Kassadin Pro Builds, Guides, Stats, Runes, Masteries ...

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Challenger Initial Thoughts on 10.12 Meta and Brief Meta Comps Guide - Chatskiiees

Hey Reddit! I'm a challenger player in all 3 sets of tft on OCE and also Challenger in Set 3 on NA. I am also Master on OCE for set 3.5. You may have seen a similar post by me regarding the 10.7 patch and 10.8 patch which after a little hiatus to grind snapshots I've decided to do again! After playing 30 or so games on the first day in challenger lobbies, many pbe games and challenger in-house lobbies i have a pretty good idea about which comps will be strong. Use this as a way to get started in 10.12 until the meta settles and maybe get a little free LP before everyone catches on. If you have any questions feel free to leave them here or ask me on my stream (twitch.tv/chatskiiees) i should be live for the next 12 hours or so grinding back to rank 1 shortly after this this post goes live. Let's get into it!

Key Information (Gameplay)

Key Information (Units/Synergies)

Key Information (Items)

10.12 Team Compositions

(A+/S++++ (No asol/Asol)) 4 Mystics Protectors. Protectors are back and yea its just as annoying as last time. Xin lives forever, eats everyone, and rakan thinks its fun to knockup your whole team for no reason. Urgot 2 makes this comp giga busted and a perfect item of this comp (in the asol version) is pretty much a guaranteed 1st. The skill expression on this comp comes with your personal discipline. You have to know when its a 3 starring xin game and when its a push levels game. Typically, i push levels with early spat to find asol as soon as possible, or when contested. If uncontested, i'll make a decision on 4-1 whether i'm going to keep rolling ( i typically slowroll on 6 to find all my upgraded protectors and cassio 2) or going to push levels. Cassio 3 is the win condition in this comp without asol. 9 for 4 celestial in both variations.
*You can also play 4 mystics with 4 vanguards with cassio carry, but this is weaker and typically lacks damage in the late game without 3* cassio. You can win with this comp if you winstreak with 4 vanguards however, as you will usually last till top2-3. Run xin items on wukong.
(S) Astro Snipers. This comp is the bread and butter of NA right now but gets very little play in my region, between 0-2 a game. The comp however is still very effective. 4 Snipers seems core from my experience as 2 snipers doesn't let jhin carry fast enough and your frontline gets overwhelmed. There is debate on BIS for jhin but nothing beats double runanas dblade in my opinion. IE/LW/GS are all fine however. You can also prioritise a xerath 2 with guinsoo if you are playing a heavy vanguard lobby. Teemo items are very important in this comp as well do not overlook them, jhin is priority however. Go 9 for mystic 9 is key for this comps success in the late game.
(A+) Cybernetiks My personal favourite comp has a new friend in vayne and she's pretty lit. This comp plays fairly linearly but the debate comes in the form of irelia carry or vayne carry. Personally, i prefer irelia, especially when uncontested as 3* 4 costs when you are winstreaking is pretty reliable when uncontested, but vayne 3 also packs a big punch. The items are BIS for irelia and vayne imo. Celestial feels really bad to run now with no kassadin. If you are running vayne play jhin for sniper and if you are playing irelia play blademasters. Go 9 for thresh or fizz if you have good ekko items.
(A+) RebelsThe days of ziggs rebel is over so we back to jinx. The jinx nerfs are noticeable significantly on 3 star jinx but two star jinx feels as good as ever. People might condemn me for saying firecannon is best in slot but honestly try it out and you'll never go back. You can reroll with this comp if you are close to hitting or are on trade sector but for the most part i go straight to 8. Play 6 rebels at 7 with blaster and it should carry you to 8 where you can play ekko or gangplank. Ekko is exceptionally good in this comp with zed granting infiltrator and the stasis effect of ekkos ult allowing asol to drain the opponents mana ( as he continues flying during stasis). Play whichever 5* you don't have in at 9 (gangplank or ekko) though sometimes i skip gangplank if no ga or no upgrades and keep malphite, running gnar alongside him for more frontline, taking out ziggs. Run Urgot over gangplank or ekko if you hit protector spat for asol and i've even had success playing 6 rebel 4 protector at 9 with asol protector.
(A-S-S+??) Sorc Mech/ standard Variations of this comp is probably what i'm most unsure of, though i have played a lot of games of each type. Sorc mech is definitely strong as a comp, 3 piece mech with titans and 6 sorc just obliterates teams. Viktor is typically my carry in this comp unless i play the 6 star guardian variant. Viktor positioning is extremely important and viktor 3 is the win con (beating any other comp ive found including prot asol.) Play to reach level 7 deciding what variation of 6 sorcs to play (star guardians, mech, riven, viktor or gangplank) rolling till you have the core units and a holder for rabadons/ga (viktoriven ahri 2 etc.) . If i get star guardian spat i run viktor carry. I mostly play the mech variant with viktor carry. What you put in at 9 depends on which comp you run.

(B At best) Blaster brawler i mean this is probably still ok cause jinx is good but don't play this. Same as ever just another blaster over mf and gnar over cho. I know from experience this comp for reddit is like the gospel truth but seriously this is just worse than the other comps. Play it if you don't like having to think.
(D) 6 Darkstars / 6 Battlecast / 6 Chrono

Final Thoughts and TL:DR

Thank you so much once again for reading my guide on the 10.12 patch and i hope you got something out of it. I expect the accuracy of my predictions to be on par with the last and i reiterate that the meta may change but this guide should get you started well. Make sure you aren't hard forcing any of these comps unless you are extremely confident in doing so as the game is extremely balanced right now and it is better to play based on what items/units you hit. Play comps and watch streams (like mine at twitch.tv/chatskiiees) to improve. Make sure you don't autopilot while playing and if you want to climb the game needs 100% of your focus. Always remember that tft is like any sport/discipline in that imitation will only ever get you so far and true excellence requires creativity, adaptation and artistry. I'll be streaming this patch on my main in high OCE chally and doing lolchess/AMA for probably the whole day today! Feel free to leave comments below aswell i always try to answer them all. GLHF!
submitted by Chatskiiees to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]


  • Slowroll comp with Master Yi as carry. His ult gives him true damage and attack speed which lets him shred frontlines and snowball.
  • Yasuo shuts down ranged carries like Jinx and Jhin which otherwise give you trouble.
  • Sona provides healing and cleanses CC which is devastating for Blademasters.
When to Play
  • When you can make QSS. Pretty easy to force because it’s relatively uncontested at the moment, and has very little overlap with meta comps apart from Kayle.
  • Me bangbros me no scout me no pivot if you contest me we go 7 8 holding hands
  • Uncontested at the moment, makes good use of unpopular item components and isn’t reliant on BF Sword.
  • Comes online earlier than other slowroll comps because of easy transitions and core units being relevant early (Yasuo, Blitzcrank, Shen).
  • Good matchups against high-tier comps that rely on physical damage like Cybernetics, Mech Infiltrators and Dark Stars.
  • Gets wrecked by Sorcerer burst, especially Star Guardians. Without 4 Mystic and DClaw you don’t stand a chance.
Key Items
  • Quicksilver on Yi - if you don’t have this it’s an 8th
  • AP items: Rabadon’s and Rageblade are the two best ones. Extra ones can go on Yasuo
  • Other tank items: Bramble Vest or Dragon’s Claw depending on the lobby. Can settle for others if you don’t hit, QSS is priority so don’t slam any other Cloak items.
  • GA, HoJ, GS, IE: all good on Yasuo. GA is a priority especially if you can get it early.
  • Mana items for Sona - ideally Seraph’s but Chalice is good too
  • 3 Rebel: Master Yi / Yasuo / Sona - these are the only core units, you need to 3 star all of them
  • Rebel: Malphite, Jinx, Aurelion Sol - Malph is very useful early since he’s one of the best 2 star units and gives you Brawler synergy with Blitzcrank. If you get Jinx items she’s a good secondary carry but usually you would give items like HoJ/GA/IE to Yasuo.
  • Chrono: Shen, Blitzcrank, Thresh - Shen gives you 3 Blademaster, Blitz is great early. Wukong is dogshit but decent transition if you got Vanguards early.
  • Mystic: Karma, Soraka, Lulu - all give you 2 Mystic with Sonalmfao
  • Blademaster: Xayah, Irelia, Kayle - Can go 6 BM with these three. Xayah gives you Celestial with Lulu.
Level 7: 4 Chrono / 3 Blademaster / 3 Rebel

Level 8: 4 Chrono / 3 Blademaster / 3 Rebel / 2 Mystic

Level 9: 4 Chrono / 3 Blademaster / 2 Mystic/Celestial/Mana-Reaver

Early Game
  • Carousel priority is Glove > Rod > Vest. Thankfully this build doesn’t require too much of any one item, only Tear is an int.
  • Make the strongest board you can, Yasuo/Yi/Sona are relatively uncontested so you can buy them on the way and not worry about rolling down early. You don’t care as much about carousel priority as a Mech or E-Girls player would.
  • Cybers is the ideal opener since you can spread items well, but early Brawlers (Blitz/Malphite) or Blasters (Lucian/Graves) are good too because they can hold items and use them well.
  • Don’t worry too much about streaking, just conserve health and keep econ healthy.
Mid Game
  • Keep playing strong boards while picking up your units. Scout to see if you’re contested, if it’s not looking good you can pivot to Kayle (bows and GA), Brawler Blasters (bows and swords) or Protectors (tank items).
  • Shen and Blitz will enable a lot of synergies in the midgame like Brawlers, Blademasters and Chrono. 2 star all your units to make use of the synergies.
  • Try to level to 6 if you can and slowroll. You can theoretically slowroll at 5 but it’s likely you’ll get run over if you spend too much time at 5.
  • I usually roll down all my gold if I’m bleeding health. If I don’t hit Yi and Yasuo 3 it’s an 8th. Because the build is uncontested, you can buy 2 and 3 cost units to increase the chances of them appearing in shop.
Late Game
  • You should hit late game once the Bang Bros are online. Your priorities will depend on the lobby - if there’s a lot of magic damage you want to go to 7 and put in another Mystic (it doesn’t matter which one). If there isn’t much magic damage, look for Wukong and Thresh - might need to hit 8 to find Thresh unless you can get him off a carousel.
  • At 8, your priority is to find Thresh, then Lulu. Upgrade any units you can, including 3 star if you’re hitting them in the shops.
  • Going 9 is rare, but if you get Kassadin you enable Celestial and Mana-Reaver. Celestial Orb gives you a lot of flexibility - you can throw in ASol or any other strong unit.

submitted by Ahcse to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]

Challenger 400LP Initial thoughts on 10.7 Meta and Brief comp Guides

Hey reddit! I'm a challenger player on OCE in all 3 sets of tft. A few people on my stream (which you can find here) suggested i make a guide with my initial reactions to the new patch and what comps i think, after playing 30 or so games on the first day, will be strong. Use this as a way to get started in 10.7 until the meta settles and maybe get a little free LP before everyone catches on. If you have any questions feel free to leave them here or ask me on stream. Let's get into it!

