Autodesk Inventor Slot Axis -

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[Facebook][2005] A Deleted Facebook Classic

Platform(s): Facebook (only on computer)
Genre: A game about making friends and creating a home
Estimated year of release: 2005ish
Graphics/art style: Cartoonish and big heads
Notable characters: Most characters would wear slotted shades and angel/devil wings on their backs to show they were rich in the game
Notable gameplay mechanics: All houses were setup in a fixed camera position where the room is viewed from above at a 45° angle, almost making the room look like a diamond if you rotate it around the X axis (that was boring information)
Other details: The game I am thinking of has been removed from Facebook for maany years now. It was around during Farmville's peak days on Facebook. You were able to create rooms like movie theaters, casino rooms, etc. by placing objects on a grid of your floorplan. The game would only show one room at a time if I remember correctly and there were no exteriors to the home or any other floors (second, basement, etc.). It was more of a kid's/teenager's game than an adult's game.
submitted by mjmayer48 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya

Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya

Judi Indonesia Domino420 Online
Judi Indonesia Domino420 Online

Judi Indonesia Domino420 Online yakni satu buah tempat pelayanan Perjudian yang dapat diperlukan selama 24 jam tanpa henti serta diakses oleh seluruh orang di seluruh dunia. Sebenarnya ada banyak sekali Judi Online yang ada di Indonesia dan hal ini adalah tingkat kewajaran jikalau kita mengingat tentang jumlah masyarakat yang ada di Indonesia.

Jadi 5 besar negara yang memiliki tingkat komune terbanyak tentu memberikan kesempatan besar dalam Industri Perjudian sangat membutuhkan para pemain utk bisa mencar keuntungan lewat system taruhan dalam tiap-tiap peluncuran permainan.

Mungkin beberapa dari kalian sudah mengerti banyak Game Situs Judi Online yang ada di Indonesia, Baik itu Taruhan Bola, Pacuan Kuda, Togel SGP, Togel HK, Togel Macau, Togel Sydney, Poker, Domino QQ, BandarQ, Omaha, Sakong, Bacarrat, Sic – Bo, Roulette, Game Slot, Dan banyak lagi permainan lainnya.

Jikalau kita kembali membicarakan tentang Industri perjudian yang kuno di mana masih belum adanya internet, Maka dapat dikatakan bahwa kembali ke masa bakal kejayaan Kasino (Casino) yang adalah tempat perjudian dengan cara langsung yang ialah tempat kusus buat bertaruh.

Banyak peneliti yang mengemukakan bahwa nama tempat Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya pada awal mulanya berasal dari Italy yang pada awal mulanya hanya adalah satu buah tempat hiburan yang berisikan tempat jumpa orang kaya yang berisikan dengan penyanyi dan pertemuan.

Perkembangan Judi hingga ke Online Domino420

Perkembangan Judi hingga ke Online Domino420 – Dan nama Casino mulailah tersebar ke pelosok dunia dan dikenal jadi salah satu tempat yang sediakan permainan Judi yang saat ini ternama seperti Las Vegas Casino, Ginting Casino atau Macau Casino yang tidak jarang kali jadi salah satu tempat wisata yang tidak jarang dikunjungi oleh turis dari negara lain.

Sedangkan buat di Indonesia, Praktek perjudian Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya sama sekali tidak diperbolehkan. Terdapat Undang-undang yang memberikan larangan praktek perjudian baik dengan cara langsung ataupun online terhadap seluruh rakyat Indonesia.

Ya, Perbuatan praktek perjudian memang lah senantiasa jadi masalah besar terutama negara. Bukan hanya Indonesia saja bakal tapi banyak negara yang juga melakukan penentangan bakal praktek perjudian. Tentu saja hal ini sebab efek negatif yang diberikan buat warga dalam ekonomi benar benar berbahaya.

Sudah banyak sekali negara yang mengalami kasus ini mulai dari Italy yang pada era dulu sempat terhubung Poker Judi Online Indonesia. Bakal Tapi, banyak sekali resiko negatif yang berjalan dan yang paling buruk merupakan di mana kondisi ekonomi penduduk yang tinggal diwilayah sana benar benar miskin.

Walau dengan cara jelas memang lah Kasino bisa memberikan banyak gaji serta keuntungan tetapi permasalahan yang berjalan merupakan tentu warga di daerah sana yang ikut main Judi. Sebanyak kasus kekerasan dalam hunian tangga, Perceraian hingga kemiskinan yang terjadi.

Banyak negara yang sudah melakukan pelarangan dapat praktek perjudian demi menghindari adanya kemiskinan di wilayah mereka. Tentu saja efek yang berjalan sangat merugikan, Meski pada awalnya Indonesia sebenarnya juga sempat terhubung praktek perjudian lewat Pemerintah.

Undian Berhadiah di Indonesia Domino420

Undian Berhadiah di Indonesia Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya di mana berada di bawah wewenang pemerintahan pada era dulu itu mampu meningkatkan ekonomi Indonesia. Bakal Namun, Begitu banyak keluhan serta masalah dan resiko yang ditimbulkan yang membuat hasilnya ditutuplah semuanya.

Bukanlah hal yang mengherankan pastinya kalau Casino dapat meraup keuntungan yang besar di bandingkan usaha yang lain. Karena benar-benar adanya rumus yang matang sebelum dimulainya Casino, Ditambah lagi dengan Dana yang dikucurkan bukanlah sedikit.

Walau Begitu, Balik bekal yaitu hal yang tidaklah terbilang sulit dan memakan waktu yang lama di bandingkan dengan usaha Yang lain. Perkembangan Judi di Dunia sendiri terus berlangsung seiring waktu dan terus berkembang dengan cepat dan pesat.

Banyak sekali orang Indonesia yang memiliki uang atau dinamakan orang kaya pilih utk main di tempat yang sudah ternama dan benar-benar serta merta memberikan izin utk perjudian seperti di Amerika Serikat adanya Las Vegas Casino, China ada Macau Casino dan Malaysia ada Ginting Casino.

Tentu saja mereka lebih pilih utk tidak membawa efek dengan main-main di Indonesia. Karena sudah banyak sekali beredar penangkapan yang berlangsung mulai dari di Hunian, Apartemen, kos-kosan dan beberapa tempat yang lain dan terkadang jadi berita hangat di monitor kaca.

Sudah biasa tentunya Taruhan permainan jadi seru dan menengangkan jika dilakukan dengan cara langsung dan Kasino pun dijadikan sebagai tempat yang paling tidak jarang dikunjugi hanya tempat itulah di mana sudah diberikan izin dan kebebasan buat bermain.

Tetapi, Kasino memang lah dikhususkan buat orang kaya atau elit saja. Rata rata orang biasa tidak bakal mampu utk masuk karena benar-benar dikhususkan utk para bangsawan atau orang kerajaan serta yang memili uang saja. Janganlah sempat bermimpi buat penduduk biasa dapat menikmati bagaimana rasanya berada di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya.

Perkembangan Era Tentang Judi

Perkembangan Era Tentang Judi Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya – Tapi semenjak adanya perubahan era membuat perubahan yang begitu besar dalam seluruh Bagian. Mulai dari memberikan kemudahan, memberikan keadilan serta kabar yang dapat diakses oleh siapapun.

Industri pun mulai berpaling ke salah satu teknologi yang sedang berkembang ialah Internet yang diakui dapat mengambil perubahan yang signifikan di masa Akan datang. Indonesia juga saat ini dapat dikatakan sudah beralih ke era digital. Ya, Perubahan mulai berjalan sejak th 2010 ke atas. Di mana perkembangan pc benar benar pesat dan berkembang hingga sekarang.

Bermacam macam inovasi, kemudahan, Layanan, dan banyak lagi mulai disugguhkan akibat perkembangan teknologi ini juga mungkin tidak dapat sempat terpikirkan Pada awal mulanya. Karena benar-benar begitu cepat dan kencangnya perubahan mengambil kita ke era yang segalanya serba mudah.

Salah satu Industri Judi juga ikut berkembang pastinya Judi. Ya, Akses Judi dengan cara online memang lah ikut mulai berkembang seakan tidak mau ketinggalan. Adanya pelarangan bakal Situs Perjudian pun mulai digemborkan tapi benar-benar internet ini memiliki cakupan yang sangat luas dan senantiasa ada cara yang dapat dilakukan utk tetap dapat diakses.

Pemerintah Indonesia sendiri sebenarnya sudah meraih banyak laporan dapat keluhan penduduk akibat begitu menjalarnya Situs Judi Online yang sangat marak sekali membuat hasilnya perbuatan yang mesti dilakukan demi memberikan pencegahan.

Aksi Pencegahan Judi Online

Judi Indonesia Domino420 Online – Perbuatan Pencegahan Judi Online– Seperti perbuatan KEMKOMINFO yang memberikan pemblokiran pada Situs-Situs yang dianggap mengambil resiko negatif, Lalu ada juga upaya dari pemerintah yang bekerja sama dengan bermacam macam macam platform social fasilitas dan google utk memberikan pencegahan tentang perjudian.

Biarpun Begitu, Benar-benar tidak ada yang bisa sempurna di Dunia ini. Para entrepreneur senantiasa mencari cara apapun utk tetap melakukan pemasaran dan dapat menjalankan usaha bisnisnya lantaran keuntungan yang besar tentunya.

Yang pada Hasilnya, Tetap saja para pembisnis tidak ada hentinya buat mencari jalan ke luar yang serupa seperti main-main petak umpet di dunia Online. Memang lah tidak bisa dipungkiri dengan jumlah keseluruhan komunitas banyak serta warga yang padat tentu jadi incaran empuk dan kesempatan emas bagi para pebisnis.

Terkecuali dari itu, ditambah juga dengan benar-benar sejumlah pecinta dan penghobby Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya yang bingung buat melampiaskan hobi mereka. Tentu saja biasanya di masyarakat biasa atau menengah yang sekedar ingin main-main buat menghabiskan waktu atau mencari keuntungan dan beberapa hal lainnya.

Maka membuat orang Indonesia sendiri juga ikut mencari yang pada hasilnya membantu mereka para pembisnis utk masuk ke tanah air. Bukanlah pembicaraan bohong bahwa di Indonesia sudah terdapat banyak sekali populasi para penggemar judi. Ya, Hanya sayang saja biasanya dari mereka lebih pilih utk tidak pamer karena bahaya dan dampak Pastinya.

Para Situs Judi Online yang dikendarai oleh para pengusaha ini bukan hanya sekedar bermain-main loh, mereka juga terus mengikuti perkembangan era dan meningkatkan mutu baik dari sisi kemudahan, Penampilan, tingkat kenyamanan, demi meraup sebanyak-banyaknya pelanggan dan memberikan kepuasan utk mempertahankan para pecinta judi biar terus bermain.

Perkembangan Situs Judi Online di Tanah Air

Judi Indonesia Domino420 Online – Tentu saja mulai dari marketing, tawaran promosi, bonus, hadiah, dan beraneka ragam cara diberikan dengan cara langsung ataupun tidak lewat beraneka ragam sarana sebisa mungkin utk meningkatkan dan menambah Kastemer. Dan salah satu Contoh Kumpulan Situs Judi Online Terbaik yang sempat naik namanya yakni Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya.

Mungkin ada beberapa dari kalian yang belum mengetahui tentang Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesia yang adalah Situs Judi Online tetapi tidak butuh khawatir karena saya bakal memberikan anda pembahasan dengan cara mendalam dan lengkap disini.

