10 Things You Should Never Buy at the Dollar Store (and 10

does dollar tree sell chocolate chips

does dollar tree sell chocolate chips - win

How a 23-year old in Rochester, NY making $52,000 per year spends some of her money this week on Oreos (Money Diary)

Hello friends and welcome to my money diary (*in Safiya Nygaard voice*). I wasn’t expecting to be nervous to post this, but I am. I’m looking forward to any comments or constructive criticism y’all have! Also COVID disclaimer, I did see several friends in person this week. Nearly all of us work from home and the cases in my county are fairly low. This is a personal choice and I know I could do a better job of limiting my exposure, but I weigh the risk/pay-off of physically interacting with my friends and this diary reflects my level of comfort. I continue to monitor the cases in my area and will adjust my exposure accordingly.
Edited post to add my job, arguably one of the most important parts of the diary: I work in accounting and have my CPA
Trigger Warning: Mention of anxiety
Section 1, Assets and Debt:
401(K): $21,392. I have 20% of my paycheck going to my 401(K) ($480 every 2 weeks) and it is matched up to ½ of 6%. Hopefully within 10 years, my salary will increase enough to where the 20% will be enough to max out every year.
Roth IRA: Approximately $3,000. My dad typically gifts me $500 for my birthday and Christmas into my Roth IRA. Once I get my emergency account fully funded, I would like to max this out each year, but for now the money has been solely contributed by my dad.
Savings Account: Honestly, I have less than a few hundred dollars in my savings account. I used $4,000 this summer to get LASIK and that kind of drained this account. It is my main priority right now to get my Emergency Fund/Savings up to $15,000. I want to have my credit unit savings to be around $5K for easily accessible funds, then the remaining $10K in Ally online savings bank or CDs, depending on my timeline of major purchases.
Checking Account: $2,003. My paychecks go to this account, which is also used to pay all my bills. I will probably wait until this account gets up to $5,000, then start to transfer money into my savings.
Credit Card Debt: $0. I pay this off in full every month on auto-pay.
Student Loan Debt: $0. I am lucky and grateful that with a combination of scholarships and parents/grandparents financial support, I left college with no student loans. Scholarships covered approximately 30% of the costs and my family paid for the remainder of my 3 years in undergrad and 1 year in graduate school for my Masters.
Robinhood Investments: $3,185. I started this account a few months ago and invested around $1,700. It has almost doubled in value, but could obviously change at any time. I want to invest more, but know that my Emergency Fund is priority before this. However, if there is another stock crash, I will be buying all the stonks on sale.
Acorns Investments: $4,883. I started this account over a year ago and was investing $5/day as well as rounding up all my purchases. I recently put this on hold in order to save more liquid funds.
Other Investment Account: Approximately $15,000. I don’t typically count this money as my own because it is remaining money leftover from my college fund. It is in my name, but fully funded by my family. I meet with an investment advisor annually to choose how I want this invested. When the time comes for my wedding or a home purchase, I will use the funds in this account. I also used around $5,000 to purchase furniture with some of the money in this account a few years ago when I got my first apartment.
Equity: N/A for now, but I do plan to buy a home eventually.
Section Two, Income:
Income Progression: Nothing too exciting, I started this job almost two years ago at $48,000. I had one raise the first year of working. Typically, I would have an annual raise, but due to COVID there was no raise this year. I usually get a small bonus each year as well, around 3-5% I’m hoping for a more substantial raise next year when I am promoted.
Monthly Job Take-Home: $1,280 (after 401K, tax deductions) two times a month
Side Gig: I sell my clothes on Poshmark and make anywhere from $0 - $150 a month. I’m trying to slim down my closet because I only wear about 20% of my clothes regularly. I typically ‘re-invest’ my earnings back into clothing purchases on Poshmark. I also do paid research studies on Prolific, a British survey website. Over the past year, I’ve made around $500 from doing surveys during lunch breaks or while watching TV. I should cash out again soon because the exchange rate of British Pounds to USD is pretty good right now. I don’t have a ‘goal’ for this money, I just like seeing it accrue and the surveys are pretty interesting.
Section Three, Expenses:
Rent: $900. I live in a one-bed, one-bath with my cat. There is no pet rent fee here, bless up.
Wifi: $50. I have Greenlight, which works really well and is fairly reasonable.
Cell Phone: Work pays.
Gas/Electric: Usually around $50. This will likely be higher in the winter, but I’m unsure what it will cost because I haven’t lived here during the winter before.
Car Fees: I pay about $670 every 6 months for car insurance. My car is paid off and I plan to drive it for at least another 5 years (hopefully!). I have other expenses occasionally like oil changes and regular maintenance.
Health/Vision Insurance: On my parents until 26!
Dental Insurance: I have my own for dental and I believe it is $6/paycheck, deducted pre-tax?
Gym Membership: Pre-COVID, was spending $159 on a gym membership (ridiculous on my salary, I know). It’s suspended due to COVID and I am going to cancel once the freeze is over.
Pet Fees: I buy most of my cat’s necessities on Chewy which I 10/10 recommend. Having heavy boxes of litter delivered to my doorstep is better than carrying it from my car, although I do feel sorry for the delivery drivers. I spend about $35-50 a month on my cat, but I don’t include this as a monthly expense because it varies.
Spotify/Hulu Combo: $9.99/month
Netflix: Dad pays
Acorns Subscription: $1.00/month
Magazines: I randomly used airline points that were going to expire for a slew of magazine subscriptions like People and Shape. I feel bad about the waste of paper but I do enjoy reading them.
Section Four, Diary:
Day One, Tuesday:
7:45: My first alarm goes off and I press snooze. My cat jumps on the bed for snuggles and then reminds me that he is starving and needs to be fed immediately or he will die. I get up, feed him, start my Keurig, and turn on my work laptop. I also put in eye drops - I got Lasik this summer and still need to put in eyedrops a few times a day.
10: I’m not feeling too productive today - for some reason, if I have less work, I feel less inclined to do it. My friend tells me to read the MD Reddit post about 5-year plans and it gets me starting to think about my own. Career-wise, I want to reach manager level by then in my current company and likely starting to look for new jobs that will come with a pay boost. Money-wise, I want to have a solid savings account that will go towards a down payment on a house.
10:50: I finish my coffee, which is cold now, and eat several handfuls of veggie straws - they are so addicting and I probably shouldn't be sitting with the bag open next to me. I usually do intermittent fasting and eat starting around noon, but I didn’t have dinner last night so I’m starving. I get ready for a meeting I have at 11.
12: The meeting wrapped up a bit early and I reset my computer for some required update. I turn on YouTube and make Trader Joe’s beef and broccoli (the BEST) for lunch with some wild rice. It amazes me how the package says it makes 6 servings because I can usually only get 4 out of this bag. Alas, I add some crushed red pepper and eat with chopsticks. I also do some Prolific surveys during my lunch break - these are research study surveys run by a British website. It’s the only reliable survey website I’ve found and I’ve made about $400 within a year for doing short surveys randomly when watching TV.
2:00: I love having background noise on while I work, so I’ve been watching the newest season of Schitt’s Creek. I love this show and I’m so sad it’s the last season, but glad they aren’t dragging it out past it’s prime how some shows do (cough Grey’s Anatomy). I am not hungry, but craving chicken wings HARD. I have the ‘we have food at home’ conversation with myself and try to talk myself out of ordering them for dinner tonight...I tell myself if I don’t buy food out all week, I can buy myself wings on Sunday.
5:00: Wrap up work and plan to have a chill night at home. Usually about half my week is made up of days like this - no spending and not leaving my house. I’m an extroverted introvert though and 2 full days of no contact with anyone is about my max before I get antsy and need to have some social interaction other than my cat.
7:00: I move my car (I have street parking and have to move it daily) and also finish Schitt's Creek. I watch some YouTube and end up turning on a new Netflix show that is pretty good so far. I'm also not super hungry, but I make Lipton Cup of Noodle (honestly my favorite soup). I eat it with tortilla chips and some crushed red pepper. After dinner, I do two 10-minute Chloe Ting videos. I was really consistent with her workout challenges from May to August, but took a few days off which turned into a few months. I’m trying to get back into it, but need to increase my strength a bit before diving back into the full challenges.
8:00: The guy I’m seeing calls me and we talk for about an hour. We just recently started talking but we have already made it exclusive (not talking to anyone else). I’m not ready to call him my boyfriend...yet. I’ll refer to him as ‘N’ through the rest of the diary. We talk about our days, random stuff, and discuss when we will hang out next.
Total Daily Spend: $0.
Day Two, Wednesday:
7:00: Le chat wakes me up for breakfast. I always thought cats had a great internal clock, but my cat wakes me up at different times everyday. Sometimes 4 am, sometimes not until I wake up around 8:15. I feed him and go back to bed.
9:00: It’s a productive day already - getting shit done! I text some friends about our plans for the upcoming weekend and listen to the new Call her Daddy podcast episode. I still like the podcast, but do feel that it’s marketed towards college students and I might be a bit too ‘old’ to listen.
12:30: After I eat my beef and broccoli leftovers, I pack up my work stuff and my laundry and head to my parents house about 15 minutes away. I usually do this once a week to break up the monotony of working from home. My parents have an office that doesn't get used often, so I set up in there and work the rest of the afternoon. I also do my laundry because it’s free as opposed to paying for it where I live.
5:00: My dad gets home from work and I talk to him and my mom for a while. I actually brought dinner for us (a frozen TJ’s corn pie I bought last week and green beans). 9/10 would recommend this corn pie - I do wish it had a crust though, as it was a little soggy. Still delicious though. After dinner, I go to the post office to ship a sale I had on Poshmark.
7:00: I head back to my apartment, drop off my clean laundry, feed kitty, and then go to N’s house. He lives with his parents about 20 minutes away in the opposite direction of where my parents live. He also can’t drive currently because of a DWI (I know, I’m still dealing with how I feel about this). For now, I don’t mind driving to see him because he makes me laugh and we always have fun. We play a game of pool, watch a horror movie, and I end up spending the night.
Total Daily Spend: $0.
Day Three, Thursday:
7:00: My alarm goes off and I continue to snooze for the next hour or so while cuddling with N. I actually feel pretty well rested and it doesn’t hurt knowing that I don’t have a big workload today. The week has flown by, I can’t believe it’s already Thursday.
8:15: I leave his place and stop at a drive-through Starbucks on my way home. I usually get Starbucks once every two weeks or so and make my coffee at home the rest of the time. I can’t resist getting a slice of pumpkin bread with my iced caramel macchiato (with skim milk because #health). I don’t have enough funds on my account, so I add $15. $15.
8:45: My gas tank is about to hit empty, but I will deal with that later. Arrive home and feed kitty and apologize profusely for leaving him overnight. I know he is self-sufficient and I do spend pretty much all day everyday with him but still, I feel bad. I power on my work laptop and schedule a meeting with my manager to go over some questions I have this morning, then get into emails and other work things.
11:00: Like I said, my work is really light today. I end up doing some required trainings to get ahead and so that I feel like I’m doing something. I take full advantage during light weeks like this because during busy season(s), I am usually working upwards of 60 hours a week. My cat is in a feisty mood today, running around the apartment, meowing at the top of his lungs, and playing with his new cat tree I got on a Facebook Buy Nothing group page. I turn on his electronic cat toy (a little device that has a fake fox tail that moves around) and he goes nuts, he loves this toy. Sometimes I wonder if my cat wants another cat friend in the house...probably not.
12:00: I am actually a bit tired from sleeping at N’s place last night, so I decide to take a nap during my lunch hour. This is definitely a perk of WFH. I panic when I wake up before my hour-long alarm goes off because I thought I slept through it and it was actually 4 pm or something. Luckily, it was not. I get out of bed, heat up my leftover beef and broccoli (day 3 of this, one more day). I swear it tastes just as good as Chinese takeout. Back to work.
4:00: I meet with my manager and get a few additional tasks to work on today and tomorrow. I also call a local restaurant to make a reservation for our work team lunch next week. We have all been working from home since the middle of March and have no plans to go back until at least 2021. We’ve done one picnic this summer and we are going to have a team lunch next week as well.
5:30: Done with work for the day and I decide to go for a run. I run about 2.5 miles and walk a little in the middle of the run as a break. It’s the first chilly fall day, which is my favorite running weather. I’m trying to increase my mileage slowly, as I used to be a runner but ended up taking a several year hiatus… it’s a little depressing with my current cardio state but my favorite running quote is ‘no matter how slowly you go, you’re still lapping everyone on the couch’.
6:15: Home and I feed kitty dinner. I decide to go to Wegmans and get ingredients for the snacks I’m making to bring to my friend’s get-together tomorrow night (Oreo balls, spinach artichoke dip). I also get gas on the way there because like I said, I’m at E ($23.40). When at Wegmans (best place on Earth), I get Oreos, cream cheese, fancy sprinkles and melting chocolate, grenadine for drinks, pico de gallo, and a few other things. I also get toilet paper and razors for myself. Thank goodness they have toilet paper in stock because I have one roll left…($62.10).
7:30: Home and I take a hot shower, put away my groceries, play with kitty, and watch some Youtube before going to bed around 10:30.
Total Daily Spend: $85.50
Day Four, Friday:
8:30: I get out of bed, feed kitty (who slept in today), and turn on my Spotify Release Radar (one of my weekly pleasures). I end up jamming all morning to Machine Gun Kelly’s newest album. He’s the pop punk artist we didn’t know we needed in 2020. I start work and make myself a daily to-do list, which is arguably the only way I get things done.
10:00: Fridays are nice because I usually have no meetings. I end up taking a mid-morning break to make Oreo balls for my friends’ get-together tonight. I bought fancy sprinkles and I want these to look good. They’re one of the easiest desserts to make, but always a fan favorite.
12:00: During lunch, I make another snack to bring to my friend’s place tonight - spinach artichoke dip. This is another well-loved, easy recipe! I also eat the last of the TJ’s beef and broccoli. Cooking for one person is tough because I have leftovers for daysss.
4:00: My motivation for actually working right now is at an all-time low. I wash my dishes from the two recipes earlier.
6:15: I put on a full face of make-up (Bareminerals foundation, glossier cream blush, glossier concealer, Anastasia BH eyeshadow, Stila eyeliner, Too Faced mascara, and Clinique lipstick). Honestly sometimes I think I look better without makeup because I feel clown-like with a full face on. But maybe that’s because I’m so used to myself without makeup on.
6:45: I head out to pick up N. I’m so excited for him to meet my friends! We stop at a gas station on the way and he buys a case of beer.
7:30: N and I arrive at my friend’s house. There are about 8 of us hanging out tonight and we have the dip I made, Oreo balls, cheesecake, puff pasty with brie, and pizza bagels. One of the biggest perks of being an ‘adult’ is having snacks at parties! I made the decision prior to coming that I wouldn’t be drinking much (2 drinks max). I have anxiety, which at its worst manifests as agoraphobia, and it is heavily impacted by alcohol. I was never to the point of being unable to leave my home, but even tasks like going to the grocery store alone could trigger panic attacks. If I get really drunk, my mental health can be negatively impacted for over a week. I take a daily SNRI and am luckily in a good mental state right now, thanks to years of therapy and knowing my mental health strategies (exercising, not drinking excessively, keeping my apartment clean, having enough time alone to recharge).
9:30: We are all having a great time and my friends love N! Despite his history with the DWI and other ‘bad boy’ tendencies, he is fun to be around, genuine, and easy to talk to - and makes me happy. We play beer pong (with water), mingle, and eat all the snacks. One of my friends has a few too many dirty martinis and gets sick, which reinforces my decision to not get drunk.
11:30: Our friends start to head home and N and I stay to clean up and pack up my leftovers. I drive us back to my apartment and we attempt to stay awake to watch a movie, but both fall asleep on the couch. We relocate to my bed once we wake up at some point in the middle of the night.