Key Information

10.7 Team Compositions

Final Thoughts and TL/DR

Patch 10.7 has already felt to me way more enjoyable than 10.6. Rebels and GP is ok still but are a shadow of their former selves and honestly it couldn't make me happier. AD based carries will dominate the meta and BF sword is extremely contested so don't expect one if u are winstreaking. Try out some of the comps I've gone over and let me know what you think! Oh and don't forget to drop by the stream or below with any questions/thoughts and i'll get back to you!
submitted by Chatskiiees to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]

Items - Why champions synergise with them and what team comps to build around + other tidbits.

Hi there, I'm currently in OCE server at rank Plat 4. This is a work in progress, any and all corrections/constructive feedback is appreciated.
I'm writing this as a way for myself and hopefully others to have a better understanding of items and what they're good for.
You can skip the (beginner) sections if you know what the items do and what their recipe is. I've included some special interactions that might be missed by people of all ELO though.

Combined Items Introduction (beginner)

There are currently 45 combined items. 36 normal and 9 spatula. You may only have 3 items on any champion (or 1 Thief's Gloves). All combined items gain the individual traits of the component item (sword, bow, etc..) on top of the item's effect.
Special Interactions -

Completed Items and What They Synergise With. (intermediate)

Bloodthirster - Recipe = Sword + Cloak
Thoughts - If you're running infiltrators or maybe even blademasters, this is the item for when you want to sustain health against compositions like blasters. It works well with champions that deal tons of damage on their auto attacks.
Trait Synergies - Blademaster | Infiltrator
Item Synergies - Sword items | Attack Speed | Guardian Angel | On-Hit
Champion Synergies - Jhin | Irelia | Shaco | Kha'Zix | Yasuo | Caitlyn | Master Yi | Xayah
This Item Counters - Sustained Damage | Low Armour | Low Health
This Item is Countered by - Healing Reduction | Burst | CC
Bramble Vest - Recipe = Chain + chain
Thoughts - Almost essential when vs'ing Shaco/Jhin. Critical chance and attack damage comps have a hard time fighting a bramble vest without armour reduction of their own. Very strong early - mid game and the current meta makes it strong late game too.
Trait Synergies - Vanguard | Protectors | Rebels | Cybernetic | Brawler | Mech-Pilots |
Item Synergies -
Champion Synergies - Vi | Wukong | Mordekaiser | Leona | Fizz | Malphite | Cho'Gath
This Item Counters -
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Great item for front line champions while versing auto attack/tanky comps. Especially good against Jhin/Shaco/Irelia and crit heavy comps. Think tanky Brawlecybernetic/vanguard/Mech-Pilot/Protector. Champions like Xin, Vi, Wukong, blitz, annie, fizz, rumble, morde. Works with Shen too, due to his spell. Synergises well with Dragon's Claw users as they're looking to be tanky to all damage.
Chalice of Favour - Recipe = Tear + Cloak
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Really good with champions that have low mana pools and champions that use their ultimate a lot. Synergises well with Seraph's. Star Guardians, some mystic/celestial like Lulu, Karma, Sona. Works well on thresh, blitz. A sona with a Seraph's and Chalice is pretty damn strong.
Deathblade - Recipe = Sword + Sword
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Not a very good item to build as there are MUCH better items to build with swords. However, on certain champions it is pretty damn good. It goes quite well with Jhin as he scales HARD with attack damage. Same with Shaco. Put it on any champion that predominantly attacks and gets a lot of takedowns. I'd put it on your secondary units and build properly on your carries. I'd certainly look at putting it on Jhin/Shaco though, you'd be surprised how good it is on them.
Dragon's Claw - Recipe = Cloak + cloak
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This item counters spell/magic damage heavy teams (Item specs like shiv/Ionic Spark) . Star Guardians/sorcerers/Mech-Pilots/some rebels. Think tanky Brawlecybernetic/vanguard/Mech-Pilot/Protector. Champions like Xin, Vi, Wukong, blitz, annie, fizz, rumble, morde. Synergises well with bramble vest users as they're looking to be tanky to all damage. Almost essential on Xin. This item is much better late game as there are a lot of champions that deal magic damage in the late game.
Frozen Heart - Recipe = Tear + chain
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This item counters auto attack heavy comps like blasters and brawlers, snipers, chrono, infiltrator, dark star. It's good on champions that target the back line (mostly the auto attacking champs). It's also good on tanky champs that you place in your back line to endure the infiltrators. (like thresh). It's great on Wukong, as he get's closer to the back line champions. It really is situational based on the enemy team compositions. tanky Brawlecybernetic/vanguard/Mech-Pilot/Protector work well with this item, but they do usually have better items to build. Wukong/Cho'Gath/Shen/Rakan/vi are probably the best champions to put this on.
Giant Slayer - Recipe = Sword + bow
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Really good vs high hp team comps (level 3 rushers) and it synergises really nicely with attack speed/on hit/auto attack increases like runaan's/blasters/blademasteinfiltrator. Synergises well with all blasters, almost essential for jinx while having runaans/rageblade. Is countered by armour and bramble vest and frozen heart. Vanguards are a hard counter to this item. It counters Mech Pilots without armour. Cybernetics.
Guardian Angel - Recipe = Sword + chain
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Really good for back line carries, mech pilots and infiltrators. It counters infiltrators that try to kill your carries as the attacker will move on to a different champ while you revive and that will give you time to do damage to the enemy. It counters darius/irelia pretty hard as it doesn't allow a reset. Good champs to use it on are kayle, shaco, jhin, ashe, irelia. Some people debate how good it is on mech pilots but I think it's pretty good. Especially against an all attack damage or all magic damage opponents where you don't need to itemise both. Front line tanky champs with good CC like cho'gath/jayce/sometimes xin also do well with this item. If you don't have tanky items on Gangplank, it is essential on him so he can get an ult off. Same with neeko. It's also good on Yasuo as an item carry for somebody like Gangplank, it's got a lot of power in the mid game. This item really is the item you put on your carries.
Guinsoo's Rageblade - Recipe = Bow + rod
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This item synergises so well with on hit and auto attacking champions. Runaan's/Shojin/Static shiv/red buff/last whispegiant's slayer all get huge benefits by having this item. Runaan's fires an extra bolt, effectively doubling the passive. Blasters gain up to 6 additional shots (+30% attack speed in one auto). This coupled with on hits make this item a MONSTER. Really good for snipers (works on jhin, but there's much better items to build with him).BlademasteBlasteSnipeinfiltratochrono are all extremely good with this item. Think of champs like ashe, kayle, Jhin if you don't have better items. Not so good on Shaco. Much better items to put on Jinx.It can work on some front liners like Xin. (again, much better items can be built on him).This item is somewhat countered by burst heavy team comps that can reach your back line or kill the person carrying the guinsoo's before it has a chance to ramp up (the faster your attack speed, the faster it gains more attack speed). It is also good against tanky/high hp team comps as it allows your champions to apply on hit effects faster and to get their ultimates faster.
Hand of Justice - Recipe = Tear + gloves
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The RNG item that CAN turn a fight around. This item has A LOT of value. Good for infiltrators/blademasters/valkyrie and champions that rely on their damage instead of utility. Like your carries. Champions like Kayle, Ekko, Irelia, Shaco, Gangplank (his ult is high impact and big damage). Good to put onto item mules like Yasuo, where you will be selling the champ to put items onto somebody like GP.It's VERY RNG. If you get lucky and get the +50% damage proc, it really can be the determining factor for winning rounds. The sustain on auto attacks works well with shaco too.This item counters squishy comps like star guardians/blasters/snipers.Teams that can kill/disable the person carrying the HoJ counter it pretty hard. Think items like ZephyShroud of Stillness/infiltrators/Lulu. GA/Trap claw can be good against it too, if it's on somebody like irelia/shaco.
Hextech Gunblade - Recipe = Sword + rod
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A great item for strong carries that rely on their spell and autos. Kayle comes to mind as a decent user. Infiltrators like kayle and shaco really do well with this item. It's definitely not perfect on them but it is viable. Jayce/darius and surprisingly Aurelion Sol do well with it too. It's definitely not something you want to rush on most champions.Get's countered by healing reduction items/champions. Mana-reavers. Morellonomicon. Red Buff. Rumble.It gives good sustain, so it works well against sustained damage/tanky team comps.
Infinity Edge - Recipe = Sword + gloves
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THE premier carry item for a lot of AD champions. Why build one when you can build two?! Really good for carry champions that rely on critical hits instead of attack speed on hit. Think Jhin instead of Ashe. Blademasters/Infiltrators/most snipers (not really ashe). Perfect item for jhin/irelia/shaco/Yasuo. I think yasuo is better as a transition unit where he's really strong early/mid and you can put IE on him and then transfer it to an irelia or jhin later.
Bramble vest is a HARD counter to this item. GA somewhat counters this item too, as it gives the owner of the GA, time to deal damage while the attacker with the IE has move on to other targets.Armoutanky champions also rend this item into not-so-good territory. Same with cc. As it's usually put on your carries.Really good against squishy comps (star guardians if you can evade/postition against their CC, blasters/snipers if you can reach them). Basically, good against teams you want to burst down fast.
Ionic Spark - Recipe = Rod + cloak
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Such good value as this item scales off the enemy mana AND it reduces nearby units to take massively increased magic damage. You want to build this item as early as possible if you can. Especially good on champions that can reach the back line, but also good against front line champions too. Good on tanky champions, especially vi/wukong/ekko/Blitzcrank. Pretty much any user of Bramble Vest/Dragon's Claw, will enjoy this item. Synergises really well with Jayce/Gangplank/Kai'sa too. Front line champions and champions that deal a lot of magic damage will love this item. Raka/Neeko. This item is top tier and you will do well to build it in most games you play. Kassadin/and surprisingly darius are VERY strong users of this item.
Magic resist/shields/high hp/low mana are all good options to outplay this item. Mystics/dragon claw. Is not as good against champions that don't rely on their spells.

