All In One Guide to Gambling in Oklahoma - All You Need To

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My Rise and Fall Part 2

Disclaimer: This is likely going to be the most boring section but year 3 is where it starts to get good (which I can make it more humorous) and I will type it up while I play tomorrow. But as long as interest in these threads is here I will invest the time in making them. A couple comments in the first one said it was nostalgic, which I agree, its kind of why I am even writing these. These were the actual good days of poker before government decided to fuck it up for everyone, poker is a shell of what it used to be and it will never return to its glory days without government fucking off. There is no entry point for new players these days, there are no advertisements on ESPN, no play money hustles or low stakes games online full of fish (now full of bots or bot like regs) or mega field mtts for people to get excited about. Also processing power has grown so much that problem solvers are becoming prevalent in decent stakes games. Jump online and play some NLH, it is insanely unfriendly to anyone playing less than perfect (plo is the only way to play online now, lets make it bigger than NLH!). Your every leak will be exploited. Its just not going to come back. (No one tell me bovada is soft either, fuck the anonymous stuff, 4$ rake no rewards system, they deserve no business, globalpoker is the only one worse) Also worth noting every single event I cover is real. The only thing that can be false is dialogue (for humor usually) and potentially altered hand histories due to lapsed memory.
Oh and since I bashed two online sites I will plug one. - learn how to use crypto and join up. The software is solid, traffic a bit slow for USA time zones but its growing a bit. I have no affiliation aside from playing there and would enjoy more traffic in USA peak hours.
Year 2
I am now a 20 year old gun slinger in the wild West of online poker. I am grinding sit n gos and mtts and cash games. I am a jack of all trades, and a master of all games. I am playing plo stud8 nlh it didnt matter, I just wanted to learn every game. I was a genuine student of poker, it consumed my brain at all times. I wake up at noon to slide into my chair and start grinding, still living at home with my dad in my ear telling me to get a job because “there is no future to gambling” to which I retort “you got it wrong pops, its actually no gamble no future, and I am gonna gamble for mine”.
I am in the backwoods of Oklahoma. I have no clue when high speed internet was invented but I sure as hell didnt have it in 2006. I was still using dialup as it was the only option available. I grind a lot of mtts and sitngos, and when Poker Stars releases a small patch or update I always paid the piper. I would leave the website open 24/7 so disconnects often would leave me screaming at my computer banging my head as updates downloaded for 5-20 minutes usually. Often I would be ITM in an mtt or holding AA/KK somewhere praying to the poker gods that everyone else disconnected and was feeling my struggles as well.
Nevertheless I am becoming a winning player. I have erratic account balances ranging from 300-1000$ while I play $1-10$ mtts (and occasionally jumping into a 20$+) and cash games at 10nl/plo mostly. I dont exactly recall the tourney that allowed me to cash out $3,000 off of Poker Stars, but it happened at some point that year. I remember the day it came in the mail pretty well. I got in my piece of shit 1998 Ford F150 (that I drove from age 17 to 23ish until I gave it to a friend who had his car stolen, it finally collapsed at 310k miles, I abused that truck, it literally had so many original parts on it, including the spark plugs amazingly) and drove into town head held high with my prize sitting on my lap. I couldnt wait to get to the bank so they could ask me where I got all this money from (which is ironic because a year later you had to lie if you wanted to retain your bank account). In my mind, as a 20 year old who has never even held 1000$ of my own money before it felt like I was going to be cashing the biggest check they would see all week.
I arrive at a Bank of Oklahoma, walk in and head to an open teller. She was an elderly lady probably in her 60s. I hand her the check and give her my account info and she starts punching away on her computer. She asks me how I want it, and with a smug grin on my face I say “in cash”. She gives me a blank stare then reaches into her drawer and pulls out a stack of $100 bills. This was the moment I had lived for, this was the moment my year plus of sitting in a basement ostracized from society grinding it out on my leather ass was for. She leans in to start counting out $3,000 and time is moving so slow for me. My bottom lip is literally shaking watching her count this massive sum of fiat, it was at the time the greatest moment of my life (over losing virginity, over the first time feeling the euphoria of MDMA, over anything). It felt so fulfilling. Pixelated cash turned to physical cash and I was on my way. Making the hour drive to the city to buy some cocaine and hang out with friends.
Short version of the weeks that followed that event, cocaine and home games for pennies. The money ran dry and my nose wore raw. The cocaine was rarely good obviously but thats to be expected in 2006 and in the Midwest.
Towards the end of the year I am going to a friends house to play after a weekend of partying and poker. We played at the casino the night before and have had little to no sleep in two days. Hes not a well seasoned super pro who has cashed a $3,000 check like me but he dabbles a bit. Its Sunday and were gonna grind a few tourneys, one in particular was a freeroll for anyone who earned X amount of FPPs over a set period of time. Everyone who makes final table gets a $12,000 package to main event. So we saddle up and jump into this (if my memory serves me correctly) 26,000~ player field. Luckily it had a good structure with plenty of play, 5 minute levels was going to allow my sharpened skills to shine. Laptops out, chargers plugged into a power supply we were underway. We felt like Louis and Clark setting out to traverse the western USA. We were gonna chart our maps on our way through this large field and claim our prize. We rarely say a word to each other through the first hour, were dog ass tired from the partying and high stakes 1-2nl at the casino the night before.
