420 to 460 Hz.
Jameasy can be downloaded from App Store and Google Play Store.

Tomplay: A Violin App for Immersive Violin Playing

With a variety of interactive violin sheet music covering multiple styles, Tomplay is the one recommended for intermediate and advanced violin students.
In Tomplay, users can play along with real recordings made by professional violinists. Before signing up, the violin players can set their own playing level, and will receive free recommended sheet music after login.

Digitized Music Scores and Recording Feature

All sheet music in Tomplay scrolls automatically on the screen in time with the accompanying music. The tempo of the accompaniments is adjustable. Violin players can slow down or speed up the tempo to match their level, which allows them to progress at their own pace.
For violin students, it is helpful to record themselves while playing in the app. In this way, they can listen to the performance, and make improvement more rapidly.

Annotate and Print the Violin Sheet Music

The annotating feature in Tomplay provides an opportunity for violin teachers and students to add personalized annotations to the violin sheet music, and say goodbye to the scribbles and eraser marks on paper music scores. What’s more, the sheet music can be printed directly with or without the annotations.
Tomplay is available on computers and mobile devices with iOS and Android systems.

Tonara: Helps Violin Teachers Manage Music Education

Technically speaking, Tonara is more like an online music education studio.

Keep Violin Teachers Updated on Students’ Violin Practice

In Tonara, violin teachers are able to create smart assignments for their students. Materials including comparing recordings, videos, voice notes, written notes, etc. can be sent along with the assignments.
In the “Compare Recording“ assignment, Tonara’s AI technology compares the students’ playing to a pre-recorded piece. Then the app will provide the student with real-time feedback on their fluency, pitch, rhythm, and tempo.
Also, through Tonara, violin teachers can set goals for the students, and see the details of their daily practice. The “messaging“ feature helps both sides communicate at all times.
In addition, violin teachers can schedule and give online violin lessons through desktop version of Tonara.

Customize Violin Students’ Music Learning Plan

Tonara makes it possible for violin students to choose violin teachers that fit their needs, budget, and timetable, and engage in virtual violin lessons anywhere.
Being connected with the teachers, young learners are able to receive and complete the assignments more easily. After finishing the tasks, violin students can earn points which demonstrate how they make progress.
Like Tomplay, Tonara is also supported on computers, iOS mobile devices, and Android mobile devices.

MuseScore: A Notation Software for Creating and Playing Violin Sheet Music

When it comes to music notation software, MuseScore cannot be neglected. For violin players who have a demand for composing or finding multiple music scores, MuseScore is definitely a good choice.

Write and Notate Violin Music

Supporting a wide variety of file formats and input methods, Musecore empowers violin teachers and students to create their own sheet music, and annotate it according to the need. The notation software is totally free to use.
The music scores can be played, saved, uploaded to other websites, or printed.

Play Violin Music and Communicate with Violin Players Worldwide

MuseScore is accompanied by a mobile score viewer and playback app, and an online score sharing platform.
In the mobile app, violin players can browse all the scores uploaded. The playback feature makes it more convenient to practice the pieces with the accompaniments and the metronome. Also, transposition is supported.
On the score sharing platform, violin players are able to view, download, and share various violin sheet music. In the “Community” page, heated discussions based on different topics make violin players from all over the world connect with each other.
As a scorewriter, MuseScore can be downloaded to computers directly. The score viewer and playback app is available on both iOS and Android mobile devices, while the sheet music sharing platform is web-based.

Newzik: A Sheet Music Toolbox for Violin Players

How about building a private digital library of violin sheet music which can be accessed anytime and anywhere? Well, Newzik allows violin teachers and students to do so.

Import the Violin Sheet Music with Media Files

Violinists can use different ways to import thousands of music scores into Newzik, and organize them into “Setlists” and “Projects”. The “Setlists” works as a personal catalog of sheet music for individual violinists, while the “Projects” feature allows multiple musicians to share and modify music scores.
To get familiar with a new violin piece, violinists may need to watch or listen to the live performance while reading the music. Newzik completely meets the demand.
In Newzik, violin players are able to add media files after entering the score. Both audio and video files are supported. Users can even search for videos from YouTube directly.
To customize the playing, users can set the speed and transposition by themselves.

Annotate, Export, and Share Music Scores

Newzik offers a platform for violinists to create and edit violin sheet music with a set of tools, and share the annotations in real-time with other musicians. Both the music score and the annotations can be exported.
What’s more, the “Band“ feature makes it possible for Newzik users to get connected with each other through devices, share the sheet music online, and play together offline.
As a mobile music app, Newzik is only available on iOS devices.

Pockestra: An Orchestra in Violinists’ Pocket

For violin teachers and students, carrying a mobile device with Pockestra installed is like carrying a portable orchestra with themselves.

Accompaniment and Violin Sheet Music

From classical to diverse genres, Pockestra offers numerous music scores and accompaniments. In the app, violin players can listen to the prerecorded accompaniments directly while sight reading the pieces. Also, the tempo and key can be changed to meet different violinists’ needs.
Sheet music can be searched by filtering or simply typing in the title, the composer’s name, or the name of the album.
If the violin players fail to find the sheet music they need, they can reach out to the Pockestra team by using the “Request“ feature. New contents will be uploaded to the app every week.
Pockestra can be used on both iOS and Android mobile devices.

Metronaut: Violinists’ Tailor-made Musical Accompaniment App

Metronaut gives violinists the freedom to have more fun with music.
In the app, there is a growing catalog of music accompaniments for every instrument and level. Metronaut’s accompanists are among the best orchestras and pianists, and each accompaniment offers fully acoustic and high quality studio recordings.

Take Control over Tempo and Key

Violinists are in full control of the digital score. They can choose the speed of the accompaniment according to their own preference. Thanks to the automatic and quality preserving transposition, they can also play pieces not written for violin. After the violin playing, the recordings can be checked, listened to, and shared.

Annotate and Print Music Scores

In Metronaut, Violin teachers can add indications to the sheet music or highlight the score for their students, as they would do on a regular violin sheet music. The users can also print the score if they would rather work on paper.

Take the Lead and Play at the Violin Player’s Own Rhythm

Violinists can personalize their performance using the app’s speed adaptation feature. The feature empowers the musicians to play at their own rhythm throughout the piece. Metronaut just adapts the accompaniment tempo to the player’s interpretation in real-time.
Metronaut is only available on mobile devices with systems of iOS 13 and above versions.
2020 has been tough for music education due to the challenges, but awesome music apps are opening up new avenues for both music teachers and music students. The 10 best violin apps for 2021 meet diverse demands of all kinds of violin players, and help musicians be more engaged in music. We hope every violinist can make a difference in 2021 with the aid of the violin apps.

Have a HAPPY practice!!

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