Sebagai salah satu Situs Judi Online Terkemuka Indonesia Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya memang lah memberikan terhadap kalian khususnya orang Indonesia dengan cara langsung utk dapat terhubung atau memainkan permainan Judi dengan cara Online 24 jam tanpa adanya batasan. Di mana dapat diartikan juga bahwa anda bisa bermain kapanpun dan dimanapun sesuka kalian.

Benarkah? Tentu saja, Tentang Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya memanglah memberikan terhadap kalian Situs Judi Online Terpercaya yang dapat diakses lewat Andoid ataupun I-Phone dengan cara tinggal melakukan aplikasi Unduh yang sudah berada di dalam Situs situs resmi official Domino420.

Bakal Tapi, Sebelum anda bisa melakukan Unduh. Ada hal yang butuh anda lakukan ialah Kalian mesti melakukan pendaftaran akun lebih-lebih dulu di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Situs Poker Online Terpercaya yang diberikan dengan cara Free tanpa ada pungutan budget apapun.

Situs Judi Online Domino420

Ya, setelah melakukan pendaftaran dan masuk login. Anda bakal dimasukan dengan cara langsung ke lobby Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya di mana anda bakal langsung dapat masuk ke menu unduh utk menginstal aplikasi baik Android ataupun I-Phone dengan cara langsung ke Handphone kalian.

Setelah melakukan penginstalan maka anda dapat langsung main-main lewat Handphone pintar kalian dengan login memanfaatkan akun yang anda daftarkan.

Butuh diingat bahwa, Dalam mendaftarkan diri di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya ada baiknya utk mengingat dengan jelas segala yang anda Mengisi. Karena kelak bakal sangat menolong anda bila berjalan masalah lupa akun dan lain sebagainya.

Terkecuali dari itu, Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya juga sediakan pada kalian adanya 7 permainan yang bisa anda mainkan dalam 1 akun maka kalian dipastikan tidak bakal merasakan kebosanan Main-main. Lalu apa sajakah permainannya?

Situs Poker Online Domino420

Judi Indonesia Domino420 Online – Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya perdana sediakan permainan yang paling ternama di era thn 2000 an ialah Poker. Ya, Permainan yang sangat ternama dan memiliki sejumlah populasi penggemar diseluruh dunia ini jadi senjata andalan dari Bandar Judi Terkemuka Indonesia Domino420.

Benar-benar sudah banyak sekali mungkin Situs Judi Online yang memberikan terhadap kalian beraneka ragam penawaran tentang permainan Poker Online. Tapi seluruh bakal terasa tidak serupa jikalau kalian main di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya.

Dengan memanfaatkan server PKV Games dalam permainannya, Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya dengan cara langsung menyajikan terhadap anda permainan yang persis 100% seperti yang bisa anda mainkan di dalam Kasino Asli.

Seluruh kelengkapan permainan, System serta cara yang dimainkan dengan cara langsung memanfaatkan peraturan yang sama maka anda bisa merasakan permainan yang sangat seru dan menengangkan. Serta ditambah dengan memakai Uang Asli dengan cara langsung dalam Gamenya, Membuat anda tentunya tidak dapat kecewa sama sekali saat main di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya.

( Cara Main Poker Domino420 )

Bagi kalian mungkin beberapa sudah mengerti tentang bagaimana cara permainan Poker, Tapi ada beberapa hal dan Arahan Menang Poker Domino420 yang butuh anda ketahui yang kerap dilupakan oleh para pemain maka mereka tidak jarang mengalami kekalahan.

Cara ini butuh sekali anda saksikan dan lakukan buat mencari kemenangan saat main-main di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya maka anda yang coba buat main-main dapat dapat menambah pundi-pundi rp sekaligus mendapati kesenangan dalam bermain.

Kiat dalam permainan Poker di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya yang butuh kalian lihat tidaklah serumit yang anda butuh bayangkan sebenarnya, Memang lah cara ini juga tidak jarang difungsikan oleh para profesional sebagai kiat utk dapat menang dengan diperlukannya latihan yang dilakukan terus menerus.

Yuk mari dengan cara langsung kita bongkar saja apa saja sih sebenarnya bagaimana caranya utk dapat menang main-main Poker di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Situs Poker Online Terbaik.

Kesabaran Dalam Bermain Situs Judi Online Domino420

Judi Indonesia Domino420 Online – Salah satu kunci biar dapat menang main Poker Online yaitu kesabaran. Ya, Baik dalam sisi menunggu card ataupun menantikan kesempatan yang baik dalam membawa suatu Ketetapan. Cara ini senantiasa diperlukan oleh seluruh profesional dalam permainannya dan benar-benar terkadang cukup susah-susah Enteng, Bakal tapi dengan latihan dan tidak jarang bermain tentu anda dapat dapat terbiasa.

Kesabaran dalam menantikan card tangan yang baik benar-benar terbilang senantiasa memberikan tantangan tersendiri buat kita yang main-main Judi ya, Ditambah lagi kalau sudah mengalami kekalahan tentu akibat suasana kita bisa lupa maksud dan main dengan jelek pada akhirnya.

Tidak serupa dengan permainan Judi Yang lain, Poker yaitu suatu permainan taktik di mana utk mencari kemenangan sebenarnya seluruhnya tergantung paling besar dari keberuntungan serta ketetapan yang kalian ambil.

Kesabaran dalam menonton situasi permainan juga sangat penting, Di mana anda membaca kesempatan anda serta bisa saja buat dapat menang dan membaca sekiranya kesempatan lawan anda. Bagaimanapun juga seluruhnya sangat penting demi mempertahankan chip anda utk meraup keuntungan disaat memperoleh kesempatan dan waktu yang tepat.

Tidak seperti permainan lain, Poker benar benar mengandalkan Ketetapan, kesempatan serta keberuntungan yang anda milki karena tidak ada yang memiliki kepastian bakal kemenangan sebelum seluruh card dibuka.

Buat Anda yang mungkin pemula atau baru mau menggali ilmu cara permainan Poker, Saya telah siapkan artikel husus ialah Pedoman Main-main Situs Poker Online Domino420 yang memberikan penjelasan tata cara permainan.

Taruhan Paksa Situs Poker Online Domino420

Ya, Taruhan paksa yakni salah satu cara yang butuh anda pelajari di mana anda sangat butuh mengetahui utk dapat melakukan pengiritan dan memakai dengan cara total uang yang anda miliki didalam kesempatan yang tepat.

Taruhan paksa sendiri terdapat 2 di dalam poker merupakan Blind dan Ante. Di mana jikalau anda berada atau duduk di dalam Game, anda setidaknya mesti berada di posisi setelah dealer setidaknya satu atau dua tempat duduk. Maka anda berkesempatan utk memperoleh card tanpa terkena taruhan paksa nantinya.

Cara Taruhan Judi Online Domino420 Menyenangkan ini paling tidak jarang dilakukan di dalam permainan Poker Online oleh para profesional utk mencari card dan kesempatan ditangan. Dengan memakai cara ini anda setidaknya bisa terhindar beberapa putaran dalam melakukan pembayaran taruhan paksa di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya.

Membaca Kesempatan Di Situs Judi Online Domino420

Dalam permainan taktik seperti Poker, Anda butuh sekali menyaksikan kesempatan yang dapat berlangsung dengan kepercayaan diri yang tinggi Pastinya. Cara membaca kesempatan dapat hadir juga dapat dipelajari dengan cara tidak jarang bermain.

Kesempatan terkadang tidak bisa ditebak, Karena dalam permainan Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya anda tentunya sesekali bakal meraih kesempatan buat memenangkan permainan di mana anda mesti menyaksikan kapan kesempatan tersebut muncul.

Pengambilan ketentuan jadi hal yang sangat penting serta keberanian anda dalam fight di dalam putaran tersebut. Kerap banyak sekali pemain yang senantiasa merasa tidak percaya diri dan pilih utk menyerah lebih-lebih dahulu.

Tentu saja benar-benar tidak ada yang 100% tentu di dalam permainan Judi termasuk juga Poker. Anda hanya butuh tidak jarang main-main dan menonton aktivitas permainan yang Berlangsung. Bila anda memperoleh perasaan bahwa itu yaitu kesempatan paling baik maka anda mesti berani dalam membawa keputusan.
Mengertak Lawan di Situs Poker Online Domino420

Judi Online Indonesia Domino420 Online – Hal ini senantiasa jadi alasan oleh siapapun yang main Poker Online baik di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya. Keseruan poker memang lah senantiasa terletak di Taruhan yang berlangsung di mana adanya kesempatan buat mengertak lawan.

Menguasai jalannya putaran atau permainan yang terjadi bukanlah hal yang mudah dilakukan dalam Poker. Dapat namun kalau anda benar-benar merasa memiliki keyakinan tinggi utk dapat menang tentu anda bisa memancing lawan buat jatuh ke dalam perangkap kalian.

Kebanyakan dalam permainan Situs Judi Online baik di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya terdapat banyak sekali orang yang melakukan ALL-In di awal permainan. Umumnya mereka memiliki kebolehan card di tangan yang cukup baik.

Tentu saja cara ini dilakukan buat menghindari card kecil memperoleh kesempatan buat menang. Cara ini juga bisa anda terapkan meski mungkin saja besar utk menang masih di angka 50%-50% karena card di tengah sama sekali belum terbuka.

Dengan bersaing keberuntungan juga adalah skill tertentu yang dilakukan oleh para profesional yang merasa percaya dan ingin membawa taruhan paksa yang dilakukan pemain lain atau para Player yang sedang mencari kesempatan supaya menyerah.

Dengan memperhatikan 4 trick di atas dalam permainan Poker di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya tentu diinginkan anda dapat meraup keuntungan yang besar saat main dan tidak lupa juga buat terus berlatih main-main Poker.

Karena benar-benar permainan poker bukanlah sembarang permainan yang bisa dimenangkan hanya dengan mengandalkan keberuntungan. Tapi juga mengandalkan keahlian yang kalian miliki, Banyak sekali orang yang mengemukakan bahwa Poker yakni permainan Strategi.

Lalu mari kita beranjak lanjut ke permainan kemudian yang telah disediakan oleh Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya.

Agen BandarQ Terpercaya & Situs Poker Online Domino420

Sebagai orang Indonesia, Tentunya beberapa dari kalian sudah mengetahui Domino420 Judi Online Indonesia tentang cara dan permainan ini ya. Game yang kerap dinamakan dengan nama Gaple, Kiu, Atau Dominoqq ini benar-benar jadi salah satu permainan yang kerap tidak jarang kali dicari oleh orang Indonesia.

Game yang rata rata dimainkan dirumah dan sangat disenangi baik mulai dari anak kecil sampai orang dewasa ini benar-benar senantiasa memberikan kesenangan tersendiri. Ya, permainan yang sangat mengandalkan keberuntungan dan sangat mudah dimainkan ini senantiasa menarik pecinta dari seluruh golongan.

Di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya juga sediakan terhadap kalian permainan yang satu ini ialah BandarQ. Di mana cara permainannya yakni tiap-tiap pemain bakal dibagikan 2 buah card dan mencari nilai yang paling tinggi di mana nilai tertingginya adalah 9.

Buat peraturan permainan nya pun tidak beralih adalah dapat ada seseorang bandar dari pemain sebagai patokan anda buat berkompetisi nilai. Seandainya pemain mendapati nilai paling tinggi yaitu 9 Maka, Bandar diharuskan utk membayar 2 kali lipat dari taruhan yang dilakukan oleh pemain.

Tetapi seandainya pemain mendapati nilai yang sama dengan bandar, Maka Bandar dianggap sebagai terpandai dan berwenang meraih uang taruhan yang dilakukan pemain. Tentu saja keberuntungan yang tinggi sangat anda perlukan dalam main Agen BandarQ yang satu ini.