I bust my entry in the second hour, humiliated by the poker gods I look over at my friend in disgrace to let him know he is on his own, only to see him fast asleep sitting out at his table. I grab his laptop and feel my heart thud and my jugular swell as I have been revitalized having a second chance at this tourney, so long as he doesnt wake up.
I quietly accrue chips, soul reading my digital opponents and swiping their blinds. An hour passes I am still alive. Another hour and I am full thrive. Another hour and it seems I wont be deprived. We get down to 1000 then 500 then 100 people left standing. I awake my friend to show him what I have done, much to his surprise. He was excited but knew that I was the captain of his ship now. He fell asleep at the helm, so his ship now belonged to me.
Now to the hands I remember pretty well.
Two tables left. Not a ton of play but I am one of the bigger stacks. 15ish left and I am in the blinds with 66 when some asshat rips from the cutoff. It will cost me 3/4 of my stack (tbh I cant remember how many bb, it had to be 6-10 I would think, a 5 minute level turbo with 26k people back in 06? Had to be shallow) but I nut up and call.
My 66 is ahead of his QT but he finds a way to win. Now I am on deaths throes seeing this 12k package slip out of my grasp.
Aside from a pivotal pot that I won with K9o (ripping shallow) I remember no other hands but I assure you no one was all in or had someone all in more than I did at those final two tables. It tailed off with me comfortably sliding in from 11~ left to 9. I remember agonizing so many all ins, laughing when I won and yelling FUCK!! when I lost. More highs and lows over that 20-30 minutes than I had ever thought possible, and wouldnt feel again for a year or two. This 12k score was by far my biggest to date. We fist bumped and despite having no sleep we went out drinking and playing 1-2 like a couple of punk 21 year olds that we were. Kind of a side note but I have had many threats to me at a poker table, I am a bit mouthy (in the name of humor, but the humorless get angry).
Since it was my friends account we chopped the 12k. He proceeded to become a 200nl pro for the next few weeks. Sitting with the likes of Sam Simon (of The Simpsons, he was a frequent Poker Stars player) and melting off a good portion before tapping out.
I proceeded to continue to chip up from there. Then I had some issues on Poker Stars. While playing some 180 man sitgos I was talking to someone in chat. Who then found me on my cash tables to ask me what I had in a hand. Needless to say I broke collusion rules (worse than that, he lingered and was telling me his hands and I would tell him mine like a nimrod). Wasnt exactly intentional but I received a life time ban on Poker Stars and they sent me a check for my account balance. Not my proudest moment, it was dumb but honestly resulted in a net positive.
The end of the year I turn 21 and am grinding FTP and I am thinking about moving out of my folks house. I never get a fat roll together but I am winning here and there and blowing money like an idiot kid who has no concept of tomorrow. I was downloading new poker sites (the resulting net positive from losing stars)
One last story from this year. This is genuinely my favorite one I ever tell (and I tell it occasionally to this day in certain situations with people I dont think will get offended and they set themselves up for it)
I walk into a card room and get a 1-2 seat. I grab chips and head that way, and I end up drawing a seat directly to this old mans left. The old man was my grandfather. I had spent minimal time with this man in my life. Less than most people do with grandparents who live fairly close. He was a gambler though, stocks or cards. Rumor has it (never heard this from him only my mom and other family) in the late 70s or early 80s he sells a plot of land with a few oil drills on it and heads to Vegas where he spends 6-9 months playing poker and comes back busto. I never asked him about this story, if true I am sure he was felting himself to Brunson or Slim or some of the other old timers. The land yielded him a few hundred thousand dollars. The funny part is that piece of land is still pumping oil in 2019 (he fucked up). He recovered in life though, he never lived poorly. Owned a house on a lake in Oklahoma and dated meth addicted women 30 years younger than him my whole life. Just a standard version of a sugar daddy I suppose.
Anyhow, we greet each other and exchange a few words before just getting immersed in the game. Hes not exactly an old man coffee player, I do know his favorite hand is 910 though from poker discussions we had previously. About an hour into the session I have barely played a hand. I look over at him and say “man I just keep getting 92o 83o 72o over and over”. He then turns his head towards me and looks me in the eyes and says words I never will forget. He says (using fake name here) “Johnny, there aint one guy at this table that gives a fuck what youre folding” and looks away. I wasnt shocked at the cold response. He was a brash and dry person. Never told a joke that I remember. I never forgot it though and when people try to complain about their cards I tell them “I will tell you what my grandpappy told me, aint nobody at this table gives a fuck what youre folding”. Even though it was kind of cold, truer words rarely are uttered at a poker table. The last thing I care about is someones bad beats or card dead hour or wtf ever else. We are all so self involved that we think people care to hear a bad beat story or whatever, but they dont.
Part 3 in the next day or two.
submitted by cisheteropatriarchy to poker [link] [comments]