Total Daily Spend: $0.
Day Five, Saturday:
7:00: N wakes up early to a call from his relatives about an issue at one of their businesses (I won’t go into this, as it could be revealing as to his identity). He Ubers home early to get back to his family and get ready for a family event he has later today.
11:00: Wow, I guess I really needed the sleep. I haven’t slept in for two weeks because I was on a hiking trip last week, so this was much needed and incredible. I get up, make coffee, and retreat to the couch. Even though I didn’t drink much last night, I feel exhausted. I probably got too much sleep.
2:00: I am enjoying having this relaxing day to myself. I heat up leftover spinach artichoke dip and have that for lunch with some chips. I also eat a piece of cheesecake that I took home with me last night. It’s so delicious.
5:00: I’ve been watching hours of 90-day fiance and Youtube. I put some simple make-up on though because I’m about to meet a girl from BumbleBFF. She’s not from the area, but seems really interesting and fun. I leave my apartment around 5:50 to meet her at a local brewery.
6:00: BumbleBFF arrives and we each get a drink (hard seltzer for her, beer for me). I also get a pizza because I didn’t have dinner before this ($21.06 for the pizza and one beer).. We end up having a good time talking about dating in this city, our families, future goals, and our college experiences. On the way out, I buy a t-shirt from the brewery with my favorite beer on it because I’ve been wanting this shirt for a long time ($15.60). I drive BumbleBFF home because she doesn’t have a car and lives super close to me, then I go back to my apartment. $36.66
9:00: Like I said, I think I got too much sleep last night, which is making me super tired. Don’t you hate how that happens? I snuggle and play with my cat and watch more TV. I should probably get more hobbies to do at home instead of spending all the time on my computer…
Total Daily Spend: $36.66
Day Six, Sunday:
7:00: Kitty wakes me up, I feed him and go back to bed.
10:00: Ah, a much more reasonable hour to get up on the weekends. I get out of bed and make my coffee. I should clean my apartment right now, but instead I lay on the couch and watch 90-day fiance. Why is this show so addicting?? I also heat up more spinach artichoke dip and eat that followed by another slice of cheesecake I took home from my friend’s place. Wow, I need more vegetables in my life...
12:00: I head to my parents house for a little while. I sold something else on Poshmark and need to print the shipping label, but I don’t have my own printer. On the way over, I stop at Walgreens to pick up my birth control (I get 3 months at a time, but it is fully covered by insurance) and I get a flu shot as well (also covered by insurance). Once I get to my parents house, my dad and I discuss our upcoming hiking trip next weekend and my mom shows me some new furniture she got for the house.
2:15: I leave my parents and head to the post office to drop off my sale. Then, I drive back to my apartment where three of my friends meet me. We go to a park in the city with plans to hike and explore an abandoned cave. My friend suggests we wear gloves and bring trash bags to collect bottles and other trash in the park. This is a great idea, as we end up filling up four bags on our hike. The park is also not in the best area and is a known location for druggies - we find two opened packages of Narcan, a few needles, and a ton of empty alcohol containers. Yikes. We did end up getting some great photos of the cave and waterfall.
4:00: Back to my apartment and two of the friends leave to go home. One of them stays and we end up grabbing sushi and a beer at an outdoor bar near my apartment. I pay for my own sushi and our beers. ($17.71 for the sushi and $10.33 for the two beers).
6:30: Home and I’m freezing...Realize my apartment is only 62 degrees. I turn on the heat up to 68 for the first time since spring! I’m interested to see what my electricity bill will be this coming winter. I moved in during April, so I haven’t experienced a winter here yet but it is an old apartment and I can definitely feel cold air coming through the windows a bit.
10:00: I get in bed with kitty, resolving to clean my apartment tomorrow after work.
Total Daily Spend: $28.04
Day Seven, Monday:
8:00: I wake up with my alarm and get up to feed kitty - he slept in today. I reluctantly get out of bed and make coffee.
9:00: I turn on my laptop a bit late today and also turn on the newest crime junkie episode to start the day. This is my all-time favorite podcast, I really should subscribe to their Patreon.
10:30: Just wrapped up one call and I have a few hours until my next. I revisit my to-do list for the day and assign things to be ‘before lunch’ or ‘after lunch’. I’m also pretty hungry but decide to follow through with my IF today and wait until lunchtime.
11:00: Screw it, I’m hungry. I heat up the last of my spinach artichoke dip and re-heat one slice of pizza from Saturday night. I swear I don’t usually eat as terribly as I have this week…
12:00: I have a $20-off voucher for REI, the outdoors store, for joining their member program a few weeks ago. It expires in a few days and it is ‘free money’, so I head there on my lunch break. $20 doesn’t go very far in a store like this, but I get a new pair of hiking socks and some protein and electrolyte snacks for my upcoming hike this weekend. Total cost is $33.54, but I get $20 off. $13.54.
4:00: I am really getting the afternoon sleepies. I would go for another cup of coffee, but I don’t want to be awake all night. I decide to go for a quick run because work is pretty light and I plan to make up the hours tonight while watching TV. I grab my headphones, turn on my ‘pop punk angst’ playlist, and head out. I end up just running a little over a mile because my body does not feel like moving and I don’t want to push it. I guess this could be attributable to how awful my diet has been this week. I walk another mile back home and get back to work.
5:30: One of my best friends comes over for a walk. This is something we do fairly often because we both love to walk and talk with each other. We end up stopping at a local coffee shop and I get hot chocolate and a brownie (might as well round out this poor eating week). I also buy my friend’s iced tea because she’s had a really rough week. I add a tip as well. We walk for a few miles and come back to my apartment. $9.99.
7:15: Once at my apartment, we purchase tickets to a haunted house we plan to go to in a few weeks. I was surprised the haunted house is happening with COVID, but they do seem to have many precautions in place (masks on everyone, temperature checks, limited number of tickets sold for each time slot). Each ticket costs $34.79 and I pay my friend with funds I have on my Venmo account. Once we buy the tickets, my friend heads home and I re-heat the leftover pizza from Saturday for dinner. $34.79.
10:00: Typical night doing work on my laptop while watching 90-day fiance on my other screen.
Total Daily Spend: $58.32
Total Spend:
Food & Drink: $144.59
Fun & Entertainment: $34.79 (haunted house ticket)
Home/Health: $0
Clothes & Beauty: $15.60 (for the brewery t-shirt).
Transport: $23.40.
Other: $9.99 (hiking snacks/socks)
Grand Total: $228.37
Reflection: I wish I could say this week of spending was unusual, but sadly it is pretty typical. My largest expenses are always food/drink and I'm trying to spend less (obviously not trying that hard though). My first goal, which I've been achieving, was to be honest with myself and track all my spending, even if it's over budget. Now that I've been tracking regularly, I need to be more aware of spending (mostly at Wegmans honestly...the prepared food/bakery gets me every time and that stuff adds up $$). I never spend more than what I earn, but I do want to start saving more. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and definitely let me know any thoughts you have :)
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A week in your favorite firearm dealer's not-so erotic life *or* FC's tale of two grandmas! 9/18/2020

Friday 9/11/2020 to Friday 9/18/2020
I won't do the play by play. It's more fun to just amalgamate the highlight reel of the week.
Subject: Sig P226
Message: Will trade for RAS-47?
FC: Sure. What do you propose?
I have a century arms RAS47 that has 30 total rounds through it. Magpul furnishing blk on blk.
FC: Right, you told me that earlier. Shipped or picked up? What value do you put on your trade?
Meet in person I’m in Lafayette. Value 900-1000.
FC: Okay, so I'm supposed to give you asking price for what reason? I have to resell that gun, so I'm supposed to buy it from you for $900 and sell it again for $800?
I was looking for a straight trade so you’d only have to sell it for what your asking for the Sig, or more if you're good at your job. AK's are definitely a hotter demand item right now. I’d prefer if you could text me (number)
(Editors note: FC does not text. Only drug dealers do business via text message.)
FC: Let me get this right. You want a straight trade so I only have to sell it for what I'm asking for the Sig. I have to do the work of selling two guns so I can make the same money?
You can sell an AK for more then the Sig in the current market. I’m just stating how easy it is for you to break even worse case scenario.
FC: There's a lot of gun guys in the breaking even business. I'm not one of them. Plus, if it's so easy to sell an AK, why don't you sell it and bring me cash?
It’s a trade so your only selling one anyways. Plus all will sell a lot faster... I’m not a dealer I don’t have people walking in looking for guns. Whatever easy sale and flip for ya but your loss bud
FC: Selling an Sig 9mm plus selling an AK is two guns. You must have gotten that common core math. I'll tell you what. You think it will sell fast? Bring it over here and leave it with me. I'll tag it and put it out at $1200 and when it sells, I'll have a 226 ready for you.
(No response)
Subject: Sig P220 on Gunbroker
Message: your ad says $1200 with CCL. arkansas ccl is reciprical with louisiana will you honor that?
FC: Picking up in person? No. Reciprocal for carry not for anything else like NICS exemption.
are you a federal firearms dealer ?
FC: No I am not.
(Editors note: I'm a manufacturer)
if i can l can legally hold own and carry any firearm concealed on my body or in my vehicle , then the rest is just cash exchange between to citizens , i can legally have own and carry the p938 , there is nothing not legal , we cN do a orivate bill of sale photograph my dl and ccl incase soneonencommits a crime , i can have a truck full of guns all legal, i just have to do the background check again to be able to pick up at an ffl , nit requred to register or anything like that
(Editors note: I delete the message)
Subject: Glock 17 Gen 5 MOS $775
Message: Is that price for real?
FC: No, that's wrong. I'll fix it right now.
(I change it to $875 on the website)
LOL o shit he raised it another $100, sorry man that petty ass shit doesn’t bother me. Honestly it just makes u look like a fucking joke. You’re the problem with dealers, it’s hard to find glocks this month so let’s jack the price up $300 and try to rob someone that doesn’t know shit about guns. Adam Kennedy FF/PM (name of his fire department and department phone number, sent from his department email)
(I google his name and email. He's got a low serial number HK Mark 23 for sale for top dollar.)
FC: I sold 10 at the gun shows for top dollar, this is my last one. Nobody's getting stock. If you want a $625-650 gun, I've got plenty of those but Glocks are selling for top dollar and then some right now. For instance, if you had a low serial number Mark 23 with everything that nobody could get - wouldn't you want top dollar for it too?
I had a mk23 preban with original woodland operators bag, and original Wilcox attachments (well all but the IR) and I put it on the forums. I let people out bid themselves not post it for an absurd amount/hundreds above MSRP just because they are hard to find. The point is I’ve been in guns since around 2012, met some really genuine people and what sets that site apart is people seem to have a mutual respect for each other. I understand that you have a business and have to make a profit but if you can’t separate the two and not price gouge the absolute fuck out of very common items just because you feel you can. Then maybe that site isn’t the best place for you, 95% of the people on that site are individuals and when a business comes along and does that it’s a slap in the face.
FC: So, you accept that you want top dollar because your merchandise is hard to find and are willing to accept the fact that the harder something is to find - the more people are willing to pay for it. You do it, and it's okay. I do it and I'm trying to rob someone? That's called moving the goalposts where I come from. Like it or don't like it, check gunbroker and all the other dealers - everyone's getting top dollar. I just did a show last week where I was $975 on Gen 5 19's, $775 on 43X's and $700+ on all gen 3 guns. The dealer across the aisle from me had Gen 5 34's at $1000. We're in business to make money, and people are willing to pay these prices because they're so hard to find.
How do I accept that?? When I sold the mk23 I posted it for a set very fair price, people offered me more because they wanted it. And top dollar would be MSRP or close to, top dollar is NOT hundreds above MSRP. Let me ask you this, does Glock charge you more (the dealer) because they are selling a shit load of them and they are “hard to find??” Does what you pay for glocks as a FFL change as drastically as the prices you are charging based off the market?
FC: You wanted, and got as much money for your rare hard to find product as you could? That's called getting top dollar! The new ford bronco is going to sell for above MSRP. For THOUSANDS more. are you going to call Ford and complain about that? Of course not.H Hundreds above MSRP is what guns are selling for right now. If you had some for sale, are you telling me you'd sell them for hundreds less than you could? I have not gotten a wholesale gun in stock in months, I have been buying guns at retail to resell. Glock does not set prices and distributors have nothing to sell me - so your question is entirely ridiculous. Do you remember the last time around 7 or 8 years ago when Colt 6920's were $2500 and SCAR 17's were $5000? That was nowhere near MSRP and I didn't hear anyone complaining. Since you don't seem to like it at all, I suggest you leave public sector employment and try to run a business and pay the bills with no product coming in wholesale.
(Editors note: FC used to be a public servant. FC used to work in the fire department. FC knows that you can get in deep shit for sending profanity laced emails on city email account with email signature. I forward the email to his department chief with a polite message tactfully reminding him that all emails sent to a city email are preserved as public records.)
Subject: Noveske lower
Message: Would you be willing to do a one for one trade? I have a NIB Anderson lower. I’m specifically looking for one of a few specific brands of lower and Noveske happens to be one.
FC: So I'm supposed to trade you even up and sell an anderson for more money? BTW. CTD got lowers back in this morning. They're andersons and they want $199 for them but I don't think I'm going to be able to get that price.
(No response)
Phone calls!
A: Guy wants a folding bracestock. I ask him if he wants a brace or a stock. He does not know the difference. I ask him if he's building an SBR. He says he's building an SBR, specifically an SBA3. I die a little inside.
B: Guy calls looking for 100 rds of 38 special for his colt python. Drives up in his tesla and hands me a ritz calrton titanium black card. $75/100 okay? No problem. He asks if I have any more at that price. I tell him as much as he wants.
C: Endless calls for 9mm and 380 ammo.
D: Guy calls me asking for a Glock 43X. He comes in and looks. I tell him $775 as he's holding an Amex. I say I'll do better for cash. $775 out the door. He says deal. Comes back the next week with $575 cash and I look at him funny. I paid $550 for the gun retail but he owns the Chickfila 20 miles up the road and gives me a stack of be our guest chicken sandwich coupons. I begrudgingly accept.
E: Lady calls me she's headed to the range in a few hours. She needs 500 rds of 40S&W and some 380.
Me: I got it. 500 rounds of 40 - $350
1: $350?
Me: $350.
1: No, no no!
Me: Yes, yes, yes.
1: It can't be $350! That's $350! That just can't be!
Me: Welcome to 2020
1: Well the 380 ammo is cheaper right?
Me: Not really. You're looking at $65 a box.
1: No, no no!
Me: Nobody's got ammo right now and we're getting top dollar. That's the price, feel free to shop around.
She never calls me back.
F: Guy calls me asking about my Federal 115gr 9mm. Cheapest on Ammoseek is $57 a box. I don't want to be that high so I price it at $55/box. He says how much for the case. I tell him 55 times 20. He's bad at math so I tell him that's $1100 for it all. He calls me an asshole. I tell him everyone's asking me to get 9mm ammo so I'm buying it retail and marking it up. He tells me not to buy it at retail and hangs up on me.
G: The gun club president calls me. the club needs a new 5.56 upper. I ask why. Someone shot 300 blackout through the old one and destroyed it. I tell them I don't have any uppers. I have complete rifles. Cheapest is $900 for an S&W sport M&P. I can hear his jaw dropping.
There's other miscellany but you get the gist of it.
NOW here's the meat and potatoes you've wanted! The tale of the gun show!
Friday 9/11/2020
I take inventory. I'm down to about 350 guns in stock and I pack as much as I can and get it ready for the show. I've got some Sigs left, a handful of Glock and a mishmash of everything else. I head to bed early knowing full well the next show will be a good one. I bought a bunch of Glock 43X's retail.
Saturday 9/12/2020
I pull chocks at 615AM. This show is about an hour down the road from my house, the last time I was there I sold nothing all weekend, broke my oakleys and vowed never to return.