Jeweled Gauntlet - Recipe = Rod + gloves
Thoughts - Good on champions that rely on strong spells. I think for most champions, there are better things you can build the rod into. You will need good positioning to try mitigate infiltrators/enemy champions that can reach your carry
Trait Synergies - Infiltrators | Sorcerers | Pirates | Star Guardians
Item Synergies - Mana | Critical Hit Chance | Spell Power | Champions with low maximum mana
Champion Synergies - Miss Fortune, Ekko, Lux, Jayce, Gangplank, Kai'Sa, Rakan, Vel'Koz, Ahri, Syndra, Kassadin, Twisted Fate, Aurelion Sol, Ziggs, and Darius.
This Item Counters - Low maximum health | Low Magic Resist
This Item is Countered by - Mystic | Magic resist | Brawlers | Vanguards | Rebels | Shields | High total health | Protectors | Tanky Champions | Quite a few 3 star champions with high health.
Last Whisper - Recipe = Bow + gloves
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Really good against tanky team comps that have a lot of armour AND that your team deals physical damage to utilise the 90% armour reduction. Great for on hit auto attack carries like blasters/snipers/blademasters. Works really well with Ashe.Counters Tankybois like xin. Especially if coupled with anti-healing like red buff/morello. Not so good against Bramble Vest if you're heavily invested in Crit (like valkyrie and Shaco and Jhin)Pretty much THE item to build if you're trying to counter vanguards and high armour champions.Isn't the best item to be vsing magic with, as a bow can be better used elsewhere.
Locket of the Iron Solari - Recipe = Rod + chain
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Great item to build if you've got a team comp where 4+ champions are all in one row. Really good item for securing win streaks early. Good to put on your not-so-carry champs that aren't really being relied upon to have 3 super synergistic items.Good champions it works with - Dark Star champions, vanguards, brawlers, cybernetics, star guardians/blademasters. Realistically any comp you line up champs.
Luden's Echo - Recipe = Rod + tear
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Can be strong on champions that get their ultimates off quickly or have low mana. Sorcerers, Kai'Sa, Ekko, Rakan, kass, Aurelion, ziggs. Overall, not really the best item to build but it can do well on a champion that utls fast.Magic resist/mystics/healing all counter this item.
Morellonomicon - Recipe = Rod + belt
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Really strong on champions with ultimates that hit a lot of people like sorceroers. Ekko/neeko/rakan/wukong/mordekaisecho'gath.. Really good against tanky team comps. Hard counter to healing. Counters Celestial/gunblade/blood thirsteHand of Justice sometimes. Counters brawlers/cybernetics. Really good item getting into the late game. Really good
Quicksilver - Recipe = Cloak + gloves
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Who is it good on? Snipers so that they can actually position in the corner to ensure furtherest distance. Mech pilot enjoys no cc for the first 15 seconds too. Really strong counter to the Zephyrs (that are a strong counter to the mech pilots). Really good on Xin too, as people are learning to lulu him/cc him/zephyr. Really good on carries that carry with 2 items and that people constantly try to CC.
This item hard counters lulu/zephyshroud of stillness/wukong (if they're targeting your carry). It is quite situational though. Counterplay to this item is to use your cc on secondary priority units so that it doesn't get wasted. Position that shroud on the other carries that can be cc'd.

Rabadon's Deathcap - Recipe = Rod + rod
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Good item to have on champions with high impact spells like Karma, ekko, Vel'Koz, Sona, Star Guardians. Pretty much the mages. Kassadin too. Even Darius.Counterplay to this item is really just to try and kill whoever has it. Trap claw is good against champions that use this item. Same with Guardian Angel.I still prefer using rods elsewhere most of the time.

Rapidfire Cannon - Recipe = Bow + bow
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This Item Counters -
This Item is Countered by -
Really good on champions that want to avoid the front line. Really good on Lulu, Kayle. Can work on blasters like jinx and graves. Counterplay to this item really depends on how you target the backline. Infiltrators/blitz/zephyr. Frozen Heart also counters people auto attacking. .
Red Buff - Recipe = Chain + belt -
Thoughts -
Trait Synergies -
Item Synergies -
Champion Synergies -
This Item Counters -
This Item is Countered by -
Redemption - Recipe = Tear + belt -
Thoughts -
Trait Synergies -
Item Synergies -
Champion Synergies -
This Item Counters -
This Item is Countered by -
Runaan's Hurricane - Recipe = Bow + cloak -
Thoughts -
Trait Synergies -
Item Synergies -
Champion Synergies -
This Item Counters -
This Item is Countered by -
Seraph's Embrace - Recipe = Tear + Tear -
Thoughts -
Trait Synergies -
Item Synergies -
Champion Synergies -
This Item Counters -
This Item is Countered by -
Shroud of Stillness - Recipe = Chain + Gloves -
Thoughts -
Trait Synergies -
Item Synergies -
Champion Synergies -
This Item Counters -
This Item is Countered by -
Spear of Shojin - Recipe = Sword + tear.
Thoughts -
Trait Synergies -
Item Synergies -
Champion Synergies -
This Item Counters -
This Item is Countered by -
Statik Shiv - Recipe = Bow + tear -
Thoughts -
Trait Synergies -
Item Synergies -
Champion Synergies -
This Item Counters -
This Item is Countered by -
Sword Breaker - Recipe = Chain + cloak -
Thoughts -
Trait Synergies -
Item Synergies -
Champion Synergies -
This Item Counters -
This Item is Countered by -
Thief's Gloves - Recipe = Glove + glove -
Thoughts -
Trait Synergies -
Item Synergies -
Champion Synergies -
This Item Counters -
This Item is Countered by -
Titan's Resolve - Recipe = Bow + chain -
Thoughts -
Trait Synergies -
Item Synergies -
Champion Synergies -
This Item Counters -
This Item is Countered by -
Trap Claw - Recipe = Belt + gloves -
Thoughts -
Trait Synergies -
Item Synergies -
Champion Synergies -
This Item Counters -
This Item is Countered by -
Warmog's Armour - Recipe = Belt + Belt -
Thoughts -
Trait Synergies -
Item Synergies -
Champion Synergies -
This Item Counters -
This Item is Countered by -
Zeke's Herald - Recipe = Sword + belt -
Thoughts -
Trait Synergies -
Item Synergies -
Champion Synergies -
This Item Counters -
This Item is Countered by -
Zephyr - Recipe = Cloak + belt -
Thoughts -
Trait Synergies -
Item Synergies -
Champion Synergies -
This Item Counters -
This Item is Countered by -
Zz'Rot Portal - Recipe = Bow + Belt -
Thoughts -
Trait Synergies -
Item Synergies -
Champion Synergies -
This Item Counters -
This Item is Countered by -
submitted by NzRedditor762 to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]