Next Far Cry Setting

I've thought about it a lot, often times Far Cry focuses on realistic events. Well there is one such group in my state that is constantly battling the US Government (at least in court). The Tribes of Oklahoma, which are technically sovereign nations with restrictions similar to a state.
Ever since the US govt. allowed them to have casinos they no longer depend on Federal Grants and run lavish casinos (even for Vegas standards). They even have tribal police and security along with a court system. Of course they have limited power and are trying to expand the jurisdiction of their Tribal Police.
The Tribes close to the Texas border are trying to expand into Texas with charter casinos and other economic interests but are being halted. Keep in mind every time the Tribes go to the Supreme Court to ask for more rights/privileges the Government can potentially remove them. It's a game of fire and ice with freedoms allotted to the tribes and it's been that way for a long time.
Along with that our current state government is in shambles as is. An awful governor no one likes and a huge disapproval rating on our current laws being enforced.
Well why would I bring them up? I'm not going to say what happens at the end of Far Cry 5, but it sets up an opportunity for the Tribes to unite and simply take the state back for themselves. In our state their is big political divide between the Conservatives and people who don't care and want more freedom. Both hate the government, and while they would not kill for politics, Oklahoma's National Guard will probably make enough mistakes to get the people to resent them enough, especially if another state sending in soldiers to "keep the peace".
Dallas will certainly have a lot of refugees fleeing and this will lead to another economic power, Texas (although weakened) being incapacitated to securing it's Northern border.
The Tribes can and will buy private security forces. Or recruit locals. I feel they would be a neutral faction and more stable, the other conservative and libertarian factions would have a lot of infighting between the local towns controlled by different factions. They would all be neutral towards the Tribes because of trading/common interests.
The other main faction would be the US government and the people who support them (a few extremists from the Left, for the most part Democrats aren't much different from Conservatives in Rural Oklahoma and love the tribes). Which will slowly work from from the southern part of the map, to across the red rivelake Texoma then to the casino. The Oklahoma National Guard will attack from the North but will be defended against, but cost the Tribes/Factions losing land in the South to the Texan National Guard.
The Location is also vital, one tribe has casinos close to the Texas border (hence why so many Texans cross the border to gamble). Their biggest casino is in Durant and it has some interesting features, like a massive lake on the border of Texas/Oklahoma. Along with some hilly terrain and a lot of hidden small towns/villages. Along with a lavish casino that is the main employer of nearby towns/cities.
The finale will probably be whatever side you helped by taking their towns (Libertarians or Conservatives) helping the Tribes + faction defend against a National Guard assaulting their casino. The Tribes and the faction you sided with are fatigued from infighting as they fight a much larger force.
submitted by axelorg_1 to farcry [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Aug 26th - Tue, Sep 1st)