This time is gonna be different, I said to myself.
At 7AM I walk in and I start loading into the show. It's a small venue in the middle of MAGA country. Everyone wearing red hats and trump train shirts.
In a few hours the doors will open and we are off to the races. I will do hour blocks instead of my previous play by play for simplicity.
9AM: Slow start, the show is spread out across TWO buildings so they route people into the other side and it takes them about 30 minutes to make their way into the big room. First sale of the day is my last Sig 365. For $700. It takes an hour and a half to get his background check back.
10AM: Guy points at an FNS 40C and wants a deal. I make him a deal at $525 cash out the door. He says he'll come back and think about it a bit.
I sell a shield for $500.
I sell a Glock 43X for $775.
I sell a Glock 43 for $700.
For some reason everyone is calling me Daniel. It takes me an hour to realize it's because I'm wearing a gray Daniel Defense polo.
11AM: FNS40 guy is back. He says it's a deal. I hand him a clipboard. he hands me an already filled out 4473 like another dealer rejected his sale. It's folded over on the long side and I tell him to fill out my form in front of me.
10 minutes later he hands me the pre filled out folded form thinking that I'm stupid.
You gotta be shitting me. I park his ass in a chair hand him a pen and tell him to start writing.
He fills it out. I enter in his background check and it does not come back right away. He gets antsy.
12PM: FNS 40 guy wants his money back. I refund it and keep $100 for me. I grab my tablet and someone has swiped right on my bumble. We begin chatting and I ask her if she wants to go to dinner. She's a little older, in her 40's and works for a bank. What the hell, why not.
Someone asks me what it takes to suppress his beretta 92. I tell him he needs a threaded barrel. They run $250. Someone overhears me and brings by his S&W 5906 and expects me to get a threaded barrel for $250.
Guy asks me to bring the threaded barrel tomorrow. I say sure.
1PM: Lady comes by and asks me if I have any 5.7's. She's on the phone reading down my inventory. I ask her if the gun is for her or her friend. She says for her. I show her the 5.7 on the table and roll my eyes a bit.
2PM: 5.7 lady comes by with her butch lesbian lover. She tells me its a deal and I hand her the clipboard. She fills everything out with lots of errors. I get her background check in and I tell her $1375
Her jaw drops. She was looking at the FNS 9mm for $575 next to it and didn't think that 5.7 pistols were $1375. She coughs reeking of weed. I void the sale.
Guy walks up asking me for 70% silencers. I just laugh.
3PM: Another guy comes over asking me if I got a 5.7. I tell him yes. He says he's got $1000 right now for a 5.7. I tell him I'll take $1000 as a down payment. He laughs and is adamant that I take this $1000 for a 5.7 tagged at $1375.
I ask him if he's got cash and all his ID and everything. He's on the phone it's actually for a friend of his. I ask him if his friend can get here before the show closes at 5. His friend has no CWL so his wife has to buy it but he's going to pay for it.
This guy is barking up the wrong tree. I go back and help someone else. He's looking at a Springfield XD I've brought and asks me if I'm making any deals. I tell him we're not doing a lot of discounting at the show. He shrugs and says he tried.
Another guy asks me for a Glock 43X. I walk him over to the stack and show him the tag at $775. He scoffs at me and walks away.
4PM: Show starts slowing down. I write up a Sig P238 Tribal and a P938 BRG for some customers at $700 each. I write up a S&W M&P15 sport for $900 as my last sale of the day. The lady was super nice and understanding when I pointed out the errors on her 4473.
5PM: Time to go home! I dump off some transfers to another dealer and hit the road. It's an hour to get back home.
6PM: I take a shower, shave and get to the restaurant for dinner.
7PM: I'm at the restaurant waiting at the table and I discover that the woman that said she was in her 40's is actually a 58 year old grandma of 2. Someone shoot me. She says she's not that hungry and proceeds to order soup, salad, a martini, an espresso and dessert. She's ordered $65 in F&B to my $35 steak. This was a complete waste of an evening.
My depression worsens and not even a bowl of mint chocolate chip can break me out of this funk. My will to live is eroding by the minute. I fall asleep at midnight and set my alarm for 747AM. I make a mental note to move up my therapist.
Sunday August 16th
747AM. Wake up, take a swig of orange juice and run down to the deli and grab a sandwich and get down to the show. I grab a threaded barrel for a Beretta 92 on my way down. Note: The guy never shows up for that barre.
10AM: Get to the show and uncover my tables and get cranking. It's a slow start to the day. My first sale is a Springfield XD. The show goes on and I write up an FNS for someone. The customer writes the check out payable to HK NO COMPROMISE.
I look at them confused.
FC: Why is this check made out to HK?
1: That's what it says on your shirt, HK NO COMPROMISE - that's the name of your company, right?
FC: sigh
11AM: Guy wants a can without a tax stamp. 5
12PM: Someone walks over. Points at my stack of silencers
1: I can't pick one of those up here!
FC: You got two arms don't you?
1: I mean I can't buy one here!
FC: If you got money you can buy one!
1: You're a real smartass you know that!
FC: Beats being a dumbass!
The peanut gallery laughs at our exchange.
1PM: Guy wants to buy a Walther P22. Fills out the front sheet of the 4473. Satisfied with his answer, he turns the page along the perforation, rips it off and proudly hands the top sheet to me.
I die a little bit inside.
2PM: 7 different husband/wife combos ask me for shield EZ pistols. I write up my last M&P 15 sport I brought to the show for $900. It's a good day! I debated bringing another but I figured selling two for the weekend would be plenty.
3PM: The lady that bought that S&W M&P15 yesterday? She wants another one. I have three left on the shelf. I take her money and tell her I'll meet her at the show next week and she says no problem and does all her paperwork. u/throwawayfire343 's coronavirus infected ass shows up and needles me on a gun.
1: How much do you want for this $150 gun?
FC: About 350
1: really
FC: Gimme $200 and fill the goddamn form right
1: deal!
I take his money and wrap up a few other folks and get ready to pack up and head home. He does the form right much to my chagrin.
4PM: Show is closed. I start packing up. I snag 500 rds of 9mm off the dealer across the show. He started with a full pallet. Most of it is gone. Price? $500/thousand. I am packed up and on the road in a little under an hour.
5PM: Homeward bound........I wish I was........HOMEWARD BOUND..............
I hit the truck stop for some diesel and a cold fountain drink.
630PM: I get back to my desk and dump off a fucking STACK of 4473's. I make a bank drop for the cash and I unload and head back home. I'm starving, I go grocery shopping and grab some comestibles. I cook myself dinner and head home.
Monday September 14th
10AM: My back is out and my depression is worse than ever. I don't know what hurts more, my back or my brain. I head in and get my 4473's worked on from the show.
11AM: Guy asks me to get some 9mm ammo for him held until after work. No problem. He says he'll be here at 445 after he gets out off at 430. He works around the corner.
12PM: Lunchtime. It's Chicken Bacon Ranch day at the market. I'm starving. I grab my keys and get ready to leave when I get a call from a lady from the gun club. She wants one of my last Sig 938's. I tell her to come by, I'll delay lunch for her.
1PM: Laura shows up and spends 45 minutes with me trying to decide on which 938 she wants. She has no intention of shooting this gun she just wants one in case antifa shows up. She leaves and says she will come back in 45 minutes. Great, I can go to lunch now.
2PM: It try to go to lunch. I am not successful. Laura calls me asking me more questions and tells me she has another friend wanting the same gun. I tell her I will put my lunch on hold and she can come on by.
She and her friend debate Sig 938's for a while and each of them buy a gun. I got a twofer! Woo! This calls for a celebration called lunch.
3PM: I get a call from a semi regular. This guy buys a gun or two a year. He's getting his concealed license and does not want the government to know he's buying guns. So he's sending his wife in to do the 4473 for his birthday present, a Wilson CQB 1911 they've purchased off gunbroker. I tell him great, send her over and I'll get her paperwork done. I get ready to go to lunch. The phone rings, Laura and her friend want more of my time. Fine. I will put my lunch on hold. Come on over.
4PM: Laura and her friend come over and Laura suggests that I give each of them a few Sig 938 7 rd pinky extension mags for free since they just bought two guns. I look at them in great pain.
Women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent. I'm sorta in a woman hating mood after this week but I don't want to take it out on them. I explain politely that NOBODY is getting free goods right now. if you want mags, I have three left. They spent 25 minutes arguing with me and then they decide to buy all three mags. Great. Terrific. I'm going to lunch now. Your business is appreciated now GTFO. The guy that wanted me to reserve 9mm ammo for him? Yeah he no showed.
5PM: Beef jerky lunch time. I get my keys and get ready to walk out the door. The wife of Wilson Combat buyer is running errands and can be over here. Sure, come on down. I'll be here. She does all her paperwork and we talk for 2 hours about how autistic you all say I am and how not autistic she says I am. Nice lady. She brought me gummy bears. I tell her I am clearly on the spectrum because I behave and think exactly like her autistic son. She fails to believe me.
7PM: I can finally go have lunch! I go to the Olive Garden for lunch.
815PM: I get home from the OG. This is not going well. My colon does not like the pasta and breadsticks. I spend the next hour and a half making three trips to the throne. This fucking week. And it's only sunday. God damn.
I take a tylenol PM and sleep it off.
Tuesday September 15th
10AM: I get in and start catching up on vendor calls and paperwork.
11AM: UPS rolls in with a wilson and some piece of shit suppressor from some company. I call Lisa and tell her that the package is here and she can pick it up anytime. She says she will be right over.
12PM: Lisa gets her gun and thanks me with some things she got at walgreens. Red hots, and pens. I laugh. I tell her it's fine. She's confused. Her autistic son always liked Red Hots and pens.
1PM: I swing over to the deli and it's Monday. They have hot browns today. I love a hot brown. I grab one and check in on facebook telling the world of my discovery. So many great job poopin memes and comments ensue.
2PM: I call the guy who's got the el cheapo 556 can. He's pissed. That can was supposed to be sent to another dealer across town. I tell him his options.
A: I can do his form 4 and charge him my hourly.
B: I can ship it back to the vendor and charge him my hourly.
C: I can ship it to the dealer across town and charge him my hourly.
He's PISSED and tells me to do the forms for him. I tell him email me all the info and I'll get it done. I get an email in GMAIL CONFIDENTIAL MODE.
What's CONFIDENTIAL MODE? It's a self destructing email you can't reply to, forward or cut and paste from - which makes this useless since I have to cut and paste all the info he's given me. I tell him I need the data in a different format. He yells at me about PII and stuff and I offer to do the form 4 in front of him. He relents and emails me what I need. It's missing a birthday. No biggie. I email him a draft and he says it looks lfine.
3PM: The guy comes by and he's pissed at the vendor and takes it out on me. I tell him if he does not want to do the forms from me, I can send it to the dealer across town. He's mad as hell and I've discounted my rate to $100 as a goodwill gesture.
1: You're charging me $100?
FC: Yes
1: But you're not doing anything.
FC: Here's the checklist.
1: The other place did my photos, fingerprints and everything and charged me $100.
FC: Great. I'm not spending $8000 on a fingerprint scanner to make it back $100 at a time.
1: So you're not doing anything.
FC: I did these forms correctly as you asked.
1: But you didn't even do my fingerprints! Or my passport photos! What the hell am I paying you for?
FC: Why'd they send the item here/
1: Hell if I know! You should call them and find out!
FC: You want me to call them?
1: Well you dealers have a special phone number and email. They won't answer my calls or my emails.
FC: What makes you think they're going to answer mine?
1: You're a dealer! You have a special back office phone number to reach them that I don't have, right?
FC: Are you kidding me?
1: No! You all have that special communication system that the public has no access to!
FC: Gimme your $100 and get these forms reviewed, I've got another customer to help in a bit.
1: You mean I gotta mail it out too! The other place did that for me!
FC: You want me to mail it? I'll mail it. Get the prints done, get the photos taken and get the form filled out and I'll mail it.
1: The other place answered all the questions for me!
1: I am really upset about all this you're charging me the same money and you're doing no work!
FC: You want this can?
1: Yeah
FC: Then follow my instructions.
He pulls out three credit cards with damaged magnetic stripes that won't work. I manually key the card and I'm now working for $96.50 dealing with the biggest pain in the ass I've seen since operation machinegun salvage in 2019.
4PM: I have to go to fedex to drop off today's orders. 1000 rds of 22 leave the building for $189.48. A bunch of mags to the west coast and a Sig P220 are leaving.
5PM: Make it to Fedex where I say hi to Cathy and the gang. I swing by the market on the way home and grab some shredded romaine and a thin cut top sirloin.
545PM: Now I told you this story was a tale of TWO grandmas. Here's the second. I get a call from my attorney buddy Eddie, my partner at the consulting company. He got a call from a lady needing help with some ATF Forms. He knew it wasn't his area of expertise and wanted to know if I could do it. I said send the details my way. He tells me it's an older lady and to expect an email. Moments later I get an email from him.
Subject: Forms for Karen Witherspoon
Message: Will, attached is ATF correspondence from ATF to Karen, I think you can fix this. Thanks!
I look at the attachment.
NOTICE OF TAKING DEPOSITION DUCES TECUM - State of Louisiana vs Billy Bob Ray Thibodeaux
FC: Eddie, I got your deposition notice not the ATF forms
Eddie: Whoops
FC: If that's the worst thing that happens this week it's not a bad week.
Eddie: She knows you're charging her I didn't give her a price.
FC: Lemme look at it and see what we got.
6PM: I call Karen and ask her some details. Her husband was a former licensee/SOT and left a machinegun behind when he died. She did ATF Form 5 and got some errors and needs help fixing it. Just as I'm on the phone with her Eddie emails me the packet.
It's bad and riddled with errors. Out of 20 fields that all need to be filled out correctly, 12 are wrong. And not a little wrong. A LOT wrong.
I won't get into it here but I might in a separate post.
ATF wants the forms back at their facility in 30 days. The mailing date was 2 weeks ago. Which means these forms need to be corrected RIGHT THE FUCK NOW and sent out. Oh and she's got no fingerprint cards.
I tell her that I can drop everything I'm doing this evening, go over everything with a fine tooth comb and have this done in a few hours and I can drop them off tomorrow. She says if I can make a house call that would be good since she has furniture movers coming to empty their house in the morning. I tell her no problem. $350 and I'll see her tomorrow.
I run down all the forms and fix everything. I do a public records search and pull court filings for the probate and print them off and enclose them as ATF requested.
$350 for basically an hour's worth of work isn't bad. There's a steak/bottle of wine split for Eddie in there since it was his lead.
8PM: I call Karen back and tell her I've got everything done but ATF needs a copy of the will. She says she has it. I got everything else they asked off the clerk's website. She's super impressed. I tell her there's a reason Eddie called me.
9PM: Time to cook dinner. My phone is about to die. Just as I plug it in I get a call from u/fat_italian_stallion
He NEVER calls me unless something's up.
We had a quick chat over the weekend at the gun show that went something like this
FC: So that's how I got catfished by a grandma on bumble
FIS: LOL that is epic bad. I'm in New Orleans for a week on vacation with the gf
FC: The psycho one?
FIS: You know it.
FC: If you need bail money let me know
FIS: I just might!
That was Sunday morning. It's tuesday night. My phone dies as I try talking to him. I switch to my landline and call him.
FC: What up?
FIS: I need a solid
FC: How bad is it this time?
FIS: Can I sleep at your house tonight? She went nuts again and attacked me.
FC: I told you not to get invovled with her didn't I?
FIS: She's hot!
FC: You know I'm like 3 hours away from you right?
FIS: Yeah I got a half tank of gas.
FC: Go fill it, here's the address. See you around midnight. You hungry?
FIS: Starving.
FC: I was getting ready to fix dinner. I'll see you at midnight. Get here when you get here.