ALL (most) 1Trick Youtube Channels

I have always had problems finding one trick pony channels on YouTube, as I am sure many others have as well. I could not find a list anywhere either. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and slave away making this list. Also, this is not a list that includes one-trick streamers, just youtubers.
For a channel to be considered a one trick and appear on the list they had to meet two requirements: Majority of content is about one champion, have posted recently in the past two months. No matter how big or small a channel was, I still included it.
I am highly confident I do not have all of the 1trick channels in this list, I may have even forgotten a champion! (I really hope not). But regardless, please let me know about any other 1 trick channels I forgot and I will update the list. Hopefully this helps smaller one-trick youtubers get their name out there. This is also a great opportunity to find other one tricks to collaborate with. If you want to show me some love for making this list throw me a sub at
Amumu Top (shameful self-promotion)
The top five champions with the most 1 Trick channels:
Katarina: 13
Riven: 13
Shaco: 10
Thresh + Zed: 9
Master Yi: 8
The number in parenthesis next to the name is the subscriber count.
List of one-trick pony channels for each champion:
Aatrox: Lord of Stars (4k), hudzell (210), ML-Jesus (205), RubyxWeapon (554), Mr Tank (175), REFLEX4 (18)
Ahri: Vertigal (57k), Dragahri (1k), Lar ons (2k)
Akali: Best Kser Fl(2k), Professor Akali (38k)
Alistar: N/A
Amumu: Amumu Top (1k)
Annie: Annie Bot (156k), Panda Annie (1k)
Anivia: Trizze (6k)
Ashe: N/A
Aurelion Sol: DeadSol (24), Lyaphine (73), Lantern LoL (12)
Azir: Drift King Azir (16k), apathylex (7k), Mr Oafa (3), Labo Member 002 (202)
Bard: N/A
Blitzcrank: N/A
Brand: Heaffey (171)
Braum: N/A
Caitlyn: N/A
Camille: N/A
Cassiopeia: N/A
Cho’Gath: N/A
Corki: N/A
Darius: FullADdariusBR (3k), Dreadvisage (1k), Steelhorse (3k), Lord Dunk (1k), Cownpie (24), Epsilon (881),
Diana: Private Scrappy (2k), Only Diana (3k)
Dr. Mundo: N/A
Draven: loltyler1 (501k), Binley (3k), Sir Alexander (836). FP dexterous(2k), League of Tai (381), Vicenza LoL (17)
Ekko: Saint Kilian (1k), D-Range Rapper / Gamer (141), Fame Ajax (51), Phase Dive (6)
Elise: N/A
Evelynn: EveLovesLoL (14k)
Ezreal: N/A
Fiddlesticks: N/A
Fiora: N/A
Fizz: Fatefalls (3k), Fizz Used Splash - LoL Guides/Gameplays/Montages (1k)
Galio: N/A
Gangplank: Tobias Fate (318k), most dankplank (429), Mr. Foo Was Here (544), Gangplank (597)
Garen: AMSatellite (9k), ristiuMMask (9k)
Gnar: N/A
Graves: N/A
Gragas: Woody Fruity (37k), Gragas The Rabble Rouser (2k), PanunuLoL (3k), MR. BoostedNick (30),
Hecarim: N/A
Heimerdinger: RezoneGAMES (15k), Heisendong (4k), Ajido LoL (142), The Daily Donger (127), smitedinger (86)
Illaoi: Ishiivel (1k), Enter Dreamland (31)
Ivern: Mat (20)
Irelia: gbay99 (437k), Irelia Carries U (52k), https://www.youtube.com/usetinkcho123/videos (15k), Blazing Claw (97), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ2PhurqnLw (15k)
Janna: N/A
Jarvan IV: King Nidhogg (1k)
Jax: JaxJungy (35), Dunk Master Jax (835),
Jayce: PKB dovah (8k), Credenda (203), LightCrusaderz(2k), Mister Jayce (46), https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPLVTmdgB-ljT3S5xGBhBQA/videos (21k)
Jhin: I Keep it Taco (226)
Jinx: N/A
Kalista: N/A
Karma: tonytwobits (161)
Karthus: Kartharsus (30)
Kassadin: N/A
Katarina: Flyerbek (85k), Katlife (23k), Mazrim (5k), Thaliesnb (1k), Burstarina (206) Katastrophical (1k), eightdot (1k), Redophile (198), Alninio9 (3k), Noniv (493), Haduko (17), Katarina God (17), Andy2139 (21)
Kayle: Dawidsonek replays (2k)
Kennen: N/A
Kindred: redKind (18k), Godly Polo (659)
Kled: N/A
Kha’Zix: Consume and Adapt (194), Tinjus (2k), OCE Kha’Zix (5k), Kha Sec(12k), kha evo (2k)
Kog’Maw: N/A
LeBlanc: ImRoyal (382), It’s Just LeBlanc (818)
Lee Sin: Gripex (53k), Bubba Kush (91k), Heizman (112k), Blem (3k) cellybeary (16k), Bee Sin (303), I OwnLee Sin (237)
Leona: N/A
Lissandra: Elsa of Garendel (73)
Lucian: N/A
Lulu: N/A
Lux: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FChFyHJHuJA (11k), Tokyo Ai (25)
Master Yi: cowsep (260k), Rei Yi (48k), Yuneshin (1k), YIMO Community (253), GojiSunSin (652), Legendary Fruit (652), Heartbreaker Yi (2k), KR Master Yi (152),
Malphite: N/A
Malzahar: N/A
Maokai: N/A
Miss Fortune: Asura (1k)
Mordekaiser: TastyPotatoX (2k), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P461xK-3DEA&feature=youtu.be (703), Raid Boss Morde (35), TheKingofEloHell (735)
Morgana: N/A
Mundo: Mundo Stream (58)
Nami: FakieLoL (2)
Nasus: mrbigruss666 (13k), Shirchez (42k)
Nautilus: N/A
Nidalee: Bad Nidalee (4k), Random Nid (49), Chumbles Productions (170)
Nocturne: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZXWb_78BrkjpsLHv2bJhUw (24k)
Nunu: Candoodle (21)
Olaf: Olaf Only (102)
Orianna: Orianna Mains (47)
Pantheon: Fatpack TV (736)
Poppy: Th3 Broodwich (621)
Quinn: Insufficient Sanity (356)
Rammus: N/A
Rek’Sai: N/A
Renekton: SoloRenektonOnly (126k), Godrekton (2k), RenektonTopOnly (45), Dominius Croc (11)
Rengar: l3imbi (23k), Dekar173 (43k)
Riven: Box Box(912K), GTT (143K), TheSwiftExile(72), Yeesha (0 :/ ), SJK(68), Adrian Riven(64K), hi its viper(5k), Riven God(64), Exil(35k), ElectroKidi(28k), nova (760), Dekar173 (43k), italiand0g (6k)
Rumble: RumbleMidGG (1k), Rocoman14 (679)
Ryze: NickInComing (1k)
Sejuani: N/A
Shaco: Shaclone(414k), PinkWard(139k), White Crow (16k), Chinese Jester(175), SethSebass(9), Jiyagi(307), CraiyX(6k), Carry Clown(1k), mesomarket(75), shaco bin laden(138)
Shen: Tricky Travster (3k), Linky317 - Shenpai Gaming (1k), Roy Shen (905)
Shyvana: N/A
Singed: Singed420(120k), Minishcap1 (3K), Ankan (1k), Jonny Holmes(3k), Adellaide Skyhart(1k), Chimpso(11k), Snuggle (73)
Sion: Tilterella (53k), Soultran (779), iKluzeR(103)
Skarner: EquinoxFox(439), PoV Quiche(49)
Sona: SON4 Main (122)
Soraka: ChannelDima(86)
Swain: N/A
Syndra: Overlord Forte (759)
Taliyah: Drewmatth (1k), iDarkLaw (27), TaliyahGod (127), Etyrnal Twitch (9)
Talon: N/A
Tahm Kench: N/A
Taric: N/A
Teemo: Ivan Pavlov (3k), HangSim TEEMO (23k), CantBeatThisMeat (34), Beastly Teemo (20k), trmplays (51k)
Thresh: Rayskat (11k), Foreflay (7k), Flayboy Magazine (2k), Blue Zenith (336), I only hook (11k), Kawaii Thresh (162), RyhDerr (322), SantzGaming (2k), SomeDayMadlife (373)
Tristana: Skelly (8)
Trundle: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoYFo-lRD3pchMUtsBcEbOA (17k)
Tryndamere: Boxer pete (33k)
Twitch: xTwist3D (13k)
Twisted Fate: Gross Gore (346k), Iraskate (7k)
Udyr: 4everMaxty (2k), AnOldSchoolPro (2k), Num (11k)
Urgot: Chimalpopica (2k)
Varus: N/A
Vayne: Constantine III (2k), Allucky (52), kT Tumbler (27)
Vi: Super Metroid (292)
Viktor: N/A
Veigar: TheBossVeigar (51), Sin Sorcerer (702)
Vel'koz: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXuEfBzwwaCYh1M85bYZZbQ/videos (2k), https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXuEfBzwwaCYh1M85bYZZbQ (2k)
Vladmir: Vladmir Bot (85), 0kills (153)
Volibear: N/A
Warwick: N/A
Wukong: Allorim (10k), Cloud7z (166)
Xerath: Nvo (2k)
Xin Zhao: N/A
Yasuo: Yassuo(255k), arkadata(89k), Combat Marksman (7k), Baka Prase (24k)
Yorick: N/A
Zac: Flyingbaklava (1k), Gankr (89)
Zilean: Support Carry Zilean (56)
Ziggs: N/A
Zed: LL Stylish(337), Azoh(84k), Death Mark(6k), Majki the General(1K), Kiting Zed(5K), Matezedguy333(35), Confided Zed(23), FEDOR(27k), Death Mark (6k)
Zyra: Jason Barnett (3k), DWHANGDOODLE (18)
EDIT 1: Thankyou guys for all the prompt responses! I had forgotten Janna, Wukong, and Vel'koz so I added those. I also added probably about 15 additional channels.
EDIT 2: Added a ton more of youtubers. Also I wouldn't consider Trick2G or Gosu one tricks, because they also play tons of other champions.
submitted by SpudMonkApe to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