Oklahoma City's event list. Combined from 9 sources

Wednesday, Aug 26th

Thursday, Aug 27th

Friday, Aug 28th

Saturday, Aug 29th

Sunday, Aug 30th

I was unable to find any published events for Aug 30th.

Monday, Aug 31st

Tuesday, Sep 1st

  • Dodgers (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark) Start Time: 4:35pm
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What's happening around town (Wed, May 24th - Tue, May 30th)

Oklahoma City's event list.

Wednesday, May 24th

Thursday, May 25th

  • Against the Grain (Blue Note - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm AGAINST THE GRAIN- The REAL Motor City Madmen... Living up to the title of their newest record, Against the Grain have proven themselves to be true warriors of the road. Blazing through the US with their brand of gear-shifting balls-to-the-wall music that incorporates all things heavy - ATG defies categorization as they seamlessly blur the…
  • 🏆 ALL NIGHT SKATE (Skate Galaxy - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm MAY 25th 8pm-8am ADMISSION $25 includes skate rental, pizza, drink & breakfast!
  • 🎨 Annual Spring Show artwork by Lu Beard, Beth Hammack, Dodge Hill, Phebe Kallstrom, Margot Holaday, Amy Maguire, John & Marylou M (The Studio Gallery - Oklahoma City) Last Day The Studio Gallery, 2646 W. Britton Rd., OKC, is pleased to announce its
    2017 Spring Show Thursday, April 20, 5:30 - 7:30pm.
    The show will feature new works of art by: Lu Beard, Beth Hammack, Dodge Hill,
    Phebe Kallstrom, Margot Holaday, Amy Maguire, John & Marylou Moad,
    Lacy Saak, Mary Lee Smiser, Kay Smith, Jessie Ann Wallentine and…
  • Art After 5 Roof Terrace (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm OKCMOA’s Roof Terrace gives visitors the ultimate downtown experience every Thursday evening from April through October with live local music, the best views of downtown OKC, a relaxing atmosphere, and a cash bar. (Weather Permitting.) Bands starting at 6 pm-9 pm See website for listings
  • Beth Hammack and Andy Mattern in two solo exhibitions (JRB Art at the Elms - Oklahoma City) Last Day OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma – JRB Art at The Elms is featuring Beth Hammack and Andy Mattern in two solo exhibitions. Showing concurrently will be “Sky”, a group landscape show with Karl Brenner, Robert Schneider, and Janis Krendick. The exhibitions open with an evening reception from 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. on Friday, May 5th, during the…
  • 🎓 Capitol Hill Commencement (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Location: Cox Convention Center Arena Time: 8 p.m.
  • Concerts in the Park (Hafer Park - Edmond) Thru Thu, Jul 27th Visit Edmond's Hafer Park every Thursday this summer for free concerts. Concerts in the Park offers a variety of…
  • 🎭 Creating Claire (Carpenter Square Theatre - Oklahoma City) Last Day PROVOCATIVE NEW PLAY AT CARPENTER SQUARE
    Carpenter Square Theatre presents "Creating Claire," a comedy-drama by Joe DiPietro, May 12-June 3. All performances of the provocative new play that centers around a family raising an autistic daughter, and pits Faith versus Science, will be at 800 W. Main in downtown Oklahoma City. More information…
  • 🎨 Drink and Draw (Tree and Leaf - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Drink & Draw is hosted every Thursday at either Brass Bell Studios, The Okay See, or Tree & Leaf from 8-11pm.
    Here is the weekly schedule:
    1st Thursday: The Okay See
    2nd Thursday: Brass Bell Studios
    3rd - 4th - 5th Thursdays: Tree & Leaf
    Drink & Draw is open to anyone that wants to attend. While consuming alcohol is welcome, it…
  • 🎨 Drop-In Yoga (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:45pm Join yoga instructors for a reflective practice in the Museum's galleries. No advance registration is required, and all skill levels are welcomed. Cost is $8 per class for Museum members; $12 for Non-members. All sessions take place at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. View Map Loading Map.... The Oklahoma City Museum of Art 415 Couch Drive -…
  • 🏆 Family Night Skate (Skate Galaxy - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm FAMILY NIGHT SKATE Thursdays 6pm-9pm & Sundays 6pm-8pm Admission is only $6 (includes skate rental) per person! Family Night $29 Package Special! Includes: Admission, Skate Rental, Pizza & Drinks For up to 5 Family members!
  • Holly Jones (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 7:00pm Thu, May 25th Doors 6pm · Concert 7pm · $10 cash/check
    (405) 974-2100 for reservations
  • IgniteOKC (Lyric at the Plaza - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • 🎨 Jeffrey Gibson: Speak to Me (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am Internationally known multimedia artist Jeffrey Gibson’s first Oklahoma solo exhibition will feature recent artworks that draw upon his Native American heritage (Choctaw and Cherokee) and intertribal aesthetics and traditions. Gibson’s art draws thoughtful attention to cultural and historical traditions while affirming their vitality and…