Judi Terpercaya Memang lah dalam permainan ini tidaklah memiliki Trick, Karena Memang lah sangat mengandalkan keberuntungan yang anda miliki. Ada sedikit yang butuh anda ketahui juga dalam permainan BandarQ Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya.

Di mana saat Main, Jikalau anda main-main di BandarQ. Kalian bisa merasakan bagaimana jadi bandar dengan cara terus menerus dan melawan seluruh pemain yang ada.

Cara Jadi Bandar di Situs Judi Online Domino420

Buat jadi Bandar di BandarQ, Anda hanya butuh mengambil uang lebih banyak yang sudah ditentukan batasan minimal dan maksimal meja utk jadi Bandar di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya.

Buat menemukan nilai minimal dan maksimal, Anda bisa melihatnya sebelum masuk ke dalam Meja. Tidak serupa dengan BandarQ Poker Judi Terpercaya yang sediakan bandar di tengah, BandarQ sendiri adalah bandar yang berputar. Di mana tiap-tiap pemain bakal meraih giliran dan dapat jadi bandar sewaktu-waktu.

Putaran yang ditentukan merupakan searah jarum jam adalah ke kanan. Tiap-tiap pemain yang mengambil uang yang cukup jadi Bandar bakal dengan cara automatic dapat jadi bandar di saat giliran tiba dan diputar ke pemain lain.

Tentu saja keseruan games ini tidak boleh kalian lewatkan begitu saja. Sangat pas sekali buat anda yang sedang memiliki keberuntungan tinggi dan suka jadi Bandar.

Agen Domino QQ Terbaik Indonesia Domino420

Game keempat yang disediakan oleh Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya tidak juga luput adalah Domino QQ atau lebih ternama dengan nama KiuKiu / QQ yang pastinya masih dalam lokasi lingkup permainan yang memanfaatkan card Gaple atau Domino.

Sebenarnya anda butuh mengetahui tentang Tutorial Main-main BandarQ Sarana99 Apalagi dulu sebelum melakukan penjelasan lebih lanjut. Karena dalam permainannya, Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya memiliki cara permainan yang sedikit berlainan di bandingkan yang anda sempat mainkan bersama teman atau kerabat kalian.

Di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya bakal ada pertaruhan yang berjalan sedikit serupa dengan Poker di mana anda sangat butuh berani dalam membawa ketetapan dan cara ini memang lah sengaja disiapkan utk menarik keseruan dari permainan Domino QQ.

Situs Capsa Susun Terpercaya Indonesia Domino420

Janganlah sempat bilang bahwa anda ialah pecinta Judi bila tidak tahu permainan yang satu ini nih ya, Lebih-lebih kalau bukan Capsa Susun. Ya, Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesia juga sediakan permainan Capsa Susun.

Pastinya dengan penampilan permainan, System serta cara rumus menang yang sama dengan aslinya, Tapi seandainya umumnya Capsa Susun dimainkan oleh 4 orang. Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya bisa dimainkan oleh 3 orang saja.

Tapi anda tidak butuh khawatir karena tidak ada yang beralih kok dalam permainannya, Buat berita tentang permainan anda dapat mencari Info ke Arahan Main Capsa Susun Domino420.

Anda dapat menikmati permainan Capsa Susun dan menunjukan kekuatan anda dalam main-main di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya. Diberikan waktu 1 menit buat melakukan penyusunan Card.

Agen Sakong Indonesia Domino420

Permainan ketujuh yang disiapkan oleh Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya ini merupakan Sakong yang memiliki nama lain yang ternama yaitu Sakong. Mungkin beberapa dari kalian sudah mengenal dan ada sebahagian yang belum mendalami instrik permainan ini ya.

Anda bisa menemukan info cara permainan tentang Sakong di Tips Main Sakong Sarana99. Karena dengan mendalami cara permainan barulah anda dapat bisa main-main karena terdapat beberapa peraturan yang berbeda.

Game mencari 3 buah raja ini benar-benar senantiasa membuat rasa penasaran yang cukup tinggi, Tapi jikalau anda main di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya. Anda bakal merasakan permainan yang lebih seru dan menegangkan karena adanya taruhan yang berlangsung seperti Poker.

Maka permainan bakal tampik lebih menarik buat di mainkan. Hal tersebut benar-benar dengan sengaja dilakukan utk meningkatkan mutu permainan serta memberikan keseruan bagi para penggemar Judi Poker Online.

Begitulah sekiranya 7 permainan yang disiapkan oleh Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya yang dapat anda mainkan dengan cara langsung hanya dengan melakukan pendaftaran free yang sudah disediakan.

Pendaftaran Gratis Tanpa Biaya Domino420

Setelah melakukan pendaftaran pun, Anda bisa melakukan unduh aplikasi baik buat handphone android ataupun I-Phone loh. Yang benar-benar dengan sengaja disiapkan buat para peminat dan pelanggan setia Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya demi menolong akses.

Kalian bisa main di mana saja dan kapan saja sesuka hati hanya dengan memakai Ponsel canggih anda karena Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya telah mengikuti perkembangan teknologi yang terbaru.

Terkecuali itu, Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya juga memakai Server PKV Games dan memiliki system permainan FairPlay utk seluruh pemain. Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesia sudah tertulis sebagai salah satu Judi Poker Terpercaya.

Sedikit bakal saya berikan kabar bagi yang belum mengetahui tentang PKV Games nih. PKV Games yakni satu buah Server Judi Online yang diberikan kelegalan dalam beroperasi dengan cara Online oleh Negara Filipina, Tentu saja PKV Games hanya memberikan izin terhadap Agen tertentu dan yang diharuskan mengikuti ketentuan yang berlaku.

Permainan Situs Judi Online FairPlay Domino420

Lalu utk bagian tentang Permainan FairPlay yang disiapkan oleh Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya ini memanglah sudah sejak awal sudah diharuskan demi menjaga kenyamanan para pelanggan setia.

Anda pun dapat melakukan pendaftaran free di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya. Seterusnya tanpa melakukan deposit sama sekali, Anda dapat dengan cara langsung menonton permainan yang sedang terjadi di meja.

Anda yang menyaksikan dengan cara langsung tentu bisa menyaksikan apakah benar kecurangan dapat berlangsung atau tidak dan kalian bisa membawa rangkuman sendiri dan memutuskan buat main atau tidak. Tiap-tiap pemain tentu dapat mengusahakan buat mencari kemenangan dengan cara apapun karena dalam permainannya dengan cara langsung memanfaatkan uang asli.

Di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya anda bisa melakukan minimal deposit se gede 10.000 dan penarikan dana senilai 15.000 yang tentu saja juga sudah disiapkan tempat utk melakukan transaksinya.

Kemudahan Cara Transaksi Domino420

Terdapat begitu banyak tempat yang bisa anda lakukan utk bertransaksi yang sengaja sudah disiapkan buat memberikan kemudahan buat kalian Pastinya. Ya, mulai dari via Bank Bca, Bank Bni, Bank Bri, Bank Mandiri, Bank Danamon, Bank CIMB selanjutnya ada lagi Via Pulsa Telkomsel, XL dan Axis serta Via Virtual Account adalah Ovo, Dana dan Go-Pay.

Tidak lupa juga pastinya disiapkan juga administrator yang dapat dengan cepat lakukan segala proses deposit dan penarikan dana tidak sampai 2 menit saja seluruhnya proses transaksi anda bakal selesai dengan cepat.

Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya juga telah menyiapkan kusus buat kalian adanya Pelayanan 24 jam nonstop yang bisa anda akses dengan mudah sebagai tempat buat memberikan anda jawaban seandainya terdapat kesalahan atau ganjalan dalam membuka permainan.

Domino420 Bonus Menarik paling besar di Indonesia

Tidak juga lupa Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya juga sediakan buat kalian adanya beraneka Bonus yang menarik dengan nilai yang sangat tinggi dan tidak ada batas yang bisa kalian dapatkan.

Bonus Referral Terbesar Situs Judi Online Domino420

Hadiah Bonus Refferal Terbesar ini dikhususkan utk anda baik yang tidak suka main-main Judi ataupun yang pecinta Judi. Dengan mengundang teman atau kenalan kalian utk main di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya maka anda mempunyai wewenang memperoleh Bonus Referral.

Tentu saja mengundang dengan memakai Kode Referral yang anda miliki dengan cara mendaftarkan diri apalagi dulu di mana anda bakal dapat membagikan Link buat disebarkan baik lewat pesan whatsapp, Fb, atau social sarana lainnya.

Semakin banyak orang yang kalian undang maka dapat semakin banyak bonus yang bisa anda dapatkan dan butuh sekali ketahuan bahwa bonus ini tidak memiliki batasan sama sekali. Maka anda bisa memperoleh bonus sebanyak-banyaknya bergantung dari orang yang bisa kalian undang.

Bonus Turn Over 0.5% Domino420

Bonus TurnOver atau kerap dinamakan Bonus CashBack ini bisa didapatkan dengan cara yang sangat mudah yaitu Main. Ya, Tiap-tiap transaksi taruhan yang berlangsung anda mempunyai wewenang memperoleh Bonus CashBack se gede 0.5 % yang dengan cara automatis sudah dihitung oleh system di Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya.

Sebenarnya dalam Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesia tiap-tiap transaksi yang berlangsung dapat senantiasa dicatat di mana tiap-tiap minggunya bonus ini bakal langsung masuk ke akun anda. Sebagai info juga bahwa bonus ini memiliki tidak ada batasan sama yang bisa kalian dapatkan jumlahnya mungkin hanya dengan bermain.

( Bonus Jackpot Beberapa ratus Juta Rupiah Domino420 )

Bonus Jackpot Terbesar ini juga sengaja disiapkan oleh Domino420 Agen Judi Online dan Poker Online Terpercaya di mana anda bisa mendapatkannya dengan sedikit cara yang mesti dapat dilewati merupakan yang mula-mula yaitu anda mesti duduk di meja setidaknya VIP dan ke-2 anda mesti berhasil memperoleh card Jackpot.

Ke-2 hal ini haruslah dilakukan bersamaan utk mendapati Bonus Jackpot ini. Sebenarnya di dalam pembelian jackpot terdapat beberapa harga yang bisa anda memilih mulai dari 500, 1.000, 2.000, dan 5.000 yang bakal tentukan besaran hasil yang bisa kalian dapatkan kalau anda berhasil memperoleh jackpot.
submitted by Dominoqq420 to u/Dominoqq420 [link] [comments]

Community Bug List and Wish List

DISCLAIMER: This list is out of date as of patch 2.1 !!! Post is no longer featured / stickied, hence I don't see a point of keeping it updated.
I'd like to remind everyone that this is a community effort. CTRL + F for the bug or wish you want to post before posting it. If you find someone has posted it in the comments already, upvote it. I regularly scroll through all the comments to see what's been upvoted in order to determine what should be on the list next.
My attempt and compiling a bunch of information in one place for easier referral. This isn't to list all bugs, just the ones that the community feels should be priority. They are in no particular order.
Please discuss, and I shall amend the list as appropriate. If you disagree, please comment on why, if your opinion is popular then the list shall be amended. Don't just downvote the post unless you disagree with the idea of the post in general, as opposed to something in the post.