9PM-1145PM: I fix up the guest suite and prepare dinner. I run to the Target near my house since they close at 10 and grab a few more things. I get back just before 10 and I prepare to fire up the grill and get a steak going, salad and a fresh ravioli dish drowned in Rao's tomato basil sauce is on the menu. Steak hits the fire at 1130 and is resting by 1145. I plate everything and have it on the table at midnight.
1145PM: I get some spare towels and hotel soaps and shampoos. I head out to the driveway and turn on all my lights and leave the garage door open. I set a lawn chair up and crack open a large bag of boom chicka pop poprcorn and await the arrival of one u/fat_italian_stallion
1204AM: u/fat_italian_stallion rolls up. I've got guns and roses "Used to love her" playing on the ipad
FC: sup?
FIS: Long day.
FC: Dinner's on the table. Lets eat.
Wednesday September 16th
We eat and go to sleep. fat_italian_stallion does not know I have slid my spare ipad into the guest suite on the nightstand.
Did you know you can set an alarm on an ipad to instead of making a noise to play a song?
757AM: The ipad alarm wakes up fat_italian_stallion. The song? A little band called Confederate Railroad blasting "I like my women a little on the trashy side." He'll have to tell you the rest of the story.
9AM: I chat with fat italian and we chat a bit skipping breakfast. He has decided to leave this godforsaken state and put some miles between him and the psycho. I don't blame him one bit.
10AM: Breakfast! I throw on a charcoal canali and hit the chickfila drive thru for some breakfast chicken biscuits. I head to my desk and get some paperwork and some calls done.
11AM: I get a call from my attorney buddy Sam. He wants to know how many laws his client who has sent in a Form 1 and not notified the CLEO has broken. I explain I was just having that debate with someone on the internet! It's not a big deal but still kinda a big deal. Our consensus is that it's not count one on the indictment but it could be count five or six.
12PM: Lunchtime. I'm not hungry so I skip lunch. I head to meet with the grandma with the MG and I go over all her new forms that she needs to get fixed with fingeprint cards and my notes. She's super appreciative and gives me $350 in cash. She can't find the will. I call her attorney that I know and he's not picking up. I tell her see if she can get an original copy of the will from the clerks office or from the attorneys office, they normally have a copy.
I ask her what plans she has for the gun. I mean, what's a grandma supposed to do with a registered Colt M16?
All her husbands friends wanted it and they all offered her the same amount so she didn't need it and decided to sell it. She's taking the $5000 she's getting and going on an Alaskan cruise with the grandkids after the world calms down. I shrug. She should have called me.
2PM: Back at my desk, I call the judge's chambers that's doing the probate. Judge Smith LOVES the 308 that I got him a few years ago and is super pleased with my services since he didn't tell the wife about his purchase and I had just gotten a damaged case of 308 PMC Bronze that I made him a hell of a deal on that UPS wrote off. I tell the JA that ATF probably isn't going to call but in case they do just be ready. She's super glad that I told her ahead of time so she can be ready.
Judge Smith is retiring in a few months and he's got some time in the schedule so she patches me through and we catch up for a little bit. I am told that they're going to try to do a COVID compliant socially distanced retirement disrobing party but it's all up in the air. I say if you all need someone to bring potato salad to let me know. As a stalwart of the legal community for many years, lots of folks know the judge so it's well deserved after 20+ years on the bench. As I am also well known in the legal communty the least I can do is show up with a bottle of red for the guy that's signed hundreds of form 4's for me over the years.
3PM: I ship out a few more pistols and sell an M1A scout squad to a guy in California. Not a bad day.
4PM: I'm done for this week. Between the gun show and getting catfished and everything I've earned some time off. I think I'm gonna take the rest of the week off. The phone rings and a guy wants some 9mm ammo. I sell him 500 rds at $375 plus shipping.
Thursday September 17th to Friday September 18th: I wrote this for you all to read.
PS - and this is how you do a "week in the life" thread, you fucking imposter. https://www.reddit.com/guns/comments/i759qj/a_week_in_the_life_of_your_favorite_firearm/
submitted by fcatthepanerabread to guns [link] [comments]

Welcome to South App #4: "Outside 101"

Monday, August 17th, 2020
Winston Beavers was having a very bad day.
It all began at 5 AM when his phone alarm vibrated. He rolled over on his belly and silenced it before it could wake Tai. It was the first day of class, but Winston wasn’t rising early to drink coffee and read the student newspaper. Instead, he grabbed his trusty silk tie and used it to hang his tablet from the sprinkler head. He slipped his headphones on, booted up some porn, and got straight down to business with both hands.
Now his contraption was holding on by faith and faith alone. But Winston paid no mind. He listened to Irish redheads moaning in his ear while he arched his back and curled his toes. And with each passing second, the weight of the tablet began to wear on the old, rusty sprinkler head.
So, when Winston exploded, so did that sprinkler head.
“Fuck!” Winston yelled, choking on a mouthful of rusty water. He tumbled off the top bunk, landing square on his ass. He scrambled to his feet, grabbed a binder from his desk, and rushed out the room - slipping on the puddle on his way out. Tai was already in the hallway, naked and wrapped in a wet blanket.
“What the hell, asshole?!” Tai blurted out, shivering with his laptop and backpack in each hand. “I told you not to jerk off like that!”
“Save your breath, partner,” Winston reassured him. “This here binder is the only important thing in that goddamn room.”
As water seeped into the hallway, Winston reckoned his luck had finally run out. Earlier this week, the Asheville PD had informed him that his prized Single Action Army was nowhere to be found in evidence. But he still had his precious binder, with the letters BDE inscribed on the spine. And when the water was finally shut off, Winston stuffed the binder back in his desk and made Tai pinky swear to keep it a secret.
A few hours later, Tai sat on the sofa in a local Asheville coffee shop with a drink and a bible in front of him.
As your wing-woman, I shall provide some friendly reminders!” Gigi cheerfully told Tai over the phone. “Make sure you’re facing the door so you can see when he comes in. Oh, and remember the order of operations: turn a page, sip your drink, make eye contact. Turn, sip, eyes!
“Uh, are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Tai whispered, as sleepy, hungover students filed in.
“I’m setting you up on an impromptu date on a Monday morning, am I not?”
“And have you run this strategy by amateur wingman extraordinaire Winston Beavers?”
Gigi paused. “Winston and I are...no longer on speaking terms. Sorry! I do not consent to any conversation about the aforementioned obnoxious brute whatsoever. Good luck!”
Gigi hung up. So Tai, who had never touched a bible, flipped to Ephesians like Gigi had coached him before. In fact, she’d planned out everything down to the last detail: the NIV version of the bible, the iced caramel macchiato, and the red and white checkerboard Vans he wore.
But Tai’s mind wandered to a more interesting book that he also had not yet read. He wanted to know what the hell was in Winston’s binder.
Suddenly, Jacky California walked into the cafe. Showtime. His 7:30 coffee break was expected. (Gigi found Jacky’s schedule on Facebook, and a quick visit to this cafe before 8 AM Intermediate Spanish just made sense.) Check. Turn, sip, eyes. Jacky waited in line, wearing a slim-fit red Abercrombie polo, bleached holy jeans, and his prized red and white checkerboard Vans. And his shoe decision, yet again, was also expected. (Gigi discovered that Jacky had only two classes on Monday, influencing his choice in that comfy pair of shoes that he wore in his profile pic). Check. Turn, sip, eyes. When Jacky stepped up to the counter, he ordered an iced caramel macchiato. And, once again, Gigi predicted this move. (Whatever the weather, Jacky’s SoCal roots virtually guaranteed an icy, watered-down coffee approach. Not to mention, nobody drinks hot coffee after sitting in the tanning bed for 30 minutes. Which, according to Gigi’s sleuthing, Jacky partook in every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.) Check. Turn, sip, eyes. Finally, while waiting for his order, Jacky pulled out his NIV study bible and flipped to the Book of Acts. (This time, Gigi was only partially off-base. His Facebook modeling photos were actually captioned with Ephesians bible verses. Nothing a quick fix couldn’t remedy). So Tai flipped straight to Acts, took a long sip of his macchiato, and made direct eye contact with Jacky as he walked over.
“Bro, this is freakin’ gnarly!” Jacky said in disbelief, pointing out their matching shoes, bible, and drink. “This is some righteous Revelation-level prophecy if I’ve ever seen it. Hey, my name’s Jacky. Is this seat ocupado?”
“Oh no!” Claire exclaimed, stroking Winston's fuzzy beard. “I’m, like, totally sorry about my stud’s mishap this morning!”
“Thank ya, peach pie,” Winston said, shaking his head. “I reckon they’ll move my ass to the broom closet and hang me out to dry.”
Claire and Winston were sitting in the Rec Center courtyard in athletic gear, along with several other hungover students. This was the Outdoors Adventures Seminar, AKA “Outside 101.” For many, it was a breezy way to snag the required Health and Fitness credit hour. And that's exactly why Gigi and Frank were also in this class. They sat on the opposite side of the courtyard, quietly gossipping and shooting the occasional glance their way.
“Your friends over there are, like, totally ignoring us!” Claire piped up, tugging Winston’s sleeve. “That’s, like, so rude.”
“Don’t trouble yourself, puddin’ muffin. They just ain’t ready for us yet.”
“And, like, oh my God! Ryan flat-out told me those are, like, the two people who broke into the frat house and blew up his daddy’s ashes! They are, like, total thugs. Ew!”
“Ah, my sister explained to me that it was a big misunderstanding, bundt cake,” Winston replied, feigning interest.
“Well, you should totally talk some sense to that Asian friend of yours, or else this class is gonna be, like, hella awkward,” Claire suggested. “She has, like, a salt and vinegar chip on her shoulder! It’s, like, totally not my fault that I can pull off a sports bra while she’s wearing those baggy clothes!”
True enough, Gigi and Frank had been giving them the cold shoulder ever since the frat house raid. For Frank, this was because of Winston’s affiliation with Claire Dansby and the notorious fraternity she represented. As for Gigi, it was more simple and personal: the lap dance.
“Ahoy, ladies and germs!” greeted the rugged Australian instructor, decked out in bushman’s gear. “My name is Angus, and I want to welcome ya to Outside 101. While you shop different classes, I indeed hope you’ll choose to spend your semester with us. Today is the Gauntlet Challenge, where we’ll break off into groups and compete for a mighty fine prize!”
With that, Angus hurled an ax at a target behind the students. Bullseye. Everyone stood up to clap and cheer. “Now, everybody come up front and grab yourselves a fine ole’ nametag so we know who you are!”
Winston sprung up and headed for the front of the line. Gigi stood with her back to him, her long black hair draping over her Under Armor tank top. He cleared his throat. “Howdy. Looks like we’re gonna be getting a workout in today. So hey, can I have a word with ya in private?”
She spun around, showing him a forced smile. “I’m sorry, sir. I don’t consent to this conversation.”
With that, she grabbed a nametag and wrote “Gigi.” Winston cocked his head. “So, I seem to recall Sarah telling me that you’ve got a South Korean name that only your father calls you.”
“Ah, but what’s in a name anywho?” pondered Frank, stepping forward. “Sir Winston, I wish to extend a sincere congratulations to your acceptance into the Beta Delta Epsilon Sausage Club. And to that brazen bull of a woman under your thumb. Alas, a braver man than me are you!”
Gigi narrowed her eyes at Winston. “You don’t know my real name?” she stated matter-of-factly. “Do you even know me at all?”
Frank and Gigi walked back to their seat. The hair stood up on the back of Winston’s neck. But before he could retort, two late students entered the courtyard.
“Hey, what’s up dudes and dudettes?” Jacky greeted casually. “Sorry we’re late. We couldn’t find the-"
“Hellooo everyone!” Tai greeted the class flamboyantly. “Jacky-boy, I hope you’re ready for a totally fabulous time! Ready to sweat? Oh, will you look at the sports bra on that blonde gal over here! Looks like Victoria can’t keep her secret for long. Am I right, Tai? Hey, boo-boo! Yes, you in the sports bra. You are killing it!”
Claire giggled, thanking Tai. But he and Jacky wound up sitting next to Gigi and Frank instead, introducing each other. Winston watched from afar, shaking his head. So this is how my roommate acts when he’s no longer single, he thought. Then, when no one was watching, Winston reached into his pocket and pulled out a 20-dollar bill.
“Oi, Steve Irwin,” Winston whispered to Angus, slipping him the money. “I need ya to put me and my friends together in a group.”
Winston pointed out his four friends, scribbled “BAMF” on a nametag, and walked confidently back to his seat. Then, when Gigi was watching, he gave Claire a sloppy, wet kiss.
“First elimination challenge is ax throwing!” Angus announced, behind the wheel of a Volkswagen VW bus. “The world’s second-oldest profession.”
Per request, Angus had formed a group out of Winston, Claire, Frank, Gigi, Tai, and Jacky. Now, he was driving them to a deserted field at the base of Mount Pisgah in the Asheville wilderness. Once they arrived, he set up a huge wooden target, then tossed Winston an ax.
“Now you look like a bloke who’s done this before!” Angus remarked.
“Hell, my daddy had to put a lock on the shed,” Winston bragged.
“Winston is, like, totally a wild man when it comes to the outdoors!” Claire chimed in. “I’m, like, super-stoked for him to totally man-handle me in the bedroom.”
The other four cringed at each other. Then, Winston reared back and hurled the ax with two hands, hitting a large ring.
“Three points!” Angus called out. “Claire, think you can conquer this beast?”
Claire stepped forward and grabbed an ax. As a former high school cheerleader, she hid some muscles under her small frame. But what surprised everybody was how she tossed hers one-handed. She hit an inner ring: a five-pointer.
“This, like, ain’t my first rodeo, cowboy!” Claire teased. She brazenly grabbed another ax and under-handed it to Gigi. She yelped, but Frank stepped in and caught it.
“My stars!” he said to Claire. “A woman so supple, yet so brazen around the edges. A fine mistress you doth make!”
Winston walked over to Gigi and gave her a puzzled look. “In the words of Richard III,” he began. “It looks Frank would trade his kingdom for a whore.”
“Um...since when have you started dabbling in Old English plays?” Gigi asked, a bit uneasy.
“Looks like you don’t know me much at all yourself.”
Gigi blushed, either enraged or embarrassed. She left him to stand next to her boyfriend. Then, Frank performed a one-handed throw, landing an inner ring.
“Five points for Shakespeare!” Angus cheered. “Let’s see if Miss Hathaway can cut the mustard.”
Before Frank handed Gigi the ax, she was already tense. He helped her hold it with two hands in a beginner’s stance. “But soft!” he said, as Gigi took aim. “Plant it straight in the heart! Just like I shall soon plant my seed in your womb.”
Flustered and distracted, she heaved the ax for an outer ring.
“Oi, only one point,” Angus declared. “Better hope our last two competitors think off target!”
Jacky grabbed an ax and faced Gigi. “Bro, your boyfriend’s a perv. And so is that chick.”
Jacky pointed straight at Claire. She giggled obnoxiously, flicking her long blonde hair. Jacky rolled his eyes. “God, please bring this lost sheep home,” he quietly prayed. He flung it from over the shoulder, missing the target completely.
“Ah, I can tell you’re fancy a boomerang by the way you throw that bugger!” Angus chuckled. “Our first elimination. Last one, come on down!”
Before Tai could grab his ax, Gigi pulled him aside. “Um, as your fellow wing-woman,” she started, “I suggest you launch the caveman hunting apparatus into the margins for the express purpose of aborting and creating a more intimate scenario with your beloved wave rider.”
Now Tai had grown a little closer with Gigi ever since she matched him up with Jacky. But all he could muster was a blank stare. Gigi leaned in closer. “Lose on purpose so you can be alone with him!” she hissed.
“Oh, got it,” Tai whispered back. “Hey, Gigi? Do ya think I can borrow your room for a bit? There’s no way Jacky can find out I live in a flooded swamp.”