  • Magic & Mystery with Mat LaVore (Renaissance Oklahoma City Convention Center Hotel - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm For one night only, "astonishment artist" Mat LaVore brings his unique mystery entertainment show, Magic…
  • 🎨 National Weather Center Biennale Art Show (National Weather Center - Norman) Last Day Start Time: 7:00am Following on the heels of two successful events, the National Weather Center at the University of Oklahoma has again partnered with the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art and the Norman Arts Council to announce the third National Weather Center Biennale, which opens April 23, 2017 at 1:00pm. The Biennale is free and open to the public daily from 7am…
  • 🎨 Novel Art by Allin KHG (Kasum Contemporary Fine Art - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 11:30am When Allin KHG’s father gave him “The First Toy” the artist remembers appreciating the gift but also being disappointed by how ordinary it was. Over the course of the weeks that followed the artist made appealing alterations which would deliver the toy from mundane to one-of-a-kind; and which acted as the geneses for more than 25 years or…
  • 🏆 Phillips 66 Big 12 Baseball Championship vs. West Virginia University Mountaineers Baseball (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, May 28th Start Time: 9:00am Game 1- 9am West Virginia vs. Baylor - WVU home Team Game 2- 12:30pm Texas Teach vs. Oklahoma State - Texas Tech Home Team Home Team in the 3rd base dugout Times subject to change. No outside food or beverage. No chairs in the lawn. Children aged 2 Years and under do not need a ticket for admittance.
  • 🎨 Re-Emerge (50 Penn Place, Lower Level - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 11:30am Oklahoma Art Guild's annual juried member show featuring a variety of established and emerging local artists. Jurors this year are Suzanne Wallace Mears and Kyle Golding.
  • 🍴 Senior Monthly Birthday Dinner (Mabel C. Fry Public Library - Yukon) Start Time: 10:00am Patrons bring in their favorite side dish or salad and our kitchen provides the main course. We try to have special entertainment or themes for these parties. churches or other entities provide the desserts. Admission cost is a $3 lunch donation or a side dish or salad. For more information, call 405-350-7680.
  • Sold Out: Guilford Gardens Tour and Dinner (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:30pm Kamala Gamble and Barbara Mock, chefs and gardeners, run Guilford Gardens, a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Garden that grows delicious and organic produce in the heart of Oklahoma City. Join us for a tour of this beautiful garden followed by an amazing dinner prepared by Kam and Barbara using their own produce. Guilford Gardens,…
  • 😂 Steve Hirst (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, May 28th 21 & over Show Time:Wednesday 5/24/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Wednesday 5/24/2017 @ 7:30 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Thursday 5/25/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Thursday 5/25/2017 @ 7:30 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 5/26/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Friday 5/26/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 5/26/2017 @…
  • Summer Reading Kick-Off! Children (Mustang Public Library - Mustang) Start Time: 5:30pm
  • 🎓 Summer Reading Program Kick Off (Pioneer Library System - Tecumseh) Start Time: 11:00am Join us for our Summer Reading Program Kick Off! Sign up and learn about the awesome programs we'll have this summer. Southwest Dairy Farmers will join us this year, with their Mobile Dairy Classroom, complete with a traveling milking parlor and live cow! Registration is not required for this free event.
  • Tower Theater Studio Series (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Tower Theatre - Studio Series Tower Theatre Studio 425 NW 23rd Street Oklahoma City, OK 73103
    Date: Robert Ellis - Studio Series Tower Theatre Studio Friday May 05, 2017 at 08:00 PM Matthew Logan Vasquez (Delta Spirit) - Studio Series Tower Theatre Studio Thursday…
  • 🎓 US Grant Commencement (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Location: Cox Convention Center Arena Time: 6 p.m.
  • The Ultimate Picnic (Touchmark at Coffee Creek - Edmond) Start Time: 5:30pm Join Touchmark residents at the ultimate picnic with rides in a tethered hot air balloon and live music performed by the Elderly Brothers. Food provided. Hot air balloon rides are pending weather, and RSVPs are required. RSVP by May 22 to 405-340-1975.