2.0 Bugs

Status: Acknowledged/In Progress
Description: Player models can sometimes glitch into a "T-pose" or "reference pose" that appears completely black, and doesn't represent the player's actual stance.
Reproducibility: Unknown
Status: Acknowledged/In Progress
Description: Players can cancel removing a Kapkan trap, and therefore remove its laser beam. Subsequent trap placements then become glitched and not facing the correct direction.
Reproducibility: While removing a trap, press the place trap button.
Status: Unresolved
Description: Players sometimes appear to be facing the completely wrong direction to other players.
Reproducibility: Unknown.
Status: Unresolved.
Description: Operators with large helmets, masks, or ear protection will die from a headshot if shot in these areas, despite it not actually being their head.
Reproducibility: 100% reproducibility. Aim and fire at the tips/corners of gas mask filters and helmets.
Status: Acknowledged/In Progress
Description: Multiple instances of hits from both firearms and melee not registering at all.
Reproducibility: Unknown. Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Status: Unresolved.
Description: Even after a barricade has been destroyed, some players may not be able to move through the seemingly open doorway, however other players will have no hindrance. The game will "rubber band" the effected player back in front of the doorway if they attempt to move through it.
Reproducibility: Unreliable. Destroy a door barricade and attempt to move through it. Example
Status: Unresolved.
Description: An attacker who is rappelling and looking at drone cameras will be invincible until they stop looking at the cameras.
Reproducibility: Unknown. Have an attacker rappel on a wall, and view a drone, then shoot them as a defender. Example
Status: Unresolved.
Description: The drone physics can be quite iffy, sometimes causing them to fly off into the air to a ridiculous degree.
Reproducibility: Semi-reliable. Example Throw the drone at angled piece of geometry, such as the plane stairs.
Status: Acknowledged/In Progress
Description: When player A (Glaz) fires at Castle's barricade with an unsuppressed weapon, the barricade will be destroyed on player A's screen, but not for other players in the match. (Description taken from Ubisoft.)
Reproducibility: 100% reproducibility.
Status: Unresolved.
Description: When firing rapidly with a weapon as a shield, a "flinch" animation will sometimes play as if the player is falling for about half a second.
Reproducibility: Semi-reliable. Aim down the sides as a shield and fire as quickly as possible.
Status: Acknowledged/In Progress
Description: Player body parts and weapons can clip through solid objects/walls and give away their positions.
Reproducibility: 100% reproducibility. Have a player stand next to a wall that's thin enough, and turn to point their weapon through to the other side of the wall.
Status: Unresolved
Description: Thrown objects like nitro cells and grenades will sometimes "rubber band" back to the player that threw it as if it hit an obstacle, despite the throw appearing to clear it.
Reproducibility: Unreliable.
Status: Unresolved
Description: Nitro cells can stick to the edges of tiny leaves on plants.
Reproducibility: 100% reproducibility. Throw a nitro cell at a plant's leaves. Example
Status: Unresolved
Description: The player will sometimes glitch through a wall when rappelling on a breakable surface, such a plywood.
Reproducibility: Unreliable. Start to rappel against a plywood wall. Example.
Status: Unresolved
Description: When playing Montagne, large areas of the glass can become entirely black, making it very difficult to see.
Reproducibility: Unreliable. As Montagne, the glass can become black whether damaged or not.
Status: Unresolved
Description: Sometimes when playing as Sledge, hitting a wall that is indestructible with the sledgehammer will issue the player with +5 points.
Reproducibility: Unreliable. As Sledge, hit an indestructible wall with your sledgehammer.
Status: Unresolved
Description: After a certain sensitivity, the character will not move smoothly when turning and instead "stutter".
Reproducibility: 100% reproducibility. Set look sensitivity to 75% and turn in circles. Example
Status: Unresolved
Description: Switching to pistol and then back to primary as an FBI operator will mis-align the weapon sights. Can be resolved by looking at drone cam.
Reproducibility: 100% reproducibility. Spawn as an FBI operator, switch to pistol, switch to primary, ADS, then fire. Observe the bullet does not hit on the mark of the sight. Example
Status: Unresolved
Description: Even when the player is disconnected through no fault or their own, via error or otherwise, the option to reconnect is not given, and the timeout penalty is given.
Reproducibility: Unreliable. Be disconnected from a match via error or other means that are out of your control.
Status: Unresolved
Description: Smoke from smoke grenades often do not provide the same amount of cover from client to client, as is not synced correctly.
Reproducibility: Semi-reliable. Start match with 2 or more people (more the better) and throw a smoke grenade. Observe the differences between different players points of view of the smoke.
Status: Unresolved
Description: Being sent into DBNO can sometimes cause the player to teleport/clip through walls.
Reproducibility: Unreliable. Be sent into a DBNO state. Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Status: Acknoweldged/In Progress
Description: In Casino, there is a set of slot machines that you can vault in to that will move you through a solid, impenetrable wall.
Reproducibility: 100% reproducibility. Damage a slot machine with melee or otherwise, and then move against them whilst spamming the vault button. Example
Status: Acknowledged/In Progress
Description: Completing a match of Terrorist Hunt gives drastically low renown no matter the difficulty.
Reproducibility: 100% reproducibility. Play and complete any match of Terrorist Hunt on any difficulty.
Status: Unresolved
Description: Sometimes the in-game audio will act erratically, some sounds becoming completely silent leaving only the background noise. When the bug occurs it can occur off/on again when moving around the map, or be permanent until the round ends.
Reproducibility: Unknown. Example
Status: Unresolved
Description: When thrown, drones will sometimes clip through walls/floors and fall through the world, effectively wasting a drone.
Reproducibility: Unreliable. Throw a drone at a wall, or at the corner where the wall meets the floor.

Wish List

Perhaps a contentious subject, but as far as I have read, the majority believe Tachanka is underpowered. His static placement, and restriction in placing his MG often makes him an easy target. It is also believed that he should be more of a counter for shields.
Proposed changes:
- Make MG placement less-restrictive, and make it clear what the "clear-zone" is for the MG via a coloured aura around the player, much like when placing jammers.
- MG fire on a shield should slow them down, or make them unable to move forward, perhaps forcing the shield user to grip their shield tighter, and therefore not be able to ADS.
- Alternatively, (and less likely to be considered) instead make Tachanka's special ability a bipod. His MG should be his primary, with the ability to deploy a bipod on any surface as his special ability.
The laser-less trap bug has unintentionally highlighted the plus-side of such a feature. The laser at least should be removed from the trap, as to not make it so obvious. It already makes noise, and has a large obvious hook coming out of the wall. This change could also make IQ a more viable operator outside of her weaponry, even more so if the hook is removed. More in-depth exploration here.
Due to most, if not all traps/electronics being able to be detected via simple visual/audio cues without the need of a specialist tool, it is generally felt that IQ's ability is useless, and is only used for her good weaponry. IQ being able to detect very specifically what type of device she's seeing with her gadget would increase her usefulness, much like in her operator video. Furthermore, to further assist her team, the ability for her to "ping" electronic devices for the team to see is desired along with what the device she's marked is.
Additionally, giving her the ability to have smoke grenades in her deployable-slot will further increase her usefulness due to her gadget's ability to see people's silhouettes through smoke with her gadget.
We already know this is coming at some point, just reiterating it here.
If the game is not 5 v 5 (or at least even teams such as 3 v 3) then the match should be cancelled, and postponed until the matchmaking system can pit even teams together.
Decrease the ranking penalty for losing against ranks higher than oneself. A Silver 3 should not be de-ranked for losing against a Diamond team for example.
Sometimes a player will spawn in the open and in the sight of outside-facing windows/doorways, making them fodder for defenders who are waiting to try and get early-game kills. The unlucky player has no way to counter this other than to immediately turn and shoot them before they are shot. The spawns should always be well within cover as to prevent insta-spawn kills.
The location of the camera on the player's body can be deceptive as to how much of their head/body they are revealing. Having bullets come out of the gun instead of the camera would also be a plus.
Looking up or down with a shield should make the operator tilt his shield up or down in accordance. It's quite deceptive currently, for when a player looks up it appears that their shield lifts up as well, but this is not the case, for it's locked on the Y axis.
It could just be people messing with their map preferences, but the algorithm for determining map rotation should be looked at to make sure every map gets an even play if no one has preferences set.
Allow custom game Terrorist Hunt matches with adjustable parameters like AI accuracy, damage, density, number of rounds etc.
Allow attackers and defenders to play together regardless of the game mode.
Allow operators to change their weapon loadout/attachments on the operator selection screen before a round.
Allow a "quit to lobby" option as opposed to quitting to the main menu when in a custom game. This prevents time being unnecessarily wasted in having to set up the match again.
Use "spawn rotation elimination" so that a team does not defend the same location more than once in a round.
Make it so that quitting at the end of a match does not split the squad up, it's quite frustrating having to re-invite everyone into a squad when you want to go back to the menu to edit operators.
Allow players to rank their favourite operators (such as 1 to 5) on ATK and DEF, such as when they are absent from the operator selection screen the game automatically picks their most favoured operator (or if another player has already picked it, their second favourite etc.) This should prevent players from being automatically given a recruit if they fail to pick an operator. Taken from this post.
Allow players to choose whether they stay on their drone or not once the attacking phase begins so that they're not "kicked off" the drone against their wishes.
submitted by Trivvy to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

A Rough Quick Fire Guide To BoT From A WR Players' Perspective.

Good luck.
AI does Sprint
Battles can be 4vs4 or 8vs8
submitted by myfaultagain to battletitans [link] [comments]

[USA-NJ][H] Atari 400/800/2600, N64, NES, SNES, NEOGEO, T16,TurboCD,PC games, Gameboy, GBA,PS1,PS2, DS, 3DS, Pokemon | [W] NES games, Nintendo Power #1, G&W