List of one-trick pony Youtube channels

"CODE" TO THIS LIST https://jpst.it/WzGO
List of one-trick pony channels for each champion:
number in parentheses is sub count (not always up to date)
Aatrox: Lord of Stars (4k), hudzell (210), ML-Jesus (205), RubyxWeapon (554), Mr Tank (175), REFLEX4 (18)
Ahri: Vertigal (57k), Dragahri (1k), Lar ons (2k)
Akali: Professor Akali (63k), Best Kser Fl (3k)
Alistar: N/A
Amumu: Amumu Top (1k)
Annie: Annie Bot (156k), Panda Annie (1k)
Anivia: Trizze (6k)
Ashe: BobboTheJuggle (2k)
Aurelion Sol: DeadSol (60), Lyaphine (73), Lantern LoL (12)
Azir: Drift King Azir (16k), apathylex (7k), Mr Oafa (4), Labo Member 002 (202)
Bard: N/A
Blitzcrank: N/A
Brand: Heaffey (171)
Braum: N/A
Caitlyn: N/A
Camille: N/A
Cassiopeia: N/A
Cho’Gath: N/A
Corki: N/A
Darius: FullADdariusBR (3k), Dreadvisage (1k), Steelhorse (3k), Lord Dunk (1k), Cownpie (24), Epsilon (881),
Diana: Private Scrappy (2k), Only Diana (3k), SDiana2 LoL (1k)
Dr. Mundo: Mundo Stream (58)
Draven: loltyler1 (501k), Binley (3k), Sir Alexander (836), FP dexterous(2k), League of Tai (381), Vicenza LoL (17)
Ekko: Saint Kilian (1k), D-Range Rapper / Gamer (141), Fame Ajax (51), Phase Dive (6)
Elise: N/A
Evelynn: EveLovesLoL (14k), Jezcp_NA (123)
Ezreal: N/A
Fiddlesticks: Amazingsticks (274)
Fiora: Stenbock Gaming (47)
Fizz: Fatefalls (3k), Fizz Used Splash - LoL Guides/Gameplays/Montages (1k)
Galio: N/A
Gangplank: Tobias Fate (321k), most dankplank (429), Mr. Foo Was Here (544), Gangplank (597)
Garen: AMSatellite (9k), ristiuMMask (9k), The Glacierr (9k)
Gnar: N/A
Graves: N/A
Gragas: Woody Fruity (37k), Gragas The Rabble Rouser (2k), PanunuLoL (3k), MR. BoostedNick (30),
Hecarim: N/A
Heimerdinger: RezoneGAMES (15k), Heisendong (4k), Ajido LoL (142), The Daily Donger (127), smitedinger (86)
Illaoi: Ishiivel (1k), Enter Dreamland (31)
Ivern: Mat (20)
Irelia: gbay99 (437k), Irelia Carries U (52k), Blazing Claw (97), 이렐리아린브 (15k)
Janna: N/A
Jarvan IV: King Nidhogg (1k)
Jax: JaxJungy (35), Dunk Master Jax (835),
Jayce: PKB dovah (8k), Credenda (212), LightCrusaderz(2k), Mister Jayce (46), JapaneseKoreanUG (21k)
Jhin: I Keep it Taco (226)
Jinx: N/A
Kalista: N/A
Karma: tonytwobits (161)
Karthus: Kartharsus (30)
Kassadin: N/A
Katarina: Flyerbek (85k), Katlife (23k), Mazrim (5k), Thaliesnb (1k), Burstarina (206), Katastrophical (1k), eightdot (1k), Redophile (198), Alninio9 (3k), Noniv (493), Haduko (17), Katarina God (17), Andy2139 (21)
Kayle: Dawidsonek replays (2k)
Kennen: N/A
Kindred: redKind (18k), Godly Polo (659)
Kled: N/A
Kha’Zix: Consume and Adapt (194), Tinjus (2k), OCE Kha’Zix (5k), Kha Sec(12k), kha evo (2k)
Kog’Maw: Kog'Maw Senpai (273)
LeBlanc: ImRoyal (382), It’s Just LeBlanc (818)
Lee Sin: Gripex (53k), Bubba Kush (91k), Heizman (112k), Blem (3k), cellybeary (16k), Bee Sin (303), I OwnLee Sin (237)
Leona: N/A (iOki pls)
Lissandra: Elsa of Garendel (73)
Lucian: Lucian IRL
Lulu: N/A
Lux: 공사현장TV (11k), Tokyo Ai (25)
Master Yi: cowsep (260k), Rei Yi (50k), Yuneshin (1k), YIMO Community (253), GojiSunSin (652), Legendary Fruit (652), Heartbreaker Yi (2k), KR Master Yi (152),
Malphite: N/A
Malzahar: N/A
Maokai: N/A
Miss Fortune: Asura (1k)
Mordekaiser: TastyPotatoX (2k), 페이즈킬러(2k), Raid Boss Morde (35), TheKingofEloHell (735)
Morgana: N/A
Nami: FakieLoL (4)
Nasus: mrbigruss666 (13k), Shirchez (42k)
Nautilus: N/A
Nidalee: Bad Nidalee (4k), Random Nid (49), Chumbles Productions (170)
Nocturne: 쏘핫트 (24k)
Nunu: Candoodle (21)
Olaf: Olaf Only (102)
Orianna: Orianna Mains (47)
Pantheon: Fatpack TV (736)
Poppy: Th3Broodwich (621)
Quinn: Insufficient Sanity (367)
Rammus: N/A
Rek’Sai: N/A
Renekton: SoloRenektonOnly (126k), Godrekton (2k), RenektonTopOnly (48), Dominius Croc (11)
Rengar: l3imbi (23k), ScrubNoob (175)
Riven: Box Box(912K), GTT (143K), TheSwiftExile(83), Yeesha (1), SJK(68), Adrian Riven(68K), hi its viper (10k), Riven God (80), Exil(38k), ElectroKidi(28k), nova (760), italiand0g (6k)
Rumble: RumbleMidGG (1k), Rocoman14 (679)
Ryze: NickInComing (1k)
Sejuani: N/A
Shaco: Shaclone(414k), PinkWard(139k), White Crow (16k), Chinese Jester (175), SethSebass(9), Jiyagi (307), CraiyX (6k), Carry Clown (1k), mesomarket (75), shaco bin laden (138)
Shen: Tricky Travster (3k), Linky317 - Shenpai Gaming (2k), Roy Shen (905)
Shyvana: N/A
Singed: Singed420 (120k), Minishcap1 (3K), Ankan (1k), Jonny Holmes (3k), Adellaide Skyhart (1k), Chimpso (11k), Snuggle (73)
Sion: Tilterella (53k), Soultran (779), iKluzeR (103)
Sivir: N/A
Skarner: EquinoxFox (439), PoV Quiche (49)
Sona: SON4 Main (122)
Soraka: ChannelDima (86)
Swain: N/A
Syndra: Overlord Forte (759)
Taliyah: Drewmatth (1k), iDarkLaw (27), TaliyahGod (127), Etyrnal Twitch (9), Drewmatth (1k)
Talon: N/A
Tahm Kench: N/A
Taric: N/A
Teemo: Ivan Pavlov (3k), HangSim TEEMO (23k), CantBeatThisMeat (34), Beastly Teemo (20k), trmplays (51k), Hikashikun LoL (2k)
Thresh: Rayskat (11k), Foreflay (7k), Flayboy Magazine (2k), Blue Zenith (336), I only hook (11k), Kawaii Thresh (162), RyhDerr (322), SantzGaming (2k), SomeDayMadlife (373)
Tristana: Skelly (53)
Trundle: 트할 (17k)
Tryndamere: Boxer pete (33k), foggedftw2 (500)
Twitch: xTwist3D (13k)
Twisted Fate: Gross Gore (346k), Iraskate (7k)
Udyr: 4everMaxty (2k), AnOldSchoolPro (2k), Num (11k)
Urgot: Chimalpopica (2k)
Varus: N/A
Vayne: Constantine III (2k), Allucky (52), kT Tumbler (27), ness (1)
Vi: Super Metroid (292)
Viktor: N/A
Veigar: TheBossVeigar (51), Sin Sorcerer (702)
Vel'koz 양동s (2k)
Vladmir: Rock3tt (2k), Vladmir Bot (85), 0kills (153)
Volibear: N/A
Warwick: N/A
Wukong: Cloud7z (166)
Xerath: Nvo (2k)
Xin Zhao: N/A
Yasuo: Yassuo (262k), arkadata (90k), Combat Marksman (7k), Baka Prase (24k)
Yorick: N/A
Zac: Flyingbaklava (1k), Gankr (89)
Zilean: Support Carry Zilean (60)
Ziggs: N/A
Zed: LL Stylish (337), Azoh (84k), Death Mark (6k), Majki the General (1K), Kiting Zed (5K), Matezedguy333 (35), Confided Zed (23), FEDOR (27k)
Zyra: Jason Barnett (3k), DWHANGDOODLE (18)
Original List: /leagueoflegends/comments/5wza3e/all_most_1trick_youtube_channels/
UPDATE Added Drewmatth, S Diana 2, FiniteHD, Jezcp_NA, Kog'Maw Senpai + small fixes. Also added Lucian IRLHikashikun LoL, foggedftw2, Amazingsticks, ScrubNoob, The Glacierr
added Sivir :)
Yould be nice if you PM me for missing youtubers, I cant rly handle this post.
I wont add BunnyFuuFuu, Trick2G or others like that.. they are well known for a champ but they are not One trick ponies (anymore) - Besides that they are already well known anyways ;)
Fell free to send me even super small channels, Id love to add active Channels with less than 100 Subs. - As long as its a OTP chgannel ofc ;)
submitted by xRuSheR to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Season 6 Most games played on each champion.