Friday, May 26th

  • Concerts in the Park (Hafer Park - Edmond) Thru Thu, Jul 27th Visit Edmond's Hafer Park every Thursday this summer for free concerts. Concerts in the Park offers a variety of…
  • Katt Williams (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Day 1 of 2 Prepare for a night filled with laughs as Katt Williams takes over the stage at Riverwind Casino in Norman. A well-known…
  • 🏆 Phillips 66 Big 12 Baseball Championship vs. West Virginia University Mountaineers Baseball (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, May 28th Start Time: 9:00am Game 1- 9am West Virginia vs. Baylor - WVU home Team Game 2- 12:30pm Texas Teach vs. Oklahoma State - Texas Tech Home Team Home Team in the 3rd base dugout Times subject to change. No outside food or beverage. No chairs in the lawn. Children aged 2 Years and under do not need a ticket for admittance.
  • PRCA Xtreme Bulls & Pro Rodeo (Black Hawk Casino - Shawnee) Day 1 of 2 Come to Shawnee on Memorial Day Weekend for two days of western-themed excitement as the Black Hawk Casino hosts PRCA…
  • 😂 Steve Hirst (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, May 28th 21 & over Show Time:Wednesday 5/24/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Wednesday 5/24/2017 @ 7:30 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Thursday 5/25/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Thursday 5/25/2017 @ 7:30 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 5/26/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Friday 5/26/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 5/26/2017 @…
  • Taiwanese American Heritage Week (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Take part in the Taiwanese American Heritage Week with an exciting festival hosted at the University of Oklahoma in…

Saturday, May 27th

  • Bethany 66 Festival (Bethany) The Bethany 66 Festival is a family-friendly event featuring food, downtown sidewalk sales, antiques, commercial exhibits and children's activities. Browse through rows of cars in the car show and enjoy a myriad of live entertainment acts in the on-site entertainment tent. The Bethany 66 Festival also features arts and crafts vendors and music…
  • Backwoods Country Music Show (The Centre Theatre - El Reno) Come to the historic Centre Theatre in downtown El Reno to experience the Backwoods Country Music Show. Featuring…
  • Chuck Wagon Festival (National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Enjoy authentic family entertainment at its finest during the annual Chuck Wagon Gathering & Children's Cowboy…
  • Concerts in the Park (Hafer Park - Edmond) Thru Thu, Jul 27th Visit Edmond's Hafer Park every Thursday this summer for free concerts. Concerts in the Park offers a variety of…
  • Katt Williams (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Day 2 of 2 Prepare for a night filled with laughs as Katt Williams takes over the stage at Riverwind Casino in Norman. A well-known…
  • Paseo Arts Festival (Paseo Arts District - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, May 29th The annual Paseo Arts Festival in Oklahoma City showcases the original works of over 90 visual artists in the historic…
  • 🏆 Phillips 66 Big 12 Baseball Championship vs. West Virginia University Mountaineers Baseball (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 9:00am Game 1- 9am West Virginia vs. Baylor - WVU home Team Game 2- 12:30pm Texas Teach vs. Oklahoma State - Texas Tech Home Team Home Team in the 3rd base dugout Times subject to change. No outside food or beverage. No chairs in the lawn. Children aged 2 Years and under do not need a ticket for admittance.
  • PRCA Xtreme Bulls & Pro Rodeo (Black Hawk Casino - Shawnee) Day 2 of 2 Come to Shawnee on Memorial Day Weekend for two days of western-themed excitement as the Black Hawk Casino hosts PRCA…
  • OK River Run & Dog Jog (Wiley Post Park - Oklahoma City) Head out to Wiley Post Park in Oklahoma City for the OK River Run & Dog Jog, an exciting sporting event for both…
  • 😂 Steve Hirst (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left 21 & over Show Time:Wednesday 5/24/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Wednesday 5/24/2017 @ 7:30 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Thursday 5/25/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Thursday 5/25/2017 @ 7:30 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 5/26/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Friday 5/26/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 5/26/2017 @…
  • Norman Veterans Car Show (Oklahoma Veterans Center - Norman) Come to Norman for an exciting car show that's sure to be fun for the whole family. This annual event is entering…
  • Wheels on Western (Oklahoma City) Each 4th Saturday of the month, car enthusiasts converge upon N Western Avenue with their finest hot rods. Park your…