Suddenly, Jacky’s ax boomerang came twirling back around, heading straight for Tai. He jumped to the side with a shriek, watching the ax fly into a tree. “Righteous!” Jacky cheered, running back to fetch it. So with that in mind, Tai took aim and tossed his ax boomerang-style. As intended, it went flying far and wide past the target.
“And Tai and Jacky have been eliminated!” Angus declared. “That means the rest of ya advance to our next challenge. And an impressive performance from the blonde bombshell and Italian stallion, I might add.”
Claire walked up to Frank and slapped his ass. “Looks like we pervs, like, totally got it going on!”
Winston and Gigi stared at each other in shock. But before they knew it, Tai’s ax boomerang came soaring back, nailing the side of Angus’ Volkswagen.
“FIX THE FUCKING AC,” growled Evelyn the RA in a low, demonic voice. “I WILL BURN THIS MOTHERFUCKER TO THE GROUND.”
In Sarah and Gigi’s room, Tai and Jacky had taken shelter from this emo demon, who was now stomping up and down the hallway. Sure enough, the AC was broken again. And after Tai had escorted Jacky up seven flights of stairs to “his” room, they’d found it virtually impossible to stop sweating.
“So let’s dive into Genesis 5 where we left off,” Jacky suggested, as they sat together on the futon. “It’s a little gnarly since it’s all genealogy. We’ll have to quiz each other when we’re done so we make sure we got it down pat!”
Jacky cracked open the bible, just as Evelyn screamed from the hallway. They rushed to the door and peeked out. Evelyn had let down her jet-black hair and had smeared mascara on her, sweating pale face. She locked eyes with the two young men. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?” the demon within her tremored.
They quickly shut the door and got back to their bible study. “Well...anyway, this is the written account of Adam’s family line,” Jacky read. “Basically, this is gonna be a righteous heck-ton of funky names to remember. My youth pastor showed me an easy way to memorize them, where-”
Death metal blared in the hallway. Over the heavy muted guitar and the rapid-fire double bass, Evelyn released a primal roar.
“So yeah, an easy way to memorize the names is word association!” the sweating Jacky yelled over the screeching guitar solo. “For example, take Adam and Seth, who-”
“EVERYBODY BREAK SHIT,” Evelyn screamed, as the deafening breakdown began. Tai rushed to the door and peeked out again. This time, she was breaking off a long fluorescent light tube from the ceiling. Several of her female hallmates observed like visitors at a zoo. Evelyn reared back and smashed the wall, shattering the light into pieces.
“All right, bro,” Jacky finally sighed, shutting the bible and standing up. “Look, let’s just go to your actual room.”
“W-what?” Tai stuttered, closing the door.
“Come on brochacho,” Jacky said, slicking back his long blonde hair. “You think I didn’t catch on? There are the female girls in the hallway with the female devil incarnate. Not to mention the…dreadful taste in bedroom decor in whoever’s room this is. Come on, man. I wanna see the real you.”
They stared into each other's' cool grey eyes. Finally, Tai nodded and reached out to shake on it. Instead, Jacky held his hand and interlocked his fingers. They sneaked out into the hallway, and Jacky led the way to Tai’s room.
“H-how do you know where we’re going?” Tai asked.
“I’m your mailman,” Jacky answered, giving his hand a squeeze. “I know a lot more about you than you think. Heck, don’t even get me started on your roommate’s male enhancement subscription.”
As they descended the stairs, a herd of female students tried to restrain the spawn of Satan in the hall.
“Next up is the zip-line races!” Angus announced.
He drove the four competitors deep into the Pisgah National Forest with the ax still lodged in the van. He slowed to a stop in a green, tranquil meadow where sunlight peeked through the treetops. There, two huge zip-lines ran from the tops of starting platforms, all the way to a platform on the far side of the clearing.
Angus passed out a few safety harnesses, and everyone suited up. “Mine’s, like, a little too big!” Claire whined. “Gigi, you should totally trade with me since you have a tad more cushion for the pushin’! Hey, at least your boobs are smaller than mine! That, like, must be so convenient.”
Gigi ignored her, hooking herself to the lane behind Winston. Claire attached herself to the lane behind Frank. And Angus began the long walk toward the finish line platform. Now out of earshot, both groups began climbing the long rope ladders up to their platforms. Winston purposefully took his time. Halfway up the ladder, Winston stopped and looked down at Gigi.
“Hey, I know I’m being stubborn,” Winston said. “But I really wanna talk to you, if you’ll have me. Just give me a chance to explain-"
“She’s a total bitch!” Gigi hissed, surprising even herself. “If you’re dating her, we’re no longer friends.”
Frustrated and torn, Winston sighed. “Right. I reckon actions speak louder than words anyway.” He reached into his shorts pocket and pulled out a mini can of WD-40. Then, he proceeded to spray the shit out of both of their zip-line hooks.
“W-what the hell is wrong with you?” Gigi exclaimed, choking on the fumes.
“WD-40 is God’s lubricant,” Winston explained. “Now we’ll have a little speed boost when we race ‘em. Sorry, buddy, but I need us both to win so we have some alone time to sort things out.”
“You’re being absolutely ridiculous!” Gigi said, flabbergasted.
“I realize that. So I reckon I’ll make you an offer. When it’s me versus you at the finals, I’ll let you win so you get the Lazy Basil gift card. Deal?”
Suddenly, Gigi’s big, brown eyes shot open and her countenance sang a different tune. Lazy Basil was the finest Italian restaurant in all of Asheville - maybe all of North Carolina. And Frank would not be cooking her an Italian dinner until this Friday. After tasting a little bit of chocolate every day to prepare her body for cheese, she could not wait a day longer.
“Pray tell!” Frank suddenly yelled, looking down from his platform at the stragglers. “Art thou stuck on the ladder, Sir Winston? Mayhaps we require usage of a construction crane to haul up your portly frame.”
Winston grunted, then spat on the ground. “So what was that you were saying about my girlfriend being a bitch?” Winston asked Gigi.
Reaching the top of the ladder, Winston and Gigi stepped onto the platform. A perfect view of the bright green hemlock trees of the Pisgah National Forest. From the finish line platform, Angus pumped his fist. “Let’s get these wagon wheels a’rollin’!” his voice echoed across the forest. “Fellas up first!”
Winston made the mistake of looking down at the endless ocean of treetops. Stomach lurching, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then, hands trembling, he moved his greased-up zip-line hook to the starting position.
Gigi tapped his shoulder. “Are you...afraid of heights?” she asked, more like a mother than a caring friend.
A sudden breeze caused their platform to sway ever-so-slightly. Winston hunched over and vomited his morning screwdriver into a nest of endangered birds. He wiped his mouth and looked up at Frank’s shit-eating grin. Winston simultaneously flicked him off while giving Angus a thumbs up.
“Ah, we’ve got ourselves a fighter!” Angus called out. “Ready. Set. Go!”
Winston and Frank kicked off their platforms, soaring over the forest. Sure enough, his WD-40 hack gave him the extra acceleration he needed. He held a clear lead over Frank as Angus’ platform grew closer and closer. Not even Frank’s Italian expletives could stop him.
“Wiiinston wins!” Angus cheered, as Winston whizzed up to the platform. And only a split-second later, Frank came in hot, landing gracefully.
“I underestimated thy aerodynamic stature!” Frank admitted. “Mayhaps I too require an uptick in fine American cuisine, say steak and potatoes?”
Back at the starting line, Gigi grabbed her hook and slid it into a starting position. She looked up at her hands, now slick with grease.
“I’m, like, totally sorry about being so rude earlier,” Claire said, making a pouting face. “Look, if you let me win, you get to leave class early with Frank, and I can have the gift card! And not to be totally awkward, but I think you could, like, have a super-hot figure without that Italian food in your diet.”
Two minutes later.
“Gigi wins!” Angus cheered, as she came careening to the finish line. A split second later, Claire came flying by - seething.
“Like, it’s totally not fair!” Claire cried, stomping her feet. “Gigi, like, totally called me a hashtag raging thundercunt! It, like-like-like-like-like, totally distracted me from the race!” Again, more crocodile tears while Claire buried her face in Winston’s shoulder.
“Woe is me!” Frank cried out, grabbing her shoulders. “Oh, the humanity! Alas, say you did no such thing!”
“There, there,” Winston said nonchalantly, patting Claire’s head like a dog. “I’m sure it ain’t that serious.”
Angus covered his mouth. “Oi, Miss Gigi: did you in fact call Lady Claire a raging thundercunt?”
Gigi politely crossed her hands in front of her waist, her messy black hair cascading over her pale face. And then: a tell-all smile.
“Well, you know we handle potty-mouths in Australia, right?” Angus asked. “We fuckin’ celebrate ‘em! And as for sore losers? We make ‘em walk the plank!”
Angus shoved Claire and Frank off the platform. They screamed until the cable pulled taut, leaving them dangling in midair.
“Congratulations, ya raging thundercunts!” Angus said to Winston and Gigi. “Now off to the finals we go. And doncha’ worry, ya blimey losers. My teaching assistant will come get ya down and give ya a comfy ride straight back to campus!”
Winston and Gigi climbed down the ladder and followed Angus out of the woods, leaving Frank and Claire as dinner for vultures. When the two were alone, Claire kicked off her tennis shoes and stretched out, showing off her flat stomach.
“I, like, always thought I had sex in every possible position!” Claire reflected. “Well, except for the Amazon position, since my fraternity forbids it. Awwwkward! But I’ve, like, totally never had sex in midair. Should we try it, Frank?”
It was a manic scene in the 700 Hall of Firewater. Hesitant to get the police involved, Evelyn’s roommates were in the process of summoning a Catholic priest to perform an exorcism. But she was no longer Tai and Jacky’s concern. The muffled screams, crashes, and bangs faded in the distance as the two guys entered the 300 Hall.
“We’re actually...not supposed to be here,” Tai cautioned, placing his hand on the doorknob to his room.
“How come, brotherman?” Jacky asked.
“It’s my roommate: Winston. There’s something in there that he doesn’t want me to know about. And he made me promise to not even let any visitors in our room.”
“So did he get it in writing, with a notary standing by?” Jacky joked.
“Pinky swear,” Tai corrected.
“Far out,” Jacky marveled. “That’s some next-level serious business.” Jacky chuckled, slicking his hair back. “So let me ask this about your roommate: would he rather us be in your room, or his sister’s room?”
Tai froze. Finally, he unlocked the door. “Touché.”
The mildew hit them like a freight train. The mattresses, rug, and futon cushion were all gone. Besides that, Jacky was standing in a typical college dorm. A football schedule and Megan Fox poster on Winston’s side. Video game and anime posters on Tai’s side. A dirty microwave and a mini-fridge, probably filled with light beer and leftover Chinese takeout.
Tai sat on the metal futon frame and patted the spot next to him. “So, what if we used flashcards to memorize some of those biblical names? It’s important for me to - WHAAA-!”
Jacky was frantically searching through Winston’s drawers. “Bingo, my man!” He held up the binder and read the spine. “What’s BDE anyway? Does it stand for big...uh, big-penis energy? Sounds like your roomie has some gnarly ego issues.”
Distracting himself, Tai opened the bible in his trembling hands. “So...uh...there’s Shem...Ham...and Japeth, the three sons of-”
Jacky plopped down next to Tai and opened the binder. “Dude! Do you know what this is?”
Tai looked down at pages upon pages of driver’s licenses in card sleeves. Every race, creed, and gender under the sun. And all featured photos that could pass for any young-looking 21-year-old.
Tai and Jacky had just uncovered Beta Delta Epsilon’s secret fake ID operation. Jacky searched through a few pages, and finally pulled out an ID that could pass for Tai. He removed it from the sleeve and placed it in Tai’s shaking hand. Then, he sat on his lap and held up an ID of a tan white guy with blonde hair. “I don’t wanna talk about Shem and Ham, my dude,” Jacky declared. “I wanna talk about our new legal names: Caleb and Demitri.”
“Ah, now I have an actual black guy’s name,” Tai chuckled, forcing a smirk. Suddenly, he slipped his hand up Jacky’s shirt, feeling his rock-hard abs. “I, uh...so do you want to roleplay...Caleb?”
“Not just roleplay, my dude,” Jacky whispered into Tai’s ear, nuzzling his cheek. “I want to help other people roleplay. Dude! What if we stole these fake ID’s and sold them to every underage student on campus? Think of how freaking righteous that money would be!” Tai’s heart raced as Jacky swung his legs over Tai’s waist, straddling him. Jacky ran his lips from his collarbone to his ear.
“That’s...illegal,” Tai moaned softly. “Not to mention a little ungodly.”
“Maybe so,” Jacky said, nibbling his ear. “But I follow God, not the world. Some people don’t know the difference.
“Caleb” and “Dimitri” rolled off the futon, kissing, biting, and scratching each other until the clothes flew off. And little did they know Evelyn was scouring the 300 Hall with a chef’s knife in her hand, searching for them.
“The grand finale!” Angus announced. “The rock climbing wall!”
Angus led Winston and Gigi to a huge rock wall on the face of the Pisgah Mountains. This time, there was no cheat code in the world that would work in Winston’s favor. While his upper-body strength toppled that of Gigi, he was simply hauling a much larger load.
“The rumors are true!” Angus chuckled. “There is a 50-dollar Lazy Basil gift card up for grabs for the first one to reach the top.”
He strapped Winston and Gigi to the climbing cables, then took a step back. The trembling Winston glanced over at the cool, confident Gigi. “It looks like it’s just me and you, buddy,” he said. “So, do ya reckon you can tell me what I can do to make things right?”
“Go, go, go!” Angus suddenly shouted.
Gigi, quick and nimble, jumped straight up and grabbed her first hold. With ease, she began traversing the wall like an orangutan. Winston chugged along, contorting his body in awkward positions just to keep from falling.
“Look, Gigi!” Winston called out. “I hate that it’s like this between us. Man, I just wanna know what I can do. Hell, you can have my purple V-neck shirt that you accidentally stole.”
No response still. She worked swiftly and calmly as she approached the halfway point. Winston caught a lucky break, catching some easy holds as he covered a few feet. But there was no way in hell he could match Gigi’s steady pace. Plus, the higher he got, the higher the screwdriver rose in his throat.
Desperate, Winston reached around with one hand and unstrapped his vest.
“Oi, what the fuck are ya doing, mate?” Angus spat from far down below. Winston slipped out of the vest and pushed it to the side. Now, he was climbing freely. Fear coursed through his veins, but so did adrenaline. He used that stress to heave himself up much faster than before. Gigi, now past the halfway point, looked down to see Winston’s pleading eyes looking up at her.
“Gigi, I’m sorry!” Winston yelled. “Look, I...I can’t honestly tell you that I’m sorry for meeting up with Claire at the house. Because I’m not. But fuck, I’m sorry you had to walk in and see it! And...I’m plum-fuckin’ sorry I didn’t consider your feelings for me at the time. I reckon that ship has sailed. But fuck, I don’t wanna lose our friendship over it, Gigi!”
Gigi smiled at Winston for the first time that day. She shut her eyes tightly, fighting to block the tears. When she opened them again, Winston’s white knuckles curled around a tough hold.
“I’m not sure how long I can hold on, partner,” Winston groaned, smiling weakly. Slowly, piss began running down his leg, trickling a long way down to the ground below. Gigi began quickly backtracking, holding her breath.
“Winston,” Gigi consoled him calmly, now by his side. “I need you...I need you to reach out and hold me. Don’t let me go.”
He took a deep breath, then wrapped his arms around Gigi’s slim waist. His legs dangled free, supported only by her. Breathing heavily, Gigi kicked off the rock facing. Slowly, they began to descend.
“My real name is Ji-hye,” she said, as they approached solid ground.