Champ Division Server Games played Summoner Name op.gg/lolskill
Aatrox Bronze IV EUNE 1384 The Fantazy http://eune.op.gg/summoneuserName=The+Fantazy
Ahri Diamond III EUW 2154 Verti http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=Verti
Akali Gold III Korea 1578 전쟁이다여자챙겨 http://www.op.gg/summoneuserName=%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81%EC%9D%B4%EB%8B%A4%EC%97%AC%EC%9E%90%EC%B1%99%EA%B2%A8+
Alistar Silver V EUW 2009 dolgon http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=dolgon
Amumu Master O LP NA 1848 amumumu http://na.op.gg/summoneuserName=Amumumu
Anivia Silver V EUW 1833 FastForward2000 http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=FastForward2000
Annie Master 194 LP LAS 1829 Dasant God http://las.op.gg/summoneuserName=Dasant+God+
Annie (Multiple accounts) Diamond II/ Diamond I NA 2583 Annîe/Annie Bot http://na.op.gg/summoneuserName=ann%C3%AEe / http://na.op.gg/summoneuserName=annie+Bot
Ashe Gold V KR 2029 샤넬애쉬 http://www.op.gg/summoneuserName=+%EC%83%A4%EB%84%AC%EC%95%A0%EC%89%AC+
Aurelion Sol Diamond I KR 936 ililililiiiiilil http://www.op.gg/summoneuserName=ililililiiiiilil+
Azir Platinum III EUW 1381 xTrafalgarLawW http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=xTrafalgarLawW
Bard Master 0 LP BR 1507 Bard Simpson http://br.op.gg/summoneuserName=Bard+Simpson
Blitzcrank Platinum V KR 1734 필트오버커스텀블 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%ED%95%84%ED%8A%B8%EC%98%A4%EB%B2%84%EC%BB%A4%EC%8A%A4%ED%85%80%EB%B8%94
Brand Diamond V KR 1774 폭딜 브랜드 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%ED%8F%AD%EB%94%9C%20%EB%B8%8C%EB%9E%9C%EB%93%9C
Braum Diamond V EUNE 1501 zelmerPL http://www.lolskill.net/summoneEUNE/zelmerPL
Caitlyn Diamond V EUW 1001 HakkaZilla http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=HakkaZilla
Cassiopeia Gold II KR 1829 히색발씨 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%ED%9E%88%EC%83%89%EB%B0%9C%EC%94%A8
Cho'Gath Bronze II KR 1404 루시리아나 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EB%A3%A8%EC%8B%9C%EB%A6%AC%EC%95%84%EB%82%98
Corki Bronze III OCE 1506 CH6666 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneOCE/CH6666
Darius Silver IV EUW 1393 Natis345 http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=Natis345
Diana Gold V NA 1871 High Boy http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/High%20Boy/champions
Dr. Mundo Silver IV NA 2121 SHERIFF BUFORD http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/SHERIFF%20BUFORD
Draven Silver II EUNE 1786 Grigoriadis http://www.lolskill.net/summoneEUNE/Grigoriadis
Ekko Diamond V KR 1806 Bj SmuS Park http://www.lolskill.net/summoneKBj%20SmuS%20Park
Elise Master 0LP KR 1671 종하긔 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EC%A2%85%ED%95%98%EA%B8%94
Evelynn Diamond V NA 1672 Honyn http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/Honyn
Ezreal Diamond III EUW 1457 Eternity Mute http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=EternityMute
Fiddlesticks Platinum IV NA 2192 Mepsipax http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/Mepsipax
Fiora Gold IV OCE 1781 B1g Kr1t Castr0 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneOCE/B1g%20Kr1t%20Castr0
Fizz Silver III KR 1510 바이칼tv http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EB%B0%94%EC%9D%B4%EC%B9%BCtv
Galio Silver V EUW 1992 Benjore http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=Benjore
Gangplank Silver V NA 1785 youcandobetter http://www.lolskill.net/game/NA/youcandobetter
Garen Silver II EUW 3042 Max Shmit http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=MaxShmit
Gnar Diamond V NA 1268 MaitreDuPain http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/MaitreDuPain
Gragas Platinum I NA 2234 Rabble Arouser http://www.lolskill.net/game/NA/Rabble%20Arouser
Graves Diamond V BR 1548 JehZs http://br.op.gg/summoneuserName=JehZs
Hecarim Diamond II EUW 1635 HRC Krezzy http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=HRCKrezzy
Heimerdinger Silver V EUW 2572 GeT CoN TRollED http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=GeTCoNTRollED
Illaoi Diamond I KR 1412 촉수페티쉬 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EC%B4%89%EC%88%98%ED%8E%98%ED%8B%B0%EC%89%AC
Irelia Platinum V KR 1472 zicotoughcookie http://www.lolskill.net/summoneKzicotoughcookie
Ivern Gold V BR 246 XamAnicX http://br.op.gg/summoneuserName=XamAnicX
Janna Gold II KR 1632 1이사장 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK1%EC%9D%B4%EC%82%AC%EC%9E%A5/summary
Jarvan IV Bronze V NA 1379 HAKAZE0157 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/HAKAZE0157
Jax Diamond I KR 1880 BJ잭스 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneKBJ%EC%9E%AD%EC%8A%A4
Jayce Gold III LAN 1745 maldito1r8 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneLAN/maldito1r8
Jhin Silver V BR 1328 JOHNNYNETT http://br.op.gg/summoneuserName=JOHNNYNETT
Jinx Bronze V KR 1763 미소가예뻐 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EB%AF%B8%EC%86%8C%EA%B0%80%EC%98%88%EB%BB%90
Kalista Silver IV EUW 2110 Akaruí http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=Akaruí
Karma Platinum V LAN 1700 atpar http://www.lolskill.net/summoneLAN/atpar
Karthus Gold V TR 1546 Bladevein http://www.lolskill.net/summoneTBladevein/champions
Kassadin Diamond V NA 1332 SuspiciousOther http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/SuspiciousOther
Katarina Platinum V KR 1550 Physical KaTa http://www.lolskill.net/summoneKPhysical%20KaTa
Kayle Platinum I KR 2045 유리 밤 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EC%9C%A0%EB%A6%AC%20%EB%B0%A4
Kennen Platinum V NA 1753 TheOn3 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/TheOn3
Kha'Zix Diamond II KR 2004 카직스 애인 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EC%B9%B4%EC%A7%81%EC%8A%A4%20%EC%95%A0%EC%9D%B8
Kindred Platinum II KR 1190 독도는대한민국영 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EB%8F%85%EB%8F%84%EB%8A%94%EB%8C%80%ED%95%9C%EB%AF%BC%EA%B5%AD%EC%98%81
Kled Platinum II LAN 753 robame http://www.lolskill.net/summoneLAN/robame
Kog'Maw Silver IV NA 1470 CallMeRome http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/CallMeRome
LeBlanc Gold II NA 1402 LeBIanc B0t http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/LeBIanc%20B0t
Lee Sin Gold I NA 1945 iAM Mercy Mars http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/iAM%20Mercy%20Mars
Leona Gold IV EUW 2126 Arvus http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=Arvus
Lissandra Silver V RU 1072 tgzwt http://www.lolskill.net/summoneRU/tgzwt
Lucian Gold I KR 1292 샬라샬라울랄라 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EC%83%AC%EB%9D%BC%EC%83%AC%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B8%EB%9E%84%EB%9D%BC
Lulu Platinum V KR 1767 Dydy http://www.lolskill.net/summoneKDydy
Lux Silver V KR 2209 한여름소나기 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%ED%95%9C%EC%97%AC%EB%A6%84%EC%86%8C%EB%82%98%EA%B8%B0
Malphite Silver V KR 1740 Gat Style http://www.lolskill.net/summoneKGat%20Style
Malzahar Master I 5LP NA 1317 Autolykus http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/Autolykus
Maokai Diamond I EUW 1624 Fütak http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=Fütak
Master Yi Diamond V KR 2681 밤에별 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EB%B0%A4%EC%97%90%EB%B3%84
Miss Fortune Gold V KR 2106 미스포카리 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EB%AF%B8%EC%8A%A4%ED%8F%AC%EC%B9%B4%EB%A6%AC
Mordekaiser Platinum II NA 2078 MordeKeyser Soze http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/MordeKeyser%20Soze
Morgana Silver III KR 1966 몰가연습좀할께요 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EB%AA%B0%EA%B0%80%EC%97%B0%EC%8A%B5%EC%A2%80%ED%95%A0%EA%BB%98%EC%9A%94
Nami Diamond V EUW 1793 mwka http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=mwka
Nasus Gold V TR 1742 CanTEKCANOZU http://www.lolskill.net/summoneTCanTEKCANOZU
Nautilus Gold I KR 1377 늙어버린초보 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EB%8A%99%EC%96%B4%EB%B2%84%EB%A6%B0%EC%B4%88%EB%B3%B4/champions
Nidalee Diamond III EUNE 1257 Spears http://www.lolskill.net/summoneEUNE/Spears
Nocturne Gold IV EUW 1654 Bear2Beer http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=Bear2Beer
Nunu Platinum V EUW 1055 Beremoth https://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=beremoth
Olaf Silver III KR 2822 빠커스승님 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EB%B9%A0%EC%BB%A4%EC%8A%A4%EC%8A%B9%EB%8B%98
Orianna Diamond II NA 1057 PIays With Balls http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/PIays%20With%20Balls
Pantheon Diamond V EUW 1824 FatpackTV http://www.lolskill.net/summoneEUW/FatpackTV
Poppy Silver III EUNE 1161 tomzi1 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneEUNE/tomzi1
Quinn Platinum II EUW 2686 fear of Quinn http://www.lolskill.net/summoneEUW/fear%20of%20Quinn
Rammus Diamond V EUNE 1902 KokaWWA http://www.lolskill.net/summoneEUNE/KokaWWA
Rek'Sai Silver II NA 857 bozniansaint http://euw.op.gg/summonechampions/userName=ezz
Renekton Platinum V BR 1312 RDG Marin http://br.op.gg/summoneuserName=RDG+Marin
Rengar Diamond V KR 1842 Dal grim http://www.lolskill.net/summoneKDal%20grim
Riven Diamond V NA 2322 Secillia http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/Secillia
Rumble Diamond III EUW 1957 cola http://www.lolskill.net/summoneEUW/cola
Ryze Gold III KR 1216 찌롱찌릉 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EC%B0%8C%EB%A1%B1%EC%B0%8C%EB%A6%89
Sejuani Diamond IV KR 1237 땅혁맘마 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EB%95%85%ED%98%81%EB%A7%98%EB%A7%88
Shaco Gold I EUW 1387 ChuggaDaddy http://www.lolskill.net/summoneEUW/ChuggaDaddy
Shen Platinum II NA 1689 yupgisonyun http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/yupgisonyun
Shyvana Silver V LAS 1576 ANDRUSBARTLETT http://www.lolskill.net/summoneLAS/ANDRUSBARTLETT
Singed Gold V NA 2385 AdellaideSkyhart http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/AdellaideSkyhart
Sion Diamond V KR 1537 사나이온 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EC%82%AC%EB%82%98%EC%9D%B4%EC%98%A8
Sivir Bronze IV EUW 928 best sivir xd http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=bestsivirxd
Skarner Silver III EUW 1165 Catapumbalmblam http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=Catapumbalmblam
Sona Gold IV EUW 2214 PlsTeamplay http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=PlsTeamplay
Soraka Diamond III KR 1556 여수과일총각 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EC%97%AC%EC%88%98%EA%B3%BC%EC%9D%BC%EC%B4%9D%EA%B0%81
Swain Gold III TR 926 burak152 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneTburak152/summary
Syndra Diamond III NA 1674 Hugh Akston http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/Hugh%20Akston
Tahm Kench Silver II NA 1260 calbearal http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/calbearal
Taliyah Diamond III NA 1017 Asukira http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/Asukira
Talon Diamond II NA 1571 yiguo http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/yiguo
Taric Gold IV NA 1625 Abletun http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/Abletun
Teemo Silver V KR 2545 티모안주면던져용 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%ED%8B%B0%EB%AA%A8%EC%95%88%EC%A3%BC%EB%A9%B4%EB%8D%98%EC%A0%B8%EC%9A%A9
Thresh Diamond V NA 2142 Kami Thresh http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/Kami%20Thresh
Tristana Bronze III EUW 1329 Jokeostia http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=Jokeostia
Trundle Platin IV LAN 1468 EL TROLL http://www.lolskill.net/summoneLAN/EL%20TROLL
Tryndamere Gold V BR 1855 vagner1000 http://br.op.gg/summoneuserName=vagner1000+
Twisted Fate Challenger I 474Lp NA 1442 SSBM Hax http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/SSBM%20Hax
Twitch Silver V EUW 1704 Bestialking http://www.lolskill.net/summoneEUW/Bestialking
Udyr Silver III EUW 1221 Duowen http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=Duowen
Urgot Gold III NA 1869 Emperor Imperial http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/Emperor%20Imperial
Varus Silver III RU 1180 RaSiel http://www.lolskill.net/summoneRU/RaSiel
Vayne Diamond IV KR 1710 사랑밖엔 난 몰라 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneK%EC%82%AC%EB%9E%91%EB%B0%96%EC%97%94%20%EB%82%9C%20%EB%AA%B0%EB%9D%BC
Veigar Diamond V EUW 1469 Bronixon http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=Bronixon
Vel´koz Bronze V TR 1967 karamurat2 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneTkaramurat2
Vi Silver II EUNE 1673 toughguy72 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneEUNE/toughguy72
Viktor Gold V NA 1333 AlienTao http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/AlienTao
Vladimir Gold V LAS 1353 THC J0oneey http://www.lolskill.net/summoneLAS/THC%20J0oneey
Volibear Silver III EUNE 1652 lucifer kon http://www.lolskill.net/summoneEUNE/lucifer%20kon/summary
Warwick Bronze III EUW 1758 esgrovniak http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=esgrovniak
Wukong Silver I NA 1706 O3O3 http://www.lolskill.net/summoneNA/O3O3
Xerath Platinum IV BR 983 Triste sem você http://br.op.gg/summoneuserName=Triste+sem+voc%C3%AA
Xin Zhao Silver III EUW 2013 Reiniko http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=Reiniko
Yasuo Diamond III KR 1800 야 찰 http://www.op.gg/summoneuserName=%EC%95%BC+%EC%B0%B0
Yorick Gold III KR 926 TIMOZZING1 http://www.op.gg/summoneuserName=TIMOZZING1
Zac Master I 1 LP EUW 1700 ArrowsofAlfar http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=ArrowsofAlfar
Zed Master I 509 LP KR 1126 율천고 최현우 http://www.op.gg/summoneuserName=+%EC%9C%A8%EC%B2%9C%EA%B3%A0+%EC%B5%9C%ED%98%84%EC%9A%B0+
Ziggs Silver IV RU 896 Артеллерист http://ru.op.gg/summoneuserName=%D0%90%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82
Zilean Diamond III EUW 1839 GrandomG http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=GrandomG
Zyra Diamond III EUW 1526 Suzaku http://euw.op.gg/summoneuserName=Suzaku
If you find any errors please state them.
submitted by numerousiceballs to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