Hi Everyone. About me: I have one goal. To complete the NES US licensed Collection. Everything else is up for trade <> Photos of all the games below can be found on my IG page. Trade rep: I have traded on IG, Reddit and FB. I also sell on ebay with 100% rating Google Doc Link:
Major Wants: NES titles I do not own. It could be 2 dollar titles or 200 dollars. Secondary wants: Nintendo Power #1, Game and Watch, Low Serial # NES system
--Atari 400/800-- Popeye (CIB) Super Cobra (CIB) Chess (CIB) ChopLifter (CIB) ---Atari 2600 (CIB)-- Backgammon (CIB) Basic Math (CIB) Basketball (CIB) Bowling (CIB) Boxing (CIB) Brain Games [Atari] Casino (CIB) Video Chess [Atari] Codebreaker [Atari] Dodge 'Em (CIB) Flag Capture [Picture Label] Football [Atari] Golf [Atari] Hangman (CIB) Home Run (CIB) Ice Hockey (CIB) Laser Blast (CIB) Night Driver [Atari] Othello [Atari] Outlaw (CIB) Skiing (CIB) Slot Racer (CIB) Tennis (CIB) 3d tic tac toe (CIB) Video Pinball (CIB) Warlords (CIB) --GameCube-- Crazy Taxi Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events Luigi's Mansion Metroid Prime Pikmin Resident Evil 4 Star Fox Adventures Star Fox Assault Super Mario Sunshine Zelda Four Swords Adventures CIB --NES-- Bases Loaded Bases Loaded II: Second Season Battle of Olympus, The Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers, Disney's Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom Dragon Warrior Fester's Quest Flying Dragon: The Secret Scroll Gauntlet II Golf Goonies II Gun.Smoke Hogan's Alley Jaws Little Mermaid, Disney's Legend of Zelda Ninja Gaiden Pac-Man [Tengen Unlicensed] Pro Wrestling R.C. Pro-Am Rad Racer Rad Racer R.B.I. Baseball RoboCop Simpsons: Bart Vs. the Space Mutants Simpsons: Bart Vs. the World Skate or Die Solar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden Warpship Spy Hunter Star Voyager Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt Super Mario Bros. 2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game Tetris Tetris Top Gun Top Gun --N64-- Banjo-Kazooie Diddy Kong Racing Donkey Kong 64 GoldenEye 007 Hey You, Pikachu! Mario Kart 64 Mario Party Mario Party 2
Mario Tennis Mickey's Speedway USA Pokemon Snap Pokemon Stadium Pokemon Stadium 2 Quake Star Fox 64 Super Mario 64 Super Mario All-Stars Super Mario World Super Smash Bros. Wave Race 64 Zelda: Ocarina of Time --Super Nintendo-- Super Mario World Super Mario All-Stars Donkey Kong Country 1 Donkey Kong Country 2 Donkey Kong Country 3 TMNT: Tournament Fighters Secret of Mana Castlevania Iv Super Metroid Sim City Spiderman Secret of Evermore Super Bomberman Super Metroid -CIB Street Fighter Final Fight --DS/3DS-- Pokemon X Pokemon Alpha Saphire Pokemon Y Pokemon Sun Pokemon White Pokemon platinum Pokemon SoulSilver Pokemon Mystic Dungeon Pokemon Black Pokemon HeartGold Pokemon White 2 Pokemon Silver Kirby Megaman ZX Mario Party DS Metal Slug 7 --Key Manuals SNES-- Turtles in Time Zelda +Map Contra 3 CastleVania Iv Bomberman Super Ghouls and Ghosts --PS1-- Test Drive 4 [Greatest Hits] Sydney 2000 Chicken Run Driver / Driver 2 [Twin Pack] -Sealed Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation Syphon Filter 3 [Greatest Hits] Dino Crisis Legend of Dragoon [Greatest Hits] Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix Lost World: Jurassic Park [Greatest Hits] Legacy of Kain- Sealed --PS2-- 007: Nightfire Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy X-2 Final Fantasy XII Goblin Commander: Unleash The Horde(Disc only) God of War GrimGrimoire Jak X: Combat Racing Kingdom Hearts- greatest hits Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories Mega Man X Collection Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs Zeon Mobile Suit Gundam: Never Ending Tomorrow Shadow of the Colossus Shadow the Hedgehog Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Sly 2: Band of Thieves Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves World Championship Poker Ghost Recon SOCOM II US Navy Seals Prince of Persia Sands of Time Prince of Persia Two Thrones Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy X-2 Max Payne X-men Wolverines Revenge Smuggler's Run 2 Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events Rise to Honor Dance Dance Revolution Extreme God of War Resident Evil 4 The Sims Bustin Out Dropship United Peace Force The Matrix Path of Neo Black Crazy Taxi Manhunt Army Men Sarge's Heroes 2 Victorious Boxers: Ippo's Road to Glory Oni --PC Games-- Star wars trilogy Cd-Rom Star wars Rebel Assault 2 V is for Victory market Garden V is for Victory russian front Steel Panthers Shogun Total war 1942 Gold Everquest 2- shadow odyssey Combat Classics Age of wonders Harpoon chalenger pak Axis & Allies (PC, 2004) rare pc strategy game in box with manual Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader (PC, 2003) BLITZKRIEG Attack is the Only Defense PC Excellent Condition Complete Army Men I, II, & RTS PC Games. FREE Shipping Heros Of Might And Magic 3 - Pc - big box - disk w/case - manual Heroes of Might and Magic III 3: Armageddon's Blade Expansion Pack (PC, 1999) Disciples 2 Dark Prophecy Axis & Allies (PC, 1998) heroes 5 pc Heroes of Might and Magic V 5 + Tribes the East PEOPLE'S GENERAL +1Clk Windows 10 8 7 Vista XP Install PANZER GENERAL III SCORCHED EARTH PC GAME HEROES OF MIGHT AND MAGIC IV PC GAME HEROES OF MIGHT AND MAGIC IV gathering Anthologies Of War Deluxe Collection PC Game DVD World War 1 2 Civil BLITZKRIEG Civil war 2 PACIFIC GENERAL PCCD By SSI Panzer General 3D Assault PC Game Heroes of Might and Magic II gold T16 - CIC Galaga 98 Double Dungeons China Warrior Dragon Spirit Keith Courage J.J. and Jeff Victory Run V Tatical Gladiator T16 -Loose World Sports competition TurboCD CIC Ys Book 1 and 2 --OTHER-- SMS-Montezuma Revenge- CIB Gamboy Link Awakening-CIB NEO Geo-World Hereos 2 Neo Geo Samurai Showdown
--Systems-- Dreamcast Nintendo Super Nintendo Loose Super Nintendo Mini N64- JPN- Gameboy Color Gamboy Advance Super Nintendo CIB
submitted by robnjit to gameswap [link] [comments]

Some Thoughts thus far on Axis Divisions

Because you asked nicely (:P) I've collated my thoughts thus far. I'm a fairly experienced in the Wargame series with about 800 hours across the games. Not to say I'm good but that I spend alot of time theorycrafting! The Axis tend to have a trait that they have multirole assets (recon inf with AT, the 88 etc). Also their CAS is miles better than the Allies. Without any further ado, my favorites ranked top to bot.
1.) Rommel - I actually really like this division. Its phase A is balanced. Theres enough infantry to make a case for operating in towns or open country. The option for a Panzer IV in phase A for 80 is nice. Its HE but will deal with guns or light tanks well enough. If I'm honest, I dont really need the 355 in phase A but its there in the event I lose both IVs (which is unrecoverable honestly) Halftrack AT is medicore phase A but I think overall the deck does just enough phase A to warrant the 85 rating rather than something higher. A large number of 88s strengthen a defensive phase B and is backed up by a number of SPG. You then move again onto the offensive in Phase C with Junkers and King Tigers and their weird 'tanks but also rocket artillery'. I really enjoy this deck. The tempo changes are nice and keep things challenging and finely balanced. Its about managing attrition until phase C but it doesnt feel like economy deck with plenty of things to do in the early and mid game.
2.) Panzer Lehr - Their access to a 2 star puma phase a is expensive but really value if you know youre facing an armour-lite opponent. It lacks the punch of the B phase recon (which you get 6 1 star at 80 a pop) The deck is obviously designed with open country in mind. I personally stack double Tigers in phase B - its expensive so dont run them around carefree but if you can pair them up with a decent stormtrooper and grenadier mob you should make a really strong push mid game. The do lack infantry slots which makes them relatively weak in Phase A - you basically get a choice of Grenadiers and either Fuhrer or an MG. I usually pick the Fuhrer and then run a 251/21 to augment their firepower. Costs the same as the grenadier and keeps hold of the mobility. Phase B King Tiger sort of makes up for this but your Phase A is so weak you need to be careful of managing loses. Worth noting, the Panzerwerfer is a great pick up despite the 1 slot. Try and run the division on the flank of a town and aim to try and encircle while a more substantial infantry cadre clears with the help of rocket artillery. Fun to play just because of their expensive armour but so fragile if they lose their infantry.
3 .) HitlerJugend Super strong mid game deck. You can go light on Fuhrers if you run a Panzer III and have a steady flow of infantry into the mid game. Panzer IVs in B lend themselves to an early Phase B push. Their support is varied - some SPG some flametracks and their AT is as varied as it is potent - you can run 88s, inf AT and Jadgpanthers in phase B. I couple it with CAS to close out the mid game. You do have panthers phase C but to be honest see it as insurance rather than a keystone asset.
4.) Fallschirmjager - Really strong AT options in recon. I stack this deck heavily with them and the paratroopers. Then its Stug gun city up in this bitch. Take them whenever you can. They do Ok vs most allied armour but they are most at home pounding buildings and hedgerows for your infantry to crack open. Take the flamethrowers and youve got yourself a unit that WILL hold a town. The infantry is hard as nails, the MG options are ok but the Stug guns offer a point defence platform that can move around to the pressure points tucked into streets. You get a butt load of 88s later on and railroad arty. Take them both. While the 81mm mortar and 38 Flak are shoe in picks to cover you early game, nothing really compares to the large calibre firepower they offer. Stack the CAS in Phase B - when paired with recon planes you can cut off their phase B armour reinforcements giving you time to set up the 88s to hold a town. Stick to urban areas but youre happy regardless of if youre taking them or holding them with options for both in the same loadout.
5.) Eichenlaub/Oak leaves - Ok. I do love these guys even though I struggle to win with them. They are a classic aggro infantry division. You got conscripts to soak up or consolidate, stacked recon infantry, flame tanks, decent AT but poor air. This is a classic infantry focused division. Its hard as balls to play - your tanks are like Churchills armored in paper mache. They do the job as infantry support but may as well be a Citroen 2CV vs literally any other Armour option in the game. The railway guns late game offer you an Alamo option but dont expect them to be competitive. They work great in isolated skirmishes but the best way to beat them is push them head on en masse - they lack the weight to sit there and trade hits. But the flame tanks are nice :P
6.) 17th SS - Phase A is an odd one. At all stages they should have infantry in spades but you dont want to take fuhrer phase A as it will impact your Phase B substantially. Instead take an armored car from support. Its painfully under-gunned but leaves you stronger in the midgame for it. Tbh their support assets are variations on field guns with a couple of light SPGs. Nothing to write home about although their mechanized recon punches up the lackluster HE options. If I were you I'd dump the guns in favour of maxing other categories. Their AT is stacked throughout the game with a nice mix of emplacement, SP and infantry options. AA lacks any 88s. It sucks but this deck revolves around ultra aggressive phase A play and then digging in and holding the line. If you're playing conquest and dont get over the line, well, good luck to you. They do stack Stugs in Phase B but dont rely on this for a strat. Hit fast, hit early and then hold the line. The Arty options aid you in this. I wouldnt bother with the off map arty unless you are pushing faster than your 81s can redeploy. While nice they are too all in and the nebelerfers you get phase A are a better long term investment. The 210mm is however a viable alternative to the SK18 - I'd still take the SK18 but its buyers choice. Their air is varied. it does everything but doesnt do anything well. I'd avoid the Ju 88 running the 70kg bomblets. It looks cool but youll get better mileage out of a CAS asset. They stack Stukas which are handy early on but as I said, rely on your on map guns to hold and see the air assets as quick fixes to leakage in your line. Still trying to establish the environment they really excel at. I'd edge them toward hedgerow warriors or heavy woodland based on your timing but phase B flamethrowers mean if you can establish yourself early in towns then you'll be well placed to counter a push. Go figure.
7.) Haudegen - Theyre a jack of all trade. Nothing to particularly hang your hat on. Will basically do whatever you want them to do moderately well. Dont play them much because they lack a cohesive doctrine. Sorry not sorry but theres not much to say.
8.) Windhund - Not really an armoured division in my eyes. Lots of good arty but its at odds with their faster armoured and infantry assets. Air is ok. They seem to fill a void but I dunno why you would take this over the HitlerJungend for the mid game or Rommel if you want to take it late.
9.) Pegasus - aka the Verdun doctrine. This is about stacking conscripts and IG 18s. I personally hate this division. Its so one dimensional and goes against everything the German army learnt in the Great War. Not that the stratagem of sticking a load of infantry in front of a huge number of guns is "bad" but theres no mobility of note outside of Stug guns and the Jagdpanther. In truth its not viable competitively in its current state. It doesnt hold urban areas well and turning every town into Monte Casino is not 1. a viable way to win hearts and minds and 2. sort of makes fighting over the town pointless. Oh and they suck in open country. They seem designed to never have the initiative and just pour ordinance on whoever moves within range.
submitted by YouShiverMeTimber to Steel_Division [link] [comments]