“Ji-hye,” Winston repeated, his heart pounding as he held her in a death grip. “So, uh...why did you wanna tell me that?”
“Um...because we’re friends again!” she cheered, as they reached the bottom.
But before he could release her, Angus yanked his collar and held a hunting knife to his throat. His hair and face were drenched in Winston’s piss. “Oi, I oughta gut you like a fuckin’ fish, ya blimey bastard!”
“Wait, it’s not his fault!” Gigi interjected. “Um...a yellowjacket got caught between his shirt and vest and stung him pretty bad. He’s allergic, so he had no choice but to take it off!”
Angus cocked his head, letting her words marinate like the piss in his hair. Then, a proper belly laugh. He gave Winston a shove and put the knife away. “Yellowjackets?! Why, you Americans and bonafide pussies, that’s what ya are! Oi, you wouldn’t last a second down unda!”
Angus reached in his pocket and pulled out two 50-dollar Lazy Basil gift cards. “Fuck it, take ‘em both. After all, that was a mighty impressive showing of teamwork up there!”
Winston cleared his throat and held his hand up. “Thanks for the offer, Angus. But I’m a proud conservative. And I don’t need no goddamn participation trophies.”
Gigi socked him in the stomach. “Accept the gift card or we’re no longer friends!” she hissed, salivating over her imminent cheese dream.
“YOU HAVE SOMETHING I WANT,” the demon growled in the hallway.
Evelyn slowly dragged her chef’s knife across the door of Room 309 - a knife much larger than Angus’. Tai stared out the peephole, then rushed to the futon to grab his bible.
“We need to perform an exorcism ourselves!” Tai suggested, wearing nothing but bright blue boxers with coconut patterns.
“RIghteous idea, my man!” Jacky replied, donning yellow pineapple briefs. “The word of God is an indispensable weapon during the end times that we live in!”
Tai stared out the peephole again. Now, a senile Evelyn gently tapped the door with the tip of her knife. “Hey, uh, Evelyn,” Tai called out softly. “Why don’t we comb through Genesis together? I sure could use your help in memorizing the lineage of Adam!”
Jacky gave a thumbs up from the frame of the futon. “See, it’s working! That’s the devil in her trying to resist. But no man, woman, or spawn of Satan could possibly resist the righteous infallible word of God!”
Tai chuckled, half-nervous and half-relieved. Then, he opened the door halfway. “Welcome to our bible study, Evelyn! So if you would have a seat on our super comfy futon, we can-"
Suddenly, Tai lept behind the door as Evelyn charged through the room with her knife held high. “DIE! DIE! DIE!” she shrieked, heading straight for Jacky. He swiftly rolled under the futon frame, as Evelyn began stabbing through it, aiming for the head.
“Fuck!” Tai screamed, frantically flipping to Genesis 5. “Um, um...let the power of Christ compel you with His holy word! Enoch begat Methuselah, and Methuselah begat Lamech, and Lamech begat Noah!”
“WHY CAN’T I HAVE WHAT YOU HAVE?” Evelyn screamed. While Jacky cowered in a fetal position, she reared back and stabbed a hole in the wall.
“Oh, Evelyyyn?” Sarah Beavers called out, stepping into the room.
Evelyn spun around to face her, tears and mascara running down her face. She dropped the knife. Then, she swiveled her head around the room, dazed and confused.
“Oh...no,” Evelyn whispered in her normal voice. “Sarah, I did something bad, didn’t I?”
“Shush, it’s all gravy,” Sarah assured her, while Tai and Jacky looked at each other in shock. “Boys, let this be a lesson to you. Envy possessed Evelyn today. Not only was she envious of your AC, but also of your totally-rad same-sex relationship.”
Tai and Jacky realized they were still half-naked, and that it was too late to hide it. Evelyn, moaning softly, crawled over to Sarah and lay her head on her lap. Then, she began playing with Sarah’s dangling dreadlocks. “Now, now - no touchy-feely of the genitals,” Sarah politely warned her. “An asexual chick like myself ain’t no lamp in a corner, ya dig?”
Then, Sarah spotted the BDE binder on Tai’s desk. Cocking her head to the side, she slowly stood up to take a closer look.
“Shit,” Tai whispered to Jacky. “What do we do?”
“We can’t let her know about our operation,” Jacky whispered back.
“So, if my inner chi serves me well,” Sarah began, flipping through the pages. “You two plan on stealing Beta Delta Epsilon's fake ID collection from Winston, in a grand scheme to sell them to underage students?”
“What in the H-E-double-hockey-sticks?” Jacky whispered to Tai. “A psychic hippie? What kind of friends are you rolling with, bro?”
“I can hear you,” Sarah advised. She sat down next to Evelyn and slipped out an ID of a brunette hipster girl with straight hair. “It’s a crying shame that Winston didn’t think to include any white girls with dreadlocks. Simple-minded if you ask me. Oh! Evelyn, I found an ID just for you. See, she looks just like the chick from The Ring.”
“I will eat your soul,” Evelyn said in her normal voice. Suddenly, she pinned Sarah down and started tickling the hell out of her.
“Wait, so you’re not mad?” Tai asked Sarah, watching Evelyn win the completely non-sexual “game.”
Sarah caught her breath from her massive tickle-fit. Then, she snapped the binder shut. “Mad? Are you high? I’m a broke college student too. As a matter of fact, if you’re going to be making crazy money, I want in on it too. Evelyn and I both want in. And nobody, I mean nobody, breathes a word of this to my brother.”
Nine outgoing calls. Zero incoming calls.
Gigi slipped her phone back into her purse, fighting the urge to make it 10. On that windy night, she stood in downtown Asheville in front of Lazy Basil, waiting for Frank to fall from the sky. She was dressed up in a black polka-dot maxi dress with a white bow in her hair, knowing that she would be turned away for so much as thinking about blue jeans.
She grabbed a menu and read through the appetizers. Tempura Fried Calamari? Maybe. Chunky Spinach and Artichoke Dip? Eh. And then, her big brown eyes widened when she saw it. Caprese salad: fresh buffalo mozzarella topped with local organic tomatoes, balsamic vinegar, and fresh basil leaves from our herb garden.
“So he stood ya up, huh?”
Winston leaned against the streetlight in a black suit and tie. He took a final puff on his cigar, tossed it, then walked over to Gigi to read her menu. And like always, the smell of tobacco was masked by Winston’s signature sandalwood cologne.
“I can’t decide if I want the loaded macaroni and cheese,” Winston pondered, “or the fried cheese logs with marinara. Hey, ya reckon we could order one of each and share?”
Gigi wiped drool from the side of her mouth and came to her senses. “Um...wait, you’re not here for a date with Claire?”
Winston took out his phone and showed her the screen. Sixty-eight outgoing calls. Zero incoming calls. “Reckon I should try to call her one last time?” he asked with a grin. “I mean, I don’t wanna come off like a simp or nothin’.”
Fifteen minutes later, they were seated at a candlelit table for two. While they sipped on large glasses of red Moscato, Gigi explained her lactose intolerance and Frank’s plans to introduce her to cheese for the first time.
“So let me get this straight,” Winston said, leaning in. “You consider this cheating on your boyfriend, don’t you?”
“Um...well, it has nothing to do with you!” Gigi laughed nervously. “It’s...well, it’s cheating if I eat that.”
The waiter came over with a platter of Caprese salad and a refill of red wine. Winston picked up a soft, fluffy cheese disc and tore it in half. “I’m not a betting man. But I wager if your boyfriend wanted to have dinner with you, he’d be the one sitting across from ya.”
Gigi stared into Winston’s pale blue eyes, then at the mozzarella. Slowly, she reached out and placed it on her tongue. Then, she closed her eyes as the creamy, silky flavor graced her palate. She swallowed, then grabbed another, shoving the whole disc in her mouth. Satisfied, Winston pushed the plate toward her. Then, he took out his phone and turned on the camera.
“Here’s to Gigi’s first dairy experience,” he announced, taking a photo. “And, I reckon, the moment before one of her many trips to the bathroom.”
She gasped, tossing her dinner napkin at him. They laughed, garnering the attention of a couple of older, quieter patrons. But Winston and Gigi lived in their own world, sipping refill after refill of wine as she alone cleaned that plate. Before long, the waiter returned with fried mozzarella logs for Winston and loaded macaroni and cheese for Gigi.
“So, all jokes aside,” Gigi started. She leaned forward, the candlelight casting a golden glow on her grinning, pale face. “In your old YouTube days...how long would it take you to eat everything on this table?”
“Son of a bitch!” Winston laughed, dunking a log into his marinara. “I knew my sister told ya about my eating channel! How much of it did you get around to watching?”
“Oh, you don’t want to know!” Gigi giggled, taking her first-ever bite of mac and cheese.
And while the two loyal friends shared stories and cheese dishes, their other friends betrayed loyalty that night. Sarah, Tai, Evelyn, and Jacky used Winston’s fake IDs to bar crawl all over downtown Asheville. And Claire sneaked Frank into the Beta Delta Epsilon frat house, where they rolled in the sheets all night long.
submitted by welcometosouthapp to welcometosouthapp [link] [comments]

Dakota son part 4

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Junior Year came. Sara and I turned sixteen over the summer. In lieu of a birthday party, since the only person we would have invited would have been Jen, we wanted to start driving lessons. Mother paid the testing fee and we went to the voting-booth-like space where we had thirty minutes and three tries. The questions were fairly straightforward; anyone who had ever been in a car or even seen one could pass. I filled in my test in less than five minutes. “Eighty, you pass,” declared the elderly female Native American official, wearing a large pink t-shirt from a tribal event. “Take this to B23.”
Sara took a bit longer. She turned in her test; it was a sixty. To pass, she needed a seventy-five or better. “Don’t over think it,” the woman said. Try number two resulted in a score of seventy, and her third was a finally a seventy-five.
“Not a word!” Sara growled as she passed by.
“I didn’t say anything,” I said with a shrug.
Then there was the matter of driving school. White Creek High did not have a driver’s education class because that would take up time better spent on academic or athletic achievements. Mother had to give the lessons, which meant letting us drive her car while she prayed for her life. Sara was, of course, a safe, timid driver. She would rather stop at a yellow light than press her luck. She always abided by the speed limit, even if that resulted in aggression from her fellow motorists. I was the polar opposite. I knew the rules, I just didn’t care. We were supposed to have thirty hours on the road. Mother quit after ten, and lied on the paperwork.
Sara took the test first. Her evaluator was a Hispanic man who was on the young side. He looked nothing like Diego, but when she shook his hand, I could see she was visibly blushing. She drove safe, easily passing.
My evaluator was an older white man who reminded me of our school principal. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Sara smirk. I nervously started to cough. “I’m sorry, I have cystic fibrosis.”
He gave me a sympathetic look. “Are you okay, son? Are you capable of safely operating this, or any vehicle?”
“Yes, sir,” I said in my most adorably innocent voice to offset my long-haired rebel appearance. I floored the ignition and drove like a maniac, pausing only for stoplights. Since this was North Dakota traffic was minimal, and I was very good at switching lanes. I managed to not plow down any pedestrians, so I awarded myself the win. As we pulled back in to the DMV I held my breath, inducing a coughing fit so hard I made myself cry—until he handed me my passing score. “God bless you, sir,” I said as I got out of the car. I looked to Sara and Mom. “Mom, I passed!”
By the look on her face, the words sent shivers down her spine. Sara rolled her eyes. “You only passed because he didn’t want to find his ass in the car with you ever again. I swear I saw the guy do the sign of the cross as he stumbled back into the building.”
“Jealous,” I snickered.
“I will buy you one car,” Mother said as she drove us home.
“What if I want a motorcycle?” I asked.
“You’d have to retake your driving test, because a motorcycle license is completely different,” Sara snapped. “Of course, you’d want a motorcycle, freaking psycho.”
“I think it would be more appropriate for Sara to select the car,” Mother replied. I already knew the one car would be Sara’s car. Mother did not want me behind the wheel of any car ever.
“Fine, what do you want?” I asked as we pulled into the driveway.
“A truck,” Sara said confidently.
I laughed. “Why?”
“Trucks are cool. What does it matter? Jen will let you drive her car,” Sara said as we went inside.
“Her dad bought her a Smart car,” I said, lying on the sofa. Jen was slightly older than us, so she’d received her license earlier.
Sara giggled. “Can she even fit into a smart car?”
I closed my eyes and smiled. “She’s also trying to go vegan—she plans on using her birthday wish to single-handedly save the world— and take us to Mount Rushmore for our anniversary.” I swept the loose hairs from my face. My wavy surfer hair was longer, almost to my lower back. I’d also grown facial hair.
“You have to be twenty-one to get a hotel room,” Sara pointed out.
I tossed her my new fake ID. “Got it covered.”
“You have a fake ID!”
“Mom-is-still-in-the-house,” I snarled.
Sara knew this would be the only time she would even hold a fake ID, since she would likely look twelve well into her thirties. “Where did you get this?”
“A late birthday present from Jen,” I said taking it back. “She has one too.”
“Do her parents know?”
“Yeah, it’s why her dad bought her a car,” I explained. “Her dad told me he wants me to feel welcome in their home and to know that he supports our relationship.” I could see Sara smiling. “Feel free to say I told you so.”
“He’s a good guy,” Sara said happily. “This is so awesome! Jen is going on a road trip with you!”
The next day, Jen pulled up to the student parking lot in a bright blue Smart car that looked like it belonged in an amusement park.
“The cute little baby car,” Sara teased.
Jen scoffed as she locked the doors. “First, I can park it anywhere. Second, gas is crazy cheap. Third, it is cute and surprisingly roomy.” She locked the doors and swept her longer hair out of the way to sneak a quick kiss before we walked into school. When I looked into her eyes, it was as if we were the only two people in the world.
But Sara was still behind us. “Tell us the story of how you got your little baby car.”
“When my dad told me he wanted to buy me a car, I didn’t believe him. We live in a gaudy mansion, but my family’s bankrupt. I even asked, ‘Are you taking this money from Nathan Cross’ payment?’ He said no, that money was going towards keeping the house. He had an account of his own, to save up money for surgery on his back.”
Sara looked worried. “What do you mean?”
“My father’s body is in real bad shape. Several pieces of the shrapnel lodged in his back are corroding the muscle tissue. As he ages it’ll only get worse, eventually resulting in paralysis. There’s a procedure where lasers could be used to cut away dead tissue, allowing for the pieces to be broken down or even removed with minimal tissue damage. Way back when, his doctor at the VA hospital told him the procedure was impossible. He got a referral to Indigo-Flechmen Hospital, where the procedure was not deemed impossible, but experimental. Meaning he needed money. My dad put away whatever he could over the years…”
“He bought you a car with money he was saving to fix his back?” I asked. “I, personally, would never have accepted.”
“Neither did I to begin with, but he was crying. He was like, ‘You deserve this—I want you to have the freedom to go wherever you want. I want you to explore, I want you to find beauty in the world around you.’ I chose a Smart car because I didn’t want to drain my father’s account. I know he needs his surgery.”
Now I felt like an asshole for calling her out. “I’m sorry.” I put my arms around her, holding her close.
“My father’s chronic pain is so much worse when he has to sleep on the sofa. When my parents fight, they scream at each other in Spanish. I don’t speak a word of Spanish...”
“Let’s sit down,” I said. Jen and I moved to a bench, Sara following.
“Sometimes my dad sleeps on the sofa even when they’re not fighting. I figure it’s because my mom still cries in her sleep. She’d probably want him to hold her while she whined on about Cam: how much she missed his smile, how he fought so hard to stay with his family. I always make it a point to check on Dad. Last night he was in so much pain, I just stayed with him.”
“Is he going to be okay?” Sara asked.
“He’s going to the VA, today, to try to get a prescription for cortisone injections. It just... it breaks my heart.”
I rocked Jen in my arms as she cried. “Your dad’s strong. He’s a survivor.”