(S4) Champions with the most dedicated Summoner

Here are the stats for Champions with Most Dedicated Summoners for Season 4.
Summoners of Note
  1. Emporer Imperial: 3025 games on Urgot
  2. Just Bring It: 2642 games on Karthus
  3. Babydim: 2619 games on Gangplank
Edit: While I don't know that I have the motivation to add Korean summoners via op.gg, this guy stood out in my browsing
Season 4 List
Champion Summoner Division Server # of Games
Aatrox xandao2015 Silver 5 BR 1519
Ahri Ahri Senpai Gold 2 LAN 1051
Akali athanatos1979 Silver 1 EUNE 1505
Alistar Kebren Platinum 4 NA 1313
Amumu N3ST4D3 Diamond 4 EUW 858
Anivia PopTart510 Diamond 4 NA 1421
Annie Annie Bot Master 1 NA 2370
Ashe drewisgreat Silver 2 EUW 1320
Azir xXmastuerzoXx Bronze 1 EUW 314
Blitzcrank CanIPikachu Diamond 1 EUW 1584
Brand DKangN3 Diamond 3 NA 1144
Braum Ric Patrese Gar Silver 5 BR 557
Caitlyn Persev4l Silver 3 NA 1351
Cassiopeia Caedíte eos Platinum 3 EUW 1188
Cho'Gath fedemacco Silver 4 EUW 1548
Corki Shozy Silver 5 EUW 1575
Darius GGUOCHANG Bronze 5 EUW 1313
Diana JoeSchmoey Silver 4 NA 1467
Dr. Mundo Mundo Platinum 4 NA 917
Draven Ferris Bueller Gold 3 EUW 1365
Elise ASAP Amir Platinum 5 NA 1297
Evelynn VuaTroChoi Diamond 4 NA 1318
Ezreal tagundala Silver 3 NA 967
Fiddlesticks Fiddles Fera Gold 5 BR 2224
Fiora kikori5656 Silver 5 NA 1801
Fizz Unconquerable007 Platinum 3 NA 1508
Galio Benjore Bronze 2 EUW 1934
Gangplank Babydim Silver 3 EUNE 2619
Garen WuManChu Gold 4 EUW 1662
Gnar RaiCiC Bronze 4 EUNE 513
Gragas SummoningJew Gold 3 NA 1315
Graves Sifaw Gold 2 EUW 2306
Hecarim Soy Loco Diamond 3 EUW 1254
Heimerdinger TestTickle Silver 3 NA 2000
Irelia EggMen Diamond 2 NA 1987
Janna kH Kkerr Diamond 2 LAS 1485
Jarvan IV Unward49 Platinum 4 NA 1726
Jax XDDD Diamond 5 NA 1255
Jayce maldito1r8 Silver 3 LAN 1311
Jinx SKT T1 Jinx Gold 3 NA 1236
Karma Critter87 Platinum 3 EUW 1093
Karthus Just Bring It Platinum 5 NA 2642
Kassadin Gotrall Diamond 5 EUW 923
Katarina kilef3 Gold 5 NA 1538
Kayle Phonite Platinum 4 EUW 1355
Kennen TheOn3 Platinum 5 NA 1672
Kha'Zix Angel of Fate Master 1 EUW 1000
Kog'Maw MÌDNÌGHT Diamond 5 NA 885
LeBlanc Kiss the Chaos Platinum 2 NA 947
Lee Sin GUNEYTURK7 Diamond 3 EUW 1143
Leona The Leona Master Platinum 2 EUW 1560
Lissandra Proscar2 Gold 5 NA 745
Lucian jeretmid Silver 4 LAN 1029
Lulu SkyWalker0510 Silver 4 EUNE 1386
Lux DevilMAyCrYll Diamond 4 LAN 1715
Malphite panemos Bronze 5 OCE 937
Malzahar 4o4o83 Silver 4 EUNE 1387
Maokai hugetrousers Gold 5 NA 1245
Master Yi BrueFox Diamond 5 NA 1597
Miss Fortune RUBIN OJOLOCO Bronze 3 EUW 2172
Mordekaiser Murderkaiser Platinum 4 NA 1621
Morgana 7 souls Silver 3 BR 1162
Nasus Best Nasus in TR Platinum 4 EUW 1243
Nautilus N1nn Bronze 2 EUW 1030
Nidalee Bestial Huntress Diamond 5 TR 1472
Nocturne GDragon J Gold 5 TR 1450
Nunu goofyV10 Silver 4 NA 1036
Orianna KaiserGL Silver 3 NA 764
Pantheon Sephero Diamond 3 NA 2205
Poppy PROppy Gold 3 NA 1607
Quinn the best quinn Platinum 5 EUW 2412
Rammus Dani boon Platinum 2 EUW 1712
Renekton USPEX501 Silver 4 EUW 975
Rengar Pridéstalkerr Master 1 EUNE 1678
Riven Smashbash Exile Platinum 3 EUW 1495
Rumble Ahreman Platinum 3 EUW 1555
Ryze BIOSkunky Silver 4 EUW 1621
Sejuani Thanhbui714 Bronze 5 NA 1495
Shaco Shaclone Diamond 2 EUW 1711
Shen Gosu Shen Diamond 5 EUW 865
Shyvana cacoyuta Bronze 5 BR 1323
Singed Professor SINGED Gold 3 NA 2379
Sion Lastmavel Platinum 4 BR 2460
Sivir BarbaricGString Platinum 5 EUW 972
Skarner SkarnerOnly Diamond 3 EUW 938
Sona mp4f0s Gold 5 EUNE 1712
Soraka Amilu Gold 2 EUW 1254
Swain Arrrghz Diamond 5 EUW 1151
Syndra CC Myrmidon Master 1 EUNE 1121
Talon Ézek Platinum 3 EUNE 1283
Taric VirusOzee Silver 3 EUW 1424
Teemo rouxIas Platinum 4 EUNE 1530
Thresh Sir Shmaizer Gold 5 EUNE 1186
Tristana x Vesperia x Silver 4 EUW 1207
Trundle Yibon Platinum 4 NA 755
Tryndamere sp1 Platinum 4 EUW 1717
Twisted Fate Dark Oswald Platinum 5 EUW 1265
Twitch Bleblacz1 Bronze 4 EUNE 1702
Udyr s7An1 Platinum 4 EUW 1550
Urgot Emperor Imperial Silver 4 NA 3025
Varus SkorpionGn Platinum 5 EUW 1561
Vayne Prototype White Master 1 NA 1427
Veigar CodMarkS Gold 5 EUNE 1917
Vel'Koz crzycrnk Silver 5 EUW 1102
Vi toughguy72 Silver 3 EUNE 1919
Viktor XoXXoX Diamond 2 NA 1237
Vladimir b1k0 Diamond 5 NA 1720
Volibear zorkman2000 Bronze 3 NA 1692
Warwick mesmorf Platinum 5 EUNE 1532
Wukong mangeurdemoulee Platinum 4 EUW 1526
Xerath Unknown Xerath Gold 2 EUW 1451
Xin Zhao rowIanD Diamond 5 NA 2080
Yasuo Banana Baileys Challenger 1 LAN 951
Yorick YoChoseNkileRick Platinum 5 TR 1068
Zac Maxirus Diamond 2 EUW 1577
Zed AGE Fanatiq Platinum 1 NA 1195
Ziggs Best Ziggs World Platinum 4 EUNE 1185
Zilean A big fat clock Platinum 2 EUW 1143
Zyra Blood Mule Platinum 3 NA 1509
Please keep in mind these are only ranked games that are played in the regions that LoLKing tracks, so no Korea/China/Taiwan/Normals/ARAMs/etc
submitted by Alaendil to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