My Personal gambling history, Statistics, and graphs

Hello everyone!
As a quick background on myself: I recently started gambling for the first time at the beginning of the year. I am a red chipper, usually at $5 min tables, occasionally going to $25 min, and stick mostly to table games. Over the past 4 months, I decided to start keeping track of my gambling activities, recording the date, game, location, and total money won or lost. There are some days where I forgot to record anything, so it isn't a completely accurate listing, but it's still pretty close.
I have compiled that information into a Google Docs spreadsheet located here and Imgur links below to the graphs and charts.
(Note: This is a throwaway Google Account and Reddit account, and the Google Sheet is not tied to my real name, so good luck to all you stalkers out there. :) )
Defining what my column titles mean:
Methodology of collecting data: Before buying into a game (exchanging cash for chips at a table or putting money into a machine) I would write down the amount I was buying in for (and if I bought in for more later, I would update it). After done playing, I would record the amount cashed out. The money I cashed out for would go back into my "gambling bankroll" to be used for the next game. This is why the Net Coin In and Net Coin Out are orders of magnitude off from my actual gains or losses. I also did not factor in any free play, match play, or promo chips to my "Coin In".
Now for some pretty pictures, as promised, with some analysis:
Overall summary of gambling results With a net total loss of just under $700 for the past 4 months, I spent around $13/hr for entertainment.
Numerical Data for each casino and game A summary of each casino I played at, and a summary for each game I've played.
Running Net Total vs Date Apologies for the hard to read X-Axis, and multiple data points per X index, this is because I only recorded date, not times, and could not serialize the X-axis numbers. This graph shows my running net total over time. The red line is a linear line-of-best-fit (not worth much in this instance). You can see the ups and downs, with a general trend downward, followed by a particular bad day at the end.
Pie graph showing Percentage of Coin In Per Game As you can tell, Blackjack is by and far the game I have put the most coin in for, with Pai Gow Poker a distant 2nd. Seeing as how Blackjack, Pai Gow, and Video Poker are the games I enjoy the most, this makes sense.
Pie graph showing the distribution of my gaming sessions This one surprised me at first glance. While blackjack is still shown as my most "popular" game, it actually shows Video Poker and Slots over Pai Gow. However, this is just a distribution of the NUMBER of times I played a game, which means when I put $5 in a slot machine, that counts the same as buying in to Pai Gow for $100.
Session "Average" for each game The bar graph shows that, by far, 3 Card Poker is a huge moneymaker for me! However, that is over 4 sessions, one of which I hit a straight flush with all the bonus bets out. Unfortunately, I don't have anywhere near enough of a large sample size to show the variance involved. I just thought this was an interesting graph to show, and would be curious to see other's results.
Coin In, Coin Out, and Total for each game This graph is combining several others, but shows how much I have bought in for at each game, and cashed out for. Unfortunately, the scales involved are kind of ugly, because the $2558 of Coin In at blackjack vastly outweighs the $2 horse racing bet I did.
So why did I make this post? I like data, and it was a fun side project, and I thought others might enjoy it. Plus I got to play around with the Google Visualization Query Language. I'm a software developer in real life and never get to play with spreadsheets, so this was a nice break.
I should have done a better job at recording the time played, for both keeping track of total hours and to make a prettier Running Net Total line. I also should have kept an accurate count of ATM withdrawals on this spreadsheet. Checking against my ATM withdrawal history, I have withdrawn around $1000 over the last 4 months. Not all of that money was designated for gambling, which leads me to believe that my $686.54 loss is an accurate number.
Spending, on average, $14/hour for entertainment is a pretty good value, in my opinion. This does not factor in the free buffets, meals, hotel rooms (great for date nights), etc. Although I'm not a high stakes player, or a slots player who receive the most comps, I still receive pretty decent comps. Part of this is because I am not an ass to the casino staff, and I tip the dealers a lot more often than I probably should.
It may also appear that I go to the casinos quite often. You would be right. I typically go once to twice a week, and I live pretty close to them. If I have a particularly bad trip I'll hold off.
I also understand that, to some, the loss of $700 is unthinkable, and to others $700 is less than they bet per spin of the wheel, roll of the dice, etc. I am fortunate enough to have a stable job where I make more than $700 per week, so a loss of $700 over the course of 4 months is not going to affect me. I view this as a hobby, (Gambling is cheaper than Magic the Gathering!) and only gamble what I can afford to lose.
Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions or comments, let me know!
submitted by StatMyLifeIntoPieces to gambling [link] [comments]