“I know he is. This morning my mom threw a plate at his head. They were arguing about the cost of their car insurance premium.”
“With adding you as a teen driver,” Sara said. “Yeah, it’s awful. Our mom’s threatening to leave Geico unless they can cut her a deal on adding both me and Sean.”
“My dad actually stood up to my mom, saying maybe they could sell her damn car. Totally ignoring how bad his eye was bleeding, Mom tried to turn the conversation around, saying she only cares about him and how they’re barely making ends meet.”
“Then why live in Conway Court?” I asked. “Why not live someplace they can afford?”
“My mother loves that house. That’s the only reason he stays.” Jen looked at Sara, exhausted. “So anyway, my dad says hi.”
Sara smiled. “Tell him thanks for the work he did on revising my math on the reactive properties of potassium nitrate. And that we’re definitely on for Saturday. I wanted to see that movie for weeks! You know what? Never mind, I’ll tell him myself when I write my daily email.”
“Daily email?” I asked. My question went ignored as Sara babbled on.
“If your baby car’s so spacious, give us a ride home after school. It’ll be good practice for your road trip.”
Jen turned to me. “She knows about that?”
Sara grimaced. “Sorry, was it supposed to be a secret?” I put my arm around Jen’s waist, pulling her close. “Don’t worry. She doesn’t know everything.”
Later in the day, all three of us ate lunch by the parking lot tree. I sat between Jen and Sara, resting my head on Jen’s shoulder while Sara held my hand. I loved both of them equally. Sara gave me strength. She was my rock: the one person I knew would always stand by me no matter where life took us. And Jen made me feel free, like I had no illness. She was radiant in her lust for life. I loved holding her, touching her as if trying to absorb her positive energy. I could feel myself melting into her.
After lunch, Jen and I had fourth-period French, a class I was only taking to be with her. I was good at memorization, translation of phrases, and parroting back words, but I could not hold a conversation to save my life. Not that I’d ever make it France. Or even Quebec.
Jen walked with me to my daily visit to the nurse’s office, even though my late pass wouldn’t cover her. Jen had been marked as tardy to fifth period computer science every single day and it would likely affect her final grade. That seemed to matter little to her as we kissed in the empty hallway. At the end of the day, Sara waited for us by Jen’s car. We piled into the car: me next to Jen, and Sara sitting comfortably in the trunk.
The day of the road trip, my mother packed everything she deemed necessary into Jen’s little car: my bipap, inhaler, nebulizer, vibrating vest, over a dozen pills, and a cooler filled with injectable medications. My medical equipment was taking up over half the trunk. With my mom’s attention on the car, Jen pulled me to the side, giving me a deep sensual kiss. “Your bipap is sexy.”
My mother turned around as she finished organizing. “I think everything is good to go.”
Jen nodded. “Thanks, Mrs. Foster. I promise I’ll bring him back alive.”
Mother offered a stiff smile. “You two have fun.” I could tell she was already regretting her decision to let her sixteen-year-old son spend the weekend out of state with his also-sixteen-year-old girlfriend.
I dove in to the passenger seat. “Get us out of here, now!”
“What? Do you think she saw my little kiss?” Jen giggled.
“You mean the kiss where you nearly sucked my face off?”
Jen turned on the engine. “Sean, baby, you love the way I kiss.”
God you’re sexy. “Yeah, I do.” I reclined my seat as far as it would go, which was not nearly far enough. “But seriously, get us out of here.”
As Jen drove, I closed my eyes. The sun warmed my face. “How long does it take to get to get to Mount Rushmore?”
Jen glanced at the GPS mounted to the dashboard. “Four hours, give or take.”
“When do you want to switch off?” I asked.
“I’m good to drive the entire way. You get some sleep.”
I did as she asked, waking hours later to the sound of Jen paying the parking attendant. Jen easily found a parking space, even though it was kind of far from the entrance. “I can’t even see the mountain from here.”
We walked to the entrance, passing a gift shop that also sold ice cream and assorted candy. “I want a waffle cone!” I said out loud.
Jen pinched my cheek. “We’ll get you one if you’re a good little boy.
I pouted my lip.
Jen laughed. “I’m kidding, I want one too.” I got chocolate and Jen got mint chip. I kissed her cheek as we took a selfie with the mountain.
The mountain with the four giant faces was a lot more unfinished than we’d imagined. I guess that’s why all the Rushmore photos show a super close-up of the heads, to distract from the artist’s original intention to sculpt four torsos. I emailed Sara the photo. ‘Show this to Mom! I miss you.
“I got your back,” she replied.
I grinned as I pocketed my phone. Now that mother assumed we were spending the weekend in the safe touristy area surrounding Mount Rushmore, we were free to embark on an adventure. We still had two more days to drive across the long, straight highway of South Dakota: two days to feel normal, to feel alive.
We took turns driving, laughing about the double-digit populations of certain towns and discussing how easy it would be to dump a body. We admired the painting-like scenery, the vast open plains, the rivers, and the sky with dazzling multi colored clouds. Thirty minutes from Sioux Falls, we stopped for food at a gas station. We sat in the car, looking out at what appeared to be a field of straw: a vast landscape of tall yellow grass. The clouds in the sky were textured like freshly-picked cotton, big clumps followed by small strands. We drove through various weather patterns from dark rain to glaring sunlight. Although we made a pact to switch off every hour, if I was asleep, Jen would keep driving until a gas station appeared. She made sure to stop at every opportunity, since crossing the Dakota Badlands was like crossing a massive desert. Gas stations were few and far between.
We ate sub sandwiches that tasted like something from a middle school cafeteria and a strange energy drink I had never heard of, but which Jen assured me was a delicacy. I looked over at her. Jen was eating with her seat reclined.
“I think I love you,” I said, caressing my hand down her cheek to her neck. She had on a thick brown coat like something one would wear in the snow. I wanted to kiss her. But she didn’t say it back.
Jen reached for my hand, lacing her fingers through mine and closing her eyes. “Sean Foster, you have the most beautiful heart.”
I took another sip of the strange drink. It tasted like mangos. “If I try to force down any more food I think I’m going to puke.” I was going to puke anyway. I can’t believe I said I love you! Who says that? And what kind of person doesn’t say it back? My frustration was turning to anger. Fuck you, Jen. Even if you don’t mean it, you say the words so I don’t feel like such an idiot! God, Jen, you really have your mother’s cruel streak. I opened the door and vomited.
“Yeah, feeling’s mutual,” Jen said, at the sight of my puke. She tossed her leftovers in a plastic bag. “Buckle up, we’re leaving.”
I buckled up, still wishing the feeling were mutual with the love, too. She drove the rest of the way to Sioux Falls. Though it was South Dakota’s largest city, it felt like a truck stop. Or perhaps that was the layout of the city; tourists were kept along the outside, drawn there by the small strip-mall vibe while the true heart remained hidden. We passed the famous Corn Palace, which had far less corn decorating the exterior than I’d pictured. What was up with South Dakota and cutting corners with monuments?
Jen pulled into a hotel near an outlet mall. She parked the car and went inside the single-room lobby. “Hi, we need a room for the night,” Jen said, presenting her father’s credit card.
“Fifty dollars,” the teenage boy at the counter replied, not even asking for ID. He ran the card. “Room 146,” he said, handing her a card key. The hotel was a single-floor series of rooms surrounding a parking lot.
Upon opening the door, the room smelled like kerosene and body odor. We hauled in the luggage; all of my meds, and my equipment, in addition to our actual clothes. I definitely didn’t feel safe leaving anything in the car. By the time we were finished, I was exhausted. I lay down on the bed, on top of the blankets. Jen’s lips caressed mine as she ran her fingers through my hair. She was around me enough to know how I got tired at random moments. Literally, I could go from being strong enough to run a marathon to being so tired I couldn’t stand.
Jen smiled at me as she lay by my side. “I do love you.” We stared at each other in silence, enjoying the freedom.
Eventually I fell asleep in her arms, still wearing the clothes from the day before. And then woke up alone.
“Let’s get out of here,” Jen declared from the doorway, all our luggage already back in the car. “I know where I want to go.”
“I’m sorry Jen,” I said quickly. “I didn’t mean to pass out for so long.”
“No, don’t be sorry, baby,” she said, sweetly kissing my lips to coax me out of bed. “This just isn’t the place for us.” Jen helped me up, placing her arm around my shoulder. She’d already checked out and, after loading me into the car, got us back on the highway towards North Dakota.
“Where are we going?” I asked, looking out the window. My field of vision drifted across the vast golden farmlands: wheat and corn as far as the eye could see. There were buildings in the distance connected by unpaved roads. I saw more towns with double-digit populations. Small farm houses, barns, and the most beautiful rivers I had ever seen. But I couldn’t help but notice, as we passed the various signs, that we were headed in the direction of home. “Are we going back already? I don’t feel that sick, you don’t have to—”
“No, I would never do that.” She placed one hand on my thigh, caressing my leg through my denim jeans. “There’s a place I want to go. Just trust me, okay?” Jen drove to an abandoned farm house. According to the GPS it was located less than an hour from our hometown. “It’s perfect.”
To me, it looked like a place no sane person would ever stop their car. “Jen, why are we here?”
“I found it on a forum for people who like to explore abandoned places.”
“Are you sure it’s abandoned?” I asked. I followed her in. Not that I thought a chainsaw wielding psycho lived there, but maybe homeless people or meth heads… The main house was small with three main rooms, all of which looked equally desolate. There was a partial ladder leading up to the attic. I was already coughing out of nervousness and the thickness of the air. My chest hurt. I needed my medication. I didn’t want to spoil her adventurous mood, but this place was lacking in some basics, I guess you could say. “Jen, this place doesn’t have electricity. I literally cannot survive without electricity.”
Jen touched my cheek and pulled out my inhaler. “You didn’t use your vest, nebulizer or bipap yesterday. I got your back.”
Those last four words, and my inhaler, were all I needed. I took a few hits, enough to relieve the pressure in my lungs.
“Are we good?” Jen asked, putting her hand on my shoulder.
I nodded.
She turned back towards the car. “Cool. We’re eating lunch in the attic.” For lunch we had beef jerky and bottled water while looking out over the land through the large attic window. The property had a larger building that likely contained hay, and a massive tree off in the distance. “I want to go to that tree,” she declared.
I didn’t even try to say no. The tree was a forty-minute walk, and the most exercise I’d done in maybe a year. The sun was setting in the cooling sky, which helped. Jen wanted to climb the tree, but I was so tired when I got there that I needed to take a rest. Jen sat down and let me rest my head on her lap.
“This is just a little break,” she said firmly. “Here Sean, eat something.” For dinner, we had gummy bears and protein shakes, sitting under the tree. After a few minutes, I felt strong enough to walk back to the house.
At the end of the day, Jen made her move. She laid down the blanket in front of the house, under the clear starry sky, in a spot that would be obscured by the car. She took off her plain white t-shirt, then her peach-colored bra.
“We’re sleeping here?” I asked, lying down beside her.
She moved on top. “Please trust me.” Jen started kissing my lips softly as she caressed my face. “You always looked older and braver than you really are.”
“Baby, wait,” I said as I pushed her off.
“There’s a rock under my back.”
Jen laughed. “Sorry.”
We moved slightly to the side. I took off my shirt. Jen touched my hips, the top of my jeans, lowering them until we were both fully exposed to God, nature and each other. She kissed me, smiling. “Being with you makes me so happy. I wish you’d been my first.”
I could feel myself shivering out of pure nerves. So… this was it.
“Are you alright?” she asked. “I still have nightmares about Richie Cross. I could only imagine what you remembered about Lisa Anders.”
“Do me a favor and don’t say anything about my penis.”
Jen smirked. “What are you talking about? Everyone at school has seen your penis. I’m looking at it right now—it’s perfectly normal.”
“That’s exactly it. All the girls who thought of me as nothing more than a hookup wanted to talk about my penis.” I didn’t want to get emotional about my dick, but I needed her to understand. “I went from being a kid with CF to the sex addict with the big cock. My body doesn’t define me.”
Jen nodded. “Yeah, I understand. After my assault, and especially after Richie posted the video, I felt so sick I just… I wished I could be a snake, you know? To shed my own skin.” She kissed my forehead. “How about we play your game, the one where we take turns asking for things? I’ll go first. I want you to hold me close, and then I want you to say something to me that will make me laugh out loud.” I was about to speak when she cut me off. “And it cannot be about the relationship Sara has with my father.” That comment made me laugh.
“Oh, we are not going to think about that. Let’s focus on us. We need a name: Seanessa.”
Jen laughed so hard she hiccupped. “Oh my God!” She paused to catch her breath. “It’s your turn. What can I do to make you more comfortable?”
“Can we go to a hotel?”
Jen slugged me in the arm. I looked into her dark eyes.
“You have to admit it’s getting cold out here. It’s going to affect my ability to perform.”
“You have me to keep you warm, so pick something else.”
I kissed Jen’s forehead, down the bridge of her nose, to her lips. “I want you to touch my dick while you say something about me that will make me feel brave. Something more than what all of the other girls said to me.”
Jen bit her lip as she paused to think. “I know,” she said with a sweet smile. “You’re funny and kind. You’re going to make a great dad one day. When I look into your eyes, I don’t see your beauty. I see the man who saved my soul.”
I chuckled.
“What?” she asked.
“You were supposed to be touching my dick while you said all that.”
“My bad,” she said, grazing her fingernails down my thigh. “Does that feel good? God, you are so sexy.” We started on our sides, facing each other. I struggled to find my rhythm, but luckily Jen found hers quite easily. She rolled me on to my back as she straddled my hips. She rocked her hips against mine in a slow deliberate motion.
I leaned my head back, taking deep breaths.
Jen paused. “Are you okay, Sean? If you need your inhaler—”
“All I know is… you look like an angel,” I whispered. A gust of wind blew a small stick to my shoulder. I ignored it as I moved my hands to explore down her beautiful skin. I couldn’t believe it—we were finally having sex. No, this was more than sex: this was one perfect moment. The wind was blowing dirt on my body and Jen really could’ve chosen a thicker blanket. But as she kissed me, her face framed by the light of the full moon, I knew this was where I was meant to be. Jen was the love of my life.
We woke the next day naked in each other’s arms. I opened my eyes, gazing upon her beauty. “Good morning, my love.”
“Good morning, Baby, did you sleep okay?”
I smiled. I wanted to wake up to those eyes for the rest of my life. “I slept great. I got to make love to the girl of my dreams and we managed to survive the night without being murdered by a disfigured cannibal.”
“Hurray for us,” Jen said with a laugh. We moved to the porch to watch the sunrise.
I wrapped her naked body in the blanket as I held her. For the first time in years, I didn’t feel sick or weak. This was heaven.

submitted by dourdan to Wholesomenosleep [link] [comments]

Would you critique my short story?