Sunday, May 28th

  • Chuck Wagon Festival (National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Enjoy authentic family entertainment at its finest during the annual Chuck Wagon Gathering & Children's Cowboy…
  • Concerts in the Park (Hafer Park - Edmond) Thru Thu, Jul 27th Visit Edmond's Hafer Park every Thursday this summer for free concerts. Concerts in the Park offers a variety of…
  • Paseo Arts Festival (Paseo Arts District - Oklahoma City) 1 day left The annual Paseo Arts Festival in Oklahoma City showcases the original works of over 90 visual artists in the historic…
  • 🏆 Phillips 66 Big 12 Baseball Championship vs. West Virginia University Mountaineers Baseball (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am Game 1- 9am West Virginia vs. Baylor - WVU home Team Game 2- 12:30pm Texas Teach vs. Oklahoma State - Texas Tech Home Team Home Team in the 3rd base dugout Times subject to change. No outside food or beverage. No chairs in the lawn. Children aged 2 Years and under do not need a ticket for admittance.
  • 😂 Steve Hirst (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day 21 & over Show Time:Wednesday 5/24/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Wednesday 5/24/2017 @ 7:30 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Thursday 5/25/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Thursday 5/25/2017 @ 7:30 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 5/26/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Friday 5/26/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 5/26/2017 @…

Monday, May 29th

  • Concerts in the Park (Hafer Park - Edmond) Thru Thu, Jul 27th Visit Edmond's Hafer Park every Thursday this summer for free concerts. Concerts in the Park offers a variety of…
  • Paseo Arts Festival (Paseo Arts District - Oklahoma City) Last Day The annual Paseo Arts Festival in Oklahoma City showcases the original works of over 90 visual artists in the historic…

Tuesday, May 30th

  • Concerts in the Park (Hafer Park - Edmond) Thru Thu, Jul 27th Visit Edmond's Hafer Park every Thursday this summer for free concerts. Concerts in the Park offers a variety of…
  • Wheeler Criterium (Oklahoma City) Once the weather starts warming up, gather your crew and head south of the Oklahoma River for the Wheeler Criterium each…

See Also

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oklahoma gambling casinos map video

Wheel Video Poker Royal Flush Choctaw Casino Durant Oklahoma The Brand NEW KRUNKER CASINO Map [] - YouTube LIVE STREAM Gambling on Slot Machines Watch Brian ... [12/05/2020] gambling at ludwig's minecraft casino - YouTube Simple GAMBLING Machines in Minecraft! - YouTube Minecraft: 5 Blocks Wide Slot Machine for Casino - YouTube HOW TO FILE YOUR TAXES ON GAMBLING WINNINGS IN OKLAHOMA ... Simplest Gambling Machine for your Casino - YouTube MINECRAFT - CASINO with Slot Machine and Roulette! - YouTube Winstar Casino Oklahoma redscreens and good wins! Maxbet ...