Found a review I wrote for this game last March

Thought this would be worth sharing. I wrote this sometime around March of 2016; it's funny to see how much has (and hasn't) changed since then!
Technical Review
As you may or may not already know, this game is technically considered an early access title. What does that mean? It means we're looking at a game that is probably 65% of the way finished, with room for substantial changes. It's past the alpha phase, but still somewhere in between the open beta phase and release phase of the game. As such, there are plenty of bugs to be found, crashes to desktop, random freezes, etc. One thing that is particularly alarming with Paragon, however, is the substantially reduced performance on the PS4. I have experienced, along with numerous other players, a very regular case of "lag spikes" during my games on Paragon. There are lots of stuttering and freeze issues, most especially when you are fighting other players. It seems like the system is exceptionally taxed when there are 5 v 5 fights, as my FPS can crawl to a sub-30 FPS rate, or lock up altogether.
Matchmaking, while they've admitted is a work in progress, seems quite imbalanced presently. This is likely due to the low population of the game, and was a similar problem in Smite when they first released. While there are no numerical figures on regular concurrent users out yet, my estimate (based solely off of the reddit subscribers, the activity on the official forums, and the queue timers) would be around 20,000 players a day on average. This will likely be one of the first areas to get attention moving forward, but in it's current incarnate, it's pretty pathetic.
Technically, I'd give this game a 3/10; with an expectation that I wouldn't ever expect it to surpass a 6/10, just based on it's current progression and development pace over the last 6 months.
Graphical Aspects
Paragon is a pretty visually stunning game. I'm a pretty big fan of the art style (especially the newest character, Riktor) and the world of Agora is visually pleasing. Many of the effects look downright awesome in game. For a console, you probably won't see too many games that can even come close to presenting what this game does as beautifully as it does, and it's still in early access. That being said, I wouldn't expect a much larger improvement on the graphics. You can tell this game is pushing the PS4 to its hardware capability; simply listen to how hard the system is working, or feel how hot it gets while playing the game.
Visually, it can be a bit disruptive to play the game. Because of how beautifully detailed and impressive the special effects are in the game, it can become especially difficult to follow what's happening during team fights. When 4 or 5 people use their ults simultaneously, there is so much "visual noise" on the screen that it's quite easy to lose visibility entirely. Furthermore, when you add in all these effects, performance can actually take a hit, and the screen can sometimes freeze up or lag for a brief moment. This is especially frustrating because of the competitive nature of the game; a 1-second lock-up can be enough to completely dismantle a team-fight and sway it to the opposing team's favor.
There's also the matter of the UI. One of the single biggest weaknesses I've noticed with Paragon since it's inception is how weak all if it's UI models have been. I think we've gone through 4 different iterations by now, and to be blunt, all of them have been quite rubbish. Phases where the minimap was obstructed by your "Level up" indicators. No easy way to see how meaningful your stat gains were or weren't. There have been fan-submitted UIs on the official forums that were substantially cleaner and more utilitarian than anything Epic has produced in the 3 months I've played the game, which is problematic. There also seems to be a continuous fluctuation between "We want a minimalist approach" and "We want to over-saturate your screen with useless information", but the balance has never been struck correctly. Truthfully, the idea of a customizable UI makes the most sense; allow the player to place what they want, where they want, how they want, so that all parties are happy.
Beyond that, there are some minor clipping issues here and there, though nothing exceptionally egregious. Occasionally, you'll see textures pop-in at different quality levels while walking through area, which is a bit unpleasant even though it has no impact on the gameplay itself.
Graphically, I'd give the game an 8/10; I would actually go as far to say that the one redeeming quality of the game is that it's something nice to look at!
Balancing-wise, however, Paragon is at it's weakest. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason established for how this game works. Players seem to stack HP, and the numerical balancing seems much more aligned with an MMORPG than a MOBA. Tanky characters can have some 10000 HP, whereas ADC's can hit for 1400 a shot. Defensive items seem to fluctuate in knee-jerk reactions by the game developers, going from incredibly overpowered to incredibly useless every few weeks. Mages don't have an identity in any capacity beyond "Shove bots"; which is to say they shove lanes quickly and then leave. It actually feels like more of the characters are simply cut-and-paste copies of champions from other games with minor tweaks and visual adjustments. Sevarog, for example, is a carbon-copy ripoff of Nasus from League of Legends. It shows, too. How do you balance a character that you didn't design originally? It's not easy to balance someone when you didn't come up with the mechanics or the idea in the first place; at best, you're trying to create your interpretation of how that character should work in your environment.
Furthermore, it seems like the development team doesn't actually understand MOBAs on a fundamental level. Last-hitting is exceptionally difficult early on, even in comparison to a game like DotA2. However, it's not difficult because of your opponent's play; it's difficult because of bad in-game mechanics. Minions have been absolutely all over the place. I've played through phases of this game where minions are dropping towers in 10 seconds by themselves, I've played through phases where minions were essentially more deadly than other players, and I've played through phases of the game where minions were basically fodder that you had to "deal with" occasionally. Again, the problem seems to be that Epic doesn't actually know what they want their game to be in any capacity, so they just keep trying everything in hopes of finding something that "fits", and this translates to a negative game experience.
Balance-wise, this game gets a 0/10; there is virtually no continuity between patches and updates, and it doesn't actually seem like the team understands what they are doing. You get the distinct impression that the thought process is "Well... what did Riot do?"
3d Utility
One of the biggest talking points for Paragon was that it was a 3D MOBA. This made it's direct competition Smite. So how well did they take advantage of the additional mechanics and opportunities?
At times, there are some visually-stunning things to see. Watching a clutch Muriel ult come out of left field is one of the most inspiring things you'll experience in the game. However, for the vast majority of gameplay, the 3D setting just isn't capitalized upon. While characters can jump for example, it doesn't really add anything to the gameplay. Graphically, it looks spectacular! But the whole purpose, in my opinion, of making a 3D MOBA is to incorporate mechanics that a 2D game simply can't. This was a real dropping of the ball by Epic.
There was room for a lot of really cool, quirky stuff in this game. Considering they are working on Unreal Tournament, which is one of my favorite shooters of all time, it felt peculiar that they opted not to use any of the physics-defying mechanics. Why not utilize jump pads, or wall jumps, to add in some extra "COOOOOOL!" moments? How come there are no real flying characters that can take advantage of the Z-axis? What we are left with is a game that is built in the 3D, but only takes advantage of 2D mechanics. Honestly, Heroes of the Storm is a 2D game that makes better use of multiple levels (such as with the Haunted Mines; where players effectively crawl into an underground battlefield, and effectively battle it out in 2 separate planes while in the same game) than Paragon. Other neat features, such as gliding, climbing, terrain effects, etc, have been completely overlooked.
As a result, you're left feeling very underwhelmed. Here's this incredibly beautiful, gigantic map... and it's almost entirely cosmetic. Look, but don't touch. For that reason, I give this game a 3/10 for it's use of the Z-axis; and I wouldn't expect this to change at all over the coming months.
Card System
Every so often, you'll encounter a mechanic or a system that is so bad, so terrible, so horribly thought out, that you'll ask yourself " did this make it into the game?" and with Paragon, it's the card system. Let me dive into this head first.
In any card game you'll ever play, be it Hearthstone, or Magic, or Yu-Gi-Oh!, there's the notion of colors, counters, and card costs. Typically, these have elemental affinities, class affinities, or some other broad overlay that explains the mechanic. Red > Blue > Green > White > Black, etc and so forth. It is not to say you can't win by playing the weaker deck, but it will usually require a substantial misplay by the opposing player. For a brief period of time, Epic's characters actually even displayed color affinities, which led you to believe "Oh, Red characters won't do well against Black characters who won't do well against Green characters..." and so forth. That, however, was thrown out of the window entirely in the early OT phases.
What was Epic Games thinking with this collective mish-mash of a "card" system?
I couldn't actually tell you. MOBAs, by nature, are a terribly complex game style to balance. As it stands, you already have to balance:
1) The character's kit; the actual abilities they have
2) The character's kit numbers; the damage and scalings of their abilities
3) The character's itemization; the resources that each character will have available to boost their numbers
4) The character's base stat progression; how the character will scale naturally without items
5) The character's play style; how they will utilize all of the above factors by intended design by 1 player
6) The character's play style within a team; how the character might actually be utilized in competitive play
7) The items in the game; to make sure that if character A buys this item that it makes sense, but that if character B buys this item, that it might not make sense
8) The pacing of the game; to make sure that "snowballing" isn't too severe, to make sure games don't end too slowly too late
...and that's just a handful of variables. League of Legends, DotA2, Smite, Heroes of the Storm, and other MOBAs have spent legitimate years trying to perfect balancing their games with just those variables, and many would argue, have failed. This makes you wonder "WHY?", then, did Epic feel it could add in dozens of additional layers of balancing requirements, when it, too, has failed at the initial balancing aspects of the game? Some of these new features now include:
1) The character's affinity; how does a Red ADC matchup vs. a Blue ADC
2) The character's card affinities; how does Red ADC gear matchup vs Blue ADC gear
3) The character's role affinities; does a Green Tank work better than a Black Tank and in what way does that impact tanks in general?
4) The cards a player owns; which cards have they gotten out of their RNG decks and have access to
5) The cards a player doesn't own; how will this impact the overall viability of that character in the current meta
6) The number of games a player plays; how fast will players be able to accumulate new cards that are necessary for their character?
.....and the list goes on! In a sense, you're now looking to at some equation that, at a BASIC level, looks like this:
How does a Red, early game, ADC, with a mid game power spike, with access to Red and White items, who specializes in burst damage, with low base scaling, with medium base values, with good farming capability, who plays 2 games a week, who gets 2 card packs a month, who solo queues but occasionally duo queues, who isn't using boosts, who is supposed to lose to a Blue ADC but beat a White ADC, unless they have ____ item, and duo laned with Rampage, stack up against _____ at _____ in the game with ____ items?
How in the world can you ever POSSIBLY expect to balance all those variables?
The answer is; you can't. It's impossible. There are too many conditional scenarios that will always be in fluctuation. This is the exact problem that has, does, and will always make Paragon an impossible to balance game.
The reason universal items exist in MOBAs is because it makes balancing them a possibility. When you restrict one player's ability to use an item, but then give another player access to an item, you are creating imbalance. Because of the RNG nature of the card system in the game, and the fact that it isn't actually a card system in the first place, players who play less will ALWAYS be at a disadvantage to players who don't. Even more dangerously, this creates a "pay2win" scenario within the game.
For this reason, Epic's "card system" gets a staggering 0/10; note that if it were possible, I'd actually give this a -4/10, because it is such a poor idea and implemented even worse, that it actually detracts from other areas of the game.
Rigging/Harvester System
When it comes to the rigs, the harvesters, etc, I see this idea that could have actually been pretty interesting. The concept of rigging is somewhat similar to holding a control point in Battlefield; you claim a rig, and your team passively gets experience points. That doesn't sound too shabby; it's kind of like adding in a tower defense mechanic to the game, right? Except the mechanic is just that... you claim a rig. You know how you claim a rig? You stand on it. You stand on a pad for several seconds, and then its yours. You're not upgrading your rigs either. They can't defend themselves. It's literally just a waypoint that collects experience points that you can claim or destroy.
I don't feel like I am the only one who feels this way, but let me be clear: Standing in place is not a mechanic, and trying to convince me that it is seems ridiculous. Within seconds, you can imagine the multitude of cool twists that could have gone into this instead. I'll just throw out a few off the top of my head. "What if these unlocked bonuses?" "What if holding all of them was a victory condition?" "What if they were able to be upgraded?" "What if there were champions who were dependent on the harvester game?" "What if there were cards that were reliant on the harvester game?" "What if there was more to this mechanic?"
That was all crafted within 15 seconds of thinking about the Harvester game. As such, you might imagine the frustration as a player when you see something like this make it into the game. It feels like one of those ideas that could have been so much more than it is, and Epic Games really just phoned it home. Even more discouraging is that it is one of the few features of the game that received virtually zero major adjustments over the past 6 months. As such, it feels like it is destined to be one of those scrapped concepts that simply hasn't been removed from the game yet.
For this reason, the rig system gets a 0/10; once again, standing in place for 30 seconds is not a mechanic.
Business Model and Approach
Perhaps even more damning to the concept of the Essential Edition is the price tag. This game is openly marketed as a "Work in Progress", even by Epic themselves. Defenders of the game repeatedly address this on the subreddit and the official forums by hiding behind the "You know this game is still in early access though right?" argument. However, if that's the case, then why is the game priced at the same level as a fully completed, shippable game? For $60, it is possible to go and purchase Overwatch, which is leaps and bounds beyond Paragon in terms of completion, technical functionality, etc. By comparison, you could also pick up Smite for $29.99, a game which has 10x the number of playable characters, numerous game modes, numerous maps, and is far more technically sound than Paragon as well. Or, if you have a PC, you could play Smite, Heroes of the Storm, League of Legends, or DotA2 for free, all of which have roughly 10x the content of Paragon.
Furthermore, for a more statistical breakdown of What am I getting for my $60?, this video here breaks it down: A tl;dr: If you're buying this game, you're paying for a beta that has access to microtransactions for a game that will be free-to-play in a few months
With the card system and the boost system being the main sources of revenue for the game, there will also be a skin-based system for income generation. These are generally standards for the genre, and there don't appear to be any major red flags, barring one thing; the card system is based off of RNG. A fundamental part of the game's income is essentially based on a casino-style system where you "MIGHT" get cards you need, but you probably won't. To put this into context, if we were playing a different game, let's say Call of Duty, and your favorite gun was the FAMAS assault rifle... instead of having access to this gun by merely playing and leveling up, you'd have to play slots and hope that you unlocked the FAMAS. If you didn't, you can simply insert your credit card, and hope that your next pull of the handle pans out... or you can try again. And again. AND AGAIN until you get it.
For this reason, the business model gets a 3/10; a relatively standard model for the genre that is ruined by greed, microtransactions, and RNG.
One slight gem that I do think deserves some praise is the community of Paragon. While very small, their community has generally been one of the most welcoming of all the MOBA communities. That may not mean much, given the inherent toxic nature of the genre, but there have been initiatives set in place, and quite early on, to curtail negative player behaviors. On the one hand, I appreciate the interaction with the devs, the community manager, the community reps from Epic, etc.
But every rose has its thorns. Epic has only recently started listening to its community after months of neglecting them in the first place. One of the earliest gripes I can recall seeing, since the intial OTs, was that "The game feels really slow...". I think this was actually the number one complaint for nearly 3 months. The game director, Steve Superville (he has tons of video interviews out there), actually even came out and defended the pace of the game, saying "It's not slow, people just aren't used to it yet." on the official forums. It was only after continuous, constant complaints about the pacing of the game that a patch went in and increased the speed of the game by about 10% some 5 months later. That's an unsettling experience to me as a gamer, because it shows that the people who are making the game are slow to act or to even acknowledge that the game requires constant nurturing and attention. You can't help but wonder how many players simply walked away from the game, permanently, in that time because of the attitude that "No, everything is fine."
I'd give the community a 5/10; this is almost based entirely on the efforts of arc1tczyn, Epic Mooney, and jamieshepherd's involvement and engagement with the community.
Closing thoughts
I've been following this game since it's inception. I've participated in all of the online tests. I even got to attend some of their events. Paragon, to me, is a glaring example of everything that's wrong with the gaming industry. It's a game that is lacking things that were once considered fundamental aspects of a "complete" game. There's hardly any lore. There's no back story or over-arching theme to pull it altogether. There are boat-loads of technical issues that are easy to find all over the internet. This game, simply put, isn't ready. It's not even close to ready. Yet Epic Games is still trying to cash in on the idea of what their game COULD become years from now. That isn't ethical, moral, or healthy for the industry as a whole.
For a game that's supposedly putting its players first... it sure doesn't feel like it. This game needs another year, at least, before it's worth your time or your wallet's attention. It feels like a desperate cash grab, a game that entered into the fray years too late in an effort to make a quick buck to start working on their next project. Given the way this company treated Fortnite (what ever happened to that game?), it's eerily similar to the way Hi-Rez abruptly dumped Tribes: Ascend when they realized it wasn't going to make the money they thought it would. Asking players to, essentially, fund development of a game that is maybe 65% complete, and for months, seems unscrupulous at best and sinister at worst.
Additionally... there are huge, huge problems at the game's core. The card system, as I stated, is amateurish at best. Many of the characters in the game lack "soul", and you can spot exact duplicates of champions that were blatantly stolen from other MOBAs on the market, reskinned, renamed, and repackaged to be something completely different. The technical limitations of the PS4 are not something that can simply be worked past, and it seems like it's going to be a huge obstacle for Epic to manage, much less overcome, in the months to be.
Finally, there are just better games out there. As I stated, there are nearly half a dozen Grade-A MOBAs on the market, and all of them bring something unique and better to the genre as a whole. Paragon does not have a singularly unique factor to it beyond the card and rig systems, and both of those feel underwhelming at best, and god-awful at worst. It's hard to justify dropping $60 on any game, but I can't, in good conscience, recommend dropping any money on a game that is still so clearly far away from being a release-ready product. It is most especially a damning comparison, despite the genre difference, to see the difference between your $60 when you compare the technical finesse of a product like Overwatch to a game in as poor a condition as Paragon. Even moreso when a much more well-developed, more fleshed-out entry point into the genre exists in the form of Smite, which is half the price with 10x the content.
Final verdict: Don't buy this game. Steer clear of it for a full year; maybe it will be a respectable product by Summer of 2017, when the game should actually be released.
submitted by Cymdai to paragon [link] [comments]

Nan Wright's Guide to the Commonwealth (non-abridged edition)