(S5) Champions with the most dedicated Summoner

Here is the end of season update for Season 5's Dedicated Summoner list. LoLKing now has KR, so bit more diversity than before.
Current Standings
SHERIFF BUFORD in 1st with 3139 games on Dr Mundo
BadLegend is 2nd with 3050 games on Xin Zhao
홍땅혁 is 3rd with 2863 games on Sejuani
Champion Summoner Division Server Games Played
Aatrox Mr Aatrox Bot Silver 3 TR 1203
Ahri Blaze Wolf891 Silver 5 NA 1475
Akali Èlysium Platinum 5 EUW 1948
Alistar Kebren Platinum 5 NA 1514
Amumu The Beast Amumu Diamond 4 EUW 1196
Anivia Umbrella01 Diamond 5 NA 1503
Annie Annie Bot Challenger 1 NA 2619
Ashe RUBIN OJOLOCO Bronze 5 EUW 2216
Azir Artico Gold 5 LAN 1314
Bard Alisu Diamond 5 NA 910
Blitzcrank 병기형이다z Diamond 2 KR 1759
Brand Blood Mule Silver 2 NA 1083
Braum Marcyline Diamond 5 BR 890
Caitlyn S4iL0R Gold 3 TR 1358
Cassiopeia Snake on bush Diamond 5 EUW 1133
Cho'Gath JimmyX Diamond 2 NA 1219
Corki YoungKhalifaMan Gold 3 NA 1063
Darius Nesdro Platinum 3 BR 1118
Diana S Diana 2 Challenger 1 NA 1708
Dr. Mundo SHERIFF BUFORD Silver 4 NA 3139
Draven Dalstardemon Bronze 5 EUW 1670
Ekko The D Range Diamond 2 NA 1544
Elise FNC ReHope Challenger 1 KR 1041
Evelynn 1stTimeEve Platinum 1 EUNE 2518
Ezreal 큐평더블유평 Diamond 3 KR 1033
Fiddlesticks Supgi Platinum 1 NA 1738
Fiora CreepingDeath Bronze 5 NA 1489
Fizz LegendOfLegendss Platinum 2 NA 1688
Galio Benjore Silver 4 EUW 2046
Gangplank youcandobetter Silver 4 NA 1397
Garen BOSS AHTOH Diamond 2 NA 1372
Gnar 구현고 이재령 Diamond 2 KR 1394
Gragas Rabble Arouser Platinum 5 NA 987
Graves Vazagger Platinum 5 EUW 898
Hecarim paapaDoc Diamond 4 BR 1223
Heimerdinger TestTickle Silver 4 NA 2734
Irelia 시티즌팍 Master 1 KR 1798
Janna PsotnyWiatrZenka Platinum 3 EUNE 1561
Jarvan IV Unward49 Platinum 5 NA 1530
Jax XDDD Diamond 1 NA 1458
Jayce maldito1r8 Gold 5 LAN 1408
Jinx ViciWin Platinum 1 RU 1467
Kalista winnerKS Bronze 5 NA 1543
Karma 00Chapi Silver 4 EUW 1524
Karthus oh m ho Master 1 KR 1433
Kassadin Pirikito Friboi Platinum 5 BR 653
Katarina Miss Rage 1 Gold 4 EUW 1322
Kayle sarara criola Gold 5 BR 1669
Kennen TheOn3 Platinum 3 NA 1253
Kha'Zix Lesu Master 1 NA 1352
Kindred Mose FIN Silver 1 EUNE 252
Kog'Maw muknut Bronze 5 NA 896
LeBlanc Avitas Silver 4 NA 1124
Lee Sin killer7traulll Silver 4 EUNE 1314
Leona Ioki Diamond 3 NA 1959
Lissandra Queen of Lisan Diamond 2 KR 1280
Lucian Zetterberg85 Gold 1 EUW 1057
Lulu chocolatey Platinum 3 NA 1540
Lux girlgonewild00 Diamond 5 NA 1208
Malphite Rivdex Bronze 1 RU 1425
Malzahar 요플래 Challenger 1 KR 1157
Maokai Fütak Diamond 5 EUW 1293
Master Yi Silencee Diamond 3 NA 2729
Miss Fortune ANGELGREY Silver 1 TR 1383
Mordekaiser rado boy Bronze 4 EUNE 1080
Morgana Odiseo Silver 2 EUW 1271
Nami ananinami Gold 2 EUW 1798
Nasus Nightmarius Diamond 5 EUW 1557
Nautilus iGeMeShE1 Platinum 4 LAN 1077
Nidalee DrFunfun Gold 4 EUW 1252
Nocturne 쏘핫트 Diamond 1 KR 1292
Nunu JimRaynore Platinum 1 EUW 1673
Olaf 환영착검 Diamond 2 KR 1481
Orianna enui Platinum 4 NA 978
Pantheon Sephero Diamond 4 NA 1739
Poppy Best pOPpy VieT Diamond 3 EUW 1932
Quinn quinn airlines Diamond 3 EUNE 2415
Rammus ifailedbad Silver 5 NA 1469
Rek'Sai EBOK Diamond 4 KR 1025
Renekton 다앤피 Diamond 4 KR 1329
Rengar SKT Rengar Platinum 2 OCE 1630
Riven Hydaelyn Platinum 2 NA 1771
Rumble cola Master 1 EUW 1871
Ryze DrKorn Diamond 5 EUNE 1174
Sejuani 홍땅혁 Diamond 4 KR 2863
Shaco zarothereal Diamond 2 EUNE 1720
Shen Gosu Shen Diamond 3 EUW 1365
Shyvana freedom119 Platinum 5 OCE 1604
Singed Almighty SINGED Platinum 5 NA 1818
Sion Dhermosa Diamond 5 LAS 1711
Sivir pentakillll Bronze 4 EUW 1070
Skarner SkarnerOnly Diamond 1 EUW 1820
Sona WCGraYFoX Platinum 1 BR 1481
Soraka 벤픽조율의프로 Diamond 4 KR 2154
Swain prouyt Silver 2 NA 1278
Syndra FIower Bridge XD Diamond 5 NA 1140
Tahm Kench The NA RiverKing Diamond 5 NA 750
Talon RittersCHLaG Diamond 5 TR 1300
Taric LordOrick Bronze 1 NA 2116
Teemo Oliver Queen100 Platinum 4 EUNE 1705
Thresh Pooh n Bene Diamond 1 KR 1559
Tristana OneSixFive Gold 3 NA 986
Trundle millistos Bronze 5 LAN 1190
Tryndamere 천비화 Diamond 2 KR 1785
Twisted Fate Gross Gore Diamond 2 EUW 1580
Twitch AiksDrakes Bronze 5 EUW 2162
Udyr BestUdyrWorlds Gold 4 EUW 1489
Urgot hrd Platinum 3 BR 1393
Varus prodrmundo Bronze 1 EUNE 1317
Vayne HenrayHikari Diamond 5 NA 1572
Veigar CodMarkS Gold 5 EUNE 1485
Vel'Koz Smon268 Platinum 5 EUW 1539
Vi toughguy72 Silver 2 EUNE 1481
Viktor AlienTao Silver 5 NA 1231
Vladimir DanteArcangel Platinum 3 LAS 1313
Volibear Trimat Silver 4 EUW 2696
Warwick HentaiHunter Bronze 3 EUW 1708
Wukong ken55 Gold 5 NA 1875
Xerath Xenonym Diamond 5 EUW 1006
Xin Zhao BadLegend Platinum 5 EUNE 3050
Yasuo Awe Last Diamond 2 KR 1467
Yorick InvertedComposer Master 1 NA 1231
Zac Maxirus Diamond 1 EUW 1974
Zed Fanatiq Diamond 3 NA 1578
Ziggs 초반만잘하면뭐함 Diamond 2 KR 860
Zilean Abrakadabrolico Platinum 5 BR 1747
Zyra Zyra x Lissandra Diamond 2 EUNE 1331
Note: These are only ranked games that are played in the regions that LoLKing tracks, so no China/Taiwan/Normals/ARAMs/etc
*Edit1: Fixed Amumu - The Beast Amumu to reflect the right person. Thanks Allonas for pointing it out.
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