The Green Sun Edward Garland was as an industrialist in Chicago and owned a chain of factories throughout the city. He was a man of contradictions, all of which destroyed him daily. Edward projected himself with brashness and arrogance equal to that of ten men but barely looked like half a man himself. Aside from work where he was forced to be presentable, Mr. Garland was an unhygienic recluse. His study was a disaster and scattered around were numerous cigarette butts and whiskey bottles. The study’s stench compelled Mr. Garland’s son David to clean it on numerous occasions. Mr. Garland wasted most of his time in his sanctuary and other than drinking only God knows what he did inside his prison. He never entertained guests and never went out. The only times the industrialist would leave would be for work-related dinners. None of those interactions were genuine, and Mr. Garland would only be able to initiate conversation after a few instant and immediate pegs. Mr. Garland was devoted to his son, or at least tried his hardest to be and made sure David excelled and involved himself in anything and everything. Despite David’s disapproval of his father, he had to credit him for being a stellar student and athlete. Despite Mr. Garland’s unpredictable temper, his noisy and violent rants, his lack of understanding, and his lack of communication, David valued him in his mind but not in his heart, understanding his madness ever since his mother Josephine passed away when he was seven years old. Mr. Garland was such a different man before his wife died, demonstrating charm, class, and elegance and was the soul of wherever he was. Mr. Garland was the soul of every cocktail party in Chicago and everyone wanted to meet him at some point in their career. His jokes with their biting punchlines were known far and wide. Mr. Garland was a loveable man at home as well. Sometimes Mr. Garland and David walked to the park and spent the evening there after Mr. Garland would return home. Other times the entire family would go out to dinner and then the theater. But one night destroyed all hopes of future happiness. One night Mr. Garland, Josephine, and David visited a friend’s for dinner. When it was time to leave Josephine insisted on driving home but Edward refused. They fought for a few minutes and of course she won the argument. Everything was normal on the drive home until suddenly a large truck smashed into their car. The car spun out of control and crashed into a tree. Once the paramedics arrived and took them to the hospital, Mr. Garland and David received devastating news. Josephine was dead, murdered by a reckless drunk driver who ended up murdering the entire family. For the first time in his life, David saw his father cry. For the next five minutes Mr. Garland sat screaming amidst several nurses trying to sedate him. Mr. Garland began to turn into a vile shadow of his former self. He blamed himself for Josephine’s death. “If only I was driving”, he’d mumble. He began to drink. Before work, after work, it never mattered to Mr. Garland. His only friend was the bottle. After a while Mr. Garland wouldn’t want to nor be able to talk to his son. David was forced to look after himself. Fortunately, David was blessed with a large reserve of common sense. And raised himself and his father. David began to use school as an escape, trying each day to find someone stay with for the night. His performance plummeted and eventually his teachers scheduled a conference with Mr. Garland, who forgot to attend. As a result, David pushed himself to the limit. In the meantime, Mr. Garland further deteriorated. The brash businessman was forced to sell one of his factories at a loss due to his own foolishness. It seemed as if Mr. Garland would rip his family to shreds. But one day, this notion vanished. David was around seventeen, and school had just let out for spring break. David arrived home to discover Mr. Garland with a smile plastered on his normally stoic face. They stared at each other for a few moments. Then Mr. Garland in a quivering voice attempted to make conversation. “David, how was school today?” “Dear God. The way he said that was awkward. And why is he even talking to me? He doesn’t even seem drunk”, David thought. “Fine. Is something wrong?”, he mumbled. Mr. Garland startled David by looking genuinely shocked. “Nothing’s wrong. Can’t a father ask his son how his day was? I have some incredible news.” “If it’s about the stupid merger he’s been raving about for the last three weeks I might go insane”, David thought. Instead, David held his tongue and muttered, “Go on.” Mr. Garland began, “I’ve been thinking, it’s been ages since we’ve taken a trip. We’ve been imprisoned in this house for centuries it seems like.” “No you have. I’ve been out though I’m sure you never noticed”, David thought, his head getting heavier with his father’s ranting. Mr. Garland continued, “So I got us two tickets for a ten day tour in Peru. The mountains. The Amazon. Canoeing, fishing, and hunting”, he said with a hint of shyness. David stared at him. Of all the things he had said in the last ten years this was the most pleasant. “Here, see?”, he said, exuberantly showing David the tickets. “Of course, dad”, he said, trembling. “I’m excited to go. When do we leave?” “Three days. Make sure you pack everything that you would need for the outdoors. Your tent, fishing pole, flashlight, you know the drill. See you for dinner in a few hours. I have some last minute work before we leave.” Leaving David amazed, Mr. Garland retreated to his study. David raced to his room and began to pack, his mind flooded with questions. As he grabbed his suitcase he asked himself, “What possible motivation does he now suddenly have?” As he was packing he thought, “If this turns out to be a business deal, business related, or if he gets drunk the entire time” and many more “if” statements, “then I refuse to associate with him again.” Several hours later he finished packing and Mr. Garland emerged from his study with his packed suitcase, the day’s second surprise. “Are you sure you packed everything, dad? I should probably check.” As David walked forward to check his suitcase, Mr. Garland waved him away. “No, David I checked twice. It’s all in there. ”David nodded, knowing how futile it would be to argue, “Come downstairs for dinner. I ordered. It should be here any moment.” He grabbed his Bourbon and took a large gulp before stumbling down the stairs. The food arrived and they ate quietly. Once they finished dinner Mr. Garland retreated to his bedroom. David snuck upstairs and checked his suitcase and was shocked to discover it was neatly packed with everything necessary. “Life surprises us sometimes”, David muttered. The Garlands disembarked the plane, weary and exhausted. A large man holding a sign with their names introduced himself as their guide. When David looked at him for the first time something didn’t sit well with him. He was an intimidating and imposing figure. He was six-foot-four and very dark, with large, chapped hands from years of hard labor in the unforgiving relentless sun. When he smiled David noticed he was missing a few teeth. On his side he had two leather pouches strapped to him, and in each one was a large hunting knife, the blade six or seven inches long. He wore earrings as well, not ordinary earrings but ones made from the bone of some animal. On his feet he wore leather moccasins, made from the skin of some wild animal. But none of these intimidated David as much as the large emerald necklace that he wore. It was a sun on its own, radiating fiercely. “My name is Pascual”, the guide said. “And I’ll be your guide for the trip. Pleasure to meet you.” He extended his hand and smiled again. They shook hands and introduced themselves. “The car is right over there”, Pascual said pointing at a small station wagon about twenty feet from where they stood. “Give me your luggage, I’ll tie it to the roof right away. Mr. Garland handed him the luggage and then he and David seated themselves in the car. While Pascual was fastening the luggage to the roof, an old vagrant knocked on the window and asked for chang and David pulled out a bill and gave it to her. She thanked him and stared into his face and said, “The blood of blood shall be spilt” , scampering off as Pascual shooed her away. And then they began to drive. They drove from the airport to some abandoned clearing next to the Amazon where Pascual parked the car. On the journey Pascual told us a bit about himself. He was from one of the forest tribes. When he was ten years old his parents had died and the tribe was forced to move to the mountains after a band of loggers mowed down their home. Mr. Garland’s heart went out to him at once and he told Pascual his own story of loss.. Once they reached the clearing, they got out of the car and Pascual untied the luggage. While Mr. Garland and David followed, Pascual proceeded to pull the luggage towards a large canoe located at the shoreline of the river. While Pascual smoked a cigarette, David pulled Mr. Garland aside and said, “Dad, I have this bad feeling about the guide.” Mr. Garland looked at him in amazement. “What? Why? He’s been nothing but polite and professional since we came here. I spent five thousand dollars on this trip. I refuse to waste it because of some delusion. Unbelievable.” David shook his head and walked away and then they began the voyage. It was nice and peaceful. The river as they left the shore was calm and gentle. The verdant landscape and the cool air brushing the company’s faces were pleasant distractions. The landscape was a collection of many universes. The sky was painted with the plumages of various birds, and their songs were synchronized in harmony. The water was filled with little minnows and other varieties of fish. Just ahead two monkeys were yelling at each other in the tree when out of nowhere a large eagle snatched one away and flew high in the air. “Such is the fragility of life”, David thought. David looked at his father canoeing with Pascual and decided to swallow his pride and enjoy the trip at all costs. After several hours of canoeing, they reached the campsite, their arms numb and heavy and their bodies drenched in sweat. Pascual broke the silence at last. “That was a good day’s work. David, Mr. Garland, we certainly need a campfire. Would you mind assisting me in gathering wood? There should be plenty around this clearing. As they gathered wood, Mr. Garland came beside David. “Enjoyed the first day, son? You seemed silent.” David smiled. “Yes dad I did. I was just taking in the landscape that’s all. It’s so beautiful out here.” Mr. Garland nodded. “Glad you are”, he said, and returned to collecting wood. Once they brought the wood, Pascual began the fire and brought out some deer meat and a pot and began to cook. Everyone sat as close as they could to the fire, basking in its heat. They filled their stomachs and went to sleep. The next few days were lazily passed by. On the seventh day, they woke up and prepared the canoe. Today the river was enraged. They started down the river and Pascual was able to maneuver against the raging water. When the river turned peaceful again, David noticed Pascual dropping some crumbs that looked like meat into the river. All of a sudden, Pascual screamed, “Piranhas! Quick! Get out! Grab what you can.” David and Mr. Garland looked at the water and noticed a swarm approaching them. David panicked and stayed frozen in the boat. At this point there must have been at least fifty flesh-eating, ravenous fish by the boat. And then, the boat overturned. The fish started to attack them, biting at their knees and ankles. The pain was searing and David could feel the blood leaking from his leg. Pascual grabbed David and swam with him back to the shore. “Are you alright?”, Pascual asked. “Yes, I’m fine, at least I think.” Then David saw that Mr. Garland wasn’t there. “My father! Pascual, please save him” Pascual looked at David and grunted. “Alright, I’ll get him.” Then Pascual swam back to the middle of the river and grabbed Mr. Garland’s hand and pulled him back to shore. “Here he is”, he said, dropping him on the sand. They set up camp at the shore by where they were attacked earlier. Pascual caught fish and fried them. As they ate, he brought out bandages and dressed their wounds. He began to speak. “David, Mr. Garland, seeing as you have almost no supplies, what do you say we head to my village tomorrow? We are by the mountains and it’s not terribly far from here.” Mr. Garland said, “We would be most grateful for that, Pascual. Thank you so much for the generosity.” Pascual nodded at him, pleased. They ate and then pitched their tents which were somehow saved. That night David was drifting off to sleep when his father told him something that would change his life forever. “Son, are you asleep?”, Mr. Garland asked. David didn’t feel like replying and pressed his eyes shut. Mr. Garland shook him. “Son, are you asleep?”, he said more loudly. “No dad, I’m not. What is it?”, he asked, struggling to open his eyes. “David, after that attack today, I’ve been thinking and I realize I need to apologize.” David jolted awake. “Apologize for what?”, he said. Mr. Garland thought for a moment, struggling to find the right words. “Well David”, he began. “I wanted to say that I’ve enjoyed every moment of this trip with you. I know I’ve been distant with you the last few years. It was because I was afraid of losing you like we lost your mother. I know I’m not good at expressing my love for you. I want you to know it’s there, son. From my mind to my heart to my soul it’s there. I know you’ve had to raise yourself for the last ten years. Words cannot express how proud of you I am for everything you accomplished in your young life, only seventeen years and so many more left. I know I used your mother’s death as an excuse to delve into my own selfishness. In this horrible world of selfishness and despair, a mother’s love is the only truly unselfish love. It’s an unbounded ocean of never ending, unconditional forgiveness. No other love is the same, since even if we love someone else we expect them to love us back. But your mother and I didn’t have that pure love. She was my wife. You lost more than I did and I couldn’t meet my own expectations.” Mr. Garland hung his head in shame. Even though he was young that night, David still remembered her in great detail. He remembered her contagious laugh, her vibrant personality, and her incredible sense of humor, and most of all, the delicious chocolate chip cookies she would bake when David would return home from school. David felt that tears should be reserved, but he felt tears well up in his eyes. Mr. Garland continued. “ I know you’ve been more of a father to me than I have to you. I know you stayed away from home on purpose to avoid me. I know you know this. I want to let you know that I know and that I care. I know I can never give you those lost years of your life back. But I can try.” David didn’t even what to say, his mind overflowing with emotions.“Yes dad, I forgive you. Of course I do. Be good to yourself.” And the father and son embraced each other for a long time for the first time in years. The next day they started towards the mountains, which were now visible. After canoeing for several hours, they arrived at the shore by the foot of the mountain and then started to climb. There were no signs of life like there were in the forest and the landscape changed to a stony gray. At last they reached Pascual’s village. There was no shortage of laughter at all. The children had a ball and were tossing it amongst themselves. The women and men were all drinking and gossiping together. Then they broke out into song and Pascual joined in, his heart at home. At last Pascual said, “Here is the elder’s tent. Let me tell him we’ve arrived.” After a few minutes a smiling old man came out with Pascual. “Welcome to our humble village, Garlands. Come inside.” They entered the elder’s hut, the largest hut in the village. The elder brought out a large tumbler of water and poured everyone a glass. “I trust you had a safe journey. You’re in good hands with Pascual”, he said, patting him on the back. “We definitely did, Mr. Elder”, my father said. The men conversed for the next half hour. The conversation eventually reached the subject of the village. The elder smiled and began to speak. “Mr. Garland, have you ever heard about the sacred stone?” “Briefly, when I was talking to Pascual. I forgot the legend though. I thought of it as a fairy tale or something of the sort.” The elder looked disappointed. “No, Mr. Garland. I can assure you it is not a mere tale. The sacred stone in this village allows those who touch it to experience a different world. You can be there for as long as you want. Think about it. You can have an abundant supply of scotch, a new factory, or who knows, maybe your wife might visit you again.” ‘“I would love to use this stone. Where is it?”, Mr. Garland eagerly said. “It’s in our temple just behind here. Let’s go. David, come with us if you wish.” David shook his head. The other three walked about fifty feet behind the elder’s hut to the temple. The elder opened the door and there lay the stone. The stone was a large, magnificent emerald, similar to Pascual’s in shape, only far larger. Next to it on each side lay two large lamps. “Mr. Garland”, the elder said. “You need to touch the stone and concentrate.” Mr. Garland nodded. He walked up to the emerald and grasped it. He waited for a few minutes. “Nothing’s happening”, he said. The elder replied, “Concentrate harder. Sometimes these things take a while. I promise you’ll be seeing stars soon.” Mr. Garland nodded and continued to concentrate, not hearing Pascual’s footsteps behind him. And then in a series of indiscernible movements Pascual grabbed Mr. Garland’s throat and began to push him into the opposite wall. Mr. Garland tried to run, but the elder blocked his path. “Pascual, what are you doing?”, Mr. Garland said, cornered. “Avenging my tribe, Mr. Garland. The tribe you destroyed thirteen years ago. Remember those loggers you sent to the forest? Well today is the day of retribution”, said Pascual, putting the struggling man in a chokehold. And then the elder rushed towards him and grabbed a long knife from his pocket and slit Mr. Garland’s throat. Mr. Garland began to convulse. His face turned from a milky white, then to red, and finally to mixtures of blue and purple as he struggled to gasp for air, kicking and screaming. Over the next few minutes, the kicks grew weaker, and his gasps for air grew more shallow until at last he lay still on the floor, his desire having devoured him. The elder and Pascual had just returned to the room where David was sitting, not noticing him. “Well, justice has been served”, the elder said. Pascual said, “I don’t feel sorry for him at all. He squealed like a pig when he died”, he said laughing. “In spite of what he caused he didn’t take his death like a real man would.” David, shocked and speechless began screaming. “That was my father. I knew you were a horrible man all along”, he said, bursting into tears. Pascual whipped around and walked over to David and placed his hand on David’s shoulder. “Well then, now we are even.” David looked up at him, confused. He continued. “Garland’s Paper Company. Your father was the one responsible for the death of my family and the destruction of my tribe. Why do you think I never cared when he was attacked by the fish? Had it not been for your pleading I would have let him drown. Son, I liked you and knew you were not like your father, else I would have found a way to kill you too. Now we will leave you here to grieve. I’ll drop you off at the airport in the morning. Pascual and the elder left. David continued to sob, but didn’t know how to feel since Pascual didn’t kill his father out of malice. David reached for the whiskey in his dead father’s pocket and drank for the first time ever, trying to sleep. But David wasn’t able to sleep that night, despite how much he drank. And in the morning when David was about to leave the village, David said to himself, “Well dad, glad we fixed it. I’m just glad we fixed it.” And from that day on, whenever David looked up at the sky he always saw two extra stars side by side, and after that whenever he swigged some Bourbon he realized how much he understood his father.
submitted by vishs2019 to CritiqueMyWriting [link] [comments]

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