[The Commonwealth is much more peacful place now thanks to the tireless efforts of the Vault Dweller, his companions, a resurgent Minutemen movement, and the Brotherhood of Steel. Most of the violent gangs of raiders have been subdued, the hostile supermutant hordes have been elmiinated, and the shadowy Institute has been overcome not to mention the many terrifying deathclaws, radscorpions and other monstrosities that have been destroyed. Trade and settlements have been flourishing these last few years and the
Commonwealth has become a much safer place and with that in mind, this guide was written for the benefit travellers coming to visit as well as would be settlers considering making the COmmonwealth their home.
The year 2389 marked a milestone for the Commonwealth with the formation of the Commonwealth Congress at Starlight City, finally achieving the goal of creating a regional government for the area. Subsequent agreements lead to the divison of the Commonwealth into four counties and one independent zone all of which have Congressional representation. The Congress is a forum for the varied groups in the area to work out there differences and promote their common interests and work to develope the Commonwealth Code which is the law of the land in the counties and enforced by the Commonwealth Constabulary (formerly known as the Minutemen). Code infractions can subject the violator to fines, confinement, or corporal punishment as provided by the code. The Commonwealth has not seen such a system for hundreds of years. Most of the code is just common sense (keep the peace and refrain from being a public nusance) so most visitors should have no problems, but there are some technical sections related to business and taxes. See the local constable for guidence if you questions related to the finer points of the Code.
County Wessex lies to the northwest of Old Bossy (aka Boston) and consists of several sprawling farming settlements, a mix of modest but noteworthy villages, and the entertainment capital of the Commonwealth, Starlight City. As they say in Starlight, "Bring yer honey, leave yer money."
Sanctuary was founded by refugees from the infamous Quincy Massacre among the ruins of a prewar neighborhood that coincidentally was the home of the Vault Dweller during prewar times. His former home has been turned into a bed and breakfast, tended by the trusty robot Codsworth who is happy expound on the history of the Vault Dweller and the surrounding area. Current residents content themselves with farming and tending to tourists as Sanctuary is also the site of the massive teleporter used by the Vault Dweller and his Minutemen to infiltrate the Institute. Though no longer functional, the majeesic mechanism is a technological marvel to behold even so. Marcy or Jun will show you around and you may even try sitting in Mamma Murphy's Chair to see if you can catch a glimpse of the future!
Red Rocket is a small settlement close by Sanctuary and serves as stopover for caravans in addition to being one of the few locations in the county where power armor can be properly serviced. There is also a fine arms and armor shop onsite that can provide new equipment or update an existing weapon with your favorite mods. A wide variety of ammo is also available. Ask for Sturgis.
Abernathay Farm lies to the west of Sanctuary and is a large farm still owned by the Abernathy family. The construction of the great farm house is unique in that the internal framing is an old power transmission tower. Abernathy Farm is reknowned for producing the tastiest tatos and melons in the Commonwealth and their Tato sauce and green Melon Wine are served in many Inns in the quad-county area.
Sunshine Co-Op is another large farming community in County Wessex southwest of Abernathy Farm near the hsitoric Walden Pond. The Coop as it is affectioantely known by the locals has an arragnement of quaint cottages arranged around a central large garden and warehouse used in common by the coperative members. For those of you who may be interested in adopting the farming life there is a trial program available on site. The Co-op is well known for is exports of gourds, untensils and containers made of gourds and Sunshine Squash Pies.
Starlight City is the adminsitrative center for Wessex County as well as the Entertainment capital of the Commonwealth. Dancing and cocktails amid one of the famed evening light shows is a favorite activity and the Starlight Casino provides slot machines and hosts billiards tournaments for those willign to wager but the best known attraction is The Arena where champions pit their fighting skills against mutant monsters as well as one another with a variety of weapons. Corporal punishment for the more egregious Code violators is carried out there as well and special guests have been known to arrive via the vertibird facility on occasion. Starlight also boasts of excellent medical facilities and a large selection of shops to accomodate the wants of vistitors.
Tenpines Bluff is a modest farming village founded on a bluff overlooking the coastal plains to the east. Ten Pines is a favorite base for hunters who enjoy stalking wild radstags (and occassionally more exotic game) in the woodlands to the west and north.
Outpost Zimonja is a modest sized farming settlement on the northern outskirts of the Commonwealth. Occasional travelers moving north and south pass through as well as the rare long distance caravan that sell goods to the sap mongers in the wild northern woods. Aunt Zimonja Syrup is bottles exclusively at Outpost Zimonja and sold at discriminating shops throughout the region.
Greygarden is a famed technological overlooking the river on the southern edge of the county. marvel and extremely productive farm with a robotic labor force dating back before the Great War. Humans also settled there around 2277 working with the robots to supply them with fertilizer and repair materials and seeing to it that the fruits of the robot's labors reach nearby markets. The greenhouse helps keep the crops realtively contamination free too.
Covenant is a small quaint reclusive community with several examples of well preserved prewar residences within its formidable walls and often a stop by caravans and travelers moving along the nothern eastwest axis but a massacre there several years ago have made the current residents wary of admiting guests other than friends and family.
Essex County covers the region to the north and east of the Boston ruins. Within the county can be found several coastal fishing settlements, a few sizeable farming communities as well as the refurbished Sagus Iron Works which supplies constrution materials and tools to the entire Commonwealth. Though technically within County Essex the independent zone now known as Boston Airport is home to the well known Brotherhood of Steel who have done much to pacify wild mutants and raiders in the area with their air armada. The Brotherhood has an independent judical code referred to as The Codex which applies to any vistors to the airport. Though stern and stoic the Brotherhood continues to gain recruits from the Commonwealth youth wanting to see more of the county.
Boston Airport is also the site of the small Commonwealth Consulate whose members work to maintain good relations between the Botherhood and the Commonwealth and areas beyond.
Nordhagen Beach is the best beach in the Commonwealth and the home to a modest farm and fishing village east of Boston. Nordhagen is a favorite for those wishing to spend some time relaxing on the sandy beach, soaking up the sun and breathing the salt tanged air. Sport fishermen also frequent the surrounding sands trying to bag the big one.
Bunker Hill, besides being the site of a famous historical battle dating from the founding of the country and its impressive commenmorative monument is also the source of many of the roaming caravans found around the Commonwealth and the headquarters of Stockton & Company. Though realtively small it does a thriving business due to its central location. See Meg for an insightful tour of this historical location.
Mechanist Lair, formerly the lair of a misguided genius roboticist known as the Mechanist it is now the hoem of a reclusive robot researcher and provider of many of the mechanical servants seen around the commonwealth today. The Lair is fine example of prewar engineering for those with a technical interest.
The Crossroads is the largest settlement in the Essex County and started as a simple farm. This community has grown into a major caravan depot, trade and medical treatment center for the region rivallng Starlight in terms of the services it provides, but minus the adult entertainment options.
Taffington Boathouse is a small waystation for caravaners moveing east-west through the northern Commonwealth that has also acquired a reputation as nice recreation spot with a nearby park and lake. Accomodations are available in the rennovated manor house for a modest fee with wonderful meals prepared from local ingredients. Superbly prepared Bloodbug steak is house specialty!
Greentop Nursery is Essex's largest greenhouse with realtively contamination free food for the health concious. They grow the best quality mutfruit in the Commonwealth, bar none.
Finch Farm was founded and still owned by the Finch family. This farming community has grown to be a major source of provender for the locals and nearby less agricultural settlements. Caravans are a common sight the the farm. The Overview restaurant, built upon the remains of elevated hi-way, is a favorite entertainment location for the county.
The Slog is a well know success story, founded by ghouls forced out of Diamond City, this tarberry farm is off the beaten path but still popular with tourists. The Slog is the major provider of delcious tarberries in the Commonwealth. These friendly folk grow other crops as well, and there is kiddy play area on the property to keep the young ones occupied while you sample the various vintages of tarberry wine available or savor the heady tarberry brandies.
Coastal Cottage now a waystation for trips further up the coast and is often a stop over for those visting Far Harbor. Though the orignal cottage was destroyed by a mirelurk queen years ago the new facilities onsite are more than adquate for budgest concious travellers.
Kingsport Lighthouse is a noble building once purloined by an extremist faction of the Cult of Atom, but was subsequently recovered and serves as the of home for the displaced folks from Vault 88, which suffered flooding after a minor earthquake just two years ago. The light from Kingsport is visble for miles around and many fishermen frequent the location as well as the occassional seagoing traveller.
Croup Manor, a cliffside mansion once belonging to the famous Croup family, and subsequently a Railroad safe house is now a favorite location for those wishing to visit the revamped Oceanarium and see the reclusive settlement of Floatsam constrcted from various vessels in various states of seaworthyness joined together by rickety walkways (just don’t stray too close to Floatsam, they really value their privacy there).
Sussex County consists of the communities to south and southwest of Old Boston. Of these, vault 81, the Castle, and Spectacle Island are independent of the of the county governance and have their own representatives in the Commonwealth Congress.
Oberland Station is a modest farm near the restored Beantown Brewery, supplier of much of the beer currently consumed in the western Commonwealth, and a common stop for caravans carrying the yeasty beverage to all corners of the region.
Hangmans Alley, just down the street from Diamond City and former site of public executions in prewar days, is a small settlement easily passed by if you don’t know where to look. Its citizens thirve by offering services to the caravans stopping by while moving goods along the east and west axis of the Commonwealth.
Egret Watch is the only functional port facility on the river. The watch is a favorite stop over for travellers and caravaners alike. The food is good (mirelurk omelttes are a specialty) and tour of the river and the famous nearby WRVR radio station are popular attractions.
Sommerville Place often welcomes travellers to stay at the Inn and partake of the tasty dishes created from local sources. If you travel southwards Sommerville Place is the last decent Inn for many a mile. Those brave travellers wanting to experience the Glowing Sea often have their last good meal at Sommerville Place.
Jamaica Plains is the administrative center for Sussex County and is the major trade center for southern Commonwealth, and dozens of tourists flock there to view the fabled Treasures of jamaica Plains, which are often on display, though heavily guarded. Guaranteed to impress!
Murkwater Farms (Formerly Murchwater Contruction Site) is the home to the famous mirelurk farm of the aptly named Crabbe family. Busta Crabbe wiil happily show you the various pens housing the many varieties of mirelurks farmed there as well as sell you tastey mirelurk meat and souvaniers made from mirelurk shells such as combs, jewelry and the like. Not to be missed!
The Castle is famous as being the home of the Minutemen (now the COnstabulary), the resugent group devoted to protecting the Commonwealth from all manner of miscreants. See the Minutemen museum while you are there, fire a laser musket or artillery piece, and watch the re-enactment of the the famous battle of the Castle. Fun for all ages!
Warwick Farm, built on the site of a prewar sanitation processing facility has the richest farmland in the Commonwealth and their produce is sold all over along with wild caught mirelurk meat when available. Also nearby are the ruins of a huge prewar cargo vessel ripe for exploring and the famed Atom Cats garage, the coolest power armor enthusiasts in or out of the Commonwealth!
Spectacle Island is located just offshore near the castel and Warwick farm and is now the home of the Commonwealths own favorite son, the Vault Dweller. While he once bestrode the Commonwealth like a colossus as he worked tirelessly to tame the denizens of the Commonwealth wasteland, his time is now spent in more gentlemenly pursuites related to business and farming.
Vault 88 was discovered fairly recently but before it could be developed this monument to a bygone time was rendered uninhabitable due to massive flooding. Rumor has it some denizens of the Institute were responsible but those are the same tails told about the nearby University Point ruins. Beleive what you will but if the Institute agents were invovled they surely drowned in the ensuing deluge.
Vault 81 has a long tradition of independence which they maintians to this day, though they are admittedly much less reclusive than in years past. The vault specializes in reparing prewar technology, for a modest fee of course.
Bossex County is made up the ruins of Old Boston containing scattered scavver encampments and other less reputable locations as well the communities of Diamond City and Goodneighbor. Much of this area outside the two aforementioned communities is not recommended for vistitors unfamiliar with the area though guides can be had for those determined to brave the perils.
Diamond City is the largest settlement in the Commonwealth, the oldest, and the most cultural, the Great Green Jewel continues to shine as a bastion of humanity with unique shopping and dining opportunities, a faboulus salon, and numerous other attractions.
Goodneighboor is a tough spirited community known for the unique character of its inhabitants. Known as a city where anyhing goes as long it goes peacably, its not for everybody but then it does not try to be. It takes a special character carve out a settlement among raiders and rampaging supermutants but the inhabitants of Goodneighbor survived and thrived in their fashion. The restored Hotel Rexford has accomdations for those brave enough to make the trip and there are some unique shopping opportunites for visitors as well.
I hope you have enjoyed this guide to the Commonwealth, a privately funded publication of the Piper Press.](/spoiler)
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