Oklahoma casinos and gambling. Oklahoma is a proud host of numerous casinos and gambling and after the legalization of gambling, more games are being offered. Entering a casino in Oklahoma is nothing to compare to the sound or anticipation of the roulette wheels spinning. Gambling is a very successful business in this country. Map showing location of casinos in Oklahoma with hotel room discounts and information on slot machines, blackjack, craps and poker plus amenities like casino entertainment, golf, hotel spas casino promotions. To move the map of casinos in Oklahoma, click and hold down either of your mouse buttons. Then use the hand icon to drag the map in whichever direction you desire. Each of the red icons on the map is a casino location. Just click on any red icon to see the name of the casino at that location. If you want more information on that casino, simply The Top 10 Oklahoma Casinos. Here’s a list of the top 10 casinos in Oklahoma. They’re listed in alphabetical order rather than in order of rating, but this is a selective list—the best casinos out of the 134 casinos in the state: Buffalo Run Casino. This property is located in Miami, Oklahoma and has over 900 gambling machines to choose from. Gambling Venues in Oklahoma. With 126 casinos, Oklahoma features a huge gambling industry when compared to their population of 3.8 million. They also have one of the world’s largest casinos in Thackerville’s WinStar. The WinStar World Casino features over 7,400 slot machines and nearly 100 table games. Oklahoma casinos, cruise ships, horsetracks and dogtracks - the complete gambling landscape of Oklahoma. Includes Oklahoma casino details, gambling news and tweets in Oklahoma, area maps, Oklahoma entertainment, coupons offers... How to use our map of casinos in Oklahoma. You can easily see all casino locations by using our Oklahoma casinos map. Oklahoma Casino Map Key: Red Icon: Casino location Green Number: Cluster of Casinos in close proximity to each other (clicking the green icon will zoom in the map) Zoom features: In the upper left corner of the map is a (+/-) symbol + (Plus)- Zoom In Find your luck at one of Oklahoma's many casinos or gaming centers. Find a hotel, a great meal or a great concert as you try your hand at slots, cards and more. Click on an image below to open the Official Oklahoma State Highway Map or any of the individual city map insets in a PDF format. You may view, save or print these maps. Oklahoma Oklahoma Casino Map - List of Gambling Locations. You shouldn’t have any problem finding an Oklahoma casino, as there are 107 of them – more than any other state in the country. To find the best casinos in Oklahoma near you, just take a look at the Oklahoma casinos map below. 24 Oklahoma Casinos reopen May 1-15. May 16, 2020. Twenty four Indian gaming casinos in Oklahoma have reopened after weeks of closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The list includes: May 01 Tonkawa Casino and Hotel May 02 7 Clans First Council Casino May 07 7 Clans Chilocco Casino May 08 Osage Casino Ponca City May 11 Thunderbird Casinos Norman

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Wheel Video Poker Royal Flush Choctaw Casino Durant Oklahoma Flip a coin and test your "luck" in this Minecraft casino! Thanks for liking!More videos: Twitter: website:... High stakes polar 2.00 slot machine Maxbet 6.00 LIVE STREAM Gambling on Slot Machines Watch Brian Christopher play LIVE at a Casino! I'm going to walk around the casino and play whatever machines grab... If you are new to Krunker, sign up here: if you want to be part of the RELIC giveaway simply join my discord server: https://discord.... Hello! Today we'll take a look at simple gambling machines in Minecraft & how they work!World DOWNLOAD: used ... I have been working on slot machines for casinos in minecraft for a really long time since I love these so much. During my holiday in the summer I came up wi... HOW TO FILE YOUR TAXES ON GAMBLING WINNINGS IN OKLAHOMA FROM REAL CPA on this episode of RED SCREEN NINJAS! What do you do after winning a jackpot on a slot ... Do you want to build a casino in Minecraft? Well, then you are in the right place because, in this video, I will show you how to build an extremely simple ga... Wheel Video Poker Royal Flush Choctaw Casino Durant Oklahoma Yankee Kurt. Loading... Unsubscribe from Yankee Kurt? ... Choctaw Gambling Casino, Durant, OK, - Duration: 15:34. JB Elah Slot Channel ...

oklahoma gambling casinos map

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